Name: bitwise Version: x-revision: 11 Synopsis: fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays Description: Unboxed multidimensional bit packed Bool arrays with fast aggregate operations based on lifting Bool operations to bitwise operations. . There are many other bit packed structures out there, but none met all of these requirements: . (1) unboxed bit packed Bool array, . (2) multi-dimensional indexing, . (3) fast (de)serialization, or interoperable with foreign code, . (4) fast aggregate operations (fold, map, zip). . Quick tour of the bitwise library: . [Data.Bits.Bitwise] Lift boolean operations on 'Bool' to bitwise operations on 'Data.Bits.Bits'. . [Data.Array.BitArray] Immutable bit arrays. . [Data.Array.BitArray.ST] Mutable bit arrays in 'Control.Monad.ST.ST'. . [Data.Array.BitArray.IO] Mutable bit arrays in 'IO'. . [Data.Array.BitArray.ByteString] (De)serialization. . [Codec.Image.PBM] Portable bitmap monochrome 2D image format. . Very rough performance benchmarks: . * immutable random access single bit reads: @BitArray ix@ is about 40% slower than @UArray ix Bool@, . * 'Control.Monad.ST.ST' mutable random access single bit reads: @STBitArray s ix@ is about the same as @STUArray s ix Bool@, . * immutable map @Bool -> Bool@: @BitArray ix@ is about 85x faster than @UArray ix Bool@, . * immutable zipWith @Bool -> Bool -> Bool@: @BitArray ix@ is about 1300x faster than @UArray ix Bool@. Homepage: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Claude Heiland-Allen Maintainer: Copyright: (c) 2012,2016,2018 Claude Heiland-Allen Category: Data, Data Structures, Bit Vectors Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >= 1.10 Library Exposed-modules: Data.Bits.Bitwise Data.Array.BitArray Data.Array.BitArray.IO Data.Array.BitArray.ST Data.Array.BitArray.ByteString Codec.Image.PBM Other-modules: Data.Array.BitArray.Internal Build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 4.22, bytestring < 0.13, array < 0.6 HS-source-dirs: src Default-Language: Haskell2010 Other-Extensions: PatternGuards GHC-Options: -Wall Test-Suite bitwise-testsuite type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: extra/testsuite.hs build-depends: bitwise, base, QuickCheck >= 2.4 && < 2.16 Default-Language: Haskell2010 Benchmark bitwise-benchmark type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: extra/benchmark.hs build-depends: bitwise, base, array, bytestring, criterion >= 0.6 && < 1.7 Default-Language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: source-repository this type: git location: tag: v1.0.0.1