import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(..)) import Distribution.Debian (Flags(..), Config(..), defaultFlags, Executable(..), Server(..), Site(..), tightDependencyFixup) import Distribution.Debian.DebHelper (DebAtom(..)) import Distribution.Debian.Debianize import Distribution.Debian.Server (databaseDirectory) import Distribution.Simple import qualified Paths_clckwrks as Clckwrks main :: IO () main = do jstreePath <- Clckwrks.getDataFileName "jstree" json2Path <- Clckwrks.getDataFileName "json2" Distribution.Debian.Debianize.debianize $ Config { flags = defaultFlags { missingDependencies = ["libghc-clckwrks-theme-clckwrks-doc"] , executablePackages = map (theSite jstreePath json2Path "clckwrks-dot-com-server") serverNames ++ [backups] , haddock = True , revision = "" } , modifyAtoms = \ atoms -> map fixRulesHead atoms ++ concatMap (\ package -> tightDependencyFixup package -- For each pair (A, B) make sure that this package requires the -- same exact version of package B as the version of A currently -- installed during the build. [("libghc-clckwrks-theme-clckwrks-dev", "haskell-clckwrks-theme-clckwrks-utils"), ("libghc-clckwrks-plugin-media-dev", "haskell-clckwrks-plugin-media-utils"), ("libghc-clckwrks-plugin-bugs-dev", "haskell-clckwrks-plugin-bugs-utils"), ("libghc-clckwrks-dev", "haskell-clckwrks-utils")]) serverNames } where serverNames = map BinPkgName ["clckwrks-dot-com-production"] -- , "clckwrks-dot-com-staging", "clckwrks-dot-com-development"] -- Insert a line just above the include fixRulesHead (DebRulesHead s) = DebRulesHead $ unlines $ concat $ map (\ line -> if line == "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/" then ["DEB_SETUP_GHC_CONFIGURE_ARGS = -fbackups", "", line] else [line]) (lines s) fixRulesHead x = x theSite :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> BinPkgName -> Executable theSite jstreePath json2Path name (BinPkgName deb) = let this = Executable { debName = deb , execName = name , destName = deb , sourceDir = Nothing , destDir = Nothing , execServer = Just (Server { hostname = case deb of "clckwrks-dot-com-production" -> hostname _ -> hostname , port = portNum , site = case deb of "clckwrks-dot-com-production" -> Just (Site { domain = hostname, serverAdmin = "" }) _ -> Nothing , headerMessage = "Generated by clckwrks-dot-com/Setup.hs" , retry = "60" , serverFlags = [ "--http-port", show portNum , "--hide-port" , "--hostname", hostname , "--top", databaseDirectory this , "--enable-analytics" , "--jquery-path", "/usr/share/javascript/jquery/" , "--jqueryui-path", "/usr/share/javascript/jquery-ui/" , "--jstree-path", jstreePath , "--json2-path",json2Path ] }) } in this where hostname = "" portNum = case deb of "clckwrks-dot-com-production" -> 9029 "clckwrks-dot-com-staging" -> 9038 "clckwrks-dot-com-development" -> 9039 _ -> error $ "Unexpected package name: " ++ name backups = Executable { execName = "clckwrks-dot-com-backups" , destName = "clckwrks-dot-com-backups" , debName = "clckwrks-dot-com-backups" , sourceDir = Nothing , destDir = Just "/etc/cron.hourly" , execServer = Nothing }