module Camfort.Output where
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.PrettyPrint as PP
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import qualified Language.Fortran.ParserMonad as FPM
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import Camfort.Reprint
import Camfort.Helpers
import Camfort.Helpers.Syntax
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Generics
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List hiding (zip)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Generics.Zipper
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
class Show' s where
show' :: s -> String
instance Show' String where
show' = id
instance (Show' a, Show' b) => Show' (a, b) where
show' (a, b) = "(" ++ show' a ++ "," ++ show' b ++")"
instance (Show a) => Show' a where
show' = show
class OutputFiles t where
mkOutputText :: FileOrDir -> t -> SourceText
outputFile :: t -> Filename
isNewFile :: t -> Bool
outputFiles :: FileOrDir -> FileOrDir -> [t] -> IO ()
outputFiles inp outp pdata = do
outIsDir <- isDirectory outp
inIsDir <- isDirectory inp
inIsFile <- doesFileExist inp
if outIsDir then do
createDirectoryIfMissing True outp
putStrLn $ "Writing refactored files to directory: " ++ outp ++ "/"
isdir <- isDirectory inp
let inSrc = if isdir then inp else getDir inp
forM_ pdata (\x -> let f' = changeDir outp inSrc (outputFile x)
in do checkDir f'
putStrLn $ "Writing " ++ f'
B.writeFile f' (mkOutputText outp x))
forM_ pdata (\x -> do
let out = if isNewFile x then outputFile x else outp
putStrLn $ "Writing " ++ out
B.writeFile out (mkOutputText outp x))
changeDir newDir oldDir oldFilename =
newDir ++ listDiffL oldDir oldFilename
listDiffL [] ys = ys
listDiffL xs [] = []
listDiffL (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x==y = listDiffL xs ys
| otherwise = ys
instance OutputFiles (Filename, SourceText) where
mkOutputText _ (_, output) = output
outputFile (f, _) = f
isNewFile (_, inp) = B.null inp
instance OutputFiles (Filename, SourceText, F.ProgramFile Annotation) where
mkOutputText f' (f, input, ast@(F.ProgramFile (F.MetaInfo version) _ _)) =
if B.null input
then B.pack $ PP.pprintAndRender version ast (Just 0)
else runIdentity $ reprint (refactoring version) ast input
outputFile (f, _, _) = f
isNewFile (_, inp, _) = B.null inp
refactoring :: Typeable a
=> FPM.FortranVersion
-> a -> SourceText -> StateT FU.Position Identity (SourceText, Bool)
refactoring v z inp = catchAll inp `extQ` refactorings inp $ z
catchAll :: SourceText -> a -> StateT FU.Position Identity (SourceText, Bool)
catchAll _ _ = return (B.empty, False)
refactorings inp z =
mapStateT (\n -> Identity $ n `evalState` 0) (refactorBlocks v inp z)
refactorBlocks :: FPM.FortranVersion
-> SourceText
-> F.Block Annotation
-> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorBlocks v inp e@(F.BlComment ann span comment) = do
cursor <- get
if pRefactored ann
then let (FU.SrcSpan lb ub) = span
lb' = leftOne lb
(p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb') inp
nl = if null comment then B.empty else B.pack "\n"
in (put ub >> return (B.concat [p0, B.pack comment, nl], True))
else return (B.empty, False)
where leftOne (FU.Position f c l) = FU.Position f (c1) (l1)
refactorBlocks v inp b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ u@F.StUse{}) = do
cursor <- get
case refactored $ F.getAnnotation u of
Just (FU.Position _ rCol rLine) -> do
let (FU.SrcSpan lb _) = FU.getSpan u
let (p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
let out = B.pack $ PP.pprintAndRender v b (Just (rCol 1))
added <- lift get
when (newNode $ F.getAnnotation u)
(lift $ put $ added + countLines out)
put $ toCol0 lb
return (p0 `B.append` out, True)
Nothing -> return (B.empty, False)
refactorBlocks v inp b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ s@F.StEquivalence{}) =
refactorStatements v inp s
refactorBlocks v inp b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ s@F.StCommon{}) =
refactorStatements v inp s
refactorBlocks v inp b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ s@F.StDeclaration{}) =
refactorStatements v inp s
refactorBlocks v inp b@F.BlStatement {} = refactorSyntax v inp b
refactorBlocks _ _ _ = return (B.empty, False)
refactorStatements :: FPM.FortranVersion -> SourceText
-> F.Statement A -> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorStatements = refactorSyntax
refactorSyntax ::
(Typeable s, F.Annotated s, FU.Spanned (s A), PP.IndentablePretty (s A))
=> FPM.FortranVersion -> SourceText
-> s A -> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorSyntax v inp e = do
cursor <- get
let a = F.getAnnotation e
case refactored a of
Nothing -> return (B.empty, False)
Just (FU.Position _ rCol rLine) -> do
let (FU.SrcSpan lb ub) = FU.getSpan e
let (pre, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
let indent = if newNode a then Just (rCol 1) else Nothing
let output = if deleteNode a then B.empty
else B.pack $ PP.pprintAndRender v e indent
out <- if newNode a then do
numAdded <- lift get
let diff = linesCovered ub lb
let (out, numRemoved) = if numAdded <= diff
then removeNewLines output numAdded
else removeNewLines output diff
lift $ put (numAdded numRemoved)
return out
else return output
put ub
return (B.concat [pre, out], True)
countLines xs =
case B.uncons xs of
Nothing -> 0
Just ('\n', xs) -> 1 + countLines xs
Just (x, xs) -> countLines xs
removeNewLines xs 0 = (xs, 0)
removeNewLines xs n =
case unpackFst (B.splitAt 4 xs) of
("\r\n\r\n", xs) -> (xs', n' + 1)
where (xs', n') = removeNewLines (B.pack "\r\n" `B.append` xs) (n 1)
_ ->
case unpackFst (B.splitAt 2 xs) of
("\n\n", xs) -> (xs', n' + 1)
where (xs', n') = removeNewLines (B.pack "\n" `B.append` xs) (n 1)
_ ->
case B.uncons xs of
Nothing -> (xs, 0)
Just (x, xs) -> (B.cons x xs', n)
where (xs', n') = removeNewLines xs n
unpackFst (x, y) = (B.unpack x, y)