{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} -- | Defines a type-safe 'Data.Binary.Binary' instance to ensure data is -- decoded with the type it was serialized from. -- -- For usage information, see the "Data.Binary.Typed.Tutorial" module. module Data.Binary.Typed ( -- * Core functions Typed , typed , TypeFormat(..) , erase -- * Useful general helpers , mapTyped , reValue , reType , preserialize -- * Typed serialization -- ** Encoding , encodeTyped , encodeTypedLike -- ** Decoding , decodeTyped , decodeTypedOrFail , unsafeDecodeTyped ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep, Proxy(..)) import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get (ByteOffset) import Data.Binary.Typed.Internal -- | Modify the value contained in a 'Typed', keeping the same sort of type -- representation. In other words, calling 'mapTyped' on something that is -- typed using 'Hashed' will yield a 'Hashed' value again. -- -- Note: this destroys 'precache'd information, so that values have to be -- 'precache'd again if desired. As a consequence, @'mapTyped' 'id'@ -- can be used to un-'precache' values. mapTyped :: Typeable b => (a -> b) -> Typed a -> Typed b mapTyped f (Typed ty x) = typed (getFormat ty) (f x) -- | Change the value contained in a 'Typed', leaving the type representation -- unchanged. This can be useful to avoid recomputation of the included type -- information, and can improve performance significantly if many individual -- messages are serialized. -- -- Can be seen as a more efficient 'mapTyped' in case @f@ is an endomorphism -- (i.e. has type @a -> a@). reValue :: (a -> a) -> Typed a -> Typed a reValue f (Typed ty x) = Typed ty (f x) -- | Change the way a type is represented inside a 'Typed' value. -- -- @ -- 'reType' format x = 'typed' format ('erase' x) -- @ reType :: Typeable a => TypeFormat -> Typed a -> Typed a reType format (Typed _ty x) = typed format x -- | Encode a 'Typeable' value to 'BSL.ByteString' that includes type -- information. This function is useful to create specialized typed encoding -- functions, because the type information is cached and does not need to be -- recalculated on every serialization. -- -- Observationally, @'encodeTyped' format value@ is equivalent to -- @'encode' ('typed' format value)@. However, 'encodeTyped' does the type -- information related calculations in advance and shares the results between -- future invocations of it, making it much more efficient to serialize many -- values of the same type. encodeTyped :: forall a. (Typeable a, Binary a) => TypeFormat -> a -> BSL.ByteString encodeTyped format = \x -> encode (Typed typeInfo x) where typeInfo = preserialize (makeTypeInformation format typerep) typerep = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a) {-# INLINE encodeTyped #-} encodeTypedLike :: (Typeable a, Binary a) => Typed a -> a -> BSL.ByteString encodeTypedLike (Typed ty _) = encodeTyped (getFormat ty) {-# DEPRECATED encodeTypedLike "'encodeTyped' now caches automatically for all types. Will be removed in 0.3." #-} -- | Decode a typed value, throwing a descriptive 'error' at runtime on failure. -- Typed cousin of 'Data.Binary.decode'. Based on 'decodeTypedOrFail'. -- -- @ -- encoded = 'encodeTyped' 'Full' ("hello", 1 :: 'Int', 2.34 :: 'Double') -- -- -- \<value\> -- 'unsafeDecodeTyped' encoded :: ('String', 'Int', 'Double') -- -- -- (Descriptive) runtime 'error' -- 'unsafeDecodeTyped' encoded :: ('Char', 'Int', 'Double') -- @ unsafeDecodeTyped :: (Typeable a, Binary a) => BSL.ByteString -> a unsafeDecodeTyped = \x -> case decodeTypedOrFail x of Left (_, _, err) -> error ("unsafeDecodeTyped' failure: " ++ err) Right (_, _, value) -> value {-# INLINE unsafeDecodeTyped #-} -- | Safely decode data, yielding 'Either' an error 'String' or the value. -- Equivalent to 'decodeTypedOrFail' stripped of the non-essential data. -- Based on 'decodeTypedOrFail'. -- -- @ -- encoded = 'encodeTyped' 'Full' ("hello", 1 :: 'Int', 2.34 :: 'Double') -- -- -- Right \<value\>: -- 'decodeTyped' encoded :: 'Either' 'String' ('String', 'Int', 'Double') -- -- -- Left "Type error: expected (Char, Int, Double), got (String, Int, Double)" -- 'decodeTyped' encoded :: 'Either' 'String' ('Char', 'Int', 'Double') -- @ decodeTyped :: (Typeable a, Binary a) => BSL.ByteString -> Either String a decodeTyped = \x -> case decodeTypedOrFail x of Left (_, _, err) -> Left err Right (_, _, value) -> Right value {-# INLINE decodeTyped #-} -- | Safely decode data, yielding 'Either' an error 'String' or the value, -- along with meta-information of the consumed binary data. -- -- * Typed cousin of 'Data.Binary.decodeOrFail'. -- -- * Like 'decodeTyped', but with additional data. -- -- * Automatically caches 'Hashed5', 'Hashed32' and 'Hashed64' representations, -- so that typechecking does not need to recalculate them on every decoding. decodeTypedOrFail :: forall a. (Typeable a, Binary a) => BSL.ByteString -> Either (BSL.ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (BSL.ByteString, ByteOffset, a) decodeTypedOrFail = \input -> do (rest, offset, typed'@(Typed' ty value)) <- decodeOrFail input let addMeta x = (rest, offset, x) if isCached ty then Right (addMeta value) -- cache hit, don't typecheck else case typecheck' typed' of -- cache miss, typecheck manually Left err -> Left (addMeta err) Right _ -> Right (addMeta value) where exTypeRep = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a) cache = map (\format -> makeTypeInformation format exTypeRep) [Hashed5, Hashed32, Hashed64] -- List of formats to be cached isCached = (`elem` cache) {-# INLINE decodeTypedOrFail #-} -- Inlining is crucial for caching to work!