module Text.CSL.Proc.Disamb where
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&), (>>>), second )
import Data.Char ( chr )
import Data.List ( elemIndex, elemIndices, find, findIndex, sortBy, mapAccumL
, nub, nubBy, groupBy, isPrefixOf )
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Text.CSL.Eval
import Text.CSL.Output.Plain
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Text.CSL.Style
disambCitations :: Style -> [Reference] -> Citations -> [CitationGroup]
-> ([(String, String)], [CitationGroup])
disambCitations s bibs cs groups
= (,) yearSuffs citOutput
when_ b f = if b then f else []
filter_ f = concatMap (map fst) . map (filter f) . map (uncurry zip)
refs = processCites bibs cs
nameDupls = getDuplNameData groups
duplics = getDuplCiteData hasNamesOpt hasYSuffOpt groups
isByCite = let gno = getOptionVal "givenname-disambiguation-rule" (citOptions $ citation s)
in gno == "by-cite" || gno == []
disOpts = getCitDisambOptions s
hasNamesOpt = "disambiguate-add-names" `elem` disOpts
hasGNameOpt = "disambiguate-add-givenname" `elem` disOpts
hasYSuffOpt = "disambiguate-add-year-suffix" `elem` disOpts
givenNames = if hasGNameOpt
then if isByCite then ByCite else AllNames
else NoGiven
clean = if hasGNameOpt then id else proc rmNameHash . proc rmGivenNames
withNames = flip map duplics $ same . clean .
map (if hasNamesOpt then disambData else return . disambYS)
needNames = filter_ (not . snd) $ zip duplics withNames
needYSuff = filter_ snd $ zip duplics withNames
newNames :: [CiteData]
newNames = if hasNamesOpt
then disambAddNames givenNames $ needNames ++
if hasYSuffOpt && givenNames == NoGiven then [] else needYSuff
else map (\cd -> cd {disambed = collision cd} ) $ needNames ++ needYSuff
newGName :: [NameData]
newGName = when_ hasGNameOpt $ concatMap disambAddGivenNames nameDupls
reEval = let chk = if hasYSuffOpt then filter ((==) [] . citYear) else id
in chk needYSuff
reEvaluated = if or (query hasIfDis s) && reEval /= []
then map (uncurry $ reEvaluate s reEval) $ zip refs groups
else groups
withYearS = if hasYSuffOpt
then map (mapCitationGroup $ setYearSuffCollision hasNamesOpt needYSuff) $ reEvaluated
else rmYearSuff $ reEvaluated
yearSuffs = when_ hasYSuffOpt . generateYearSuffix bibs . query getYearSuffixes $ withYearS
addGNames = if hasGNameOpt then newGName else []
addNames = proc (updateContrib givenNames newNames addGNames)
processed = if hasYSuffOpt
then proc (updateYearSuffixes yearSuffs) .
addNames $ withYearS
else addNames $ withYearS
citOutput = if disOpts /= [] then processed else reEvaluated
mapDisambData :: (Output -> Output) -> CiteData -> CiteData
mapDisambData f (CD k c ys d r s y) = CD k c ys (proc f d) r s y
mapCitationGroup :: ([Output] -> [Output]) -> CitationGroup -> CitationGroup
mapCitationGroup f (CG cs fm d os) = CG cs fm d (zip (map fst os) . f $ map snd os)
data GiveNameDisambiguation
= NoGiven
| ByCite
| AllNames
deriving (Show, Eq)
disambAddNames :: GiveNameDisambiguation -> [CiteData] -> [CiteData]
disambAddNames b needName = addLNames
clean = if b == NoGiven then proc rmNameHash . proc rmGivenNames else id
disSolved = zip needName' . disambiguate . map disambData $ needName'
needName' = nub' needName []
addLNames = map (\(c,n) -> c { disambed = if null n then collision c else head n }) disSolved
nub' [] r = r
nub' (x:xs) r = case elemIndex (disambData $ clean x) (map (disambData . clean) r) of
Nothing -> nub' xs (x:r)
Just i -> let y = r !! i
in nub' xs (y {sameAs = key x : sameAs y} : filter (/= y) r)
disambAddGivenNames :: [NameData] -> [NameData]
disambAddGivenNames needName = addGName
disSolved = zip needName (disambiguate $ map nameDisambData needName)
addGName = map (\(c,n) -> c { nameDataSolved = if null n then nameCollision c else head n }) disSolved
updateContrib :: GiveNameDisambiguation -> [CiteData] -> [NameData] -> Output -> Output
updateContrib ByCite [] _ o = o
updateContrib g c n o
| OContrib k r s d dd <- o = case filter (key &&& sameAs >>> uncurry (:) >>> elem k) c of
x:_ -> OContrib k r (processGNames $ disambed x) [] dd
_ -> if null c
then OContrib k r (processGNames s) d dd
else o
| otherwise = o
processGNames = if g /= NoGiven then proc' (updateOName n) else id
updateOName :: [NameData] -> Output -> Output
updateOName n o
| OName _ _ [] _ <- o = o
| OName k x _ f <- o = case elemIndex (ND k (clean x) [] []) n of
Just i -> OName [] (nameDataSolved $ n !! i) [] f
_ -> o
| otherwise = o
clean = proc rmGivenNames
reEvaluate :: Style -> [CiteData] -> [(Cite, Reference)] -> CitationGroup -> CitationGroup
reEvaluate (Style {citation = ct, csMacros = ms , styleLocale = lo,
styleAbbrevs = as}) l cr (CG a f d os)
= CG a f d . flip concatMap (zip cr os) $
\((c,r),out) -> if refId r `elem` map key l
then return . second (flip Output emptyFormatting) $
(,) c $ evalLayout (citLayout ct) (EvalCite c) True lo ms (citOptions ct) as r
else [out]
hasIfDis :: IfThen -> [Bool]
hasIfDis o
| IfThen (Condition {disambiguation = d}) _ _ <- o = [d /= []]
| otherwise = [False ]
getCitDisambOptions :: Style -> [String]
= map fst . filter ((==) "true" . snd) .
filter (isPrefixOf "disambiguate" . fst) . citOptions . citation
getDuplCiteData :: Bool -> Bool -> [CitationGroup] -> [[CiteData]]
getDuplCiteData b1 b2 g
= groupBy (\x y -> collide x == collide y) . sortBy (comparing collide) $ duplicates
whatToGet = if b1 then collision else disambYS
collide = proc rmExtras . proc rmNameHash . proc rmGivenNames . whatToGet
citeData = nubBy (\a b -> collide a == collide b && key a == key b) $
concatMap (mapGroupOutput $ getCiteData) g
findDupl f = filter (flip (>) 1 . length . flip elemIndices (map f citeData) . f) citeData
duplicates = if b2 then findDupl (collide &&& citYear)
else findDupl collide
rmExtras :: [Output] -> [Output]
rmExtras os
| Output x f : xs <- os = if null (rmExtras x)
then rmExtras xs
else Output (rmExtras x) f : rmExtras xs
| OContrib _ _ x _ _ : xs <- os = OContrib [] [] x [] [] : rmExtras xs
| OYear y _ f : xs <- os = OYear y [] f : rmExtras xs
| OYearSuf s _ _ f : xs <- os = OYearSuf s [] [] f : rmExtras xs
| ODel _ : xs <- os = rmExtras xs
| OLoc _ _ : xs <- os = rmExtras xs
| x : xs <- os = x : rmExtras xs
| otherwise = []
getCiteData :: Output -> [CiteData]
getCiteData out
= (contribs &&& years >>> zipData) out
contribs x = if query contribsQ x /= []
then query contribsQ x
else [CD [] [] [] [] [] [] []]
yearsQ = query getYears
years o = if yearsQ o /= [] then yearsQ o else [([],[])]
zipData = uncurry . zipWith $ \c y -> if key c /= []
then c {citYear = snd y}
else c {key = fst y
,citYear = snd y}
contribsQ o
| OContrib k _ s d dd <- o = [CD k s d (d:dd) [] [] []]
| otherwise = []
getYears :: Output -> [(String,String)]
getYears o
| OYear x k _ <- o = [(k,x)]
| otherwise = []
getDuplNameData :: [CitationGroup] -> [[NameData]]
getDuplNameData g
= groupBy (\a b -> collide a == collide b) . sortBy (comparing collide) $ duplicates
collide = nameCollision
nameData = nub $ concatMap (mapGroupOutput getName) g
duplicates = filter (flip elem (getDuplNames g) . collide) nameData
getDuplNames :: [CitationGroup] -> [[Output]]
getDuplNames xs
= nub . catMaybes . snd . mapAccumL dupl [] . getData $ xs
getData = concatMap (mapGroupOutput getName)
dupl a c = if nameCollision c `elem` map nameCollision a
then (a,Just $ nameCollision c)
else (c:a,Nothing)
getName :: Output -> [NameData]
getName = query getName'
getName' o
| OName i n ns _ <- o = [ND i n (n:ns) []]
| otherwise = []
generateYearSuffix :: [Reference] -> [(String, [Output])] -> [(String,String)]
generateYearSuffix refs
= flip zip suffs . concat .
getFst . map sort' . map (filter ((/=) 0 . snd)) . map (map getP) .
getFst . map nub . groupBy (\a b -> snd a == snd b) . sort' . filter ((/=) [] . snd)
sort' :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
sort' = sortBy (comparing snd)
getFst = map $ map fst
getP k = case findIndex ((==) k . refId) refs of
Just x -> (k, x + 1)
_ -> (k, 0)
suffs = l ++ [x ++ y | x <- l, y <- l ]
l = map (return . chr) [97..122]
setYearSuffCollision :: Bool -> [CiteData] -> [Output] -> [Output]
setYearSuffCollision b cs = proc (setYS cs) . (map $ \x -> if hasYearSuf x then x else addYearSuffix x)
setYS c o
| OYearSuf _ k _ f <- o = OYearSuf [] k (getCollision k c) f
| otherwise = o
collide = if b then collision else disambYS
getCollision k c = case find ((==) k . key) c of
Just x -> if collide x == []
then [OStr (citYear x) emptyFormatting]
else collide x
_ -> []
updateYearSuffixes :: [(String, String)] -> Output -> Output
updateYearSuffixes yss o
| OYearSuf _ k c f <- o = case lookup k yss of
Just x -> OYearSuf x k c f
_ -> ONull
| otherwise = o
getYearSuffixes :: Output -> [(String,[Output])]
getYearSuffixes o
| OYearSuf _ k c _ <- o = [(k,c)]
| otherwise = []
rmYearSuff :: [CitationGroup] -> [CitationGroup]
rmYearSuff = proc rmYS
rmYS o
| OYearSuf _ _ _ _ <- o = ONull
| otherwise = o
disambiguate :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
disambiguate [] = []
disambiguate l
= if hasMult l && not (allTheSame l) && hasDuplicates heads
then disambiguate (rest l)
else heads
heads = map head' l
rest = map (\(b,x) -> if b then tail_ x else head' x) . zip (same heads)
hasMult [] = False
hasMult (x:xs) = length x > 1 || hasMult xs
tail_ [x] = [x]
tail_ x = if null x then x else tail x
same :: Eq a => [a] -> [Bool]
same [] = []
same l
= map (flip elem dupl) l
dupl = catMaybes . snd . macc [] $ l
macc = mapAccumL $ \a x -> if x `elem` a then (a,Just x) else (x:a,Nothing)
hasDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
hasDuplicates = or . same
allTheSame :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allTheSame = and . same