module Language.Clafer.Optimizer.Optimizer where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Lens hiding (elements, children, un)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Data.Lens (biplate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Language.Clafer.Common
import Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
import Language.ClaferT (ClaferErr, CErr(..))
optimizeModule :: ClaferArgs -> (IModule, GEnv) -> IModule
optimizeModule args (imodule, genv) =
imodule{_mDecls = em $ rm $ map (optimizeElement (1, 1)) $
markTopModule $ _mDecls imodule}
rm = if keep_unused args then makeZeroUnusedAbs else remUnusedAbs
em = if flatten_inheritance args then flip (curry expModule) genv else id
optimizeElement :: Interval -> IElement -> IElement
optimizeElement interval' x = case x of
IEClafer c -> IEClafer $ optimizeClafer interval' c
IEConstraint _ _ -> x
IEGoal _ _ -> x
optimizeClafer :: Interval -> IClafer -> IClafer
optimizeClafer interval' c = c {_glCard = glCard',
_elements = map (optimizeElement glCard') $ _elements c}
glCard' = multInt (fromJust $ _card c) interval'
multInt :: Interval -> Interval -> Interval
multInt (m, n) (m', n') = (m * m', multExInt n n')
multExInt :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
multExInt 0 _ = 0
multExInt _ 0 = 0
multExInt m n = if m == 1 || n == 1 then 1 else m * n
makeZeroUnusedAbs :: [IElement] -> [IElement]
makeZeroUnusedAbs decls' = map (\x -> if (x `elem` unusedAbs) then IEClafer (getIClafer x){_card = Just (0, 0)} else x) decls'
unusedAbs = map IEClafer $ findUnusedAbs clafers $ map _uid $
filter (not._isAbstract) clafers
clafers = toClafers decls'
getIClafer (IEClafer c) = c
getIClafer _ = error "Function makeZeroUnusedAbs from Optimizer expected paramter of type IClafer got a differnt IElement"
remUnusedAbs :: [IElement] -> [IElement]
remUnusedAbs decls' = decls' \\ unusedAbs
unusedAbs = map IEClafer $ findUnusedAbs clafers $ map _uid $
filter (not._isAbstract) clafers
clafers = toClafers decls'
findUnusedAbs :: [IClafer] -> [String] -> [IClafer]
findUnusedAbs maybeUsed [] = maybeUsed
findUnusedAbs [] _ = []
findUnusedAbs maybeUsed used = findUnusedAbs maybeUsed' $ getUniqExtended used'
(used', maybeUsed') = partition (\c -> _uid c `elem` used) maybeUsed
getUniqExtended :: [IClafer] -> [String]
getUniqExtended used = nub $ used >>= getExtended
getExtended :: IClafer -> [String]
getExtended c =
sName ++ ((getSubclafers $ _elements c) >>= getExtended)
sName = if not $ _isOverlapping $ _super c then [getSuper c] else []
expModule :: ([IElement], GEnv) -> [IElement]
expModule (decls', genv) = evalState (mapM expElement decls') genv
expClafer :: MonadState GEnv m => IClafer -> m IClafer
expClafer claf = do
super' <- expSuper $ _super claf
elements' <- mapM expElement $ _elements claf
return $ claf {_super = super', _elements = elements'}
expSuper :: MonadState GEnv m => ISuper -> m ISuper
expSuper x = case x of
ISuper False _ -> return x
ISuper True pexps -> ISuper True `liftM` mapM expPExp pexps
expElement :: MonadState GEnv m => IElement -> m IElement
expElement x = case x of
IEClafer claf -> IEClafer `liftM` expClafer claf
IEConstraint isHard' constraint -> IEConstraint isHard' `liftM` expPExp constraint
IEGoal isMaximize' goal -> IEGoal isMaximize' `liftM` expPExp goal
expPExp :: MonadState GEnv m => PExp -> m PExp
expPExp (PExp t pid' pos' exp') = PExp t pid' pos' `liftM` expIExp exp'
expIExp :: MonadState GEnv m => IExp -> m IExp
expIExp x = case x of
IDeclPExp quant' decls' pexp -> do
decls'' <- mapM expDecl decls'
pexp' <- expPExp pexp
return $ IDeclPExp quant' decls'' pexp'
IFunExp op' exps' -> if op' == iJoin
then expNav x else IFunExp op' `liftM` mapM expPExp exps'
IClaferId _ _ _ -> expNav x
_ -> return x
expDecl :: MonadState GEnv m => IDecl -> m IDecl
expDecl x = case x of
IDecl disj locids pexp -> IDecl disj locids `liftM` expPExp pexp
expNav :: MonadState GEnv m => IExp -> m IExp
expNav x = do
xs <- split' x return
xs' <- mapM (expNav' "") xs
return $ mkIFunExp iUnion $ map fst xs'
expNav' :: MonadState GEnv m => String -> IExp -> m (IExp, String)
expNav' context (IFunExp _ (p0:p:_)) = do
(exp0', context') <- expNav' context $ _exp p0
(exp', context'') <- expNav' context' $ _exp p
return (IFunExp iJoin [ p0 {_exp = exp0'}
, p {_exp = exp'}], context'')
expNav' context x@(IClaferId modName' id' isTop') = do
st <- gets stable
if Map.member id' st
then do
let impls = (Map.!) st id'
let (impls', context') = maybe (impls, "")
(\y -> ([[head y]], head y)) $
find (\z -> context == (head.tail) z) impls
return (mkIFunExp iUnion $ map (\u -> IClaferId modName' u isTop') $
map head impls', context')
else do
return (x, id')
expNav' _ _ = error "Function expNav' from Optimizer expects an argument of type ClaferId or IFunExp but was given another IExp"
split' :: MonadState GEnv m => IExp -> (IExp -> m IExp) -> m [IExp]
split'(IFunExp _ (p:pexp:_)) f =
split' (_exp p) (\s -> f $ IFunExp iJoin
[p {_exp = s}, pexp])
split' (IClaferId modName' id' isTop') f = do
st <- gets stable
mapM f $ map (\y -> IClaferId modName' y isTop') $ maybe [id'] (map head) $ Map.lookup id' st
split' _ _ = error "Function split' from Optimizer expects an argument of type ClaferId or IFunExp but was given another IExp"
allUnique :: IModule -> Bool
allUnique imodule = and un && (null $
filter (\xs -> 1 < length xs) $ group $ sort $ concat idents) && identsOk
(un, idents) = unzip $ map allUniqueElement $ _mDecls imodule
identsOk = and $ map (checkConstraintElement (concat idents)) $ _mDecls imodule
allUniqueClafer :: IClafer -> (Bool, [String])
allUniqueClafer claf =
(getSuper claf `elem` "clafer" : primitiveTypes && and un,
_ident claf : concat idents)
(un, idents) = unzip $ map allUniqueElement $ _elements claf
allUniqueElement :: IElement -> (Bool, [String])
allUniqueElement x = case x of
IEClafer claf -> allUniqueClafer claf
IEConstraint _ _ -> (True, [])
IEGoal _ _ -> (True, [])
checkConstraintElement :: [String] -> IElement -> Bool
checkConstraintElement idents x = case x of
IEClafer claf -> and $ map (checkConstraintElement idents) $ _elements claf
IEConstraint _ pexp -> checkConstraintPExp idents pexp
IEGoal _ _ -> True
checkConstraintPExp :: [String] -> PExp -> Bool
checkConstraintPExp idents pexp = checkConstraintIExp idents $ _exp pexp
checkConstraintIExp :: [String] -> IExp -> Bool
checkConstraintIExp idents x = case x of
IDeclPExp _ oDecls' pexp ->
checkConstraintPExp ((oDecls' >>= (checkConstraintIDecl idents)) ++ idents) pexp
IClaferId _ ident' _ -> if ident' `elem` (specialNames ++ idents) then True
else error $ "optimizer: " ++ ident' ++ " not found"
_ -> True
checkConstraintIDecl :: [String] -> IDecl -> [String]
checkConstraintIDecl idents (IDecl _ decls' pexp)
| checkConstraintPExp idents pexp = decls'
| otherwise = []
findDupModule :: ClaferArgs -> IModule -> Either ClaferErr IModule
findDupModule args iModule = if check_duplicates args && (not $ null dups)
then Left $ ClaferErr $ "--check-duplicates: Duplicate clafer names: " ++ (intercalate ", " dups)
else Right iModule
allClafers :: [ IClafer ]
allClafers = universeOn biplate iModule
dups = findDuplicates allClafers
findDuplicates :: [IClafer] -> [String]
findDuplicates clafers =
map head $ filter (\xs -> 1 < length xs) $ group $ sort $ map _ident clafers
markTopModule :: [IElement] -> [IElement]
markTopModule decls' = map (markTopElement (
[this, parent, children, strType, intType, integerType] ++
(map _uid $ toClafers decls'))) decls'
markTopClafer :: [String] -> IClafer -> IClafer
markTopClafer clafers c =
c {_super = markTopSuper clafers $ _super c,
_elements = map (markTopElement clafers) $ _elements c}
markTopSuper :: [String] -> ISuper -> ISuper
markTopSuper clafers x = x{_supers = map (markTopPExp clafers) $ _supers x}
markTopElement :: [String] -> IElement -> IElement
markTopElement clafers x = case x of
IEClafer c -> IEClafer $ markTopClafer clafers c
IEConstraint isHard' pexp -> IEConstraint isHard' $ markTopPExp clafers pexp
IEGoal isMaximize' pexp -> IEGoal isMaximize' $ markTopPExp clafers pexp
markTopPExp :: [String] -> PExp -> PExp
markTopPExp clafers pexp =
pexp {_exp = markTopIExp clafers $ _exp pexp}
markTopIExp :: [String] -> IExp -> IExp
markTopIExp clafers x = case x of
IDeclPExp quant' decl pexp -> IDeclPExp quant' (map (markTopDecl clafers) decl)
(markTopPExp ((decl >>= _decls) ++ clafers) pexp)
IFunExp op' exps' -> IFunExp op' $ map (markTopPExp clafers) exps'
IClaferId modName' sident' _ ->
IClaferId modName' sident' $ sident' `elem` clafers
_ -> x
markTopDecl :: [String] -> IDecl -> IDecl
markTopDecl clafers x = case x of
IDecl disj locids pexp -> IDecl disj locids $ markTopPExp clafers pexp