-- Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
-- This file is part of bdcs-api.
-- bdcs-api is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- bdcs-api is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with bdcs-api. If not, see .
{-| Workspace functions - The workspace is a temporary storage location for Recipes.
The workspace files are stored under the ./git/workspace/\ directory
using the recipe's toml filename as created by 'recipeTomlFilename'.
Recipes written to the workspace are not committed to git, and are overwritten
on the next call to 'workspaceWrite'
module BDCS.API.Workspace(workspaceRead,
import BDCS.API.Recipe(Recipe(..), parseRecipe, recipeTOML, recipeTomlFilename)
import BDCS.API.Utils(maybeThrow)
import Control.Conditional(ifM, whenM)
import qualified Control.Exception as CE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import GI.Gio(fileGetPath)
import qualified GI.Ggit as Git
import System.Directory(createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.FilePath.Posix((>))
-- | Workspace Errors
data WorkspaceError =
RepoLocationError -- ^ There was a problem getting the path to the repository
| ParseRecipeError String -- ^ There was an error parsing the recipe, details will be included
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance CE.Exception WorkspaceError
-- | Create the branch's workspace path
-- [@repo@]: Open git repository
-- [@branch@]: Branch name
workspaceDir :: Git.Repository -> T.Text -> IO FilePath
workspaceDir repo branch = do
location <- Git.repositoryGetLocation repo >>= maybeThrow RepoLocationError
path <- fileGetPath location >>= maybeThrow RepoLocationError
return $ path > "workspace" > T.unpack branch
-- | Read a 'Recipe' from the branch's workspace
-- [@repo@]: Open git repository
-- [@branch@]: Branch name
-- [@recipe_name@]: The name, not the filename, of the recipe to read
-- Can throw 'WorkspaceError'
workspaceRead :: Git.Repository -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe Recipe)
workspaceRead repo branch recipe_name = do
dir <- workspaceDir repo branch
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
let filename = dir > T.unpack (recipeTomlFilename $ T.unpack recipe_name)
ifM (doesFileExist filename)
(Just <$> readRecipe filename)
(return Nothing)
readRecipe :: FilePath -> IO Recipe
readRecipe filename = do
toml_in <- TIO.readFile filename
let erecipe = parseRecipe toml_in
case erecipe of
Left e -> CE.throwIO $ ParseRecipeError e
Right recipe -> return recipe
-- | Write a 'Recipe' to the branch's workspace
-- [@repo@]: Open git repository
-- [@branch@]: Branch name
-- [@recipe@]: The 'Recipe' to write to the workspace
workspaceWrite :: Git.Repository -> T.Text -> Recipe -> IO ()
workspaceWrite repo branch recipe = do
dir <- workspaceDir repo branch
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
let toml_out = T.unpack $ recipeTOML recipe
let filename = dir > T.unpack (recipeTomlFilename (rName recipe))
writeFile filename toml_out
-- | Delete the recipe from the branch's workspace
-- [@repo@]: Open git repository
-- [@branch@]: Branch name
-- [@recipe_name@]: The name, not the filename, of the recipe to read
-- Can throw a WorkspaceError
workspaceDelete :: Git.Repository -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO ()
workspaceDelete repo branch recipe_name = do
dir <- workspaceDir repo branch
let filename = dir > T.unpack (recipeTomlFilename $ T.unpack recipe_name)
whenM (doesFileExist filename) (removeFile filename)