blockfrost-client- basic client
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Epoch queries



getLatestEpoch :: MonadBlockfrost m => m EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about the latest, therefore current, epoch.

getLatestEpochProtocolParams :: MonadBlockfrost m => m ProtocolParams Source #

Get the protocol parameters for the latest epoch.

getEpoch :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about specific epoch.

getNextEpochs :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getNextEpochs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getPreviousEpochs :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPreviousEpochs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStake :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochStake' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> m [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStakeByPool :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> m [PoolStakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochStakeByPool' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> m [PoolStakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochBlocks :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the specified epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochBlocks' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the specified epoch. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochBlocksByPool :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochBlocksByPool' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochProtocolParams :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m ProtocolParams Source #

Return the protocol parameters for the specified epoch.