#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 610
module Data.Array.CArray.Base where
import Data.Array.Base
(bounds, elems, listArray, unsafeAt, assocs, (!),
numElements, getNumElements, showsIArray,
unsafeFreeze, unsafeThaw,
unsafeRead, unsafeWrite,
unsafeArray, unsafeReplace, unsafeAccum,
unsafeAccumArray, unsafeNewArray_)
import Data.Array.MArray
(MArray(getBounds, newArray, newArray_), freeze, thaw)
import Data.Array.IArray (IArray)
import Data.Ix.Shapable (Shapable, shape, sShape, shapeToStride, size)
import Data.Ix (Ix, rangeSize, range, inRange, index)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, CoArbitrary, coarbitrary,)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S
import Data.Binary (Binary, get, put)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO, unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import Foreign.Storable
(Storable, sizeOf, alignment, peek, peekElemOff, pokeElemOff)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
(ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, castForeignPtr, touchForeignPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (copyArray, withArray)
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr, alignPtr, castPtr)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word)
import Data.Generics (Data(..), Typeable)
import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..))
import GHC.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr(..), mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)
import Data.Complex (Complex, magnitude)
import Data.List (zipWith4, foldl')
import Control.Monad (replicateM, forM_, (>=>))
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
data CArray i e = CArray !i !i Int !(ForeignPtr e)
deriving (Data, Typeable)
data IOCArray i e = IOCArray !i !i Int !(ForeignPtr e)
deriving (Data, Typeable)
instance Storable e => MArray IOCArray e IO where
getBounds (IOCArray l u _ _) = return (l,u)
getNumElements (IOCArray _ _ n _) = return n
newArray (l,u) e0 = do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned n
withForeignPtr fp $ \a ->
forM_ [0 .. n 1] $ \i -> pokeElemOff a i e0
return (IOCArray l u n fp)
where n = rangeSize (l,u)
unsafeNewArray_ (l,u) = do
let n = rangeSize (l,u)
fp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned n
return (IOCArray l u n fp)
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
unsafeRead (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) i =
withForeignPtr fp $ \a -> peekElemOff a i
unsafeWrite (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) i e =
withForeignPtr fp $ \a -> pokeElemOff a i e
withCArray :: CArray i e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a
withCArray (CArray _ _ _ fp) f = withForeignPtr fp f
withIOCArray :: IOCArray i e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a
withIOCArray (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) f = withForeignPtr fp f
touchIOCArray :: IOCArray i e -> IO ()
touchIOCArray (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) = touchForeignPtr fp
:: Ix i => ForeignPtr e -> (i,i) -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeForeignPtrToCArray p (l,u) =
return (CArray l u (rangeSize (l,u)) p)
:: Ix i => ForeignPtr e -> (i,i) -> IO (IOCArray i e)
unsafeForeignPtrToIOCArray p (l,u) =
return (IOCArray l u (rangeSize (l,u)) p)
toForeignPtr :: CArray i e -> (Int, ForeignPtr e)
toForeignPtr (CArray _ _ n fp) = (n, fp)
unsafeCArrayToByteString :: (Storable e) => CArray i e -> S.ByteString
unsafeCArrayToByteString (CArray _ _ l fp) = go undefined fp
where go :: (Storable e) => e -> ForeignPtr e -> S.ByteString
go dummy fp' = S.fromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp') 0 (l * sizeOf dummy)
unsafeByteStringToCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e)
=> (i,i) -> S.ByteString -> Maybe (CArray i e)
unsafeByteStringToCArray lu bs = go undefined lu
where go :: (Ix i, Storable e) => e -> (i,i) -> Maybe (CArray i e)
go dummy (l,u) | safe = Just (CArray l u n fp)
| otherwise = Nothing
where n = rangeSize (l,u)
!(fp0, off, len) = S.toForeignPtr bs
fp = mapPtr (flip plusPtr off) fp0
p = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fp
safe =
sizeOf dummy * n <= len &&
p == p `alignPtr` alignment dummy
mapPtr :: (Ptr a -> Ptr b) -> ForeignPtr a -> ForeignPtr b
mapPtr f (ForeignPtr addr contents) =
case f $ Ptr addr of
Ptr addr' -> ForeignPtr addr' contents
copy :: (Ix i, Storable e) => CArray i e -> IO (CArray i e)
copy ain@(CArray l u n _) =
createCArray (l,u) $ \op ->
withCArray ain $ \ip ->
copyArray op ip n
freezeIOCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => IOCArray i e -> IO (CArray i e)
freezeIOCArray = unsafeFreezeIOCArray >=> copy
unsafeFreezeIOCArray :: (Ix i) => IOCArray i e -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeFreezeIOCArray (IOCArray l u n fp) = return (CArray l u n fp)
thawIOCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => CArray i e -> IO (IOCArray i e)
thawIOCArray = copy >=> unsafeThawIOCArray
unsafeThawIOCArray :: (Ix i) => CArray i e -> IO (IOCArray i e)
unsafeThawIOCArray (CArray l u n fp) = return (IOCArray l u n fp)
instance Storable e => IArray CArray e where
bounds (CArray l u _ _) = (l,u)
numElements (CArray _ _ n _) = n
unsafeArray lu ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeArrayCArray lu ies (zeroElem (undefined :: e))
unsafeAt (CArray _ _ _ fp) i = unsafeDupablePerformIO $
withForeignPtr fp $ \a -> peekElemOff a i
unsafeReplace arr ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeReplaceCArray arr ies
unsafeAccum f arr ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeAccumCArray f arr ies
unsafeAccumArray f e0 lu ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeAccumArrayCArray f e0 lu ies
zeroElem :: Storable a => a -> a
zeroElem u = unsafePerformIO $
withArray (replicate (sizeOf u) (0 :: Word8)) $ peek . castPtr
unsafeArrayCArray :: (Storable e, Ix i)
=> (i,i) -> [(Int, e)] -> e -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeArrayCArray lu ies default_elem = do
marr <- newArray lu default_elem
mapM_ (uncurry $ unsafeWrite marr) ies
unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr
unsafeReplaceCArray :: (Storable e, Ix i)
=> CArray i e -> [(Int, e)] -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeReplaceCArray arr ies = do
marr <- thawIOCArray arr
mapM_ (uncurry $ unsafeWrite marr) ies
unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr
unsafeAccumCArray :: (Storable e, Ix i)
=> (e -> e' -> e) -> CArray i e -> [(Int, e')]
-> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeAccumCArray f arr ies = do
marr <- thawIOCArray arr
forM_ ies $ \(i, new) -> do
old <- unsafeRead marr i
unsafeWrite marr i (f old new)
unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr
unsafeAccumArrayCArray :: (Storable e, Ix i)
=> (e -> e' -> e) -> e -> (i,i) -> [(Int, e')]
-> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeAccumArrayCArray f e0 lu ies = do
marr <- newArray lu e0
forM_ ies $ \(i, new) -> do
old <- unsafeRead marr i
unsafeWrite marr i (f old new)
unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr
eqCArray :: (Storable e, Ix i, Eq e)
=> CArray i e -> CArray i e -> Bool
eqCArray arr1@(CArray l1 u1 n1 _) arr2@(CArray l2 u2 n2 _) =
if n1 == 0 then n2 == 0 else
l1 == l2 && u1 == u2 &&
and [unsafeAt arr1 i == unsafeAt arr2 i | i <- [0 .. n1 1]]
cmpCArray :: (Storable e, Ix i, Ord e)
=> CArray i e -> CArray i e -> Ordering
cmpCArray arr1 arr2 = compare (assocs arr1) (assocs arr2)
cmpIntCArray :: (Storable e, Ord e)
=> CArray Int e -> CArray Int e -> Ordering
cmpIntCArray arr1@(CArray l1 u1 n1 _) arr2@(CArray l2 u2 n2 _) =
if n1 == 0 then if n2 == 0 then EQ else LT else
if n2 == 0 then GT else
case compare l1 l2 of
EQ -> foldr cmp (compare u1 u2) [0 .. (n1 `min` n2) 1]
other -> other
cmp i rest = case compare (unsafeAt arr1 i) (unsafeAt arr2 i) of
EQ -> rest
other -> other
instance (Ix ix, Eq e, Storable e) => Eq (CArray ix e) where
(==) = eqCArray
instance (Ix ix, Ord e, Storable e) => Ord (CArray ix e) where
compare = cmpCArray
instance (Ix ix, Show ix, Show e, Storable e) => Show (CArray ix e) where
showsPrec = showsIArray
reshape :: (Ix i, Ix j) => (j,j) -> CArray i e -> CArray j e
reshape (l',u') (CArray _ _ n fp) | n' > n = error "reshape: new size too large"
| otherwise = CArray l' u' n' fp
where n' = rangeSize (l', u')
flatten :: Ix i => CArray i e -> CArray Int e
flatten (CArray _ _ n fp) = CArray 0 (n 1) n fp
ixmapWithIndP :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
=> (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (i -> e -> i' -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
ixmapWithIndP lu f g arr = listArray lu
[ let i = f i' in g i (arr ! i) i' | i' <- range lu ]
ixmapWithInd :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
=> (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (i -> e -> i' -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
ixmapWithInd = ixmapWithIndP
ixmapWithP :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
=> (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
ixmapWithP lu f g arr = listArray lu
[ g (arr ! f i') | i' <- range lu ]
ixmapWith :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
=> (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
ixmapWith = ixmapWithP
ixmapP :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e)
=> (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> a i e -> a' i' e
ixmapP lu f arr = ixmapWithP lu f id arr
sliceStrideWithP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
=> (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
sliceStrideWithP lu (start,next,end) f arr
| all (inRange (bounds arr)) [start,next,end] = listArray lu es
| otherwise = error "sliceStrideWith: out of bounds"
where is = offsetShapeFromThenTo (shape arr) (index' start) (index' next) (index' end)
es = map (f . (unsafeAt arr)) is
index' = indexes arr
sliceStrideWith :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
=> (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
sliceStrideWith = sliceStrideWithP
sliceStrideP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e)
=> (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> a i e -> a' i' e
sliceStrideP lu sne = sliceStrideWithP lu sne id
sliceStride :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e)
=> (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> a i e -> a i' e
sliceStride = sliceStrideP
sliceWithP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
=> (i',i') -> (i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
sliceWithP lu (start,end) f arr
| all (inRange (bounds arr)) [start,end] = listArray lu es
| otherwise = error "sliceWith: out of bounds"
where is = offsetShapeFromTo (shape arr) (index' start) (index' end)
es = map (f . (unsafeAt arr)) is
index' = indexes arr
sliceWith :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
=> (i',i') -> (i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
sliceWith = sliceWithP
sliceP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e)
=> (i',i') -> (i,i) -> a i e -> a' i' e
sliceP lu se = sliceWithP lu se id
slice :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e)
=> (i',i') -> (i,i) -> a i e -> a i' e
slice = sliceP
mapCArrayInPlace :: (Ix i, Storable e) => (e -> e) -> CArray i e -> CArray i e
mapCArrayInPlace f a = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
withCArray a $ \p ->
forM_ [0 .. size a 1] $ \i ->
peekElemOff p i >>= pokeElemOff p i . f
return a
indexes :: (Ix i, Shapable i, IArray a e) => a i e -> i -> [Int]
indexes a i = map pred $ (sShape . fst . bounds) a i
offsetShapeFromThenTo :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
offsetShapeFromThenTo s a b c = foldr (liftA2 (+)) [0] (ilists stride a b c)
where ilists = zipWith4 (\s' a' b' c' -> map (*s') $ enumFromThenTo a' b' c')
stride = shapeToStride s
offsetShapeFromTo :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
offsetShapeFromTo = offsetShapeFromTo' id
offsetShapeFromTo' :: ([[Int]] -> [[Int]]) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
offsetShapeFromTo' f s a b = foldr (liftA2 (+)) [0] (f $ ilists stride a b)
where ilists = zipWith3 (\s' a' b' -> map (*s') $ enumFromTo a' b')
stride = shapeToStride s
offsets :: (Ix a, Shapable a) => (a, a) -> a -> [Int]
offsets lu i = reverse . osets (index lu i) . reverse . scanl1 (*) . uncurry sShape $ lu
where osets 0 [] = []
osets i' (b:bs) = r : osets d bs
where (d,r) = i' `divMod` b
osets _ _ = error "osets"
normp :: (Ix i, RealFloat e', Abs e e', IArray a e) => e' -> a i e -> e'
normp p a | 1 <= p && not (isInfinite p) = (** (1/p)) $ foldl' (\z e -> z + (abs_ e) ** p) 0 (elems a)
| otherwise = error "normp: p < 1"
norm2 :: (Ix i, Floating e', Abs e e', IArray a e) => a i e -> e'
norm2 a = sqrt $ foldl' (\z e -> z + abs_ e ^ (2 :: Int)) 0 (elems a)
normSup :: (Ix i, Num e', Ord e', Abs e e', IArray a e) => a i e -> e'
normSup a = foldl' (\z e -> z `max` abs_ e) 0 (elems a)
liftArrayP :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a1 e1)
=> (e -> e1) -> a i e -> a1 i e1
liftArrayP f a = listArray (bounds a) (map f (elems a))
liftArray :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a e1)
=> (e -> e1) -> a i e -> a i e1
liftArray = liftArrayP
liftArray2P :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a1 e1, IArray a2 e2)
=> (e -> e1 -> e2) -> a i e -> a1 i e1 -> a2 i e2
liftArray2P f a b | aBounds == bounds b =
listArray aBounds (zipWith f (elems a) (elems b))
| otherwise = error "liftArray2: array bounds must match"
where aBounds = bounds a
liftArray2 :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a e1, IArray a e2)
=> (e -> e1 -> e2) -> a i e -> a i e1 -> a i e2
liftArray2 = liftArray2P
liftArray3P :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a1 e1, IArray a2 e2, IArray a3 e3)
=> (e -> e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> a i e -> a1 i e1 -> a2 i e2 -> a3 i e3
liftArray3P f a b c | aBounds == bounds b && aBounds == bounds c =
listArray aBounds (zipWith3 f (elems a) (elems b) (elems c))
| otherwise = error "liftArray2: array bounds must match"
where aBounds = bounds a
liftArray3 :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a e1, IArray a e2, IArray a e3)
=> (e -> e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> a i e -> a i e1 -> a i e2 -> a i e3
liftArray3 = liftArray3P
class Abs a b | a -> b where
abs_ :: a -> b
instance Abs (Complex Double) Double where
abs_ = magnitude
instance Abs (Complex Float) Float where
abs_ = magnitude
instance Abs Double Double where
abs_ = abs
instance Abs Float Float where
abs_ = abs
mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned :: Storable a => Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned n = doMalloc undefined
doMalloc :: Storable b => b -> IO (ForeignPtr b)
doMalloc dummy = mallocForeignPtrBytesAligned (n * sizeOf dummy)
mallocForeignPtrBytesAligned :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
mallocForeignPtrBytesAligned n = do
(ForeignPtr addr contents) <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes (n + pad)
let !(Ptr addr') = alignPtr (Ptr addr) 16
return (ForeignPtr addr' contents)
where pad = 16 sizeOf (undefined :: Word)
createCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => (i,i) -> (Ptr e -> IO ()) -> IO (CArray i e)
createCArray lu f = do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned (rangeSize lu)
withForeignPtr fp f
unsafeForeignPtrToCArray fp lu
unsafeCreateCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => (i,i) -> (Ptr e -> IO ()) -> CArray i e
unsafeCreateCArray lu = unsafePerformIO . createCArray lu
instance (Ix i, Binary i, Binary e, Storable e) => Binary (CArray i e) where
put a = do
put (bounds a)
mapM_ put (elems a)
get = do
lu <- get
es <- replicateM (rangeSize lu) get
return $ listArray lu es
(Ix i, Arbitrary i, Storable e, Arbitrary e) =>
Arbitrary (CArray i e) where
arbitrary = do
a <- QC.arbitrary
b <- QC.arbitrary
let rng = (min a b, max a b)
fmap (listArray rng) $ QC.vector (rangeSize rng)
(Ix i, CoArbitrary i, Storable e, CoArbitrary e) =>
CoArbitrary (CArray i e) where
coarbitrary a = coarbitrary (assocs a)