{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}

{- | Parse blast XML output.

   If you use a recent version of NCBI BLAST and specify XML output (blastall -m 7),
   this module should be able to parse the result into a hierarchical 'BlastResult'

   While the process may consume a bit of memory, the parsing is lazy,
   and file sizes of several gigabytes can be parsed (see e.g. the
   xml2x tool for an example).  To parse XML, we use

module Bio.BlastXML ( readXML
                    , parseXML
                    , module Bio.BlastData) where

import Bio.BlastData
import Bio.Core

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Control.Monad
import Control.Parallel

type STag = Tag B.ByteString

-- | Parse BLAST results in XML format
readXML :: FilePath -> IO BlastResult
readXML fp = do 
    fc <- B.readFile fp
    when (not $ B.isPrefixOf "<?xml" fc) 
             $ error ("Bio.Sequence.BlastXML.readXML:\n   The file '"
                      ++fp++"' does not look like an XML file - aborting!")
    let ts = parseTags fc
        (h:iters) = breaks (\t -> isTagOpenName "Iteration" t || isTagOpenName "Hit" t) ts
    return $ xml2br h iters

parseXML :: B.ByteString -> IO BlastResult
parseXML xmlString = do    
    when (not $ B.isPrefixOf "<?xml" xmlString) 
             $ error ("Bio.Sequence.BlastXML.readXML:\n The input does not look to be XML format - aborting!")
    let ts = parseTags xmlString
        (h:iters) = breaks (\t -> isTagOpenName "Iteration" t || isTagOpenName "Hit" t) ts
    return $ xml2br h iters

-- | breaks p = groupBy (const (not.p))
breaks :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
breaks p (x:xs) = let first = x : takeWhile (not.p) xs
                      rest  = dropWhile (not.p) xs
                  in  rest `par` first : if null rest then [] else breaks p rest
breaks _ []     = []

getFrom :: [STag] -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
getFrom list tag = let xs = sections (isTagOpenName tag) list 
                   in if null xs || null (head xs) || (null . drop 1 . head) xs 
                      then error ("Couldn't find tag '"++show tag++"' in\n"++showSome list)
                      else case xs !! 0 !! 1 of 
                             TagText s -> s
                             x -> error ("Unexpeced tag: "++ show x)

-- Use pattern match since 'length' is strict, defeating the purpose.
showSome :: [STag] -> String
showSome a@(_:_:_:_:_:_:_) = (init . show . take 5 $ a)++" ... ]"
showSome a                 = show a

xml2br :: [STag] -> [[STag]] -> BlastResult
xml2br h is = BlastResult { blastprogram = get "BlastOutput_program"
                          , blastversion = bv
                          , blastdate = bd 
                          , blastreferences = get "BlastOutput_reference"
                          , database = get "BlastOutput_db"
                          , dbsequences = 0
                          , dbchars = 0
                          , results = map iter2rec $ breaks (isTagOpenName "Iteration" . head) is
    where (bv,bd) = B.break (=='[') $ get "BlastOutput_version"
          get = getFrom h

iter2rec :: [[STag]] -> BlastRecord
iter2rec (i:hs) = BlastRecord 
              { query = SeqLabel $ get "Iteration_query-def"
              , qlength = readI $ get "Iteration_query-len"
              , hits = map hit2hit hs
    where get = getFrom i

iter2rec [] = error "iter2rec: got empty list of sections!"

hit2hit :: [STag] -> BlastHit
hit2hit hs = BlastHit 
             { hitId = get "Hit_id"
             , subject = SeqLabel $ get "Hit_def"
             , slength = readI $ get "Hit_len"
             , matches = map hsp2match $ partitions (isTagOpenName "Hsp") hs
    where get = getFrom hs

readI :: B.ByteString -> Int
readI x = case B.readInt x of 
  Just (n,_) -> n
  _ -> error ("Couldn't read an Int from string: '"++B.unpack x++"'")

readF :: B.ByteString -> Double
readF = read . B.unpack

hsp2match :: [STag] -> BlastMatch
hsp2match ms = BlastMatch
               { bits   = readF $ get "Hsp_bit-score"
               , e_val  = readF $ get "Hsp_evalue"
               , q_from = readI $ get "Hsp_query-from"
               , q_to   = readI $ get "Hsp_query-to"
               , h_from = readI $ get "Hsp_hit-from"
               , h_to   = readI $ get "Hsp_hit-to"
               , identity = (readI $ get "Hsp_identity", readI $ get "Hsp_align-len")
               , qseq = get "Hsp_qseq"
               , hseq = get "Hsp_hseq"
               -- blastx has query-frame ±1..3 
               -- tblastn has hit-frame
               -- blastn has both hit and query
               -- tblastx has query-frame = 1, hit-frame ±1..3
               , aux = case sections (isTagOpenName "Hsp_hit-frame") ms of
                         [] -> mkFrame $ get "Hsp_query-frame"
                         [(_o:TagText hf:_c)] -> case sections (isTagOpenName "Hsp_query-frame") ms of 
                                                   [] -> mkFrame hf
                                                   [(__o:TagText qf:__c)] -> mkStrands hf qf
                                                   e -> error ("hsp2match: should be tagopen/text/close:\n"++show e)
                         e -> error ("hsp2match: failed to determine frame:\n"++show e)
    where get = getFrom ms
          mkFrame f = Frame (strand' $ signum $ readI f) (abs $ readI f)
          mkStrands h q = Strands (strand' $ readI h) (strand' $ readI q)
          -- ignore frame also for tblastx hits (it can be reconstructed from location)
          strand' :: Int -> Strand
          strand' s = if s > 0 then Plus else Minus