{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {- HLINT ignore "Reduce duplication" -} module Spec.ScopedExecutor (specs) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Auth.Biscuit (addBlock, addSignedBlock, authorizeBiscuit, mkBiscuit, newSecret, queryAuthorizerFacts, queryRawBiscuitFacts) import Auth.Biscuit.Crypto import Auth.Biscuit.Datalog.AST import Auth.Biscuit.Datalog.Executor (ExecutionError (..), Limits (..), ResultError (..), defaultLimits) import Auth.Biscuit.Datalog.Parser (authorizer, block, check, query, run) import Auth.Biscuit.Datalog.ScopedExecutor specs :: TestTree specs = testGroup "Block-scoped Datalog Evaluation" [ authorizerOnlySeesAuthority , authorityOnlySeesItselfAndAuthorizer , block1OnlySeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer , block2OnlySeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer , block1SeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer , thirdPartyBlocks , iterationCountWorks , maxFactsCountWorks , allChecksAreCollected , revocationIdsAreInjected , authorizerFactsAreQueried , biscuitFactsAreQueried ] authorizerOnlySeesAuthority :: TestTree authorizerOnlySeesAuthority = testCase "Authorizer only accesses facts from authority" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); |] block1 = [block| is_allowed(1234, "file1", "write"); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if is_allowed(1234, "file1", "write"); |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError (NoPoliciesMatched [])) authorityOnlySeesItselfAndAuthorizer :: TestTree authorityOnlySeesItselfAndAuthorizer = testCase "Authority rules only see authority and authorizer facts" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); is_allowed($user, $resource) <- right($user, $resource, "read"); |] block1 = [block| right(1234, "file1", "read"); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if is_allowed(1234, "file1"); |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError (NoPoliciesMatched [])) block1OnlySeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer :: TestTree block1OnlySeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer = testCase "Arbitrary blocks only see previous blocks" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); |] block1 = [block| is_allowed($user, $resource) <- right($user, $resource, "read"); check if is_allowed(1234, "file1"); |] block2 = [block| right(1234, "file1", "read"); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if true; |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing), (block2, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError (FailedChecks $ pure [check|check if is_allowed(1234, "file1") |])) block1SeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer :: TestTree block1SeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer = testCase "Arbitrary blocks see previous blocks" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); |] block1 = [block| is_allowed($user, $resource) <- user($user), right($user, $resource, "read"); right(1234, "file1", "read"); check if is_allowed(1234, "file1"); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if false; |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError $ NoPoliciesMatched []) block2OnlySeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer :: TestTree block2OnlySeesAuthorityAndAuthorizer = testCase "Arbitrary blocks only see previous blocks" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); |] block1 = [block| right(1234, "file1", "read"); |] block2 = [block| is_allowed($user, $resource) <- right($user, $resource, "read"); check if is_allowed(1234, "file1"); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if true; |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing), (block2, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError (FailedChecks $ pure [check|check if is_allowed(1234, "file1") |])) thirdPartyBlocks :: TestTree thirdPartyBlocks = testCase "Third party blocks are correctly scoped" $ do (sk1, pkOne) <- (id &&& toPublic) <$> generateSecretKey let authority = [block| user(1234); check if from3rd(1, true) trusting {pkOne}; check if from3rd(2, true) trusting {pkOne}; |] block1 = [block| from3rd(1, true); |] block2 = [block| from3rd(2, true); |] verif = [authorizer| deny if from3rd(1, true); allow if from3rd(1, true), from3rd(2, true) trusting {pkOne}; |] let result = runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [ (block1, "", Just pkOne) , (block2, "", Just pkOne) ] verif isRight result @?= True iterationCountWorks :: TestTree iterationCountWorks = testCase "ScopedExecutions stops when hitting the iterations threshold" $ do let limits = defaultLimits { maxIterations = 8 } authority = [block| a("yolo"); b($a) <- a($a); c($b) <- b($b); d($c) <- c($c); e($d) <- d($d); f($e) <- e($e); g($f) <- f($f); |] block1 = [block| h($g) <- g($g); i($h) <- h($h); j($i) <- i($i); k($j) <- j($j); l($k) <- k($k); m($l) <- l($l); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if true; |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout limits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left TooManyIterations maxFactsCountWorks :: TestTree maxFactsCountWorks = testCase "ScopedExecutions stops when hitting the facts threshold" $ do let limits = defaultLimits { maxFacts = 8 } authority = [block| a("yolo"); b($a) <- a($a); c($b) <- b($b); d($c) <- c($c); e($d) <- d($d); f($e) <- e($e); g($f) <- f($f); |] block1 = [block| h($g) <- g($g); i($h) <- h($h); j($i) <- i($i); k($j) <- j($j); l($k) <- k($k); m($l) <- l($l); |] verif = [authorizer| allow if true; |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout limits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left TooManyFacts allChecksAreCollected :: TestTree allChecksAreCollected = testCase "ScopedExecutions collects all facts results even after a failure" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); |] block1 = [block| check if false; |] block2 = [block| check if false; |] verif = [authorizer| allow if user(4567); |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "", Nothing) [(block1, "", Nothing), (block2, "", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError $ NoPoliciesMatched [[check|check if false|], [check|check if false|]]) revocationIdsAreInjected :: TestTree revocationIdsAreInjected = testCase "ScopedExecutions injects revocation ids" $ do let authority = [block| user(1234); |] block1 = [block|yolo("block1");|] block2 = [block|yolo("block2");|] verif = [authorizer| check if revocation_id(0, hex:61), revocation_id(1, hex:62), revocation_id(2, hex:63); |] runAuthorizerNoTimeout defaultLimits (authority, "a", Nothing) [(block1, "b", Nothing), (block2, "c", Nothing)] verif @?= Left (ResultError $ NoPoliciesMatched []) authorizerFactsAreQueried :: TestTree authorizerFactsAreQueried = testGroup "AuthorizedBiscuit can be queried" [ testCase "Attenuation blocks are ignored" $ do (p,s) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret b <- mkBiscuit s [block|user(1234);|] b1 <- addBlock [block|user("tampered value");|] b result <- authorizeBiscuit b1 [authorizer|allow if true;|] let getUser s = queryAuthorizerFacts s [query|user($user)|] expected = Set.singleton $ Map.fromList [ ("user", LInteger 1234) ] getUser <$> result @?= Right (Right expected) , testCase "Attenuation blocks can be accessed if asked nicely" $ do (p,s) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret b <- mkBiscuit s [block|user(1234);|] b1 <- addBlock [block|user("tampered value");|] b result <- authorizeBiscuit b1 [authorizer|allow if true;|] let getUser s = queryAuthorizerFacts s [query|user($user) trusting previous|] expected = Set.fromList [ Map.fromList [("user", LInteger 1234)] , Map.fromList [("user", LString "tampered value")] ] getUser <$> result @?= Right (Right expected) , testCase "Signed blocks can be accessed if asked nicely" $ do (p,s) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret (p1,s1) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret b <- mkBiscuit s [block|user(1234);|] b1 <- addBlock [block|user("tampered value");|] b b2 <- addSignedBlock s1 [block|user("from signed");|] b1 result <- authorizeBiscuit b2 [authorizer|allow if true;|] let getUser s = queryAuthorizerFacts s [query|user($user) trusting authority, {p1}|] expected = Set.fromList [ Map.fromList [("user", LInteger 1234)] , Map.fromList [("user", LString "from signed")] ] getUser <$> result @?= Right (Right expected) ] biscuitFactsAreQueried :: TestTree biscuitFactsAreQueried = testGroup "Biscuit can be queried" [ testCase "Attenuation blocks are ignored" $ do (p,s) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret b <- mkBiscuit s [block|user(1234);|] b1 <- addBlock [block|user("tampered value");|] b let user = queryRawBiscuitFacts b1 [query|user($user)|] expected = Set.singleton $ Map.fromList [ ("user", LInteger 1234) ] user @?= Right expected , testCase "Attenuation blocks can be accessed if asked nicely" $ do (p,s) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret b <- mkBiscuit s [block|user(1234);|] b1 <- addBlock [block|user("tampered value");|] b let user = queryRawBiscuitFacts b1 [query|user($user) trusting previous|] expected = Set.fromList [ Map.fromList [("user", LInteger 1234)] , Map.fromList [("user", LString "tampered value")] ] user @?= Right expected , testCase "Signed blocks can be accessed if asked nicely" $ do (p,s) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret (p1,s1) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> newSecret b <- mkBiscuit s [block|user(1234);|] b1 <- addBlock [block|user("tampered value");|] b b2 <- addSignedBlock s1 [block|user("from signed");|] b1 let user = queryRawBiscuitFacts b2 [query|user($user) trusting authority, {p1}|] expected = Set.fromList [ Map.fromList [("user", LInteger 1234)] , Map.fromList [("user", LString "from signed")] ] user @?= Right expected ]