{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Main( main ) where import Control.Applicative((<*>), (<**>)) import Control.Category((.), id) import Control.Lens((%~), lens) import Data.Bool(bool) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Acronym(HasAcronym(acronym), Acronym) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Render(renderHeaderAcronyms, renderAcronyms) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Render.Colours(Colours, standardColours) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Render.Config(ConfigReader, Config(Config), runConfig) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Render.Score(HasShowScore(showScore)) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Render.Spacing(nameSpacing, meaningSpacing, sourceSpacing, scoreSpacing, exactWidthSpacing) import Data.Aviation.Casa.AbbreviationsAndAcronyms.Search(searchFuzzyNameMeaningSource, searchIndexNameMeaningSource, searchFuzzyNameMeaning, searchIndexNameMeaning, searchFuzzyNameSource, searchIndexNameSource, searchFuzzyName, searchIndexName) import Data.Bool(Bool(False, True)) import Data.Eq(Eq) import Data.Foldable(foldr) import Data.Function(($)) import Data.Functor((<$>), fmap) import Data.Int(Int) import Data.List(filter, take) import Data.Maybe(Maybe(Just, Nothing), maybe, maybeToList) import Data.Monoid(Monoid(mempty)) import Data.Ord(Ord((>=), (>)), max, min) import Data.Semigroup((<>)) import Data.String(String) import Data.Traversable(Traversable) import Options.Applicative(Parser, execParser, info, helper, fullDesc, header, option, maybeReader, short, long, value, help, switch, strOption) import Prelude(Show(show)) import System.IO(IO, putStrLn) import Text.Fuzzy(Fuzzy(Fuzzy)) import Text.Read(reads) main :: IO () main = let execopts = execParser (info ((parserOptions :: Parser (Options [] ShowAcronym)) <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> header "casa-abbreviations-and-acronyms for searching CASA abbreviations and acronyms 0.0.3 " ) ) in do opts <- execopts case opts of Options clrs rndr maxr (MatchField fz ex) typ (FieldSpacing mn xn mm xm ms xs mr xr) term -> let acro = let match = case typ of ExactMatch -> fmap (\a -> ShowAcronym a "-") . maybeToList . ex InexactMatch x -> fmap (\(Fuzzy o _ s) -> ShowAcronym o (show s)) . maybe id (\n -> filter (\(Fuzzy _ _ s) -> s >= n)) x . fz in match term space = foldr (\(a, b, c) w -> let k val func = a %~ maybe id func val in if b > c then id else k b max . k c min . w) id [ (nameSpacing, mn, xn) , (meaningSpacing, mm, xm) , (sourceSpacing, ms, xs) , (scoreSpacing, mr, xr) ] acro' = maybe id take maxr acro out = runConfig (rndr acro') (space $ Config clrs (exactWidthSpacing acro')) in putStrLn out data ShowAcronym = ShowAcronym Acronym String -- score deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance HasAcronym ShowAcronym where acronym = lens (\(ShowAcronym a _) -> a) (\(ShowAcronym _ s) a -> ShowAcronym a s) instance HasShowScore ShowAcronym where showScore = lens (\(ShowAcronym _ s) -> s) (\(ShowAcronym a _) s -> ShowAcronym a s) data MatchField = MatchField (String -> [Fuzzy Acronym String]) (String -> Maybe Acronym) matchField' :: (String -> String -> String -> Bool -> [Fuzzy Acronym String]) -> (String -> Maybe Acronym) -> MatchField matchField' f g = MatchField (\s -> f s "" "" False) g parserMatchField :: Parser MatchField parserMatchField = ( \p q -> case p of False -> case q of False -> matchField' searchFuzzyNameMeaningSource searchIndexNameMeaningSource True -> matchField' searchFuzzyNameMeaning searchIndexNameMeaning True -> case q of False -> matchField' searchFuzzyNameSource searchIndexNameSource True -> matchField' searchFuzzyName searchIndexName ) <$> switch ( long "no-match-meaning" <> long "nm" <> help "do not match the acronym meaning" ) <*> switch ( long "no-match-source" <> long "ns" <> help "do not match the acronym source" ) data MatchType = ExactMatch | InexactMatch (Maybe Int) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) parserMatchType :: Parser MatchType parserMatchType = let opts exact minscore = if exact then ExactMatch else InexactMatch minscore in opts <$> switch ( short 'e' <> long "exact" <> help "match the search term exactly" ) <*> option ( maybeReader (\s -> case reads s of (n, _):_ -> Just (Just n) [] -> Nothing) ) ( short 's' <> long "min-score" <> value Nothing <> help "minimum fuzzy match score" ) data FieldSpacing = FieldSpacing (Maybe Int) -- min name (Maybe Int) -- max name (Maybe Int) -- min meaning (Maybe Int) -- max meaning (Maybe Int) -- min source (Maybe Int) -- max source (Maybe Int) -- min score (Maybe Int) -- max score deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) parserFieldSpacing :: Parser FieldSpacing parserFieldSpacing = let minmaxWidth longname1 longname2 helptext = option ( maybeReader (\s -> case reads s of (n, _):_ -> Just (Just n) [] -> Nothing) ) ( long longname1 <> long longname2 <> value Nothing <> help helptext ) in FieldSpacing <$> minmaxWidth "min-name-width" "mn" "minimum acronym name column width" <*> minmaxWidth "max-name-width" "xn" "maximum acronym name column width" <*> minmaxWidth "min-meaning-width" "mm" "minimum acronym meaning column width" <*> minmaxWidth "max-meaning-width" "xm" "maximum acronym meaning column width" <*> minmaxWidth "min-source-width" "ms" "minimum acronym source column width" <*> minmaxWidth "max-source-width" "xs" "maximum acronym source column width" <*> minmaxWidth "min-score-width" "mr" "minimum score column width" <*> minmaxWidth "max-score-width" "xr" "maximum score column width" data Options t a = Options Colours -- no colours (t a -> ConfigReader String) -- no header (Maybe Int) -- maximum results MatchField MatchType FieldSpacing String -- the search term parserOptions :: (HasShowScore a, HasAcronym a, Traversable t) => Parser (Options t a) parserOptions = Options <$> ( bool standardColours mempty <$> switch ( short 'c' <> long "no-colour" <> help "turn off ANSI escape code colours" ) ) <*> ( (bool renderHeaderAcronyms renderAcronyms) <$> switch ( short 'h' <> long "no-header" <> help "turn off the header in the output" ) ) <*> option ( maybeReader (\s -> case reads s of (n, _):_ -> Just (Just n) [] -> Nothing) ) ( short 'x' <> long "max-results" <> value Nothing <> help "maximum number of results" ) <*> parserMatchField <*> parserMatchType <*> parserFieldSpacing <*> strOption ( short 't' <> long "term" <> help "the search term" )