Name: bool8 Version: 0.0.1 Synopsis: Alternative Bool type stored as byte Description: The standard 'Bool' type has a 'Storable' instance that requires the size of @HTYPE_INT@, i.e. usually four bytes or even more. This package provides 'Bool8', a boolean type with an 8 bit representation in memory. It is not a drop-in replacement for 'Bool' though. You have to convert from or to 'Bool' occasionally. License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Henning Thielemann Maintainer: Category: Foreign Stability: Stable Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.10 Tested-With: GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.10.3 Tested-With: GHC==8.0.2, GHC==8.2.2 Source-Repository this Tag: 0.0.1 Type: darcs Location: Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: Library Exposed-Modules: Data.Bool8 Build-Depends: base >=3 && <5 Hs-Source-Dirs: src Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall