module Data.Csv.Conversion
, FromRecord(..)
, FromNamedRecord(..)
, ToNamedRecord(..)
, FromField(..)
, ToRecord(..)
, ToField(..)
, Parser
, runParser
, index
, (.!)
, unsafeIndex
, lookup
, (.:)
, namedField
, (.=)
, record
, namedRecord
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, (<$>), (<|>), empty)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, mplus, mzero)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (double)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import GHC.Float (double2Float)
import Prelude hiding (lookup, takeWhile)
import Data.Csv.Conversion.Internal
import Data.Csv.Types
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<*>), (<*), (*>), pure)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Word (Word)
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
toStrict :: L.ByteString -> B.ByteString
fromStrict :: B.ByteString -> L.ByteString
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0)
toStrict = L.toStrict
fromStrict = L.fromStrict
toStrict = B.concat . L.toChunks
fromStrict = L.fromChunks . (:[])
class FromRecord a where
parseRecord :: Record -> Parser a
default parseRecord :: (Generic a, GFromRecord (Rep a)) => Record -> Parser a
parseRecord r = to <$> gparseRecord r
newtype Only a = Only {
fromOnly :: a
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
class ToRecord a where
toRecord :: a -> Record
default toRecord :: (Generic a, GToRecord (Rep a) Field) => a -> Record
toRecord = V.fromList . gtoRecord . from
instance FromField a => FromRecord (Only a) where
parseRecord v
| n == 1 = Only <$> unsafeIndex v 0
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 1 v
n = V.length v
instance ToField a => ToRecord (Only a) where
toRecord = V.singleton . toField . fromOnly
instance (FromField a, FromField b) => FromRecord (a, b) where
parseRecord v
| n == 2 = (,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 2 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b) => ToRecord (a, b) where
toRecord (a, b) = V.fromList [toField a, toField b]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c) => FromRecord (a, b, c) where
parseRecord v
| n == 3 = (,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 3 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c) where
toRecord (a, b, c) = V.fromList [toField a, toField b, toField c]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c, FromField d) =>
FromRecord (a, b, c, d) where
parseRecord v
| n == 4 = (,,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
<*> unsafeIndex v 3
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 4 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c, ToField d) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c, d) where
toRecord (a, b, c, d) = V.fromList [
toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c, FromField d, FromField e) =>
FromRecord (a, b, c, d, e) where
parseRecord v
| n == 5 = (,,,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
<*> unsafeIndex v 3
<*> unsafeIndex v 4
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 5 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c, ToField d, ToField e) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c, d, e) where
toRecord (a, b, c, d, e) = V.fromList [
toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d, toField e]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c, FromField d, FromField e,
FromField f) =>
FromRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
parseRecord v
| n == 6 = (,,,,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
<*> unsafeIndex v 3
<*> unsafeIndex v 4
<*> unsafeIndex v 5
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 6 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c, ToField d, ToField e, ToField f) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
toRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f) = V.fromList [
toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d, toField e, toField f]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c, FromField d, FromField e,
FromField f, FromField g) =>
FromRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
parseRecord v
| n == 7 = (,,,,,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
<*> unsafeIndex v 3
<*> unsafeIndex v 4
<*> unsafeIndex v 5
<*> unsafeIndex v 6
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 7 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c, ToField d, ToField e, ToField f,
ToField g) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
toRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = V.fromList [
toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d, toField e, toField f,
toField g]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c, FromField d, FromField e,
FromField f, FromField g, FromField h) =>
FromRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
parseRecord v
| n == 8 = (,,,,,,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
<*> unsafeIndex v 3
<*> unsafeIndex v 4
<*> unsafeIndex v 5
<*> unsafeIndex v 6
<*> unsafeIndex v 7
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 8 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c, ToField d, ToField e, ToField f,
ToField g, ToField h) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
toRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) = V.fromList [
toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d, toField e, toField f,
toField g, toField h]
instance (FromField a, FromField b, FromField c, FromField d, FromField e,
FromField f, FromField g, FromField h, FromField i) =>
FromRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) where
parseRecord v
| n == 9 = (,,,,,,,,) <$> unsafeIndex v 0
<*> unsafeIndex v 1
<*> unsafeIndex v 2
<*> unsafeIndex v 3
<*> unsafeIndex v 4
<*> unsafeIndex v 5
<*> unsafeIndex v 6
<*> unsafeIndex v 7
<*> unsafeIndex v 8
| otherwise = lengthMismatch 9 v
n = V.length v
instance (ToField a, ToField b, ToField c, ToField d, ToField e, ToField f,
ToField g, ToField h, ToField i) =>
ToRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) where
toRecord (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) = V.fromList [
toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d, toField e, toField f,
toField g, toField h, toField i]
lengthMismatch :: Int -> Record -> Parser a
lengthMismatch expected v =
fail $ "cannot unpack array of length " ++
show n ++ " into a " ++ desired ++ ". Input record: " ++
show v
n = V.length v
desired | expected == 1 = "Only"
| expected == 2 = "pair"
| otherwise = show expected ++ "-tuple"
instance FromField a => FromRecord [a] where
parseRecord = traverse parseField . V.toList
instance ToField a => ToRecord [a] where
toRecord = V.fromList . map toField
instance FromField a => FromRecord (V.Vector a) where
parseRecord = traverse parseField
instance ToField a => ToRecord (Vector a) where
toRecord = V.map toField
instance (FromField a, U.Unbox a) => FromRecord (U.Vector a) where
parseRecord = fmap U.convert . traverse parseField
instance (ToField a, U.Unbox a) => ToRecord (U.Vector a) where
toRecord = V.map toField . U.convert
class FromNamedRecord a where
parseNamedRecord :: NamedRecord -> Parser a
default parseNamedRecord :: (Generic a, GFromNamedRecord (Rep a)) => NamedRecord -> Parser a
parseNamedRecord r = to <$> gparseNamedRecord r
class ToNamedRecord a where
toNamedRecord :: a -> NamedRecord
default toNamedRecord :: (Generic a, GToRecord (Rep a) (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)) => a -> NamedRecord
toNamedRecord = namedRecord . gtoRecord . from
instance FromField a => FromNamedRecord (M.Map B.ByteString a) where
parseNamedRecord m = M.fromList <$>
(traverse parseSnd $ HM.toList m)
where parseSnd (name, s) = (,) <$> pure name <*> parseField s
instance ToField a => ToNamedRecord (M.Map B.ByteString a) where
toNamedRecord = HM.fromList . map (\ (k, v) -> (k, toField v)) . M.toList
instance FromField a => FromNamedRecord (HM.HashMap B.ByteString a) where
parseNamedRecord m = traverse (\ s -> parseField s) m
instance ToField a => ToNamedRecord (HM.HashMap B.ByteString a) where
toNamedRecord = HM.map toField
class FromField a where
parseField :: Field -> Parser a
class ToField a where
toField :: a -> Field
instance FromField a => FromField (Maybe a) where
parseField s
| B.null s = pure Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> parseField s
instance ToField a => ToField (Maybe a) where
toField = maybe B.empty toField
instance FromField a => FromField (Either Field a) where
parseField s = case runParser (parseField s) of
Left _ -> pure $ Left s
Right a -> pure $ Right a
instance FromField () where
parseField _ = pure ()
instance FromField Char where
parseField s =
case T.decodeUtf8' s of
Left e -> fail $ show e
Right t
| T.compareLength t 1 == EQ -> pure (T.head t)
| otherwise -> typeError "Char" s Nothing
instance ToField Char where
toField = toField . T.encodeUtf8 . T.singleton
instance FromField Double where
parseField = parseDouble
instance ToField Double where
toField = realFloat
instance FromField Float where
parseField s = double2Float <$> parseDouble s
instance ToField Float where
toField = realFloat
parseDouble :: B.ByteString -> Parser Double
parseDouble s = case parseOnly (ws *> double <* ws) s of
Left err -> typeError "Double" s (Just err)
Right n -> pure n
instance FromField Int where
parseField = parseSigned "Int"
instance ToField Int where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Integer where
parseField = parseSigned "Integer"
instance ToField Integer where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Int8 where
parseField = parseSigned "Int8"
instance ToField Int8 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Int16 where
parseField = parseSigned "Int16"
instance ToField Int16 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Int32 where
parseField = parseSigned "Int32"
instance ToField Int32 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Int64 where
parseField = parseSigned "Int64"
instance ToField Int64 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Word where
parseField = parseUnsigned "Word"
instance ToField Word where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Word8 where
parseField = parseUnsigned "Word8"
instance ToField Word8 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Word16 where
parseField = parseUnsigned "Word16"
instance ToField Word16 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Word32 where
parseField = parseUnsigned "Word32"
instance ToField Word32 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField Word64 where
parseField = parseUnsigned "Word64"
instance ToField Word64 where
toField = decimal
instance FromField B.ByteString where
parseField = pure
instance ToField B.ByteString where
toField = id
instance FromField L.ByteString where
parseField = pure . fromStrict
instance ToField L.ByteString where
toField = toStrict
instance FromField T.Text where
parseField = either (fail . show) pure . T.decodeUtf8'
instance ToField T.Text where
toField = toField . T.encodeUtf8
instance FromField LT.Text where
parseField = either (fail . show) (pure . LT.fromStrict) . T.decodeUtf8'
instance ToField LT.Text where
toField = toField . toStrict . LT.encodeUtf8
instance FromField [Char] where
parseField = fmap T.unpack . parseField
instance ToField [Char] where
toField = toField . T.pack
parseSigned :: (Integral a, Num a) => String -> B.ByteString -> Parser a
parseSigned typ s = case parseOnly (ws *> A8.signed A8.decimal <* ws) s of
Left err -> typeError typ s (Just err)
Right n -> pure n
parseUnsigned :: Integral a => String -> B.ByteString -> Parser a
parseUnsigned typ s = case parseOnly (ws *> A8.decimal <* ws) s of
Left err -> typeError typ s (Just err)
Right n -> pure n
ws :: A8.Parser ()
ws = A8.skipWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t')
parseOnly :: A8.Parser a -> B.ByteString -> Either String a
parseOnly parser input = go (A8.parse parser input) where
go (A8.Fail _ _ err) = Left err
go (A8.Partial f) = go2 (f B.empty)
go (A8.Done leftover result)
| B.null leftover = Right result
| otherwise = Left ("incomplete field parse, leftover: "
++ show (B.unpack leftover))
go2 (A8.Fail _ _ err) = Left err
go2 (A8.Partial _) = error "parseOnly: impossible error!"
go2 (A8.Done leftover result)
| B.null leftover = Right result
| otherwise = Left ("incomplete field parse, leftover: "
++ show (B.unpack leftover))
typeError :: String -> B.ByteString -> Maybe String -> Parser a
typeError typ s mmsg =
fail $ "expected " ++ typ ++ ", got " ++ show (B8.unpack s) ++ cause
cause = case mmsg of
Just msg -> " (" ++ msg ++ ")"
Nothing -> ""
index :: FromField a => Record -> Int -> Parser a
index v idx = parseField (v ! idx)
(.!) :: FromField a => Record -> Int -> Parser a
(.!) = index
infixl 9 .!
unsafeIndex :: FromField a => Record -> Int -> Parser a
unsafeIndex v idx = parseField (V.unsafeIndex v idx)
lookup :: FromField a => NamedRecord -> B.ByteString -> Parser a
lookup m name = maybe (fail err) parseField $ HM.lookup name m
where err = "no field named " ++ show (B8.unpack name)
(.:) :: FromField a => NamedRecord -> B.ByteString -> Parser a
(.:) = lookup
namedField :: ToField a => B.ByteString -> a -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
namedField name val = (name, toField val)
(.=) :: ToField a => B.ByteString -> a -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
(.=) = namedField
record :: [B.ByteString] -> Record
record = V.fromList
namedRecord :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> NamedRecord
namedRecord = HM.fromList
type Failure f r = String -> f r
type Success a f r = a -> f r
newtype Parser a = Parser {
unParser :: forall f r.
Failure f r
-> Success a f r
-> f r
instance Monad Parser where
m >>= g = Parser $ \kf ks -> let ks' a = unParser (g a) kf ks
in unParser m kf ks'
return a = Parser $ \_kf ks -> ks a
fail msg = Parser $ \kf _ks -> kf msg
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f m = Parser $ \kf ks -> let ks' a = ks (f a)
in unParser m kf ks'
instance Applicative Parser where
pure = return
(<*>) = apP
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = fail "empty"
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = fail "mzero"
mplus a b = Parser $ \kf ks -> let kf' _ = unParser b kf ks
in unParser a kf' ks
instance Monoid (Parser a) where
mempty = fail "mempty"
mappend = mplus
apP :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
apP d e = do
b <- d
a <- e
return (b a)
runParser :: Parser a -> Either String a
runParser p = unParser p left right
left !errMsg = Left errMsg
right !x = Right x
class GFromRecord f where
gparseRecord :: Record -> Parser (f p)
instance GFromRecordSum f Record => GFromRecord (M1 i n f) where
gparseRecord v =
case (IM.lookup n gparseRecordSum) of
Nothing -> lengthMismatch n v
Just p -> M1 <$> p v
n = V.length v
class GFromNamedRecord f where
gparseNamedRecord :: NamedRecord -> Parser (f p)
instance GFromRecordSum f NamedRecord => GFromNamedRecord (M1 i n f) where
gparseNamedRecord v =
foldr (\f p -> p <|> M1 <$> f v) empty (IM.elems gparseRecordSum)
class GFromRecordSum f r where
gparseRecordSum :: IM.IntMap (r -> Parser (f p))
instance (GFromRecordSum a r, GFromRecordSum b r) => GFromRecordSum (a :+: b) r where
gparseRecordSum =
IM.unionWith (\a b r -> a r <|> b r)
(fmap (L1 <$>) <$> gparseRecordSum)
(fmap (R1 <$>) <$> gparseRecordSum)
instance GFromRecordProd f r => GFromRecordSum (M1 i n f) r where
gparseRecordSum = IM.singleton n (fmap (M1 <$>) f)
(n, f) = gparseRecordProd 0
class GFromRecordProd f r where
gparseRecordProd :: Int -> (Int, r -> Parser (f p))
instance GFromRecordProd U1 r where
gparseRecordProd n = (n, const (pure U1))
instance (GFromRecordProd a r, GFromRecordProd b r) => GFromRecordProd (a :*: b) r where
gparseRecordProd n0 = (n2, f)
f r = (:*:) <$> fa r <*> fb r
(n1, fa) = gparseRecordProd n0
(n2, fb) = gparseRecordProd n1
instance GFromRecordProd f Record => GFromRecordProd (M1 i n f) Record where
gparseRecordProd n = fmap (M1 <$>) <$> gparseRecordProd n
instance FromField a => GFromRecordProd (K1 i a) Record where
gparseRecordProd n = (n + 1, \v -> K1 <$> parseField (V.unsafeIndex v n))
data Proxy s (f :: * -> *) a = Proxy
instance (FromField a, Selector s) => GFromRecordProd (M1 S s (K1 i a)) NamedRecord where
gparseRecordProd n = (n + 1, \v -> (M1 . K1) <$> v .: name)
name = T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (selName (Proxy :: Proxy s f a)))
class GToRecord a f where
gtoRecord :: a p -> [f]
instance GToRecord U1 f where
gtoRecord U1 = []
instance (GToRecord a f, GToRecord b f) => GToRecord (a :*: b) f where
gtoRecord (a :*: b) = gtoRecord a ++ gtoRecord b
instance (GToRecord a f, GToRecord b f) => GToRecord (a :+: b) f where
gtoRecord (L1 a) = gtoRecord a
gtoRecord (R1 b) = gtoRecord b
instance GToRecord a f => GToRecord (M1 D c a) f where
gtoRecord (M1 a) = gtoRecord a
instance GToRecord a f => GToRecord (M1 C c a) f where
gtoRecord (M1 a) = gtoRecord a
instance GToRecord a Field => GToRecord (M1 S c a) Field where
gtoRecord (M1 a) = gtoRecord a
instance ToField a => GToRecord (K1 i a) Field where
gtoRecord (K1 a) = [toField a]
instance (ToField a, Selector s) => GToRecord (M1 S s (K1 i a)) (B.ByteString, B.ByteString) where
gtoRecord m@(M1 (K1 a)) = [T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (selName m)) .= toField a]