name: cborg version: synopsis: Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE.txt author: Duncan Coutts maintainer:, bug-reports: copyright: 2015-2019 Duncan Coutts, 2015-2019 Well-Typed LLP, 2015 IRIS Connect Ltd category: Codec build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 tested-with: GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 8.0.2, GHC == 8.2.2, GHC == 8.4.4, GHC == 8.6.5, GHC == 8.8.3, GHC == 8.10.1, GHC == 9.0.1 extra-source-files: description: This package provides an efficient implementation of the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), as specified by [RFC 7049]( . If you are looking for a library for serialisation of Haskell values, have a look at the [serialise](/package/serialise) package, which is built upon this library. . An implementation of the standard bijection between CBOR and JSON is provided by the [cborg-json](/package/cborg-json) package. Also see [cbor-tool](/package/cbor-tool) for a convenient command-line utility for working with CBOR data. . This package was formerly known as @binary-serialise-cbor@. extra-source-files: src/cbits/cbor.h tests/test-vectors/appendix_a.json tests/test-vectors/ source-repository head type: git location: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Flags flag optimize-gmp default: True manual: False description: Use optimized code paths for integer-gmp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library library default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall include-dirs: src/cbits hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Codec.CBOR Codec.CBOR.Decoding Codec.CBOR.Encoding Codec.CBOR.FlatTerm Codec.CBOR.Magic Codec.CBOR.Pretty Codec.CBOR.Read Codec.CBOR.Write Codec.CBOR.Term Codec.CBOR.ByteArray Codec.CBOR.ByteArray.Sliced other-modules: Codec.CBOR.ByteArray.Internal other-extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable, RankNTypes build-depends: array >= 0.4 && < 0.6, base >= 4.7 && < 4.16, bytestring >= 0.10.4 && < 0.12, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.7, deepseq >= 1.0 && < 1.5, ghc-prim >= && < 0.8, half >= && < 0.4, primitive >= 0.5 && < 0.8, text >= 1.1 && < 1.3 if flag(optimize-gmp) cpp-options: -DFLAG_OPTIMIZE_GMP build-depends: integer-gmp if impl(ghc >= 8.0) ghc-options: -Wcompat -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances else build-depends: -- provide/emulate `Control.Monad.Fail` and `Data.Semigroups` API for pre-GHC8 fail == 4.9.*, semigroups >= 0.18 && < 0.20, -- the `PS` pattern synonym in bytestring 0.11 is unavailable with GHC < 8.0 bytestring < 0.11 test-suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: tests main-is: Main.hs default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N2" other-modules: Tests.UnitTests Tests.Properties Tests.Boundary Tests.ByteOffset Tests.Canonical Tests.PreEncoded Tests.Regress Tests.Regress.Issue160 Tests.Regress.Issue162 Tests.Regress.FlatTerm Tests.Reference Tests.Reference.Implementation Tests.Reference.Generators Tests.Reference.TestVectors Tests.Term Tests.UTF8 Tests.Util build-depends: array >= 0.4 && < 0.6, base >= 4.7 && < 4.16, base-orphans, bytestring >= 0.10.4 && < 0.12, text >= 1.1 && < 1.3, cborg, aeson >= 0.7 && < 1.6, base64-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.3, base16-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.1, deepseq >= 1.0 && < 1.5, half >= && < 0.4, QuickCheck >= 2.9 && < 2.15, random, scientific >= 0.3 && < 0.4, tasty >= 0.11 && < 1.5, tasty-hunit >= 0.9 && < 0.11, tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8 && < 0.11, vector >= 0.10 && < 0.13 if !impl(ghc >= 8.0) build-depends: fail >= && < 4.10