Name: blank-canvas Version: 0.3.1 Synopsis: HTML5 Canvas Graphics Library Description: A Haskell port of the HTML5 Canvas API. blank-canvas works by providing a web service that displays the users' Haskell commands inside a browser. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Andy Gill Maintainer: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 The University of Kansas Homepage: Category: Graphics Build-type: Simple Extra-source-files: README Cabal-version: >= 1.10 data-files: static/index.html static/jquery.js static/jquery-json.js examples/Makefile examples/square/Main.hs examples/square/Makefile examples/tictactoe/Main.hs examples/tictactoe/Makefile examples/html5canvastutorial/Main.hs examples/html5canvastutorial/Makefile examples/trivial/Main.hs examples/trivial/Makefile examples/rotate-square/Main.hs examples/rotate-square/Makefile examples/keyread/Main.hs examples/keyread/Makefile Library Exposed-modules: Graphics.Blank other-modules: Graphics.Blank.Canvas, Graphics.Blank.Context, Graphics.Blank.Events, Graphics.Blank.Generated, Paths_blank_canvas default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= 4.3.1 && < 5, aeson == 0.6.*, containers == 0.5.*, scotty == 0.5.*, wai == 1.4.*, http-types == 0.8.*, text == 0.11.*, network == 2.4.*, transformers == 0.3.*, wai-extra == 1.3.*, warp >= 1.3.1 && < 1.4, stm >= 2.2 && < 2.5 GHC-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans source-repository head type: git location: git://