{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Scoped Lookup allowing items to have a scope associated. A scope identifies a position in a tree representing nesting.
-- The Lookup has its own scope, i.e. maintains contextual state about 'where it is' in terms of nesting, thus allowing to query whether an item can see the current scope.

module CHR.Data.Lookup.Scoped
  ( Scoped(..)
  , DefaultScpsLkup
  , defaultScpsLkup

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad.State
import           CHR.Data.Lookup.Types       hiding (empty)
import qualified CHR.Data.Lookup.Types       as Lkup
import           CHR.Pretty             hiding (empty)
import           CHR.Data.Lens               as L
import           Prelude                     hiding (lookup, null, map)
import qualified Data.List                   as List
import qualified Data.Map                    as Map
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as UV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV

-- Types

-- | Scope id
type ScpId = Int

-- | Scopes
data Scopes
  = Scopes
      { _scopesVec     :: UV.Vector ScpId
      , _scopesFree    :: ScpId
      , _scopesCur     :: ScpId

instance Show Scopes where
  show (Scopes v _ _) = show v

instance PP Scopes where
  pp = pp . show

-- | Scoped item
data ScopedItem v
  = ScopedItem
      { _scopeditemId  :: ScpId
      , _scopeditemVal :: v
  deriving Show

instance PP v => PP (ScopedItem v) where
  pp (ScopedItem i v) = v >|< ppParens i

-- | Default scope lookup
data ScpsLkup lkup scps
  = ScpsLkup
      { _scpslkupBase    :: lkup
      , _scpslkupScopes  :: scps
  deriving Show

instance (PP lkup, PP scps) => PP (ScpsLkup lkup scps) where
  pp (ScpsLkup lkup scps) = lkup >-< scps

-- Lenses

mkLabel ''ScopedItem
mkLabel ''Scopes
mkLabel ''ScpsLkup

-- Scopes utils

-- | Ensure enough free slots
scpEnsure :: Int -> Scopes -> Scopes
scpEnsure free s@(Scopes {_scopesVec=v, _scopesFree=f})
  | free >= f - UV.length v = s
  | otherwise               = s {_scopesVec = v UV.++ UV.replicate (free `max` ((3 * UV.length v) `div` 2)) 0}
{-# INLINE scpEnsure #-}

-- | Allocate new entry, init to point back to current, switch to it; assume enough free size.
-- Modification is done destructively but only on newly allocated position
scpAlloc :: Scopes -> (ScpId, Scopes)
scpAlloc s@(Scopes {_scopesVec=v, _scopesFree=f, _scopesCur=c}) = (f, s {_scopesFree = f+1, _scopesVec = UV.modify (\v -> MV.write v f c) v, _scopesCur = f})
{-# INLINE scpAlloc #-}

-- Scope API

-- | Functionality on top of 'Lookup' for awareness of a scope
class Scoped c where
  empty         :: c
  new           :: c -> (ScpId,c)
  pop           :: c -> (ScpId,c)
  switch        :: ScpId -> c -> (ScpId,c)
  scope         :: c -> ScpId
  -- | Something at current scope is visible from given scope, i.e. given scope is inside current scope
  curIsVisibleFrom  :: ScpId -> c -> Bool
  -- monadic api
  newM          :: (MonadState c m) => m ScpId
  popM          :: (MonadState c m) => m ScpId
  switchM       :: (MonadState c m) => ScpId -> m ScpId
  scopeM        :: (MonadState c m) => m ScpId
  curIsVisibleFromM :: (MonadState c m) => ScpId -> m Bool
  -- defaults both ways
  newM = state new
  new  = runState newM
  popM = state pop
  pop  = runState popM

  switchM = state . switch
  switch  = runState . switchM
  scopeM = gets scope
  scope  = evalState scopeM
  curIsVisibleFromM = gets . curIsVisibleFrom
  curIsVisibleFrom  = evalState . curIsVisibleFromM

instance Scoped Scopes where
  empty  = Scopes (UV.replicate 3 0) 1 0
  new    = scpAlloc . scpEnsure 1
  switch i s = (_scopesCur s, s {_scopesCur = i})
  scope  = _scopesCur
  pop s@(Scopes {_scopesVec=v, _scopesCur=c})
         = (c, s {_scopesCur = v UV.! c})
  curIsVisibleFrom i s@(Scopes {_scopesVec=v, _scopesCur=c})
    | i == c    = True
    | i == 0    = False
    | otherwise = curIsVisibleFrom (v UV.! i) s

-- Default impl

type DefaultScpsLkup k v = ScpsLkup (Map.Map k (ScopedItem v)) Scopes

defaultScpsLkup :: DefaultScpsLkup k v
defaultScpsLkup = ScpsLkup Map.empty empty

whenInScps :: Scoped c => c -> ScpId -> v -> Maybe v
whenInScps scps sc v = if curIsVisibleFrom sc scps then return v else Nothing

instance (Scoped scps, Lookup lkup k v) => Scoped (ScpsLkup lkup scps) where
  empty        = ScpsLkup Lkup.empty empty
  newM         = modL scpslkupScopes new
  popM         = modL scpslkupScopes pop
  switchM      = modL scpslkupScopes . switch
  scope        = scope . getL scpslkupScopes
  curIsVisibleFrom i = curIsVisibleFrom i . getL scpslkupScopes

instance (Scoped scps, Lookup lkup k (ScopedItem v)) => Lookup (ScpsLkup lkup scps) k v where
  lookup k (ScpsLkup lkup scps) = do
    ScopedItem sc v <- lookup k lkup
    whenInScps scps sc v

  alter f k (ScpsLkup lkup scps) =
    ScpsLkup (alter (maybe ((ScopedItem $ scope scps) <$> f Nothing)
                           (\(ScopedItem sc v) -> ScopedItem sc <$> f (Just v))
                    k lkup
  -- first a quick test, then the more expensive
  null l@(ScpsLkup lkup scps) = null lkup || List.null (toList l)
  size l@(ScpsLkup lkup _) = size lkup
  -- should restrict to items which are nested inside current scope
  findMin (ScpsLkup lkup scps) = second _scopeditemVal $ findMin lkup
  findMax (ScpsLkup lkup scps) = second _scopeditemVal $ findMax lkup
  toList (ScpsLkup lkup scps) = [ (k,v) | (k, ScopedItem sc v) <- toList lkup, curIsVisibleFrom sc scps ]
  fromList l = (ScpsLkup (fromList $ List.map (\(k,v) -> (k, ScopedItem (scope s) v)) l) s)
    where s = empty

  -- for performance reasons, should cater for nesting...
  keysSet = keysSet . getL scpslkupBase
  keys    = keys    . getL scpslkupBase