{-# LANGUAGE CPP          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.IOData where

import           Control.Monad                 (liftM)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString               as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8         as ByteString8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy          as LByteString
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
import qualified Data.Text                     as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO                  as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                as LText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO             as LText
import           Prelude                       (Char, flip, ($), (.), FilePath)
import qualified Prelude
import           System.IO                     (Handle)
import qualified System.IO

#if !MIN_VERSION_text(0, 11, 3)
import           Control.Exception             (handle, throwIO)
import           System.IO.Error               (isEOFError)

-- | Data which can be read to and from files and handles.
-- Note that, for lazy sequences, these operations may perform
-- lazy I\/O.
class IOData a where
    readFile     :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m a
    writeFile    :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> a -> m ()
    getLine      :: MonadIO m => m a
    hGetContents :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m a
    hGetLine     :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m a
    hPut         :: MonadIO m => Handle -> a -> m ()
    hPutStrLn    :: MonadIO m => Handle -> a -> m ()
    hGetChunk    :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m a
instance IOData ByteString.ByteString where
    readFile = liftIO . ByteString.readFile
    writeFile fp = liftIO . ByteString.writeFile fp
    getLine = liftIO ByteString.getLine
    hGetContents = liftIO . ByteString.hGetContents
    hGetLine = liftIO . ByteString.hGetLine
    hPut h = liftIO . ByteString.hPut h
    hPutStrLn h = liftIO . ByteString8.hPutStrLn h
    hGetChunk = liftIO . flip ByteString.hGetSome defaultChunkSize
instance IOData LByteString.ByteString where
    readFile = liftIO . LByteString.readFile
    writeFile fp = liftIO . LByteString.writeFile fp
    getLine = liftM LByteString.fromStrict (liftIO ByteString.getLine)
    hGetContents = liftIO . LByteString.hGetContents
    hGetLine = liftM LByteString.fromStrict . liftIO . ByteString.hGetLine
    hPut h = liftIO . LByteString.hPut h
    hPutStrLn h lbs = liftIO $ do
        LByteString.hPutStr h lbs
        ByteString8.hPutStrLn h ByteString.empty
    hGetChunk = liftM LByteString.fromStrict . hGetChunk
instance IOData Text.Text where
    readFile = liftIO . Text.readFile
    writeFile fp = liftIO . Text.writeFile fp
    getLine = liftIO Text.getLine
    hGetContents = liftIO . Text.hGetContents
    hGetLine = liftIO . Text.hGetLine
    hPut h = liftIO . Text.hPutStr h
    hPutStrLn h = liftIO . Text.hPutStrLn h
#if MIN_VERSION_text(0, 11, 3)
    hGetChunk = liftIO . Text.hGetChunk
    -- Dangerously inefficient!
    hGetChunk =
        liftIO . handleEOF . liftM Text.singleton . System.IO.hGetChar
        handleEOF = handle $ \e ->
            if isEOFError e
                then Prelude.return Text.empty
                else throwIO e
instance IOData LText.Text where
    readFile = liftIO . LText.readFile
    writeFile fp = liftIO . LText.writeFile fp
    getLine = liftIO LText.getLine
    hGetContents = liftIO . LText.hGetContents
    hGetLine = liftIO . LText.hGetLine
    hPut h = liftIO . LText.hPutStr h
    hPutStrLn h = liftIO . LText.hPutStrLn h
    hGetChunk = liftM LText.fromStrict . hGetChunk
instance (Char ~ c) => IOData [c] where
    readFile = liftIO . Prelude.readFile
    writeFile fp = liftIO . Prelude.writeFile fp
    getLine = liftIO Prelude.getLine
    hGetContents = liftIO . System.IO.hGetContents
    hGetLine = liftIO . System.IO.hGetLine
    hPut h = liftIO . System.IO.hPutStr h
    hPutStrLn h = liftIO . System.IO.hPutStrLn h
    hGetChunk = liftM Text.unpack . hGetChunk