module Debian.Debianize.CopyrightDescription
( CopyrightDescription(..)
, FilesOrLicenseDescription(..)
, format
, upstreamName
, upstreamContact
, upstreamSource
, disclaimer
, summaryComment
, summaryLicense
, summaryCopyright
, filesAndLicenses
, filesPattern
, filesCopyright
, filesLicense
, filesLicenseText
, filesComment
, license
, licenseText
, comment
, readCopyrightDescription
, parseCopyrightDescription
, defaultCopyrightDescription
) where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Default (Default(def))
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable)
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
import Data.List as List (dropWhileEnd, partition)
import Data.Maybe.Extended (isJust, catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, listToMaybe, nothingIf)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import Data.Text as Text (Text, pack, strip, unpack, null, lines, unlines, dropWhileEnd)
import Debian.Control (Field'(Field), fieldValue, Paragraph'(Paragraph), Control'(Control, unControl), parseControl)
import Debian.Debianize.Prelude (readFileMaybe)
import Debian.Orphans ()
import Debian.Policy (License(..), readLicense, fromCabalLicense)
import Debian.Pretty (prettyText, ppText)
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Distribution.License as Cabal (License(UnknownLicense))
import qualified Distribution.Package as Cabal
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,20,0)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal (PackageDescription(licenseFiles, copyright, license, package, maintainer))
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal (PackageDescription(licenseFile, copyright, license, package, maintainer))
import Network.URI (URI, parseURI)
import Prelude hiding (init, init, log, log, unlines, readFile)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass (Pretty(pPrint), text)
unPackageName :: Cabal.PackageName -> String
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
unPackageName p = Cabal.unPackageName p
unPackageName (Cabal.PackageName x) = x
data CopyrightDescription
= CopyrightDescription
{ _format :: URI
, _upstreamName :: Maybe Text
, _upstreamContact :: Maybe Text
, _upstreamSource :: Maybe Text
, _disclaimer :: Maybe Text
, _summaryComment :: Maybe Text
, _summaryLicense :: Maybe (License, Maybe Text)
, _summaryCopyright :: Maybe Text
, _filesAndLicenses :: [FilesOrLicenseDescription]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)
data FilesOrLicenseDescription
= FilesDescription
{ _filesPattern :: FilePath
, _filesCopyright :: Text
, _filesLicense :: License
, _filesLicenseText :: Maybe Text
, _filesComment :: Maybe Text
| LicenseDescription
{ _license :: License
, _licenseText :: Maybe Text
, _comment :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)
instance Pretty CopyrightDescription where
pPrint x@(CopyrightDescription {_summaryComment = Just t}) | x {_summaryComment = Nothing} == def = text (List.dropWhileEnd isSpace (unpack t) <> "\n")
pPrint x = pPrint . toControlFile $ x
instance Default CopyrightDescription where
def = CopyrightDescription
{ _format = fromJust $ parseURI ""
, _upstreamName = Nothing
, _upstreamContact = Nothing
, _upstreamSource = Nothing
, _disclaimer = Nothing
, _summaryComment = Nothing
, _summaryLicense = Nothing
, _summaryCopyright = Nothing
, _filesAndLicenses = [] }
readCopyrightDescription :: Text -> CopyrightDescription
readCopyrightDescription t =
case parseControl "debian/copyright" t of
Left _e -> def { _summaryComment = Just t }
Right ctl -> case parseCopyrightDescription (unControl ctl) of
Just cpy -> cpy
Nothing -> def { _summaryComment = Just t }
parseCopyrightDescription :: [Paragraph' Text] -> Maybe CopyrightDescription
parseCopyrightDescription (hd : tl) =
let (muri :: Either (Paragraph' Text) URI) = maybe (Left hd) Right (maybe Nothing (parseURI . unpack) (fieldValue "Format" hd)) in
case (muri, map parseFilesOrLicense tl) of
(Right uri, fnls) | all (either (const False) (const True)) fnls ->
Just $ CopyrightDescription
{ _format = uri
, _upstreamName = fieldValue "Upstream-Name" hd
, _upstreamContact = fieldValue "Upstream-Contact" hd
, _upstreamSource = fieldValue "Source" hd
, _disclaimer = fieldValue "Disclaimer" hd
, _summaryComment = fieldValue "Comment" hd
, _summaryLicense = fmap readLicenseField (fieldValue "License" hd)
, _summaryCopyright = Nothing
, _filesAndLicenses = rights fnls
(_, fnls) -> trace ("Not a parsable copyright file: " ++ show (lefts [muri] ++ lefts fnls)) Nothing
parseCopyrightDescription [] = Nothing
readLicenseField :: Text -> (License, Maybe Text)
readLicenseField v
| length lns > 1
= (readLicense firstLine, Just otherLines)
| otherwise
= (readLicense v, Nothing)
lns = Text.lines v
firstLine = head lns
otherLines = Text.unlines (tail lns)
parseFilesOrLicense :: Paragraph' Text -> Either (Paragraph' Text) (FilesOrLicenseDescription)
parseFilesOrLicense p =
case (fieldValue "Files" p, fieldValue "Copyright" p, fieldValue "License" p) of
(Just files,
Just copyright,
Just license) ->
let (l,t) = readLicenseField license
in Right $ FilesDescription
{ _filesPattern = unpack files
, _filesCopyright = copyright
, _filesLicense = l
, _filesLicenseText = t
, _filesComment = fieldValue "Comment" p }
Just license) ->
let (l,t) = readLicenseField license
in Right $ LicenseDescription
{ _license = l
, _licenseText = t
, _comment = fieldValue "Comment" p }
_ -> Left p
toControlFile :: CopyrightDescription -> Control' Text
toControlFile d =
( Paragraph
( [ Field ("Format", (" " <> ppText (_format d))) ] ++
maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Upstream-Name", " " <> x)]) (_upstreamName d) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Upstream-Contact", " " <> x)]) (_upstreamContact d) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Source", " " <> x)]) (_upstreamSource d) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Disclaimer", " " <> x)]) (_disclaimer d) ++
maybe [] (\(x,t) -> [toLicenseField x t]) (_summaryLicense d) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Copyright", " " <> x)]) (_summaryCopyright d) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Comment", " " <> x)]) (_summaryComment d)) :
map toParagraph (_filesAndLicenses d) )
toParagraph :: FilesOrLicenseDescription -> Paragraph' Text
toParagraph fd@FilesDescription {} =
Paragraph $
[ Field ("Files", " " <> pack (_filesPattern fd))
, Field ("Copyright", " " <> _filesCopyright fd)
, toLicenseField (_filesLicense fd) (_filesLicenseText fd)
] ++
maybe [] (\ t -> [Field ("Comment", " " <> t)]) (_filesComment fd)
toParagraph ld@LicenseDescription {} =
Paragraph $
[ toLicenseField (_license ld) (_licenseText ld)
] ++
maybe [] (\ t -> [Field ("Comment", " " <> t)]) (_comment ld)
toLicenseField :: License -> Maybe Text -> Field' Text
toLicenseField l t =
Field ("License", " " <> prettyText l <> maybe mempty (Text.pack "\n" <>) t)
sourceDefaultFilesDescription :: Maybe Text -> License -> FilesOrLicenseDescription
sourceDefaultFilesDescription copyrt license =
FilesDescription {
_filesPattern = "*"
, _filesCopyright = fromMaybe "(No copyright field in cabal file)" copyrt
, _filesLicense = license
, _filesLicenseText = mempty
, _filesComment = mempty
debianDefaultFilesDescription :: License -> FilesOrLicenseDescription
debianDefaultFilesDescription license =
FilesDescription {
_filesPattern = "debian/*"
, _filesCopyright = "held by the contributors mentioned in debian/changelog"
, _filesLicense = license
, _filesLicenseText = mempty
, _filesComment = mempty
defaultLicenseDescriptions ::
License -> [(FilePath, Maybe Text)] -> [FilesOrLicenseDescription]
defaultLicenseDescriptions license = \case
[] -> []
[(_, txt)] -> [LicenseDescription license txt Nothing]
pairs -> map mkLicenseDescription pairs
mkLicenseDescription (path, txt) =
LicenseDescription {
_license = fromCabalLicense (Cabal.UnknownLicense path)
, _licenseText = txt
, _comment = mempty
defaultCopyrightDescription :: Cabal.PackageDescription -> IO CopyrightDescription
defaultCopyrightDescription pkgDesc = do
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,20,0)
let (debianCopyrightPath, otherLicensePaths) = partition (== "debian/copyright") (Cabal.licenseFiles pkgDesc)
let (debianCopyrightPath, otherLicensePaths) = partition (== "debian/copyright") [Cabal.licenseFile pkgDesc]
license = fromCabalLicense $ Cabal.license pkgDesc
pkgname = unPackageName . Cabal.pkgName . Cabal.package $ pkgDesc
maintainer = Cabal.maintainer $ pkgDesc
debianCopyrightText <- mapM readFileMaybe debianCopyrightPath >>= return . listToMaybe . catMaybes
licenseCommentPairs <- mapM readFileMaybe otherLicensePaths >>= return . filter (isJust . snd) . zip otherLicensePaths
return $ case debianCopyrightText of
Just t ->
def { _summaryComment = Just t }
Nothing ->
let copyrt = fmap dots $ nothingIf (Text.null . strip) (pack (Cabal.copyright pkgDesc)) in
def { _filesAndLicenses =
[ sourceDefaultFilesDescription copyrt license,
debianDefaultFilesDescription license ] ++
defaultLicenseDescriptions license licenseCommentPairs
, _upstreamName = Just . pack $ pkgname
, _upstreamSource = Just . pack $ "" ++ pkgname
, _upstreamContact = nothingIf Text.null (pack maintainer)
dots :: Text -> Text
dots = Text.unlines . map (\ line -> if Text.null line then "." else line) . map (Text.dropWhileEnd isSpace) . Text.lines
$(makeLenses ''CopyrightDescription)
$(makeLenses ''FilesOrLicenseDescription)