module HaskellWorks.CabalCache.Core ( PackageInfo(..), Tagged(..), Presence(..), getPackages, relativePaths, loadPlan, mkCompilerContext, ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode) import Effectful import Effectful.Zoo.Core import Effectful.Zoo.Core.Error.Static import Effectful.Zoo.Core.Exception import HaskellWorks.CabalCache.Error (DecodeError(..)) import HaskellWorks.Prelude import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified HaskellWorks.CabalCache.IO.Tar as IO import qualified HaskellWorks.CabalCache.Types as Z import qualified System.Directory as IO import qualified System.Info as I import qualified System.Process as IO {- HLINT ignore "Monoid law, left identity" -} type PackageDir = FilePath type ConfPath = FilePath type Library = FilePath data Presence = Present | Absent deriving (Eq, Show, NFData, Generic) data Tagged a t = Tagged { value :: a , tag :: t } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) data PackageInfo = PackageInfo { compilerId :: Z.CompilerId , packageId :: Z.PackageId , packageName :: Z.PackageName , packageDir :: PackageDir , confPath :: Tagged ConfPath Presence , libs :: [Library] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) isPosix :: Bool isPosix = I.os /= "mingw32" {-# NOINLINE isPosix #-} exeExt :: String exeExt | isPosix = "" | otherwise = ".exe" withExeExt :: FilePath -> FilePath withExeExt = (<.> exeExt) withExeExt' :: Text -> Text withExeExt' = T.pack . withExeExt . T.unpack findExecutable :: () => r <: Error Text => r <: IOE => Text -> Eff r Text findExecutable exe = liftIO (fmap T.pack <$> IO.findExecutable (T.unpack exe)) & onNothingM (throw (exe <> " is not in path")) runGhcPkg :: () => r <: Error Text => r <: IOE => Text -> [Text] -> Eff r Text runGhcPkg cmdExe args = catchIO (liftIO $ T.pack <$> IO.readProcess (T.unpack cmdExe) (fmap T.unpack args) "") $ \(e :: IOError) -> throw $ "Unable to run " <> cmdExe <> " " <> T.unwords args <> ": " <> tshow e verifyGhcPkgVersion :: () => r <: Error Text => r <: IOE => Text -> Text -> Eff r Text verifyGhcPkgVersion version cmdExe = do stdout <- runGhcPkg cmdExe ["--version"] if T.isSuffixOf (" " <> version) (mconcat (L.take 1 (T.lines stdout))) then return cmdExe else throw $ cmdExe <> " is not of version " <> version mkCompilerContext :: () => r <: Error Text => r <: IOE => Z.PlanJson -> Eff r Z.CompilerContext mkCompilerContext plan = do compilerVersion <- T.stripPrefix "ghc-" plan.compilerId & onNothing (throw @Text "No compiler version available in plan") let versionedGhcPkgCmd = "ghc-pkg-" <> compilerVersion ghcPkgCmdPath <- (findExecutable (withExeExt' versionedGhcPkgCmd) >>= verifyGhcPkgVersion compilerVersion) & trap_ @Text (findExecutable (withExeExt' "ghc-pkg" ) >>= verifyGhcPkgVersion compilerVersion) return (Z.CompilerContext [T.unpack ghcPkgCmdPath]) relativePaths :: FilePath -> PackageInfo -> [IO.TarGroup] relativePaths basePath pInfo = [ IO.TarGroup basePath $ mempty <> pInfo.libs <> [pInfo.packageDir] , IO.TarGroup basePath $ mempty <> ([pInfo.confPath] & L.filter (\c -> c.tag == Present) <&> (.value)) ] getPackages :: FilePath -> Z.PlanJson -> IO [PackageInfo] getPackages basePath planJson = forM packages (mkPackageInfo basePath compilerId') where compilerId' :: Text compilerId' = planJson.compilerId packages :: [Z.Package] packages = planJson.installPlan loadPlan :: () => r <: Error DecodeError => r <: IOE => FilePath -> Eff r Z.PlanJson loadPlan resolvedBuildPath = do lbs <- liftIO (LBS.readFile (resolvedBuildPath "cache" "plan.json")) a <- eitherDecode lbs & onLeft (throw . DecodeError . T.pack) pure do a :: Z.PlanJson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkPackageInfo :: FilePath -> Z.CompilerId -> Z.Package -> IO PackageInfo mkPackageInfo basePath cid pkg = do let pid = let compilerPath = basePath T.unpack cid let relativeConfPath = T.unpack cid "package.db" T.unpack pid <.> ".conf" let absoluteConfPath = basePath relativeConfPath let libPath = compilerPath "lib" let relativeLibPath = T.unpack cid "lib" let libPrefix = "libHS" <> pid absoluteConfPathExists <- IO.doesFileExist absoluteConfPath libFiles <- getLibFiles relativeLibPath libPath libPrefix return PackageInfo { compilerId = cid , packageId = pid , packageName = , packageDir = T.unpack cid T.unpack pid , confPath = Tagged relativeConfPath (bool Absent Present absoluteConfPathExists) , libs = libFiles } getLibFiles :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Text -> IO [Library] getLibFiles relativeLibPath libPath libPrefix = do libExists <- IO.doesDirectoryExist libPath if libExists then fmap (relativeLibPath ) . L.filter (L.isPrefixOf (T.unpack libPrefix)) <$> IO.listDirectory libPath else pure []