Name: broadcast-chan Version: 0.1.1 Homepage: Bug-Reports: Author: Merijn Verstraaten Maintainer: Merijn Verstraaten Copyright: Copyright © 2014 Merijn Verstraaten License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Category: System Cabal-Version: >= 1.10 Build-Type: Simple Tested-With: GHC == 7.8.3 Synopsis: Broadcast channel type that avoids 0 reader space leaks. Description: A variation of "Control.Concurrent.Chan" from base, which allows to the easy creation of broadcast channels without the space-leaks that may arise from using 'Control.Concurrent.Chan.dupChan'. The 'Control.Concurrent.Chan.Chan' type from "Control.Concurrent.Chan" consists of both a read and write end. This presents a problem when one wants to have a broadcast channel that, at times, has zero listeners. To write to a 'Control.Concurrent.Chan.Chan' there must always be a read end and this read end will hold ALL messages alive until read. The simple solution applied in this module is to separate read and write ends. As a result, any messages written to the write end can be immediately garbage collected if there are no active read ends, avoding space leaks. Library Default-Language: Haskell2010 GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind Exposed-Modules: Control.Concurrent.BroadcastChan Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5 Source-Repository head Type: git Location: ssh:// Source-Repository head Type: mercurial Location: git+ssh:// Source-Repository head Type: mercurial Location: