Dependencies for clash-ghc-1.8.2
- array (>=0.4 && <0.6)
- base (>=4.11 && <5)
- bytestring (>=0.9 && <0.13)
- Cabal
- clash-lib (==1.8.2)
- clash-prelude (==1.8.2)
- containers (>= && <0.8)
- data-binary-ieee754 (>=0.4.4 && <0.6)
- deepseq (>= && <1.6)
- directory (>=1.2 && <1.4)
- extra (>=1.6 && <1.9)
- filepath (>=1.3 && <1.6)
- ghc-boot (>=8.6.0 && <9.11)
- ghc-prim (>= && <0.12)
- ghc-typelits-extra (>=0.3.2 && <0.5)
- ghc-typelits-knownnat (>=0.6 && <0.8)
- ghc-typelits-natnormalise (>=0.6 && <0.8)
- ghci (>=8.6.0 && <9.11)
- hashable (>= && <1.6)
- haskeline (>= && <0.9)
- lens (>=4.10 && <5.4)
- mtl (>=2.1.1 && <2.4)
- primitive (>= && <1.0)
- process (>=1.2 && <1.7)
- reflection (>=2.1.2 && <3.0)
- split (>=0.2.3 && <0.3)
- string-interpolate (>=0.3 && <0.4)
- template-haskell (>= && <2.23)
- text (>=1.2.2 && <2.2)
- time (>= && <1.15)
- transformers (>= && <0.7)
- uniplate (>=1.6.12 && <1.8)
- unordered-containers (>= && <0.3)
- utf8-string (>= && <
- vector (>=0.11 && <1.0)
- if os(windows)
- ghc (>=8.6.0 && <8.8.0 || >=8.10.0 && <9.11)
- if impl(ghc>=8.10.0)
- exceptions (>=0.10.4 && <0.11)
- if impl(ghc>=9.0.0)
- ghc-bignum (>=1.0 && <1.4)
- integer-gmp (>= && <2.0)
- if flag(use-ghc-paths)
- if os(windows)
- Win32 (>=2.3.1 && <2.14)
- unix (>=2.7.1 && <2.9)
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
dynamic | Build Clash binaries with GHC flag `-dynamic`. This flag should only be used for packaging purposes. Installations using cabal should use `--enable-executable-dynamic`! | Disabled |
use-ghc-paths | Locate the GHC core libraries using the `ghc-paths` package. Note: this flag may make binaries less relocatable, by hard-coding an absolute path to the core libraries. | Disabled |
workaround-ghc-mmap-crash | Only use this flag when hit by GHC bug #19421. See clash-compiler PR #2444. | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info