-- | Cardano Mempool endpoints {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module Blockfrost.API.Cardano.Mempool where import Servant.API import Servant.API.Generic import Blockfrost.Types import Blockfrost.Util.Pagination import Blockfrost.Util.Sorting data MempoolAPI route = MempoolAPI { _mempoolTransactions :: route :- Summary "Transactions in Mempool." :> Description "Tx hash list of all transactions that are currently stored in the mempool." :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [TxHashObject] , _specificTransaction :: route :- Summary "Transaction in mempoool." :> Description "Content of a specific transaction in the mempool." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> Get '[JSON] MempoolTransaction , _specificAddress :: route :- Summary "Transactions involving an address in mempool." :> Description "List of transactions in the mempool that involves a specific address." :> "addresses" :> Capture "address" Address :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [TxHashObject] } deriving (Generic)