# Changelog for Calamity ## + Fix ratelimits being effectively broken (succ -> pred) ## + Fix accidental semver breakage ## + Added the `CDNAsset` typeclass for resolving CDN asset links and fetching them. + Added the module `Calamity.Types.Model.Avatar` with the types `Avatar` and `MemberAvatar` + Changed the `avatar` field of `User` and `Member` to be `Avatar` (the default avatar will be fetched if the user does not have one set). + Added the field `banner` to `User` and `Member` with type `Maybe UserBanner`. + Added the field `accentColour` to `User` and `Member` with type `Maybe (Colour Double)`. + Added the field `locale` to `User` and `Member` with type `Maybe Text`. + Added the field `Member.memberAvatar` with type `Text`. (discord limitation, the guild id is needed to construct the member's guild avatar url, but discord doesn't attach the guild id to the member...) + Added the type `RoleIcon` to `Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Role`. + Added the field `Role.icon` with type `RoleIcon`. + Added the field `Role.emoji` with type `RawEmoji`. + Added the types `GuildIcon`, `GuildSplash`, `GuildDiscoverySplash`, `GuildBanner` to `Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild`. + Changed the type of `Guild.icon` to `Maybe GuildIcon`. + Changed the type of `Guild.splash` to `Maybe GuildSplash`. + Added the field `Guild.discoverySplash` with type `Maybe GuildDiscoverySplash`. + Added the field `Guild.banner` with type `Maybe GuildBanner`. ## + Updated the events `GuildMemberAddEvt`, `GuildMemberRemoveEvt`, and `GuildMemberUpdateEvt` to include the relevant `Guild`. ```hs EHType 'GuildMemberAddEvt = (Guild, Member) EHType 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt = (Guild, Member) EHType 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt = (Guild, Member, Member) ``` ## + Replaced lens with optics internally, you should use optics for field labels now. + Generic instances have been removed from library data types. + Internally, all aeson instances are manually implemented now, instead of using generic. Expect a 5x improvement in compile time. + The `game` field on `StatusUpdateData` was changed to `activities :: [Activity]` ## + DSL functions no longer use a concrete effect list prefix. ## + The discord api version has been moved from v9 to v10. + Added support for interactions and views with `Calamity.Interactions`. + Some more effects have been put in, `RatelimitEff` and `TokenEff`, causing changes to `BotC`, `SetupEff`. + The HTTP client can now be used without a `Client` instance. + The `GuildMemberAdd` event now includes the guild id of the member. + The `InteractionCreate` event has been added. + Adding attachments to messages has now been reworked, and `TFile` has been replaced with `CreateMessageAttachment`. + The `file` attribute of `CreateMessageOptions` has been removed and replaced with `attachments :: Maybe [CreateMessageAttachment]`. + The `embed` attribute of `CreateMessageOptions` has been replaced with `embeds :: Maybe [Embed]`. + The `components :: Maybe [Component]` field has been added to `CreateMessageOptions`. + `editMessageEmbed` has been replaced with `editMessageEmbeds`. + Added `Calamity.HTTP.Channel.editMessageComponents`. + Added `Calamity.HTTP.Guild.SearchGuildMembers`. + `Calamity.HTTP.Guild.GetGuildBans` now has a `GetGuildBansOptions` parameter. + Added the module `Calamity.HTTP.Interaction`. + Added the modules `Calamity.Interactions`, `Calamity.Interactions.{Eff,Utils,View}`. + Fully fleshed out `Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Component`. + Removed `stickers` from `Message`. + Removed the `guildID` field from `Member`. ## + Dependency bump ## + Fix a bug causing member objects sent alongside messages to not parse correctly. ## + Remove all usages of lazy Text (except from typeclass instances) + Fix a bug that caused http request decoding to never select the `()` instance for decoding the response (which meant endpoints that had empty responses would always fail to parse). + Bumped the minimum version of aeson to 2.0 ## + We now pass through the `.member` field of message create/update events to the event handler. + The payload type of `MessageCreateEvt` has changed from `Message` to `(Message, Maybe User, Maybe Member)`. + The payload type of `MessageUpdateEvt` has changed from `(Message, Message)` to `(Message, Message, Maybe User, Maybe Member)`. + The payload type of `RawMessageUpdateEvt` has changed from `UpdatedMessage` to `(UpdatedMessage, Maybe User, Maybe Member)`. + The provided `ConstructContext` effect handlers have changed from handling `ConstructContext Message ...` to `ConstructContext (Message, User, Maybe Member) ...`. + `FullContext` now uses the member passed with the message create event if available. + `LightContext` now has a `.member` parameter, which is the member passed with the message create event if available. The `userID` field has also been replaced with `user :: User`. + `CommandNotFound` now contains the `User` and `Maybe Member` of the message create event that triggered it. ## + The `status` field of `StatusUpdateData` has been changed from `Text` to `StatusType`. + Removed the redundant `Typeable` constraint from `BotC` and `runBotIO`, etc. + Added the `runBotIO''` function which gives more control over the internal state effects. ## + Added models for interactions and components (these are still WIP in this version). + The 'types' help no longer shows in command help if the command has no parameters. + Added a HasID instance for FullContext and LightContext types. ## + Removed all the orphan instances from the library. + Removed the export of `CalamityCommands.Handler` from `Calamity.Commands`. + Added the export of `Calamity.Commands.Types` from `Calamity.Commands`. + Fixed some parameter parser instances causing type inference to fail ([#48](https://github.com/simmsb/calamity/pull/48)). ## + Removed the re-export of `CalamityCommands.ParsePrefix` from Calamity.Commands. + Added the `Calamity.Commands.Utils.useConstantPrefix` method. ## + Removed the `Symbol` parameter of custom events, instead of `'CustomEvt @"command-error" @(FullContext, CommandError)` it is now `'CustomEvt (CtxCommandError FullContext)`, etc. + Added `embedFooter`, `embedImage`, `embedThumbnail`, `embedAuthor`, and `embedField` utility functions. + Added `Default` instances for `EmbedAuthor`. + Corrected the nullability of `EmbedImage`, `EmbedThumbnail`, `EmbedVideo`, and `EmbedProvider`. + Changed the command parameter machinery to hold more info about parameters. + Added a 'type cheatsheet' thing to command help in the default help command. + Calamity now uses and re-exports the Calamity-Commands package instead of having all the code duplicated. + An extra effect now needs to be handled for commands: `ConstructContext`, this also allows you to change which context your bot uses. + `Calamity.Commands.Context.Context` has been removed, instead use `FullContext`, `LightContext`, or make your own. ## + The minimum version of `base` has been upped to `4.13` as the library fails to build on ghc-8.6 + The minimum version of `polysemy` has been upped to 1.5 + The upper bound of `lens` has been bumped to 6 + The library now compiles with ghc-9 ## + Use the correct HTTP method for `ModifyChannel` ## + Rework the route handling so that the bucket keys for emoji routes work properly ## + Fix HTTP responses from discord that don't have ratelimit info being treated as errors. ## + Correct the emoji HTTP endpoints to work with `CustomEmoji`s + Rework the ratelimit implementation more ## + Rework the ratelimit implementation to use X-Ratelimit-Bucket + Fix incorrect interpretation of the retry-after for 429s ## + Added support for message types 19 (reply) and 20 (application command) + Added the `MessageReference` type + Changed the type of `Message.webhookID` to `Snowflake Webhook` + Added the `activity`, `application`, `messageReference`, `flags`, `stickers`, `referencedMessage`, and `interaction` fields to messages. + Added `messageReference` as a parameter of `CreateMessageOptions` + Added `repliedUser` as a parameter of `AllowedMentions` + Fixed `CreateMessage` not actually sending the `allowedMentions` key + Added the `CrosspostMessage` route + Added a `ToMessage` instance for `MessageReference` + Added a `reply` function to `Calamity.Types.Tellable` that replies to a given message in the same channel as the message + Added an `asReference` function to `Calamity.Utils.Message` ## + Change the structure of `Reaction` to be `(count, me, emoji)` + The previous structure of `Reaction` is now known as `ReactionEvtData` + The type of `MessageReactionAddEvt` and `MessageReactionRemoveEvt` events has been changed from `(Message, Reaction)` to `(Message, User, Channel, RawEmoji)` + The type of `RawMessageReactionAddEvt` and `RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt` events has been changed from `Reaction` to `ReactionEvtData` + More fixes to HTTP + When parsing guilds, channels/members/ and presences that cannot be parsed are (silently) ignored instead of causing parsing of the guild to fail. ## + Quick fix of GetChannelMessages ## + `GetChannelMessages` now has an extra parameter to allow the `limit` option to be applied at the same time as the other filters. + `ChannelMessagesQuery` has been renamed to `ChannelMessagesFilter`. + The `ChannelMessagesLimit` type has been introduced. ## + Add `Upgradeable` instances for `VoiceChannnel`, `DMChannel`_, `GroupChannel`, `TextChannel`, and `Category`. ## + Changed how `ModifyGuildMemberData`, and `ModifyGuildRoleData` are implemented to allow for the parameters to be optional and nullable. + Changed `EditMessage` to use `EditMessageData` instead of `Maybe Text -> Maybe Embed`, allowing for the parameters to be optional and nullable. ## + Add event handlers for voice state update events: `'VoiceStateUpdateEvt` + Apply some fixes for a few memory leaks ## + Fix some memory leaks ## + Switch from using Wreq to Req + The `session` parameter has been removed from `runBotIO'` + Add an `Upgradeable` instance for `Role`s + Add a command `Parser` instance for `Role`s ## + Fix some more json parsing issues ## + The `roles` field was incorrectly present on the `PresenceUpdate` type, that field has been removed. + The `game` field on `Presence` was changed to `activities :: [Activity]` ## + Bump some upper bounds + Fix parsing of members from GetGuildMember + Make game field in Presence correctly optional + Make roles field in Presence updates correctly optional (internal) ## * Update to gateway/http endpoint v8. * Updated the message types. * Added `defaultIntents`, which is all but the privileged intents, also a Data.Default instance. * `runBotIO` and `runBotIO'` now always take an `Intents` parameter. * Users are cached from messages, as well as member create events. * Fix `Overwrite`s having an incorrect `type_` field. ## * Fix ToJSON instance for `RawEmoji` ## * Documentation improvements. ## * Migrate do di-polysemy 0.2, runBotIO no longer handles the Log effect. ## * Fix broken `Float` parsing. ## * Fixed another missing activity type ## * Support hidden commands. ## * Fix custom presences failing to parse. ## * Add raw message events: `RawMessageUpdateEvt`, `RawMessageDeleteEvt`, `RawMessageDeleteBulkEvt`, `RawMessageReactionAddEvt`, `RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt`, `RawMessageReactionRemoveAllEvt`. * Fixed bulk message deletes firing a message delete per deleted message, instead of a bulk message delete event (I'm not sure how I did that). * Add `animated` field to `Partial Emoji`s. * Make show instances for `Partial Emoji` and `RawEmoji` show to their discord representation. ## *2020-07-04* * Drop GHC-8.6.5, it doesn't like strictdata * Use unboxing-vector instead of doing stuff ourselves ## *2020-06-29* * `waitUntil` and `waitUntilM` now correctly remove the temorary event handler they create if an exception is raised. ## *2020-06-28* * Allow the session used for http requests to be specified to the client. * Drop from using a Wreq fork to vanilla Wreq. * `TFile` now requires a filename parameter. ## * Change how commands should be manually invoked from code, instead of firing a `"invoke-command"` custom event, now the `handleCommands` function should be used, which returns information about if the command succeeded. * Added `fetchHandler` for retrieving the command handler inside a command DSL. ## * General cleanup of codebase * Enable StrictData by default ## *2020-06-22* * Support manually invoking commands. ## *2020-06-21* * Replace uses of withLowerToIO with interpretFinal (should be more performant) ## *2020-06-21* * Fix missing usage of GetAuditLogOptions in GetAuditLog ## *2020-06-18* * Add command parameter `Parser`s for `Int`, `Integer`, `Word`, `Natural`, and `Float`. ## *2020-06-18* * The `DecodeError` variant of the `RestError` type has been renamed to `InternalClientError` as all issues in the rest client now end up here. * We're now using `discord.com` instead of `discordapp.com` ## *2020-06-11* * Added `activity` to construct Activities * Added aliases for commands and groups, with new functions to create them (`commandA`, `groupA`, ...). * The built in help command now shows aliases and checks. ## *2020-06-10* * Fix some bugs in the gateway ## *2020-06-09* * Fix broken json decoding for DMs * Add `mentionChannels` to `Message` ## *2020-06-08* * Fix broken json decoding for member's ## *2020-06-08* * Unpacked the `user` field of `Member` into itself. * Add message formatting utilities (`Calamity.Utils.Message`). * Add support for allowed mentions in `Tellable`. * Change Snowflake's show instance to just show the numberic id. * Added parsers for RawEmoji and Either. ## *2020-06-06* * Changed event handlers to take tuples instead of being higher arity when there is more than one parameter to the callback. ## *2020-06-06* * Changed some events to take enums instead of booleans: `GuildCreateEvt` and `GuildDeleteEvt`. ## *2020-06-03* * Moved the internal `UpdatedMessage` from `Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Message` into `Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.UpdatedMessage`. ## *2020-05-31* * Add command parameter parsers for channel/guild/emoji * Support allowed mentions * Support invite events * Support setting gateway intents * Add `Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Permission` and `Calamity.Utils.Permissions` and change permissions fields from `Word64` to `Permissions` * Add `Calamity.Utils.Colour` and change color fields from `Word64` to `Data.Color.Color Double` ## *2020-05-27* * Renamed `Calamity.Commands.Parser.KleeneConcat` to `Calamity.Commands.Parser.KleeneStarConcat` and added `Calamity.Commands.Parser.KleenePlusConcat` * Added `Calamity.Types.Upgradeable` ## *2020-05-23* * Added a default help command, located in `Calamity.Commands.Help`. * Commands now have the list of parameters they take ## *2020-05-23* * Added `Calamity.Commands.Parser.Named` for parameters that have a name. * General improvements to parser errors ## *2020-05-22* * Added commands, located in `Calamity.Commands`, along with a DSL for declaring commands nicely. * Renamed `waitUntil` to `waitUntilM`, and introduced a variant with a pure check function that takes the original name of `waitUntil`. ## *2020-05-15* * Did a large rework of how event handlers are stored internally. * introduced `waitUntil` ## * Added back extra exports of `Calamity.Types.Partial` from `Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild`, `Calamity.Type.Model.Guild.Emoji`, and `Calamity.Types.Model.Channel`. There is now way to export the constructor without also exporting Partial apparently? ## *2020-04-27* * Removed extra exports of `Calamity.Types.Partial` from `Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild`, `Calamity.Type.Model.Guild.Emoji`, and `Calamity.Types.Model.Channel` * Added missing exports of `CreateGuildEmojiOptions` and `ModifyGuildEmojiOptions` from `Calamity.HTTP.Emoji` * Added missing exports of `CreateGuildData` and `ModifyGuildData` from `Calamity.HTTP.Guild` ## *2020-04-27* * Calamity.Client: runBotIO now has a `Polysemy.Fail` effect ## Unreleased changes