module Language.Clafer.Common where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens (universeOn)
import Data.Char
import Data.Data.Lens (biplate)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.StringMap (StringMap)
import qualified Data.StringMap as SMap
import Data.Tree
import Prelude
import Language.Clafer.Front.AbsClafer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
type Result = String
transIdent :: PosIdent -> String
transIdent (PosIdent (_, "ref")) = "dref"
transIdent (PosIdent (_, str)) = str
mkIdent :: String -> PosIdent
mkIdent str = PosIdent ((0, 0), str)
mkInteger :: Read a => PosInteger -> a
mkInteger (PosInteger (_, n)) = read n
getSuper :: IClafer -> [String]
getSuper claf = case getSuperId <$> _super claf of
Nothing -> []
Just "clafer" -> error "Bug: The identifier 'clafer' should never be returned as super type"
Just x -> [x]
getReference :: IClafer -> [String]
getReference c = case _ref <$> _reference c of
Nothing -> []
Just ref' -> getRefIds ref'
getSuperAndReference :: IClafer -> [String]
getSuperAndReference c = (getSuper c) ++ (getReference c)
getSuperId :: PExp -> String
getSuperId (PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId{ _sident = s})) = s
getSuperId (PExp _ _ _ (IFunExp{_op=".", _exps = [_, rightExp]})) = getSuperId rightExp
getSuperId pexp' = error $ "[Bug] Commmon.getSuperId called on unexpected argument '" ++ show pexp' ++ "'"
getRefIds :: PExp -> [String]
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId{ _sident = s})) = [s]
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IFunExp{_op=".", _exps = [_, rightExp]})) = getRefIds rightExp
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IFunExp{_op="++", _exps = [leftExp, rightExp]})) = getRefIds leftExp ++ getRefIds rightExp
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IFunExp{_op=",", _exps = [leftExp, rightExp]})) = getRefIds leftExp ++ getRefIds rightExp
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IFunExp{_op="--", _exps = [leftExp, rightExp]})) = getRefIds leftExp ++ getRefIds rightExp
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IFunExp{_op="**", _exps = [leftExp, rightExp]})) = getRefIds leftExp ++ getRefIds rightExp
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IInt _)) = [integerType]
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IDouble _)) = [doubleType]
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IReal _)) = [realType]
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IStr _)) = [stringType]
getRefIds (PExp _ _ _ (IDeclPExp{_quant = ISome})) = []
getRefIds pexp' = error $ "[Bug] Commmon.getRefIds called on unexpected argument '" ++ show pexp' ++ "'"
isEqClaferId :: String -> IClafer -> Bool
isEqClaferId uid' claf' = _uid claf' == uid'
mkPLClaferId :: Span -> CName -> Bool -> ClaferBinding -> PExp
mkPLClaferId pos' id' isTop' bind' = pExpDefPid pos' $ IClaferId "" id' isTop' bind'
pExpDefPid :: Span -> IExp -> PExp
pExpDefPid = pExpDef ""
pExpDef :: String -> Span -> IExp -> PExp
pExpDef = PExp Nothing
isParent :: PExp -> Bool
isParent (PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId _ id' _ _)) = id' == parentIdent
isParent _ = False
isClaferName :: PExp -> Bool
isClaferName (PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId _ id' _ _)) =
id' `notElem` (specialNames ++ primitiveTypes)
isClaferName _ = False
isClaferName' :: PExp -> Bool
isClaferName' (PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId _ _ _ _)) = True
isClaferName' _ = False
getClaferName :: PExp -> String
getClaferName (PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId _ id' _ _)) = id'
getClaferName _ = ""
isTopLevel :: IClafer -> Bool
isTopLevel IClafer{_parentUID="root"} = True
isTopLevel IClafer{_parentUID="clafer"} = True
isTopLevel _ = False
elemToClafer :: IElement -> Maybe IClafer
elemToClafer x = case x of
IEClafer clafer -> Just clafer
_ -> Nothing
toClafers :: [IElement] -> [IClafer]
toClafers = mapMaybe elemToClafer
type UIDIClaferMap = StringMap IClafer
createUidIClaferMap :: IModule -> UIDIClaferMap
createUidIClaferMap iModule = foldl'
(\accumMap' claf -> SMap.insert (_uid claf) claf accumMap')
(SMap.singleton rootIdent rootClafer)
(integerClafer : intClafer : stringClafer : doubleClafer : realClafer : booleanClafer : clafer : allClafers)
allClafers :: [ IClafer ]
allClafers = universeOn biplate iModule
rootClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) rootIdent rootIdent "" Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) (_mDecls iModule)
integerClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) integerType integerType "" (Just $ pExpDefPid noSpan $ IClaferId "" doubleType True $ Just doubleType) Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
intClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) "int" "int" "" (Just $ pExpDefPid noSpan $ IClaferId "" doubleType True $ Just doubleType) Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
stringClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) stringType stringType "" Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
doubleClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) doubleType doubleType "" (Just $ pExpDefPid noSpan $ IClaferId "" realType True $ Just realType) Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
realClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) realType realType "" Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
booleanClafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) booleanType booleanType "" Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
clafer = IClafer noSpan False (Just $ IGCard False (0, 1)) baseClafer baseClafer "" Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) (1, 1) []
findIClafer :: UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> Maybe IClafer
findIClafer uidIClaferMap uid' = SMap.lookup uid' uidIClaferMap
isTopLevelByUID :: UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> Maybe Bool
isTopLevelByUID uidIClaferMap uid' = isTopLevel <$> (findIClafer uidIClaferMap uid')
findHierarchy :: (IClafer -> [String]) -> UIDIClaferMap -> IClafer -> [IClafer]
findHierarchy sFun uidIClaferMap clafer = case sFun clafer of
[] -> [clafer]
supersOrRefs -> let
superOrRefClafers = mapMaybe (findIClafer uidIClaferMap) supersOrRefs
: concatMap (findHierarchy sFun uidIClaferMap) superOrRefClafers
mapHierarchy :: (IClafer -> b)
-> (IClafer -> [String])
-> UIDIClaferMap
-> IClafer
-> [b]
mapHierarchy f sf = (map f.).(findHierarchy sf)
findUIDinSupers :: UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> IClafer -> Maybe IClafer
findUIDinSupers uidIClaferMap uidToFind currentClafer =
if uidToFind == _uid currentClafer
then return currentClafer
else do
superClaferUID <- getSuperId <$> _super currentClafer
superClafer <- findIClafer uidIClaferMap superClaferUID
findUIDinSupers uidIClaferMap uidToFind superClafer
findUIDinParents :: UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> IClafer -> Maybe IClafer
findUIDinParents uidIClaferMap uidToFind currentClafer =
if uidToFind == _uid currentClafer
then return currentClafer
else do
parentClafer <- findIClafer uidIClaferMap $ _parentUID currentClafer
findUIDinParents uidIClaferMap uidToFind parentClafer
data NestedInheritanceMatch
= NestedInheritanceMatch
{ _headClafer :: IClafer
, _parentClafer :: IClafer
, _parentsSuperClafer :: Maybe IClafer
, _targetClafer :: [IClafer]
, _targetsSuperClafer :: [IClafer]
, _superClafer :: IClafer
, _superClafersParent :: IClafer
, _superClafersTarget :: [IClafer]
} deriving Show
isProperNesting :: UIDIClaferMap -> Maybe NestedInheritanceMatch -> Bool
isProperNesting _ Nothing = True
isProperNesting uidIClaferMap (Just m) =
(isTopLevel (_superClafer m) && _isAbstract (_superClafer m))
(_parentUID (_headClafer m) == _parentUID (_superClafer m))
(case _parentsSuperClafer m of
Nothing -> _uid (_parentClafer m) == _uid (_superClafersParent m)
Just parentsSuperClafer -> isJust $ findUIDinSupers uidIClaferMap (_parentUID $ _superClafer m) parentsSuperClafer
isProperRefinement :: UIDIClaferMap -> Maybe NestedInheritanceMatch
-> (Bool, Bool, Bool)
isProperRefinement _ Nothing
= ( True
, True
, True )
isProperRefinement uidIClaferMap (Just m)
= ( properCardinalityRefinement m
, properBagToSetRefinement m
, properTargetSubtyping m )
properCardinalityRefinement NestedInheritanceMatch{_headClafer=hc, _superClafer=hcs}
= case (_card hc, _card hcs) of
(Just (hcl, hcu), Just (hcsl, hcsu)) -> hcl >= hcsl && (hcu <= hcsu || hcsu == 1)
_ -> True
properBagToSetRefinement NestedInheritanceMatch{_headClafer=hc, _superClafer=hcs}
= case (_reference hc, _reference hcs) of
(Just IReference{_isSet=headIsSet}, Just IReference{_isSet=superIsSet}) -> superIsSet <= headIsSet
_ -> True
properTargetSubtyping NestedInheritanceMatch{_targetClafer=[targetClafer], _superClafersTarget=[superClafersTarget]}
= isJust $ findUIDinSupers uidIClaferMap (_uid superClafersTarget) targetClafer
properTargetSubtyping _
= True
isRedefinition :: Maybe NestedInheritanceMatch -> Bool
isRedefinition Nothing = True
isRedefinition (Just NestedInheritanceMatch{_headClafer=hc, _superClafer=hs})
= (_ident hc) == (_ident hs)
matchNestedInheritance :: UIDIClaferMap -> IClafer
-> Maybe NestedInheritanceMatch
matchNestedInheritance _ IClafer{_super=Nothing} = Nothing
matchNestedInheritance uidIClaferMap headClafer = do
parentClafer <- findIClafer uidIClaferMap $ _parentUID headClafer
superClafer <- (findIClafer uidIClaferMap) =<< (getSuperId <$> _super headClafer)
superClafersParent <- findIClafer uidIClaferMap $ _parentUID superClafer
parentsSuperClafer :: Maybe IClafer
parentsSuperClafer = findIClafer uidIClaferMap =<< getSuperId <$> _super parentClafer
targetClafer :: [IClafer]
targetClafer = case _ref <$> _reference headClafer of
Just pexp' -> mapMaybe (findIClafer uidIClaferMap) (getRefIds pexp')
Nothing -> []
targetsSuperClafer :: [IClafer]
targetsSuperClafer = mapMaybe (findIClafer uidIClaferMap) $ map getSuperId $ catMaybes $ map _super targetClafer
superClafersTarget :: [IClafer]
superClafersTarget = case _ref <$> _reference superClafer of
Just pexp' -> mapMaybe (findIClafer uidIClaferMap) (getRefIds pexp')
Nothing -> []
return $ NestedInheritanceMatch
{ _headClafer = headClafer
, _parentClafer = parentClafer
, _parentsSuperClafer = parentsSuperClafer
, _superClafer = superClafer
, _superClafersParent = superClafersParent
, _targetClafer = targetClafer
, _targetsSuperClafer = targetsSuperClafer
, _superClafersTarget = superClafersTarget
apply :: forall t t1. (t -> t1) -> t -> (t, t1)
apply f x = (x, f x)
bfs :: forall b b1. (b1 -> (b, [b1])) -> [b1] -> [b]
bfs toNode seed = map rootLabel $ concat $ takeWhile (not.null) $
iterate (concatMap subForest) $ unfoldForest toNode seed
toNodeShallow :: IClafer -> (IClafer, [IClafer])
toNodeShallow = apply (getSubclafers._elements)
getSubclafers :: [IElement] -> [IClafer]
getSubclafers = mapMaybe elemToClafer
bfsClafers :: [IClafer] -> [IClafer]
bfsClafers clafers = bfs toNodeShallow clafers
lurry :: forall t t1. ([t1] -> t) -> t1 -> t1 -> t
lurry f x y = f [x,y]
fst3 :: forall t t1 t2. (t, t1, t2) -> t
fst3 (a, _, _) = a
snd3 :: forall t t1 t2. (t, t1, t2) -> t1
snd3 (_, b, _) = b
trd3 :: forall t t1 t2. (t, t1, t2) -> t2
trd3 (_, _, c) = c
toTriple :: forall t t1 t2. t -> (t1, t2) -> (t, t1, t2)
toTriple a (b,c) = (a, b, c)
toMTriple :: forall t t1 t2. t -> (t1, t2) -> Maybe (t, t1, t2)
toMTriple a (b,c) = Just (a, b, c)
iNot :: String
iNot = "!"
iCSet :: String
iCSet = "#"
iMin :: String
iMin = "-"
iMaximum :: String
iMaximum = "max"
iMinimum :: String
iMinimum = "min"
iMaximize :: String
iMaximize = "maximize"
iMinimize :: String
iMinimize = "minimize"
iSumSet :: String
iSumSet = "sum"
iProdSet :: String
iProdSet = "product"
unOps :: [String]
unOps = [iNot, iCSet, iMin, iMaximum, iMinimum, iMaximize, iMinimize, iSumSet, iProdSet]
iIff :: String
iIff = "<=>"
iImpl :: String
iImpl = "=>"
iOr :: String
iOr = "||"
iXor :: String
iXor = "xor"
iAnd :: String
iAnd = "&&"
logBinOps :: [String]
logBinOps = [iIff, iImpl, iOr, iXor, iAnd]
iLt :: String
iLt = "<"
iGt :: String
iGt = ">"
iEq :: String
iEq = "="
iLte :: String
iLte = "<="
iGte :: String
iGte = ">="
iNeq :: String
iNeq = "!="
iIn :: String
iIn = "in"
iNin :: String
iNin = "not in"
relGenBinOps :: [String]
relGenBinOps = [iLt, iGt, iEq, iLte, iGte, iNeq]
relSetBinOps :: [String]
relSetBinOps = [iIn, iNin]
relBinOps :: [String]
relBinOps = relGenBinOps ++ relSetBinOps
iPlus :: String
iPlus = "+"
iSub :: String
iSub = "-"
iMul :: String
iMul = "*"
iDiv :: String
iDiv = "/"
iRem :: String
iRem = "%"
arithBinOps :: [String]
arithBinOps = [iPlus, iSub, iMul, iDiv, iRem]
iUnion :: String
iUnion = "++"
iDifference :: String
iDifference = "--"
iIntersection :: String
iIntersection = "**"
iDomain :: String
iDomain = "<:"
iRange :: String
iRange = ":>"
iJoin :: String
iJoin = "."
setBinOps :: [String]
setBinOps = [iUnion, iDifference, iIntersection, iDomain, iRange, iJoin]
binOps :: [String]
binOps = logBinOps ++ relBinOps ++ arithBinOps ++ setBinOps
iIfThenElse :: String
iIfThenElse = "ifthenelse"
mkIFunExp :: Span -> String -> [IExp] -> IExp
mkIFunExp _ _ (x:[]) = x
mkIFunExp pos' op' xs = foldl1 (\x y -> IFunExp op' $ map (PExp Nothing "" pos') [x,y]) xs
toLowerS :: String -> String
toLowerS "" = ""
toLowerS (s:ss) = toLower s : ss
rootIdent :: String
rootIdent = "root"
rootUID :: String
rootUID = "root"
thisIdent :: String
thisIdent = "this"
parentIdent :: String
parentIdent = "parent"
drefIdent :: String
drefIdent = "dref"
childrenIdent :: String
childrenIdent = "children"
specialNames :: [String]
specialNames = [thisIdent, parentIdent, drefIdent, rootIdent, childrenIdent]
isSpecial :: String -> Bool
isSpecial = flip elem specialNames
stringType :: String
stringType = "string"
intType :: String
intType = "int"
integerType :: String
integerType = "integer"
realType :: String
realType = "real"
doubleType :: String
doubleType = "double"
booleanType :: String
booleanType = "boolean"
baseClafer :: String
baseClafer = "clafer"
modSep :: String
modSep = "\\"
primitiveTypes :: [String]
primitiveTypes = [stringType, intType, integerType, doubleType, realType]
isPrimitive :: String -> Bool
isPrimitive = flip elem primitiveTypes
keywordIdents :: [String]
keywordIdents =
baseClafer :
specialNames ++
primitiveTypes ++
[ iMaximum, iMinimum, iMaximize, iMinimize, iSumSet, iProdSet ] ++
[ iXor, iIn ] ++
[ "if", "then", "else" ] ++
[ "no", "not", "some", "one", "all", "disj" ] ++
[ "opt", "mux", "or", "lone" ] ++
[ "abstract", "enum" ]
data GEnv
= GEnv
{ identCountMap :: Map.Map String Int
, expCount :: Int
, stable :: Map.Map UID [[UID]]
, sClafers ::[IClafer]
, uidClaferMap :: UIDIClaferMap
} deriving (Eq, Show)
safeTail :: [a] -> [a]
safeTail [] = []
safeTail (_:xs) = xs