name: bindings-GLFW version: category: Graphics author: Brian Lewis maintainer: Schell Scivally , Brian Lewis , Javier Jaramago license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE synopsis: Low-level bindings to GLFW OpenGL library description: Low-level bindings to GLFW (), an open source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts and managing input and events. . The binding is to GLFW 3.1, released 2015-01-18 ( ). . /These bindings are too low-level for normal use./ For higher-level bindings, see GLFW-b (). . If you've used GLFW before, you were probably using 2.7.x. There are some significant differences in 3.x.x. Please see the transition guide (). cabal-version: >= 1.10 build-type: Simple -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extra-source-files: glfw/deps/EGL/*.h glfw/deps/GL/*.h glfw/include/GLFW/*.h glfw/include/os/unix-like/*.h glfw/include/os/windows/*.h glfw/include/os/darwin/*.h glfw/src/*.c glfw/src/*.h glfw/src/*.m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- flag MacOSXUseChdir description: Mac OS X only. Determines whether 'init' changes the current directory of bundled applications to the 'Contents/Resources' directory. default: True flag MacOSXUseMenubar description: Mac OS X only. Determines whether the first call to 'createWindow' sets up a minimal menu bar. default: True flag MacOSXUseRetina description: Mac OS X only. Determines whether windows use the full resolution of Retina displays (recommended). default: True flag X description: Linux only. Determines whether to target the X11 display server. default: True flag Wayland description: Linux only. Determines whether to target the Wayland display server. default: False flag Mir description: Linux only. Determines whether to target the Mir display server. default: False flag ExposeNative description: Whether or not to use the native access functions. You most likely do not want to do this. You may if you're coding for the Rift, perhaps. default: False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall if impl(ghc >= 6.8) ghc-options: -fwarn-tabs exposed-modules: Bindings.GLFW build-tools: hsc2hs build-depends: base < 5, bindings-DSL == 1.0.*, template-haskell >= 2.10 && < 2.12 include-dirs: glfw/include/GLFW glfw/include/ glfw/src c-sources: glfw/src/context.c glfw/src/init.c glfw/src/input.c glfw/src/monitor.c glfw/src/window.c cc-options: -D_GLFW_USE_CONFIG_H if os(linux) || os(freebsd) include-dirs: glfw/include/os/unix-like c-sources: glfw/src/xkb_unicode.c glfw/src/linux_joystick.c glfw/src/posix_time.c glfw/src/posix_tls.c if flag(X) c-sources: glfw/src/glx_context.c glfw/src/x11_init.c glfw/src/x11_monitor.c glfw/src/x11_window.c if flag(Wayland) c-sources: glfw/src/egl_context.c glfw/src/wl_init.c glfw/src/wl_monitor.c glfw/src/wl_window.c if flag(Mir) c-sources: glfw/src/egl_context.c glfw/src/mir_init.c glfw/src/mir_monitor.c glfw/src/mir_window.c extra-libraries: GL X11 Xi Xrandr Xxf86vm Xcursor Xinerama pthread if os(darwin) include-dirs: glfw/include/os/darwin c-sources: glfw/src/mach_time.c glfw/src/posix_tls.c glfw/src/cocoa_init.m glfw/src/iokit_joystick.m glfw/src/cocoa_monitor.m glfw/src/cocoa_window.m glfw/src/nsgl_context.m if !flag(MacOSXUseChdir) cc-options: -UGLFW_USE_CHDIR if !flag(MacOSXUseMenubar) cc-options: -UGLFW_USE_MENUBAR if !flag(MacOSXUseRetina) cc-options: -UGLFW_USE_RETINA frameworks: AGL Cocoa OpenGL IOKit CoreFoundation CoreVideo if os(mingw32) include-dirs: glfw/include/os/windows c-sources: glfw/src/win32_init.c glfw/src/winmm_joystick.c glfw/src/win32_monitor.c glfw/src/win32_time.c glfw/src/win32_window.c glfw/src/win32_tls.c glfw/src/wgl_context.c extra-libraries: opengl32 Gdi32 if flag(ExposeNative) cc-options: -DExposeNative exposed-modules: Bindings.Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test-suite main default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -O2 if impl(ghc >= 6.8) ghc-options: -fwarn-tabs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Test.hs frameworks: AGL Cocoa OpenGL IOKit CoreFoundation CoreVideo build-depends: bindings-GLFW, HUnit == 1.3.*, base < 5, test-framework == 0.8.*, test-framework-hunit == 0.3.* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source-repository head type: git location: git://