module Data.ByteString.Handle.Write
( writeHandle
) where
import Control.Monad ( when )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BLI
import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef, writeIORef )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import System.IO
( Handle, hClose, IOMode( WriteMode )
, noNewlineTranslation, nativeNewlineMode
import GHC.IO.Buffer ( BufferState(..), emptyBuffer, Buffer(..) )
import GHC.IO.BufferedIO ( BufferedIO(..) )
import GHC.IO.Device ( IODevice(..), IODeviceType(..), SeekMode(..) )
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
import GHC.IO.Encoding ( getLocaleEncoding )
import GHC.IO.Encoding ( localeEncoding )
import GHC.IO.Exception
( ioException, unsupportedOperation
, IOException(IOError), IOErrorType(InvalidArgument)
import GHC.IO.Handle ( mkFileHandle )
data SeekState =
SeekState {
seek_pos :: Integer,
seek_base :: Integer
data WriteState =
WriteState {
write_chunks_backwards :: IORef [(Integer, B.ByteString)],
write_seek_state :: IORef SeekState,
write_size :: IORef Integer
deriving Typeable
nextChunkSize :: Int -> Int
nextChunkSize lastSize
| lastSize < 16 = 16
| 2 * lastSize >= BLI.defaultChunkSize = BLI.defaultChunkSize
| otherwise = 2 * lastSize
chunkForPosition :: Integer -> IORef [(Integer, B.ByteString)] -> IO (Integer, B.ByteString)
chunkForPosition pos chunks_backwards_ref = do
when (pos > 1000000) $ error "gone"
chunks_backwards <- readIORef chunks_backwards_ref
let (curSize, lastSize) =
case chunks_backwards of
[] -> (0, 0)
((sz, c):_) -> (sz, B.length c)
if pos < curSize
then do
let (sz, c) = head $ dropWhile (\(sz, c) -> pos < sz fromIntegral (B.length c)) chunks_backwards
return (sz fromIntegral (B.length c), c)
else do
let sz = nextChunkSize lastSize
newChunk <- BI.mallocByteString sz
let bs = BI.fromForeignPtr newChunk 0 sz
writeIORef chunks_backwards_ref ((curSize + fromIntegral sz, bs):chunks_backwards)
chunkForPosition pos chunks_backwards_ref
initialWriteState :: IO WriteState
initialWriteState = do
chunks <- newIORef []
pos <- newIORef $ SeekState { seek_pos = 0, seek_base = 0 }
sz <- newIORef 0
return $
WriteState {
write_chunks_backwards = chunks,
write_seek_state = pos,
write_size = sz
instance BufferedIO WriteState where
newBuffer _ ReadBuffer = ioException unsupportedOperation
newBuffer ws WriteBuffer = do
ss <- readIORef (write_seek_state ws)
(chunkBase, chunk) <- chunkForPosition (seek_pos ss) (write_chunks_backwards ws)
let chunkOffset = fromIntegral (seek_pos ss chunkBase)
let (ptr, bsOffset, len) = BI.toForeignPtr chunk
buf = (emptyBuffer ptr (bsOffset + len) WriteBuffer) {
bufL = bsOffset + chunkOffset, bufR = bsOffset + chunkOffset
writeIORef (write_seek_state ws) (ss { seek_base = chunkBase fromIntegral bsOffset })
return buf
flushWriteBuffer ws buf = do
ss <- readIORef (write_seek_state ws)
let newPos = seek_base ss + fromIntegral (bufR buf)
writeIORef (write_seek_state ws)
(SeekState { seek_pos = newPos,
seek_base = error "seek_base needs to be updated"
modifyIORef (write_size ws) (`max` newPos)
newBuffer ws WriteBuffer
flushWriteBuffer0 ws buf = do
let count = bufR buf bufL buf
newBuf <- flushWriteBuffer ws buf
return (count, newBuf)
fillReadBuffer _ _ = ioException unsupportedOperation
fillReadBuffer0 _ _ = ioException unsupportedOperation
instance IODevice WriteState where
ready _ _ _ = return True
close ws = return ()
isSeekable _ = return True
seek ws seekMode seekPos = do
curSeekState <- readIORef (write_seek_state ws)
newSeekPos <-
case seekMode of
AbsoluteSeek -> return seekPos
RelativeSeek -> return $ seek_pos curSeekState + seekPos
SeekFromEnd -> ioException unsupportedOperation
when (newSeekPos < 0) $ ioe_seekOutOfRange
writeIORef (write_seek_state ws)
(SeekState { seek_pos = newSeekPos,
seek_base = error "seek_base needs to be updated"
modifyIORef (write_size ws) (`max` newSeekPos)
tell ws = do
ss <- readIORef (write_seek_state ws)
return (seek_pos ss)
getSize ws = readIORef (write_size ws)
setSize ws sz = do
writeIORef (write_size ws) sz
_ <- chunkForPosition sz (write_chunks_backwards ws)
return ()
devType _ = return RegularFile
ioe_seekOutOfRange :: IO a
ioe_seekOutOfRange =
ioException $ IOError Nothing InvalidArgument ""
"attempt to seek outside the file" Nothing Nothing
writeHandle :: Bool -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO (BL.ByteString, a)
writeHandle binary doOutput = do
ws <- initialWriteState
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
localeEnc <- getLocaleEncoding
localeEnc <- return localeEncoding
let (encoding, newline)
| binary = (Nothing , noNewlineTranslation)
| otherwise = (Just localeEnc, nativeNewlineMode )
handle <- mkFileHandle ws "ByteString" WriteMode encoding newline
res <- doOutput handle
hClose handle
sz <- readIORef (write_size ws)
chunks_backwards <- readIORef (write_chunks_backwards ws)
let bs = BL.take (fromIntegral sz) . BL.fromChunks . reverse . map snd $ chunks_backwards
return (bs, res)