Bustle.UI: displays charts of D-Bus activity
Copyright © 2008–2011 Collabora Ltd.
Copyright © 2018 Will Thompson
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Bustle.UI
( uiMain
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Time
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Text.Printf
import Paths_bustle
import Bustle.Application.Monad
import Bustle.Renderer
import Bustle.Types
import Bustle.Diagram
import Bustle.Marquee (toString)
import Bustle.Util
import Bustle.UI.AboutDialog
import Bustle.UI.Canvas
import Bustle.UI.DetailsView
import Bustle.UI.FilterDialog
import Bustle.UI.OpenTwoDialog (setupOpenTwoDialog)
import Bustle.UI.Recorder
import Bustle.UI.RecordAddressDialog (showRecordAddressDialog)
import Bustle.UI.Util (displayError)
import Bustle.StatisticsPane
import Bustle.Translation (__)
import Bustle.Loader
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import System.Glib.GError (GError(..), failOnGError)
import System.Glib.Properties ( objectSetPropertyString
, objectSetPropertyMaybeString
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo (withPDFSurface, renderWith)
import System.FilePath ( splitFileName, takeFileName, takeDirectory
, dropExtension, dropTrailingPathSeparator
, (>), (<.>)
import System.GIO.File.File (fileFromParseName, fileMove, FileCopyFlags(..))
type B a = Bustle BConfig BState a
data LogDetails =
RecordedLog FilePath
| SingleLog FilePath
| TwoLogs FilePath FilePath
-- Must be kept in sync with the names in the GtkBuilder file
data Page =
| PleaseHoldPage
| CanvasPage
data WindowInfo =
WindowInfo { wiWindow :: Window
, wiHeaderBar :: Widget -- TODO, GtkHeaderBar
, wiSave :: Button
, wiExport :: Button
, wiViewStatistics :: CheckMenuItem
, wiFilterNames :: MenuItem
, wiStack :: Stack
, wiSidebarHeader :: Widget -- TODO, GtkHeaderBar
, wiSidebarStack :: Stack
, wiStatsPane :: StatsPane
, wiContentPaned :: Paned
, wiCanvas :: Canvas (Detailed Message)
, wiDetailsView :: DetailsView
, wiLogDetails :: IORef (Maybe LogDetails)
data BConfig =
BConfig { debugEnabled :: Bool
data BState = BState { windows :: Int
, initialWindow :: Maybe WindowInfo
modifyWindows :: (Int -> Int) -> B ()
modifyWindows f = modify $ \s -> s { windows = f (windows s) }
incWindows :: B ()
incWindows = modifyWindows (+1)
decWindows :: B Int
decWindows = modifyWindows (subtract 1) >> gets windows
uiMain :: IO ()
uiMain = failOnGError $ do
args <- initGUI
-- FIXME: get a real option parser
let debug = any isDebug args
let config = BConfig { debugEnabled = debug
initialState = BState { windows = 0
, initialWindow = Nothing
runB config initialState $ mainB (filter (not . isDebug) args)
isDebug = (== "--debug")
mainB :: [String] -> B ()
mainB args = do
case args of
["--pair", sessionLogFile, systemLogFile] ->
loadLog (TwoLogs sessionLogFile systemLogFile)
_ -> mapM_ (loadLog . SingleLog) args
-- If no windows are open (because none of the arguments, if any, were loaded
-- successfully) create an empty window
n <- gets windows
when (n == 0) createInitialWindow
io mainGUI
createInitialWindow :: B ()
createInitialWindow = do
misc <- emptyWindow
modify $ \s -> s { initialWindow = Just misc }
consumeInitialWindow :: B WindowInfo
consumeInitialWindow = do
x <- gets initialWindow
case x of
Nothing -> emptyWindow
Just windowInfo -> do
modify $ \s -> s { initialWindow = Nothing }
return windowInfo
loadInInitialWindow :: LogDetails -> B ()
loadInInitialWindow = loadLogWith consumeInitialWindow
loadLog :: LogDetails -> B ()
loadLog = loadLogWith emptyWindow
openLog :: MonadIO io
=> LogDetails
-> ExceptT LoadError io ( ([String], [DetailedEvent])
, ([String], [DetailedEvent])
openLog (RecordedLog filepath) = do
result <- readLog filepath
return (result, ([], []))
openLog (SingleLog filepath) = do
result <- readLog filepath
return (result, ([], []))
openLog (TwoLogs session system) = do
sessionResult <- readLog session
systemResult <- readLog system
return (sessionResult, systemResult)
loadLogWith :: B WindowInfo -- ^ action returning a window to load the log(s) in
-> LogDetails
-> B ()
loadLogWith getWindow logDetails = do
ret <- runExceptT $ do
((sessionWarnings, sessionMessages),
(systemWarnings, systemMessages)) <- openLog logDetails
-- FIXME: pass the log file name into the renderer
let rr = process sessionMessages systemMessages
io $ mapM warn $ sessionWarnings ++ systemWarnings ++ rrWarnings rr
windowInfo <- lift getWindow
lift $ displayLog windowInfo
case ret of
Left (LoadError f e) -> io $
displayError Nothing (printf (__ "Could not read '%s'") f) (Just e)
Right () -> return ()
startRecording :: Either BusType String
-> B ()
startRecording target = do
wi <- consumeInitialWindow
zt <- io $ getZonedTime
-- I hate time manipulation
let yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss = takeWhile (/= '.') (show zt)
cacheDir <- io $ getCacheDir
let filename = cacheDir > yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss <.> "bustle"
setPage wi PleaseHoldPage
let mwindow = Just (wiWindow wi)
progress = aChallengerAppears wi
finished = finishedRecording wi filename
embedIO $ \r -> recorderRun target filename mwindow progress
(\p -> makeCallback (finished p) r)
aChallengerAppears :: WindowInfo
-> RendererResult a
-> IO ()
aChallengerAppears wi rr = do
updateDisplayedLog wi rr
canvasScrollToBottom (wiCanvas wi)
setPage wi CanvasPage
onMenuItemActivate :: MenuItemClass menuItem
=> menuItem
-> IO ()
-> IO (ConnectId menuItem)
onMenuItemActivate mi act =
on mi menuItemActivate act
finishedRecording :: WindowInfo
-> FilePath
-> Bool
-> B ()
finishedRecording wi tempFilePath producedOutput = do
if producedOutput
then do
-- TODO: There is a noticable lag when reloading big files. It would be
-- nice to either make the loading faster, or eliminate the reload.
loadLogWith (return wi) (RecordedLog tempFilePath)
let saveItem = wiSave wi
io $ do
widgetSetSensitivity saveItem True
saveItem `on` buttonActivated $ showSaveDialog wi (return ())
return ()
else do
setPage wi InstructionsPage
modify $ \s -> s { initialWindow = Just wi }
updateDisplayedLog wi (mempty :: RendererResult ())
showSaveDialog :: WindowInfo
-> IO ()
-> IO ()
showSaveDialog wi savedCb = do
Just (RecordedLog tempFilePath) <- readIORef (wiLogDetails wi)
let mwindow = Just (wiWindow wi)
tempFileName = takeFileName tempFilePath
recorderChooseFile tempFileName mwindow $ \newFilePath -> do
let tempFile = fileFromParseName tempFilePath
let newFile = fileFromParseName newFilePath
C.catch (fileMove tempFile newFile [FileCopyOverwrite] Nothing Nothing) $ \(GError _ _ msg) -> do
d <- messageDialogNew mwindow [DialogModal] MessageError ButtonsOk (__ "Couldn't save log")
let secondary :: String
secondary = printf
(__ "Error: %s\n\n\
\You might want to manually recover the log from the temporary file at\n\
\%s") (toString msg) tempFilePath
messageDialogSetSecondaryMarkup d secondary
widgetShowAll d
d `after` response $ \_ -> do
widgetDestroy d
return ()
widgetSetSensitivity (wiSave wi) False
wiSetLogDetails wi (SingleLog newFilePath)
-- | Show a confirmation dialog if the log is unsaved. Suitable for use as a
-- 'delete-event' handler.
promptToSave :: MonadIO io
=> WindowInfo
-> io Bool -- ^ True if we showed a prompt; False if we're
-- happy to quit
promptToSave wi = io $ do
mdetails <- readIORef (wiLogDetails wi)
case mdetails of
Just (RecordedLog tempFilePath) -> do
let tempFileName = takeFileName tempFilePath
title = printf (__ "Save log '%s' before closing?") tempFileName :: String
prompt <- messageDialogNew (Just (wiWindow wi))
messageDialogSetSecondaryText prompt
(__ "If you don't save, this log will be lost forever.")
dialogAddButton prompt (__ "Close _Without Saving") ResponseClose
dialogAddButton prompt stockCancel ResponseCancel
dialogAddButton prompt stockSave ResponseYes
widgetShowAll prompt
prompt `after` response $ \resp -> do
let closeUp = widgetDestroy (wiWindow wi)
case resp of
ResponseYes -> showSaveDialog wi closeUp
ResponseClose -> closeUp
_ -> return ()
widgetDestroy prompt
return True
_ -> return False
maybeQuit :: B ()
maybeQuit = do
n <- decWindows
when (n == 0) (io mainQuit)
emptyWindow :: B WindowInfo
emptyWindow = do
builder <- io builderNew
io $ builderAddFromFile builder =<< getDataFileName "data/bustle.ui"
-- Grab a bunch of widgets. Surely there must be a better way to do this?
let getW cast name = io $ builderGetObject builder cast name
window <- getW castToWindow "diagramWindow"
header <- getW castToWidget "header"
[openItem, openTwoItem] <- mapM (getW castToMenuItem) ["open", "openTwo"]
recordSessionItem <- getW castToMenuItem "recordSession"
recordSystemItem <- getW castToMenuItem "recordSystem"
recordAddressItem <- getW castToMenuItem "recordAddress"
[headerSave, headerExport] <- mapM (getW castToButton) ["headerSave", "headerExport"]
viewStatistics <- getW castToCheckMenuItem "statistics"
filterNames <- getW castToMenuItem "filter"
aboutItem <- getW castToMenuItem "about"
stack <- getW castToStack "diagramOrNot"
sidebarHeader <- getW castToWidget "sidebarHeader"
sidebarStack <- getW castToStack "sidebarStack"
contentPaned <- getW castToPaned "contentPaned"
-- Open two logs dialog
openTwoDialog <- embedIO $ \r ->
setupOpenTwoDialog window $ \f1 f2 ->
makeCallback (loadInInitialWindow (TwoLogs f1 f2)) r
-- Set up the window itself
embedIO $ (window `on` objectDestroy) . makeCallback maybeQuit
-- File menu and related buttons
embedIO $ \r -> do
onMenuItemActivate recordSessionItem $
makeCallback (startRecording (Left BusTypeSession)) r
onMenuItemActivate recordSystemItem $
makeCallback (startRecording (Left BusTypeSystem)) r
onMenuItemActivate recordAddressItem $
showRecordAddressDialog window $ \address ->
makeCallback (startRecording (Right address)) r
onMenuItemActivate openItem $ makeCallback openDialogue r
onMenuItemActivate openTwoItem $ widgetShowAll openTwoDialog
-- TODO: really this wants to live in the application menu, but that entails binding GApplication,
-- GtkApplication, GMenu, GActionMap, GActionEntry, ...
-- Similarly, the drop-down menus would look better as popovers. But here we are.
io $ onMenuItemActivate aboutItem $ showAboutDialog window
statsPane <- io $ statsPaneNew builder
details <- io $ detailsViewNew builder
-- The stats start off hidden.
io $ widgetHide sidebarStack
showBounds <- asks debugEnabled
canvas <- io $ canvasNew builder showBounds (updateDetailsView details)
logDetailsRef <- io $ newIORef Nothing
let windowInfo = WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
, wiHeaderBar = header
, wiSave = headerSave
, wiExport = headerExport
, wiViewStatistics = viewStatistics
, wiFilterNames = filterNames
, wiStack = stack
, wiSidebarHeader = sidebarHeader
, wiSidebarStack = sidebarStack
, wiStatsPane = statsPane
, wiContentPaned = contentPaned
, wiCanvas = canvas
, wiDetailsView = details
, wiLogDetails = logDetailsRef
io $ window `on` deleteEvent $ promptToSave windowInfo
io $ widgetShow window
return windowInfo
updateDetailsView :: DetailsView
-> Maybe (Detailed Message)
-> IO ()
updateDetailsView detailsView newMessage = do
case newMessage of
Nothing -> do
widgetHide $ detailsViewGetTop detailsView
Just m -> do
detailsViewUpdate detailsView m
widgetShow $ detailsViewGetTop detailsView
updateDisplayedLog :: MonadIO io
=> WindowInfo
-> RendererResult a
-> io ()
updateDisplayedLog wi rr = io $ do
let shapes = rrShapes rr
regions = rrRegions rr
canvas = wiCanvas wi
(windowWidth, _) <- windowGetSize (wiWindow wi)
canvasSetShapes canvas shapes regions (rrCentreOffset rr) windowWidth
splitFileName_ :: String
-> (String, String)
splitFileName_ s = (dropTrailingPathSeparator d, f)
(d, f) = splitFileName s
logWindowTitle :: LogDetails
-> (String, Maybe String)
logWindowTitle (RecordedLog filepath) = ("*" ++ takeFileName filepath, Nothing)
logWindowTitle (SingleLog filepath) = (name, Just directory)
(directory, name) = splitFileName_ filepath
logWindowTitle (TwoLogs sessionPath systemPath) =
-- TODO: this looks terrible, need a custom widget
(sessionName ++ " & " ++ systemName,
Just $ if sessionDirectory == systemDirectory
then sessionDirectory
else sessionDirectory ++ " & " ++ systemDirectory)
(sessionDirectory, sessionName) = splitFileName_ sessionPath
(systemDirectory, systemName ) = splitFileName_ systemPath
logTitle :: LogDetails
-> String
logTitle (RecordedLog filepath) = dropExtension $ takeFileName filepath
logTitle (SingleLog filepath) = dropExtension $ takeFileName filepath
logTitle (TwoLogs sessionPath systemPath) =
intercalate " & " . map (dropExtension . takeFileName)
$ [sessionPath, systemPath]
wiSetLogDetails :: WindowInfo
-> LogDetails
-> IO ()
wiSetLogDetails wi logDetails = do
writeIORef (wiLogDetails wi) (Just logDetails)
let (title, subtitle) = logWindowTitle logDetails
(wiWindow wi) `set` [ windowTitle := title ]
-- TODO: add to gtk2hs
objectSetPropertyString "title" (wiHeaderBar wi) title
objectSetPropertyMaybeString "subtitle" (wiHeaderBar wi) subtitle
setPage :: MonadIO io
=> WindowInfo
-> Page
-> io ()
setPage wi page = io $ stackSetVisibleChildName (wiStack wi) (show page)
displayLog :: WindowInfo
-> LogDetails
-> Log
-> Log
-> RendererResult Participants
-> B ()
displayLog wi@(WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
, wiExport = exportItem
, wiViewStatistics = viewStatistics
, wiFilterNames = filterNames
, wiCanvas = canvas
, wiSidebarHeader = sidebarHeader
, wiSidebarStack = sidebarStack
, wiStatsPane = statsPane
rr = do
io $ do
wiSetLogDetails wi logDetails
hiddenRef <- newIORef Set.empty
updateDisplayedLog wi rr
widgetSetSensitivity exportItem True
exportItem `on` buttonActivated $ do
shapes <- canvasGetShapes canvas
saveToPDFDialogue wi shapes
setPage wi CanvasPage
canvasFocus canvas
-- FIXME: this currently shows stats for all messages, not post-filtered messages
statsPaneSetMessages statsPane sessionMessages systemMessages
widgetSetSensitivity viewStatistics True
viewStatistics `on` checkMenuItemToggled $ do
active <- checkMenuItemGetActive viewStatistics
if active
then do widgetShow sidebarStack
widgetShow sidebarHeader
else do widgetHide sidebarStack
widgetHide sidebarHeader
widgetSetSensitivity filterNames True
onMenuItemActivate filterNames $ do
hidden <- readIORef hiddenRef
hidden' <- runFilterDialog window (sessionParticipants $ rrApplications rr) hidden
writeIORef hiddenRef hidden'
let rr' = processWithFilters (sessionMessages, hidden') (systemMessages, Set.empty)
updateDisplayedLog wi rr'
return ()
openDialogue :: B ()
openDialogue = embedIO $ \r -> do
chooser <- fileChooserDialogNew Nothing Nothing FileChooserActionOpen
[ ("gtk-cancel", ResponseCancel)
, ("gtk-open", ResponseAccept)
chooser `set` [ fileChooserLocalOnly := True
chooser `after` response $ \resp -> do
when (resp == ResponseAccept) $ do
Just fn <- fileChooserGetFilename chooser
makeCallback (loadInInitialWindow (SingleLog fn)) r
widgetDestroy chooser
widgetShowAll chooser
saveToPDFDialogue :: WindowInfo
-> Diagram
-> IO ()
saveToPDFDialogue wi shapes = do
let parent = Just (wiWindow wi)
chooser <- fileChooserDialogNew Nothing parent FileChooserActionSave
[ ("gtk-cancel", ResponseCancel)
, ("gtk-save", ResponseAccept)
chooser `set` [ windowModal := True
, fileChooserLocalOnly := True
, fileChooserDoOverwriteConfirmation := True
Just logDetails <- readIORef $ wiLogDetails wi
let filename = logTitle logDetails <.> "pdf"
fileChooserSetCurrentName chooser filename
-- If the currently-loaded log has a meaningful directory, suggest that as
-- the default.
let mdirectory = case logDetails of
RecordedLog _ -> Nothing
SingleLog p -> Just $ takeDirectory p
TwoLogs p _ -> Just $ takeDirectory p
maybeM mdirectory $ fileChooserSetCurrentFolder chooser
chooser `after` response $ \resp -> do
when (resp == ResponseAccept) $ do
Just fn <- io $ fileChooserGetFilename chooser
let (width, height) = diagramDimensions shapes
withPDFSurface fn width height $
\surface -> renderWith surface $ drawDiagram False shapes
widgetDestroy chooser
widgetShowAll chooser
-- vim: sw=2 sts=2