{- |
Module      : Buttplug.Core
Description : Core functionality for <https://buttplug.io/> clients.
Copyright   : (c) James Sully, 2020-2021
License     : BSD 3-Clause
Maintainer  : sullyj3@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : untested

An implementation of the Buttplug Intimate Device Control Standard

module Buttplug.Core
    -- * Overview
    -- $overview

    -- ** Tutorial
    -- $tutorial

    -- ** Connectors and connections
  -- Connector.hs
  , Connection
  , runClient
  , sendMessages
  , receiveMsgs
  , sendMessage
  , ConnectorException(..)
  , WebSocketConnector(..)

    -- ** Messages
    -- Message.hs
  , clientMessageVersion
  , Message(..)
  , ErrorCode(..)
  , Vibrate(..)
  , Rotate(..)
  , LinearActuate(..)
  , RawData(..)

    -- ** Devices
  -- Device.hs
  , MessageAttributes(..)
  , Device(..)
  , DeviceMessageType(..)
  ) where

import Buttplug.Core.Message
import Buttplug.Core.Connector
import Buttplug.Core.Device

-- $overview
-- See (<https://buttplug.io/documentation/>) for documentation of the Buttplug
-- protocol.
-- The basic idea is:
-- - The Buttplug protocol is designed to simplify the process of using
-- computers to control sex toys, by abstracting over individual hardware
-- details.
-- - A Buttplug server is responsible for connecting to individual devices, 
-- and understanding the specific details of operating them. I recommend Intiface-cli-rs, a command line server implementation: (<https://github.com/intiface/intiface-cli-rs>)
-- - Applications act as Buttplug clients, speaking a straightforward message
-- format to the server, which abstracts over the individual details of 
-- different devices.
-- In this way developers are presented with a simple API for controlling a wide
-- variety of different toys.
-- This package contains the core types and functionality for writing clients,
-- including:
-- - The 'Message' type, and Aeson instances for serialization and deserialization.
-- The Buttplug message format is documented here: (<https://buttplug-spec.docs.buttplug.io/messages.html#basic-message-structure>)
-- - The 'Connector' typeclass, which abstracts over different ways of 
-- communicating with a Buttplug server. A connector allows the developer to open connections to the Buttplug Server, and send and receive Messages.
-- - 'WebSocketConnector', for connecting to a Buttplug server using Websockets.
-- As this library is still experimental, please feel free to suggest API improvements!

-- $tutorial
-- See (<https://github.com/sullyj3/buttplug-hs-core/blob/main/examples/example.lhs>) for a basic tutorial.