module Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs where
import System.IO ( stdin, hGetContents )
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit hiding (mode)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Clafer.SplitJoin
import Paths_clafer (version)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
data ClaferMode = Alloy42 | Alloy | Xml | Clafer | Html | Graph | CVLGraph | Python | Choco
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Default ClaferMode where
def = Alloy
data ScopeStrategy = None | Simple | Full
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
instance Default ScopeStrategy where
def = Simple
data ClaferArgs = ClaferArgs {
mode :: [ ClaferMode ],
console_output :: Bool,
flatten_inheritance :: Bool,
timeout_analysis :: Int,
no_layout :: Bool,
new_layout :: Bool,
check_duplicates :: Bool,
skip_resolver :: Bool,
keep_unused :: Bool,
no_stats :: Bool,
schema :: Bool,
validate :: Bool,
noalloyruncommand :: Bool,
tooldir :: FilePath,
alloy_mapping :: Bool,
self_contained :: Bool,
add_graph :: Bool,
show_references :: Bool,
add_comments :: Bool,
ecore2clafer :: Bool,
scope_strategy :: ScopeStrategy,
afm :: Bool,
skip_goals :: Bool,
meta_data :: Bool,
file :: FilePath
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
clafer :: ClaferArgs
clafer = ClaferArgs {
mode = [] &= help "Generated output type. Available CLAFERMODEs are: 'alloy' (Alloy 4.1); 'alloy42' (default, Alloy 4.2); 'xml' (intermediate representation of Clafer model); 'clafer' (analyzed and desugared clafer model); 'html' (original model in HTML); 'graph' (graphical representation written in DOT language); 'cvlgraph' (cvl notation representation written in DOT language); 'python' (generates IR in python); 'choco' (Choco constraint programming solver). Multiple modes can be specified at the same time, e.g., '-m alloy -m html'." &= name "m",
console_output = def &= help "Output code on console." &= name "o",
flatten_inheritance = def &= help "Flatten inheritance ('alloy' and 'alloy42' modes only)." &= name "i",
timeout_analysis = def &= help "Timeout for analysis.",
no_layout = def &= help "Don't resolve off-side rule layout." &= name "l",
new_layout = def &= help "Use new fast layout resolver (experimental)." &= name "nl",
check_duplicates = def &= help "Check duplicated clafer names in the entire model." &= name "c",
skip_resolver = def &= help "Skip name resolution." &= name "f",
keep_unused = def &= help "Keep uninstantated abstract clafers ('alloy' and 'alloy42' modes only)." &= name "k",
no_stats = def &= help "Don't print statistics." &= name "s",
schema = def &= help "Show Clafer IR (intermediate representation) XML schema.",
validate = def &= help "Validate outputs of all modes. Uses 'tools/XsdCheck.class' for XML, 'tools/alloy4.jar' and 'tools/alloy4.2.jar' for Alloy models, and Clafer translator for desugared Clafer models. Use '--tooldir' to override the default location of these tools." &= name "v",
noalloyruncommand = def &= help "For usage with partial instances: Don't generate the alloy 'run show for ... ' command, and rename @.ref with unique names ('alloy' and 'alloy42' modes only)." &= name "nr",
tooldir = def &= typDir &= help "Specify the tools directory ('validate' only). Default: 'tools/'.",
alloy_mapping = def &= help "Generate mapping to Alloy source code ('alloy' and 'alloy42' modes only)." &= name "a",
self_contained = def &= help "Generate a self-contained html document ('html' mode only).",
add_graph = def &= help "Add a graph to the generated html model ('html' mode only). Requires the \"dot\" executable to be on the system path.",
show_references = def &= help "Whether the links for references should be rendered. ('html' and 'graph' modes only)." &= name "sr",
add_comments = def &= help "Include comments from the source file in the html output ('html' mode only).",
ecore2clafer = def &= help "Translate an ECore model into Clafer.",
scope_strategy = def &= help "Use scope computation strategy: none, simple (default), or full." &= name "ss",
afm = def &= help "Throws an error if the cardinality of any of the clafers is above 1." &= name "check-afm",
skip_goals = def &= help "Skip generation of Alloy code for goals. Useful for all tools working with standard Alloy." &= name "sg",
meta_data = def &= help "Generate a 'fully qualified name'-'least-partially-qualified name'-'unique ID' map ('.cfr-map'). In Alloy, Alloy42, and Choco modes, generate the scopes map ('.cfr-scope').",
file = def &= args &= typ "FILE"
} &= summary ("Clafer " ++ showVersion Paths_clafer.version) &= program "clafer"
mergeArgs :: ClaferArgs -> ClaferArgs -> ClaferArgs
mergeArgs a1 a2 = ClaferArgs (mode a1) (coMergeArg)
(mergeArg flatten_inheritance) (mergeArg timeout_analysis)
(mergeArg no_layout) (mergeArg new_layout)
(mergeArg check_duplicates) (mergeArg skip_resolver)
(mergeArg keep_unused) (mergeArg no_stats) (mergeArg schema)
(mergeArg validate) (mergeArg noalloyruncommand) (toolMergeArg)
(mergeArg alloy_mapping) (mergeArg self_contained)
(mergeArg add_graph) (mergeArg show_references)
(mergeArg add_comments) (mergeArg ecore2clafer)
(mergeArg scope_strategy) (mergeArg afm) (mergeArg skip_goals)
(mergeArg meta_data) (mergeArg file)
coMergeArg :: Bool
coMergeArg = if (r1 /= False) then r1 else
if (r2 /= False) then r2 else (null $ file a1)
where r1 = console_output a1;r2 = console_output a2
toolMergeArg :: String
toolMergeArg = if (r1 /= "") then r1 else
if (r2 /= "") then r2 else "/tools"
where r1 = tooldir a1;r2 = tooldir a2
mergeArg :: (Default a, Eq a) => (ClaferArgs -> a) -> a
mergeArg f = (\r -> if (r /= def) then r else f a2) $ f a1
mainArgs :: IO (ClaferArgs, String)
mainArgs = do
args' <- cmdArgs clafer
model <- case file args' of
"" -> hGetContents stdin
f -> readFile f
let args'' = argsWithOPTIONS args' model
let args''' = if null $ mode args''
then args''{mode = [ Alloy42 ]}
else args''
return $ (args''', model)
argsWithOPTIONS :: ClaferArgs -> String -> ClaferArgs
argsWithOPTIONS args' model =
firstLine = case lines model of
[] -> ""
(s:_) -> s
options = fromMaybe "" $ stripPrefix "//# OPTIONS " firstLine
either (const args') (mergeArgs args' . cmdArgsValue) $
process (cmdArgsMode clafer) $ Language.Clafer.SplitJoin.splitArgs options
defaultClaferArgs :: ClaferArgs
defaultClaferArgs = ClaferArgs [ def ] True False 0 False False False False False False False False False "tools/" False False False False False False Simple False False False ""