module Debian.Debianize.BuildDependencies
( debianBuildDeps
, debianBuildDepsIndep
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(get))
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List as List (filter, groupBy, intercalate, map, minimumBy, nub, sortBy)
import Data.Map as Map (lookup, Map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set as Set (empty, fold, fromList, map, member, Set, singleton, toList, union)
import Debian.Debianize.Prelude
import Debian.Debianize.BasicInfo (buildEnv, compilerFlavor, EnvSet(dependOS))
import Debian.Debianize.Bundled (builtIn)
import qualified Debian.Debianize.DebInfo as D
import Debian.Debianize.DebianName (mkPkgName, mkPkgName')
import Debian.Debianize.Monad as Monad (CabalInfo, CabalT)
import qualified Debian.Debianize.BinaryDebDescription as B
import qualified Debian.Debianize.CabalInfo as A
import qualified Debian.Debianize.SourceDebDescription as S
import Debian.Debianize.VersionSplits (packageRangesFromVersionSplits)
import Debian.GHC (compilerPackageName)
import Debian.Orphans ()
import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(..), checkVersionReq, Relation(..), Relations)
import qualified Debian.Relation as D (BinPkgName(BinPkgName), Relation(..), Relations, VersionReq(EEQ, GRE, LTE, SGR, SLT))
import Debian.Version (DebianVersion, parseDebianVersion')
import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.Package (Dependency(..), PackageIdentifier(pkgName, pkgVersion), PackageName)
import Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal (BuildInfo(..), BuildInfo(buildTools, extraLibs, pkgconfigDepends), Library(..), Executable(..), TestSuite(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (PackageDescription)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal (PackageDescription(library, executables, testSuites))
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
import Distribution.Types.LegacyExeDependency (LegacyExeDependency(..))
import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigDependency (PkgconfigDependency(..))
import Distribution.Version (anyVersion, asVersionIntervals, earlierVersion, foldVersionRange', fromVersionIntervals, intersectVersionRanges, isNoVersion, laterVersion, orEarlierVersion, orLaterVersion, toVersionIntervals, unionVersionRanges, VersionRange, withinVersion)
import Distribution.Version.Invert (invertVersionRange)
import Prelude hiding (init, log, map, unlines, unlines, writeFile)
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
data Dependency_
= BuildDepends Dependency
| BuildTools Dependency
| PkgConfigDepends Dependency
| ExtraLibs Relations
deriving (Eq, Show)
unboxDependency :: Dependency_ -> Maybe Dependency
unboxDependency (BuildDepends d) = Just d
unboxDependency (BuildTools d) = Just d
unboxDependency (PkgConfigDepends d) = Just d
unboxDependency (ExtraLibs _) = Nothing
allBuildDepends :: Monad m => [BuildInfo] -> CabalT m [Dependency_]
allBuildDepends buildInfos =
(mergeCabalDependencies $ concatMap Cabal.targetBuildDepends buildInfos)
(mergeCabalDependencies $ mapMaybe convertLegacy $ concatMap buildTools buildInfos)
(mergeCabalDependencies $ mapMaybe convertPkgconfig $ concatMap pkgconfigDepends buildInfos)
(concatMap extraLibs buildInfos) >>=
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
convertLegacy :: LegacyExeDependency -> Maybe Dependency
convertLegacy = const Nothing
convertPkgconfig :: PkgconfigDependency -> Maybe Dependency
convertPkgconfig = const Nothing
convertLegacy = Just
convertPkgconfig = Just
allBuildDepends' :: Monad m => [Dependency] -> [Dependency] -> [Dependency] -> [String] -> CabalT m [Dependency_]
allBuildDepends' buildDepends' buildTools' pkgconfigDepends' extraLibs' =
do atoms <- get
return $ nub $ BuildDepends buildDepends' ++ BuildTools buildTools' ++ PkgConfigDepends pkgconfigDepends' ++
[ExtraLibs (fixDeps atoms extraLibs')]
fixDeps :: CabalInfo -> [String] -> Relations
fixDeps atoms xs =
concatMap (\ cab -> fromMaybe [[D.Rel (D.BinPkgName ("lib" ++ toLower cab ++ "-dev")) Nothing Nothing]]
(Map.lookup cab (view (A.debInfo . D.extraLibMap) atoms))) xs
mergeCabalDependencies :: [Dependency] -> [Dependency]
mergeCabalDependencies = (foldl1 (\ (Dependency name range1) (Dependency _ range2) -> Dependency name (intersectVersionRanges range1 range2))) . groupBy ((==) `on` dependencyPackage) . sortBy (compare `on` dependencyPackage)
dependencyPackage (Dependency x _) = x
debianBuildDeps :: (MonadIO m, Functor m) => PackageDescription -> CabalT m D.Relations
debianBuildDeps pkgDesc =
do hflavor <- use (A.debInfo . D.flags . compilerFlavor)
let hcs = singleton hflavor
let hcTypePairsLibs =
fold union empty $ (\ hc' -> (hc',) $ hcPackageTypesLibs hc') hcs
let hcTypePairsBins =
fold union empty $ (\ hc' -> (hc',) $ hcPackageTypesBins hc') hcs
let hcTypePairsTests =
fold union empty $ (\ hc' -> (hc',) $ hcPackageTypesTests hc') hcs
libDeps <- allBuildDepends (maybe [] (return . libBuildInfo) (Cabal.library pkgDesc))
binDeps <- allBuildDepends ( buildInfo (Cabal.executables pkgDesc))
testDeps <- allBuildDepends ( testBuildInfo (Cabal.testSuites pkgDesc))
testsStatus <- use (A.debInfo . D.testsStatus)
cDeps <- nub . concat . concat <$> sequence
[ mapM (buildDependencies hcTypePairsLibs) libDeps
, mapM (buildDependencies hcTypePairsBins) binDeps
, mapM (buildDependencies hcTypePairsTests) (if testsStatus /= D.TestsDisable then testDeps else [])
bDeps <- use (A.debInfo . D.control . S.buildDepends)
prof <- not <$> use (A.debInfo . D.noProfilingLibrary)
official <- use (A.debInfo . D.official)
compat <- use (A.debInfo . D.compat)
let ghcdev = compilerPackageName hflavor B.Development
let ghcrel = if member GHC hcs then maybe [] ((: []) . anyrel') ghcdev else []
let ghcprof = compilerPackageName hflavor B.Profiling
let ghcrelprof = if prof then maybe [] ((: []) . anyrel') ghcprof else []
let xs = nub $ [maybe [] (\ n -> [D.Rel (D.BinPkgName "debhelper") (Just (D.GRE (parseDebianVersion' (show n)))) Nothing]) compat,
[D.Rel (D.BinPkgName "haskell-devscripts-minimal") Nothing Nothing,
D.Rel (D.BinPkgName "haskell-devscripts") (Just $ D.GRE $ parseDebianVersion' $ if official then "0.9" else "0.8" :: String) Nothing],
anyrel "cdbs"] ++
(ghcrel ++ ghcrelprof) ++
bDeps ++
filterMissing xs
hcPackageTypesLibs :: CompilerFlavor -> Set B.PackageType
hcPackageTypesLibs GHC = fromList [B.Development, B.Profiling]
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0)
hcPackageTypesLibs GHCJS = fromList [B.Development]
hcPackageTypesLibs hc = error $ "Unsupported compiler flavor: " ++ show hc
hcPackageTypesBins :: CompilerFlavor -> Set B.PackageType
hcPackageTypesBins _ = singleton B.Development
hcPackageTypesTests :: CompilerFlavor -> Set B.PackageType
hcPackageTypesTests _ = singleton B.Development
debianBuildDepsIndep :: (MonadIO m, Functor m) => PackageDescription -> CabalT m D.Relations
debianBuildDepsIndep pkgDesc =
do hc <- use (A.debInfo . D.flags . compilerFlavor)
let hcs = singleton hc
doc <- not <$> use (A.debInfo . D.noDocumentationLibrary)
bDeps <- use (A.debInfo . D.control . S.buildDependsIndep)
libDeps <- allBuildDepends (maybe [] (return . libBuildInfo) (Cabal.library pkgDesc))
cDeps <- mapM docDependencies libDeps
let ghcdoc = compilerPackageName hc B.Documentation
let hcdocdep = if doc && member GHC hcs then maybe [] ((: []) . anyrel') ghcdoc else []
let xs = nub $ if doc && isJust (Cabal.library pkgDesc)
then hcdocdep ++ bDeps ++ concat cDeps
else []
filterMissing xs
docDependencies :: (MonadIO m, Functor m) => Dependency_ -> CabalT m D.Relations
docDependencies (BuildDepends (Dependency name ranges)) =
do hc <- use (A.debInfo . D.flags . compilerFlavor)
let hcs = singleton hc
omitProfDeps <- use (A.debInfo . D.omitProfVersionDeps)
concat <$> mapM (\ hc' -> dependencies hc' B.Documentation name ranges omitProfDeps) (toList hcs)
docDependencies _ = return []
buildDependencies :: (MonadIO m, Functor m) => Set (CompilerFlavor, B.PackageType) -> Dependency_ -> CabalT m D.Relations
buildDependencies hcTypePairs (BuildDepends (Dependency name ranges)) =
use (A.debInfo . D.omitProfVersionDeps) >>= \ omitProfDeps ->
concat <$> mapM (\ (hc, typ) -> dependencies hc typ name ranges omitProfDeps) (toList hcTypePairs)
buildDependencies _ dep@(ExtraLibs _) =
do mp <- use (A.debInfo . D.execMap)
return $ concat $ adapt mp dep
buildDependencies _ dep =
case unboxDependency dep of
Just (Dependency _name _ranges) ->
do mp <- get >>= return . view (A.debInfo . D.execMap)
return $ concat $ adapt mp dep
Nothing ->
return []
adapt :: Map.Map String Relations -> Dependency_ -> [Relations]
adapt mp (PkgConfigDepends (Dependency pkg _)) =
maybe (aptFile (unPackageName pkg)) (: []) (Map.lookup (unPackageName pkg) mp)
adapt mp (BuildTools (Dependency pkg _)) =
maybe (aptFile (unPackageName pkg)) (: []) (Map.lookup (unPackageName pkg) mp)
adapt _flags (ExtraLibs x) = [x]
adapt _flags (BuildDepends (Dependency pkg _)) = [[[D.Rel (D.BinPkgName (unPackageName pkg)) Nothing Nothing]]]
aptFile :: String -> [Relations]
aptFile pkg = unsafePerformIO $
findExecutable "apt-file" >>= aptFile'
aptFile' Nothing = error "The apt-file executable could not be found."
aptFile' (Just aptfile) = do
ret <- readProcessWithExitCode aptfile ["-l", "search", pkg ++ ".pc"] ""
return $ case ret of
(ExitSuccess, out, _) ->
case takeWhile (not . isSpace) out of
"" -> error $ "Unable to locate a debian package containing the build tool " ++ pkg ++
", try using --exec-map " ++ pkg ++ ":<debname> or execMap " ++ show pkg ++
" [[Rel (BinPkgName \"<debname>\") Nothing Nothing]]"
s -> [[[D.Rel (D.BinPkgName s) Nothing Nothing]]]
_ -> []
anyrel :: String -> [D.Relation]
anyrel x = anyrel' (D.BinPkgName x)
anyrel' :: D.BinPkgName -> [D.Relation]
anyrel' x = [D.Rel x Nothing Nothing]
dependencies :: MonadIO m => CompilerFlavor -> B.PackageType -> PackageName -> VersionRange -> Bool -> CabalT m Relations
dependencies hc typ name cabalRange omitProfVersionDeps =
do nameMap <- use A.debianNameMap
let alts :: [(BinPkgName, VersionRange)]
alts = case Map.lookup name nameMap of
Nothing -> [(mkPkgName hc name typ, cabalRange')]
Just splits' -> (\ (n, r) -> (mkPkgName' hc typ n, r)) (packageRangesFromVersionSplits splits')
mapM convert alts >>= mapM (doBundled typ name hc) . convert' . canonical . Or . catMaybes
convert (dname, range) =
case isNoVersion range''' of
True -> return Nothing
False ->
(return $ Rel' (D.Rel dname Nothing Nothing))
(\ v -> debianVersion' name v >>= \ dv -> return $ Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.EEQ dv)) Nothing))
(\ v -> debianVersion' name v >>= \ dv -> return $ Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.SGR dv)) Nothing))
(\ v -> debianVersion' name v >>= \ dv -> return $ Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.SLT dv)) Nothing))
(\ v -> debianVersion' name v >>= \ dv -> return $ Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.GRE dv)) Nothing))
(\ v -> debianVersion' name v >>= \ dv -> return $ Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.LTE dv)) Nothing))
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
(\ x y -> debianVersion' name x >>= \ dvx ->
debianVersion' name y >>= \ dvy ->
return $ And [Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.GRE dvx)) Nothing),
Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.SLT dvy)) Nothing)])
(\ x y -> debianVersion' name x >>= \ dvx ->
debianVersion' name y >>= \ dvy ->
return $ And [Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.GRE dvx)) Nothing),
Rel' (D.Rel dname (Just (D.SLT dvy)) Nothing)])
(\ x y -> x >>= \ x' -> y >>= \ y' -> return $ Or [x', y'])
(\ x y -> x >>= \ x' -> y >>= \ y' -> return $ And [x', y'])
range''' >>= return . Just
range''' = canon (simpler range' range'')
range'' = canon (unionVersionRanges range' (invertVersionRange range))
range' = intersectVersionRanges cabalRange' range
cabalRange' | typ `elem` noVersionPackageType = anyVersion
| otherwise = foldVersionRange'
(\ lb ub -> intersectVersionRanges (orLaterVersion lb) (earlierVersion ub))
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
(\ lb ub -> intersectVersionRanges (orLaterVersion lb) (earlierVersion ub))
noVersionPackageType = (if omitProfVersionDeps then [B.Profiling] else []) ++ [B.Documentation]
simpler v1 v2 = minimumBy (compare `on` (length . asVersionIntervals)) [v1, v2]
canon = fromVersionIntervals . toVersionIntervals
doBundled :: MonadIO m =>
-> PackageName
-> CompilerFlavor
-> [D.Relation]
-> CabalT m [D.Relation]
doBundled typ name hc rels = do
let hcname = compilerPackageName hc typ
mapM (doRel hcname) rels >>= return . concat
doRel :: Monad m => Maybe BinPkgName -> D.Relation -> CabalT m [D.Relation]
doRel hcname rel@(D.Rel dname req _) = do
let comp = maybe [] (\x -> [D.Rel x Nothing Nothing]) hcname
root <- use (A.debInfo . D.flags . buildEnv) >>= return . dependOS
atoms <- get
let relInfo = builtIn hc root
pver = listToMaybe $ fmap (debianVersion'' atoms) (filter ((== name) . pkgName) relInfo)
let naiveDebianName = mkPkgName hc name typ
let compilerDependency = if isJust pver && (checkVersionReq req pver || (dname == naiveDebianName && conflictsWithHC naiveDebianName)) then comp else []
let libraryDependency = if isNothing pver || dname /= naiveDebianName || not (conflictsWithHC naiveDebianName) then [rel] else []
return $ case req of
Just (D.SLT lver) | Just lver < pver -> compilerDependency ++ libraryDependency
Just (D.LTE lver) | Just lver < pver -> compilerDependency ++ libraryDependency
Just (D.EEQ lver) | Just lver < pver -> compilerDependency ++ libraryDependency
_ -> libraryDependency ++ compilerDependency
conflictsWithHC (BinPkgName "libghc-cabal-dev") = False
conflictsWithHC (BinPkgName "libghc-cabal-prof") = False
conflictsWithHC (BinPkgName "libghc-cabal-doc") = False
conflictsWithHC _ = True
debianVersion' :: Monad m => PackageName -> Version -> CabalT m DebianVersion
debianVersion' name v =
do atoms <- get
return $ parseDebianVersion' (maybe "" (\ n -> show n ++ ":") (Map.lookup name (view A.epochMap atoms)) ++ showVersion v)
debianVersion'' :: CabalInfo -> PackageIdentifier -> DebianVersion
debianVersion'' atoms i = parseDebianVersion' (maybe "" (\ n -> show n ++ ":") (Map.lookup (pkgName i) (view A.epochMap atoms)) ++ showVersion (pkgVersion i))
data Rels a = And {unAnd :: [Rels a]} | Or {unOr :: [Rels a]} | Rel' {unRel :: a} deriving Show
convert' :: Rels a -> [[a]]
convert' = ( unRel . unOr) . unAnd . canonical
canonical :: Rels a -> Rels a
canonical (Rel' rel) = And [Or [Rel' rel]]
canonical (And rels) = And $ concatMap (unAnd . canonical) rels
canonical (Or rels) = And . Or $ sequence $ (concat . unOr . unAnd . canonical) $ rels
filterMissing :: Monad m => [[Relation]] -> CabalT m [[Relation]]
filterMissing rels =
get >>= \ atoms -> return $
List.filter (/= []) ( (List.filter (\ (Rel name _ _) -> not (Set.member name (view (A.debInfo . D.missingDependencies) atoms)))) rels)