{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} module Data.Binary.IOSpec (spec) where import Prelude hiding (read) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Monad (join) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Data.Bifoldable (bitraverse_) import Data.Binary (Binary (..)) import Data.Binary.IO import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Typeable (typeOf) import qualified Test.Hspec as Hspec import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorString, isIllegalOperation) import System.Process (createPipe) -- | Create a pipe with no buffering on read and write side. createUnbufferedPipe :: IO (IO.Handle, IO.Handle) createUnbufferedPipe = do handles <- createPipe join bitraverse_ (`IO.hSetBuffering` IO.NoBuffering) handles pure handles -- | The 'Binary' instance of this type implements a 'get' that always fails data BadGet instance Binary BadGet where put = error "Not implemented" get = fail "get for BadGet will always" data ExampleException = ExampleException deriving (Show, Exception) -- | Check that a read from the 'IO.Handle' yields the given value. shouldRead :: (Show a, Eq a, Binary a) => Reader -> a -> Hspec.Expectation shouldRead reader expectedValue = do value <- read reader Hspec.shouldBe value expectedValue -- | Close a handle and verify. closeHandle :: IO.Handle -> Hspec.Expectation closeHandle handle = do IO.hClose handle closed <- IO.hIsClosed handle Hspec.shouldBe closed True withReader :: Hspec.SpecWith (Reader, IO.Handle) -> Hspec.SpecWith a withReader = Hspec.aroundWith $ \run _ -> do (handleRead, handleWrite) <- createUnbufferedPipe reader <- newReader handleRead run (reader, handleWrite) readerWith <- newReaderWith (ByteString.hGetSome handleRead 1024) run (readerWith, handleWrite) withReaderAndWriter :: Hspec.SpecWith (Reader, Writer) -> Hspec.SpecWith a withReaderAndWriter = Hspec.aroundWith $ \run _ -> for_ readerMakers $ \mkReader -> for_ writerMakers $ \mkWriter -> do (handleRead, handleWrite) <- createUnbufferedPipe reader <- mkReader handleRead let writer = mkWriter handleWrite run (reader, writer) where readerMakers = [newReader, \handle -> newReaderWith (ByteString.hGetSome handle 1024)] writerMakers = [newWriter, newWriterWith . ByteString.hPut] withPipe :: Hspec.SpecWith (IO.Handle, IO.Handle) -> Hspec.Spec withPipe = Hspec.before createUnbufferedPipe spec :: Hspec.Spec spec = do Hspec.describe "Reader" $ do let testReads value = Hspec.it ("reads " <> show (typeOf value)) $ \(reader, handleWrite) -> do write handleWrite value shouldRead reader value write handleWrite value write handleWrite value shouldRead reader value shouldRead reader value withReader $ do -- Test something with 0 length testReads () -- Test something with fixed non-zero length testReads (1337 :: Int) -- Test something with variable length testReads "Hello World" withPipe $ do -- When the read handle has reached its end, reading from it should not throw an error. -- However, no more input can be read therefore the underling 'Get' parser should fail. Hspec.it "throws ReaderGetError when Handle is EOF" $ \(handleRead, handleWrite) -> do reader <- liftIO (newReader handleRead) IO.hClose handleWrite eof <- IO.hIsEOF handleRead Hspec.shouldBe eof True Hspec.shouldThrow (read reader :: IO String) (\ReaderGetError{} -> True) -- Reading from a closed handle should throw. That exception needs to surface. Hspec.it "throws IllegalOperation when read Handle is closed" $ \(handleRead, _handleWrite) -> do reader <- liftIO (newReader handleRead) closeHandle handleRead Hspec.shouldThrow (read reader :: IO String) isIllegalOperation -- Failing 'Get' operations should not advance the stream position. Hspec.it "preserves the stream position when Get operation fails" $ \(handleRead, handleWrite) -> do reader <- liftIO (newReader handleRead) write handleWrite "Hello World" Hspec.shouldThrow (read reader :: IO BadGet) (\ReaderGetError{} -> True) "Hello World" <- read reader pure () Hspec.describe "Writer" $ do let testWrites value = Hspec.it ("writes " <> show (typeOf value)) $ \(reader, writer) -> do write writer value shouldRead reader value write writer value write writer value shouldRead reader value shouldRead reader value withReaderAndWriter $ do -- Test something with 0 length testWrites () -- Test something with fixed non-zero length testWrites (1337 :: Int) -- Test something with variable length testWrites "Hello World" withPipe $ do Hspec.it "throws ResourceVanished when read Handle is closed" $ \(handleRead, handleWrite) -> do let writer = newWriter handleWrite closeHandle handleRead Hspec.shouldThrow (write writer "Hello World") $ \exception -> isInfixOf "resource vanished" (ioeGetErrorString exception) Hspec.it "throws IllegalOperation when write Handle is closed" $ \(_handleRead, handleWrite) -> do let writer = newWriter handleWrite closeHandle handleWrite Hspec.shouldThrow (write writer "Hello World") isIllegalOperation