module Text.CSL.Output.Pandoc
( renderPandoc
, renderPandoc'
, renderPandoc_
, headInline
, initInline
, tailFirstInlineStr
, toCapital
, startWithPunct
, endWithPunct
, isPunctuationInQuote
) where
import Data.Char ( toUpper, toLower )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Text.CSL.Style
import Text.CSL.Output.Plain
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
renderPandoc :: Style -> [FormattedOutput] -> [Inline]
renderPandoc s
= proc (convertQuoted s) . proc' (clean s $ isPunctuationInQuote s) .
flipFlop . render s
renderPandoc' :: Style -> [FormattedOutput] -> Block
renderPandoc' s
= Para . proc (convertQuoted s) . proc' (clean s $ isPunctuationInQuote s) .
flipFlop . render s
renderPandoc_ :: Style -> [FormattedOutput] -> [Inline]
renderPandoc_ s
= proc (convertQuoted s) . proc (clean' s $ isPunctuationInQuote s) .
flipFlop . render s
render :: Style -> [FormattedOutput] -> [Inline]
render _ [] = []
render s (x:[]) = renderFo s x
render s (x:y:os) = let a = renderFo s x
b = renderFo s y
isPunct = and . map (flip elem ".!?") in
if isPunct (lastInline a) && isPunct (headInline b)
then a ++ render s (tailFO [y] ++ os)
else a ++ render s (y:os)
tailFO :: [FormattedOutput] -> [FormattedOutput]
tailFO [] = []
tailFO (f:fs)
| FDel s <- f = FDel (tail' s) : fs
| FPan is <- f = FPan (tailInline is) : fs
| FN s fm <- f = if prefix fm /= [] then FN s (tailFm fm) : fs else FN (tail' s) fm : fs
| FS s fm <- f = if prefix fm /= [] then FS s (tailFm fm) : fs else FS (tail' s) fm : fs
| FO fm fo <- f = if prefix fm /= [] then FO (tailFm fm) fo : fs else FO fm (tailFO fo) : fs
| otherwise = f : tailFO fs
tailFm fm = fm { prefix = tail $ prefix fm }
renderFo :: Style -> FormattedOutput -> [Inline]
renderFo _ (FPan i) = i
renderFo _ (FDel s) = toStr s
renderFo sty fo
| FS str fm <- fo = toPandoc fm $ toStr str
| FN str fm <- fo = toPandoc fm $ toStr $ rmZeros str
| FO fm xs <- fo = toPandoc fm $ rest xs
| FUrl u fm <- fo = toPandoc fm [Link (toStr $ snd u) u]
| otherwise = []
addSuffix f i
| suffix f /= []
, elem (head $ suffix f) ".?!"
, lastInline i /= []
, last (lastInline i)`elem` ".?!" = i ++ toStr (tail $ suffix f)
| suffix f /= [] = i ++ toStr ( suffix f)
| otherwise = i
toPandoc f i = addSuffix f $ toStr (prefix f) ++
(quote f . format f . proc cleanStrict $ i)
format f = font_variant f . font f . text_case f
rest xs = procList xs $ render sty
quote f i = if i /= [] && quotes f /= NoQuote
then if quotes f == NativeQuote
then [escape "inquote" . valign f $ i]
else [Quoted DoubleQuote . valign f $ i]
else valign f i
setCase f i
| Str s <- i = Str $ f s
| otherwise = i
setCase' f i
| Link s r <- i = Link (map (setCase f) s) r
| otherwise = setCase f i
toCap s = if s /= [] then toUpper (head s) : tail s else []
toTitleCap s = if isShortWord s then toUpper (head s) : tail s else s
isShortWord s = not $ s `elem` ["a","an","and","as","at","but","by","down","for","from"
text_case _ [] = []
text_case fm a@(i:is)
| noCase fm = [escape "nocase" a]
| "lowercase" <- textCase fm = map (setCase' $ map toLower) a
| "uppercase" <- textCase fm = map (setCase' $ map toUpper) a
| "capitalize-all" <- textCase fm = map (setCase $ unwords . map toCap . words) a
| "title" <- textCase fm = map (setCase $ unwords . map toTitleCap . words) a
| "capitalize-first" <- textCase fm = [setCase capitalize i] ++ is
| "sentence" <- textCase fm = [setCase toCap i] ++
map (setCase $ map toLower) is
| otherwise = a
font_variant fm i
| "small-caps" <- fontVariant fm = [SmallCaps i]
| otherwise = i
font fm
| noDecor fm = return . escape "nodecor"
| "italic" <- fontStyle fm = return . Emph
| "oblique" <- fontStyle fm = return . Emph
| "bold" <- fontWeight fm = return . Strong
| otherwise = id
valign _ [] = []
valign fm i
| "sup" <- verticalAlign fm = [Superscript i]
| "sub" <- verticalAlign fm = [Subscript i]
| "baseline" <- verticalAlign fm = [escape "baseline" i]
| otherwise = i
rmZeros = dropWhile (== '0')
escape s x = Link x (s,s)
toStr :: String -> [Inline]
toStr = toStr' . entityToChar
toStr' s
|'«':' ':xs <- s = toStr' ("«\8239" ++ xs)
|' ':'»':xs <- s = toStr' ("\8239»" ++ xs)
|' ':';':xs <- s = toStr' ("\8239;" ++ xs)
|' ':':':xs <- s = toStr' ("\8239:" ++ xs)
|' ':'!':xs <- s = toStr' ("\8239!" ++ xs)
|' ':'?':xs <- s = toStr' ("\8239?" ++ xs)
|' ':xs <- s = Space : toStr' xs
| x :xs <- s = Str [x] : toStr' xs
| otherwise = []
cleanStrict :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
cleanStrict [] = []
cleanStrict (i:is)
| Str [] <- i = cleanStrict is
| Str " " <- i = Space : cleanStrict is
| Str sa <- i
, Str sb:xs <- is = Str (sa ++ sb) : cleanStrict xs
| otherwise = i : cleanStrict is
clean :: Style -> Bool -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
clean _ _ [] = []
clean s b (i:is)
| Superscript x <- i = split (isLink "baseline") (return . Superscript) x ++ clean s b is
| Subscript x <- i = split (isLink "baseline") (return . Subscript ) x ++ clean s b is
| SmallCaps x <- i = split (isLink "nodecor" ) (return . SmallCaps ) x ++ clean s b is
| Emph x <- i = split (isLink' "emph" ) (return . Emph ) x ++ clean s b is
| Strong x <- i = split (isLink' "strong" ) (return . Strong ) x ++ clean s b is
| Link x t <- i = clean' s b (Link x t : clean s b is)
| otherwise = clean' s b (i : clean s b is)
unwrap f ls
| Link x _ : _ <- ls = clean' s b x
| _ : _ <- ls = f ls
| otherwise = []
isLink l il
| Link _ (x,y) <- il = x == l && x == y
| otherwise = False
isLink' l il
| Link _ (x,y) <- il = (x == l || x == "nodecor") && x == y
| otherwise = False
split _ _ [] = []
split f g xs = let (y, r) = break f xs
in concatMap (unwrap g) [y, head' r] ++ split f g (tail' r)
clean' :: Style -> Bool -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
clean' _ _ [] = []
clean' s b (i:is)
| Link inls (y,z) <- i, y == "inquote"
, y == z = case headInline is of
[x] -> if x `elem` ".," && b
then if lastInline inls `elem` [".",",",";",":","!","?"]
then quote DoubleQuote inls : clean' s b (tailInline is)
else quote DoubleQuote (inls ++ [Str [x]]) : clean' s b (tailInline is)
else quote DoubleQuote inls : clean' s b is
_ -> quote DoubleQuote inls : clean' s b is
| Quoted t inls <- i = quote t inls : clean' s b is
| otherwise = if lastInline [i] == headInline is && isPunct
then i : clean' s b (tailInline is)
else i : clean' s b is
quote t x = Quoted t (reverseQuoted t x)
isPunct = and . map (flip elem ".,;:!? ") $ headInline is
reverseQuoted t = proc reverseQuoted'
reverseQuoted' q
| Quoted _ qs <- q
, DoubleQuote <- t = Quoted SingleQuote (reverseQuoted SingleQuote qs)
| Quoted _ qs <- q
, SingleQuote <- t = Quoted DoubleQuote (reverseQuoted DoubleQuote qs)
| otherwise = q
flipFlop :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
flipFlop [] = []
flipFlop (i:is)
| Emph inls <- i = Emph (reverseEmph True inls) : flipFlop is
| Strong inls <- i = Strong (reverseStrong True inls) : flipFlop is
| otherwise = i : flipFlop is
reverseEmph bo = map reverseEmph'
reverseEmph' e
| bo, Emph inls <- e = Link (reverseEmph False inls) ("emph","emph")
| Emph inls <- e = Emph (reverseEmph True inls)
| Link ls (x,y) <- e = if x == "nodecor" && x == y
then Link ls ("emph","emph")
else e
| otherwise = e
reverseStrong bo = map reverseStrong'
reverseStrong' e
| bo, Strong inls <- e = Link (reverseStrong False inls) ("strong","strong")
| Strong inls <- e = Strong (reverseStrong True inls)
| Link ls (x,y) <- e = if x == "nodecor" && x == y
then Link ls ("strong","strong")
else e
| otherwise = e
isPunctuationInQuote :: Style -> Bool
isPunctuationInQuote = or . query punctIn'
punctIn' n
| ("punctuation-in-quote","true") <- n = [True]
| otherwise = [False]
endWithPunct, startWithPunct :: [Inline] -> Bool
endWithPunct = and . map (`elem` ".,;:!?") . lastInline
startWithPunct = and . map (`elem` ".,;:!?") . headInline
convertQuoted :: Style -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
convertQuoted s = convertQuoted'
locale = let l = styleLocale s in case l of [x] -> x; _ -> Locale [] [] [] [] []
getQuote x y = entityToChar . termSingular . fromMaybe newTerm {termSingular = x} .
findTerm y Long . localeTerms $ locale
doubleQuotesO = getQuote "\"" "open-quote"
doubleQuotesC = getQuote "\"" "close-quote"
singleQuotesO = getQuote "'" "open-inner-quote"
singleQuotesC = getQuote "'" "close-inner-quote"
convertQuoted' o
| (Quoted DoubleQuote t:xs) <- o = Str doubleQuotesO : t ++ Str doubleQuotesC : convertQuoted' xs
| (Quoted SingleQuote t:xs) <- o = Str singleQuotesO : t ++ Str singleQuotesC : convertQuoted' xs
| (x :xs) <- o = x : convertQuoted' xs
| otherwise = []
headInline :: [Inline] -> String
headInline [] = []
headInline (i:_)
| Str s <- i = head' s
| Space <- i = " "
| otherwise = headInline $ getInline i
lastInline :: [Inline] -> String
lastInline [] = []
lastInline (i:[])
| Str s <- i = last' s
| Space <- i = " "
| otherwise = lastInline $ getInline i
last' s = if s /= [] then [last s] else []
lastInline (_:xs) = lastInline xs
initInline :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
initInline [] = []
initInline (i:[])
| Str s <- i = return $ Str (init' s)
| Emph is <- i = return $ Emph (initInline is)
| Strong is <- i = return $ Strong (initInline is)
| Superscript is <- i = return $ Superscript (initInline is)
| Subscript is <- i = return $ Subscript (initInline is)
| Quoted q is <- i = return $ Quoted q (initInline is)
| SmallCaps is <- i = return $ SmallCaps (initInline is)
| Strikeout is <- i = return $ Strikeout (initInline is)
| Link is t <- i = return $ Link (initInline is) t
| otherwise = []
init' s = if s /= [] then init s else []
initInline (i:xs) = i : initInline xs
tailInline :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
tailInline inls
| (i:t) <- inls
, Space <- i = t
| otherwise = tailFirstInlineStr inls
tailFirstInlineStr :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
tailFirstInlineStr = mapHeadInline tail'
toCapital :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
toCapital = mapHeadInline capitalize
mapHeadInline :: (String -> String) -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
mapHeadInline _ [] = []
mapHeadInline f (i:xs)
| Str [] <- i = mapHeadInline f xs
| Str s <- i = Str (f s) : xs
| Emph is <- i = Emph (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Strong is <- i = Strong (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Superscript is <- i = Superscript (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Subscript is <- i = Subscript (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Quoted q is <- i = Quoted q (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| SmallCaps is <- i = SmallCaps (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Strikeout is <- i = Strikeout (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Link is t <- i = Link (mapHeadInline f is) t : xs
| otherwise = i : xs
getInline :: Inline -> [Inline]
getInline i
| Emph is <- i = is
| Strong is <- i = is
| Strikeout is <- i = is
| Superscript is <- i = is
| Subscript is <- i = is
| Quoted _ is <- i = is
| SmallCaps is <- i = is
| Link is _ <- i = is
| otherwise = []