module Bio.BlastXML ( readXML
, parseXML
, module Bio.BlastData) where
import Bio.BlastData
import Bio.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Control.Monad
import Control.Parallel
type STag = Tag B.ByteString
readXML :: FilePath -> IO BlastResult
readXML fp = do
fc <- B.readFile fp
when (not $ B.isPrefixOf "<?xml" fc)
$ error ("Bio.Sequence.BlastXML.readXML:\n The file '"
++fp++"' does not look like an XML file - aborting!")
let ts = parseTags fc
(h:iters) = breaks (\t -> isTagOpenName "Iteration" t || isTagOpenName "Hit" t) ts
return $ xml2br h iters
parseXML :: B.ByteString -> IO BlastResult
parseXML xmlString = do
when (not $ B.isPrefixOf "<?xml" xmlString)
$ error ("Bio.Sequence.BlastXML.readXML:\n The input does not look to be XML format - aborting!")
let ts = parseTags xmlString
(h:iters) = breaks (\t -> isTagOpenName "Iteration" t || isTagOpenName "Hit" t) ts
return $ xml2br h iters
breaks :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
breaks p (x:xs) = let first = x : takeWhile (not.p) xs
rest = dropWhile (not.p) xs
in rest `par` first : if null rest then [] else breaks p rest
breaks _ [] = []
getFrom :: [STag] -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
getFrom list tag = let xs = sections (isTagOpenName tag) list
in if null xs || null (head xs) || (null . drop 1 . head) xs
then error ("Couldn't find tag '"++show tag++"' in\n"++showSome list)
else case xs !! 0 !! 1 of
TagText s -> s
x -> error ("Unexpeced tag: "++ show x)
showSome :: [STag] -> String
showSome a@(_:_:_:_:_:_:_) = (init . show . take 5 $ a)++" ... ]"
showSome a = show a
xml2br :: [STag] -> [[STag]] -> BlastResult
xml2br h is = BlastResult { blastprogram = get "BlastOutput_program"
, blastversion = bv
, blastdate = bd
, blastreferences = get "BlastOutput_reference"
, database = get "BlastOutput_db"
, dbsequences = 0
, dbchars = 0
, results = map iter2rec $ breaks (isTagOpenName "Iteration" . head) is
where (bv,bd) = B.break (=='[') $ get "BlastOutput_version"
get = getFrom h
iter2rec :: [[STag]] -> BlastRecord
iter2rec (i:hs) = BlastRecord
{ query = SeqLabel $ get "Iteration_query-def"
, qlength = readI $ get "Iteration_query-len"
, hits = map hit2hit hs
where get = getFrom i
iter2rec [] = error "iter2rec: got empty list of sections!"
hit2hit :: [STag] -> BlastHit
hit2hit hs = BlastHit
{ hitId = get "Hit_id"
, subject = SeqLabel $ get "Hit_def"
, slength = readI $ get "Hit_len"
, matches = map hsp2match $ partitions (isTagOpenName "Hsp") hs
where get = getFrom hs
readI :: B.ByteString -> Int
readI x = case B.readInt x of
Just (n,_) -> n
_ -> error ("Couldn't read an Int from string: '"++B.unpack x++"'")
readF :: B.ByteString -> Double
readF = read . B.unpack
hsp2match :: [STag] -> BlastMatch
hsp2match ms = BlastMatch
{ bits = readF $ get "Hsp_bit-score"
, e_val = readF $ get "Hsp_evalue"
, q_from = readI $ get "Hsp_query-from"
, q_to = readI $ get "Hsp_query-to"
, h_from = readI $ get "Hsp_hit-from"
, h_to = readI $ get "Hsp_hit-to"
, identity = (readI $ get "Hsp_identity", readI $ get "Hsp_align-len")
, qseq = get "Hsp_qseq"
, hseq = get "Hsp_hseq"
, aux = case sections (isTagOpenName "Hsp_hit-frame") ms of
[] -> mkFrame $ get "Hsp_query-frame"
[(_o:TagText hf:_c)] -> case sections (isTagOpenName "Hsp_query-frame") ms of
[] -> mkFrame hf
[(__o:TagText qf:__c)] -> mkStrands hf qf
e -> error ("hsp2match: should be tagopen/text/close:\n"++show e)
e -> error ("hsp2match: failed to determine frame:\n"++show e)
where get = getFrom ms
mkFrame f = Frame (strand' $ signum $ readI f) (abs $ readI f)
mkStrands h q = Strands (strand' $ readI h) (strand' $ readI q)
strand' :: Int -> Strand
strand' s = if s > 0 then Plus else Minus