h&504                !"#$%&'()*+,-./012 3  (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, 2021, QBayLogic B.V., 2022, Google Inc.,BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None&/02356789;<45(C) 2020-2021, QBayLogic B.V., 2022 , Google Inc.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None &/02356789;< clash-ghcEvaluate a term to WHNF.(C) 2020, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None&/02356789;< clash-ghcEvaluate a primitive with the given arguments. See NOTE [Evaluating primitives] for more information. clash-ghc)Evaluation function for forcing arguments clash-ghcThe primitive to evaluate clash-ghc'The arguments supplied to the primitive clash-ghc&The result of evaluating the primitive(C) 2020-2021, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None&/02356789;<(C) 2020, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None&/02356789;< clash-ghcThe partial evaluator for the GHC front-end. For more details about the implementation see Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Eval for evaluation to WHNF and Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Quote for quoting to NF. None&/02356789;<6 clash-ghcLike 7=, but returning a horizontally spaced SDoc instead of a list:textLines "a\nb"a $$ b689:(C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, 2017-2022, Google Inc. 2021-2024, QBayLogic B.V.,BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None &/02356789;?@ABCDEFGHIJ(C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd 2022-2024, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None#$%&/02356789;< 0K clash-ghc?Data structure tracking loaded binders (and their related data)L clash-ghc Binder + expression it's bindingM clash-ghc$Type class dict projection functionsN clash-ghcBinders with missing unfoldingsO clash-ghcPrimitives; either an primitive data structure or a path to a directory containing json filesP clash-ghcCustom data representationsQ clash-ghcLoaded module cacheR clash-ghcGiven a list of top-level binders, recursively load all the binders, primitives, and type classes it is using. (Exported function.) KSLMNOPQRTU(C) 2021-2022, QBayLogicBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None%&/02356789;<  clash-ghcChecks whether MonoLocalBinds and MonomorphismRestricton language extensions are enabled or not in modules.  clash-ghcChecks whether MonoLocalBinds and MonomorphismRestriction language extensions are enabled when generating the HDL directly e.g. in GHCi. modules.  clash-ghc Module name clash-ghcstring passed with -main-is clash-ghcThrows exception if -main-is was set, but no such top entity was found. Otherwise, returns main top entity and all top entities (transitively) used in the main top entity.  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, 2017-2024, Google Inc. 2021-2024, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None#$%&/02356789:;None %&/02356789;<q clash-ghcAllows us to have some initial action, such as sharing a linker state See  8https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/1686 and https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/ghc-devs/2021-March/019605.html clash-ghc!primitives (blackbox) directories clash-ghcimport directories (-i flag) clash-ghcPackage database clash-ghc HDL targetNone &/02356789;<hV clash-ghcType of some span of source code. Most of these fields are unboxed but Haddock doesn't show that.W clash-ghc&The span we associate information withX clash-ghcThe Y associated with the spanZ clash-ghc The actual [ associated with the span, if any. This can be useful for accessing a variety of information about the identifier such as module, locality, definition location, etc.\ clash-ghcInfo about a module. This information is generated every time a module is loaded.] clash-ghcSummary generated by GHC. Can be used to access more information about the module.^ clash-ghcGenerated set of information about all spans in the module that correspond to some kind of identifier for which there will be type info and/or location info._ clash-ghcAgain, useful from GHC for accessing information (exports, instances, scope) from a module.` clash-ghc7The timestamp of the file used to generate this record.a clash-ghc Construct a V from a b and optionally a Y and an c (for X and Z respectively)d clash-ghcTry to find the location of the given identifier at the given position in the module.e clash-ghc6Find any uses of the given identifier in the codebase.f clash-ghc'Try to find the type of the given span.g clash-ghc.Collect type info data for the loaded modules.h clash-ghc/Get info about the module: summary, types, etc.ViWXZ\j]^_`adefghNone&/02356789;<>&Dk clash-ghcTreatment of ./.ghci files. For now we either load or ignore. But later we could implement a "safe mode" where only safe operations are performed.l clash-ghcUnterminated multiline commandm clash-ghcA GHCi commandn clash-ghc"Name of GHCi command (e.g. "exit")o clash-ghcThe p# value denotes whether to exit GHCiq clash-ghc9Commands which are excluded from default completion and :help summary. This is usually set for commands not useful for interactive use but rather for IDEs.r clash-ghcs for argumentst clash-ghcof type  IO a -> IO au clash-ghc input linev clash-ghcv caches the w for loaded modules, so that we don't rebuild it each time the user sets a breakpoint.x clash-ghcavailable ghci commandsy clash-ghcuser-defined macrosz clash-ghc: at the GHCi prompt repeats the last command, so we remember it here{ clash-ghc?The command wrapper is run for each command or statement. The p6 value denotes whether the command is successful and | means to exit GHCi.} clash-ghcThe imports that the user has asked for, via import declarations and :module commands. This list is persistent over :reloads (but any imports for modules that are not loaded are temporarily ignored). After a :load, all the home-package imports are stripped from this list.See bugs #2049, #1873, #1360~ clash-ghcAn import added automatically after a :load, usually of the most recently compiled module. May be empty if there are no modules loaded. This list is replaced by :load, :reload, and :add. In between it may be modified by :module. clash-ghcThese are "always-on" imports, added to the context regardless of what other imports we have. This is useful for adding imports that are required by setGHCiMonad. Be careful adding things here: you can create ambiguities if these imports overlap with other things in scope.NB. although this is not currently used by GHCi itself, it was added to support other front-ends that are based on the GHCi code. Potentially we could also expose this functionality via GHCi commands. clash-ghcThese imports are added to the context when -XImplicitPrelude is on and we don't have a *-module in the context. They can also be overridden by another import for the same module, e.g. "import Prelude hiding (map)" clash-ghc$True if this is 'ghc -e' (or runghc) clash-ghchelp text to display to a user clash-ghchFlush stdout; hFlush stderr in the interpreter clash-ghchSetBuffering NoBuffering for stdinstdoutstderr clash-ghcRun a single Haskell expression clash-ghcCompile "hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr" once, so we can use it repeatedly clash-ghc8Invoke "hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr" in the interpreter clash-ghcTurn off buffering for stdin, stdout, and stderr in the interpreterklmnoqrwtuvxyz{}~None&/02356789;<'3None&/02356789;<'vNone#$&/02356789;<( clash-ghcGrab weak references to some of the data structures representing the currently loaded modules. clash-ghcNone &/02356789;<+ clash-ghcInteger width. The width Clash assumes an Integer to be (instead of it begin an arbitrarily large, runtime sized construct). clash-ghcCustom bit representations clash-ghcType constructor map clash-ghcType to convert to HWType (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, 2017-2022, Google Inc., 2017-2024, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None %&/02356789;<, clash-ghc#Evaluation of primitive operations.(C) 2017-2022, Google Inc., 2021-2024, QBayLogic B.V.BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)%QBayLogic B.V. None %&/02356789;</`  clash-ghcUnwind the stack by 1 clash-ghc!Small-step operational semantics.* clash-ghcTake a list of types or type variables and create a lambda / type lambda for each one around the given term.+ clash-ghc'Update the Heap with the evaluated term, clash-ghcApply a value to a function- clash-ghcInstantiate a type-abstraction. clash-ghcEvaluate a case-expression0 clash-ghc!Allocate let-bindings on the heap1 clash-ghc6Create a unique name and substitution for a let-binder !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 Safe-Inferred&/02356789;</None #$&/02356789;<0)  None&/02356789;<02323 !"#$%&'()* + , - . / 0 1 2 3 456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH I J K L MNOP Q R STUUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijcklmnopqrspttuvwxyzp{|pt}~muNpclash-ghc-1.8.2-inplaceClash.GHC.EvaluatorClash.GHC.PartialEval.EvalClash.GHC.PartialEval.PrimitiveClash.GHC.PartialEval.QuoteClash.GHC.PartialEvalClash.GHCi.CommonClash.GHC.LoadModulesClash.GHC.GenerateBindingsClash.GHC.NetlistTypesClash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive Clash.MainClash.GHC.ClashFlagsClash.GHC.UtilClash.GHC.GHC2CoreClash.GHC.LoadInterfaceFilesClash.GHCi.UI.InfoClash.GHCi.UI.MonadClash.GHCi.UI.TagsClash.GHCi.UtilClash.GHCi.LeakData.Text.ExtraPaths_clash_ghc Clash.GHCi.UI newLetBinding ghcUnwindghcStepevalapplyapplyTy evalPrimitivequote ghcEvaluatorgetMainTopEntitycheckMonoLocalBindsModcheckMonoLocalBindscheckImportDirs ghcLibDir loadModulessetWantedLanguageExtensions$fShowLoadModulesException$fExceptionLoadModulesExceptiongenerateBindingsghcTypeToHWTypeisUndefinedPrimValisUndefinedXPrimVal ghcPrimUnwind ghcPrimStep$fMonadUniquePrimEvalMonad$fFunctorPrimEvalMonad$fApplicativePrimEvalMonad$fMonadPrimEvalMonad$fMonadStateSupplyPrimEvalMonad evaluatorstepVarstepData stepLiteralstepPrimstepLam stepTyLamstepApp stepTyAppstepLetstepCasestepCaststepTick newBinderupdate instantiate scrutinise substInAltallocateletSubst defaultMaindefaultMainWithActionparseClashFlags flagsClash textLinesbase Data.OldListlineshandleClashException showPprUnsafeshowSDocUnsafe GHC2CoreState GHC2CoreEnv_srcSpan _famInstEnvstyConMapC2CsrcSpanemptyGHC2CoreState makeAllTyCons coreToTermcoreToId coreToNamequalifiedNameString'qualifiedNameStringmodNameM LoadedBinders lbBinders lbClassOps lbUnlocatablelbPrimslbReprslbCacheloadExternalBindersloadExternalExprsgetUnresolvedPrimitivesSpanInfospaninfoSrcSpan spaninfoTypeghcTyCoRepType spaninfoVarVarModInfomodinfoSummary modinfoSpans modinfoInfomodinfoLastUpdatespanInfoFromRealSrcSpanSrcLoc RealSrcSpanIdfindLoc findNameUsesfindType collectInfo getModInfoLocalConfigBehaviourCommandIncompleteCommandcmdName cmdActionghc-prim GHC.TypesBool cmdHiddencmdCompletionFunchaskeline-0.8.2#System.Console.Haskeline.CompletionCompletionFunc evalWrapper line_number tickarrays TickArray ghci_commands ghci_macros last_command cmd_wrapper GHC.MaybeNothingremembered_ctx transient_ctx extra_importsprelude_importsghc_e short_helpflushStdHandles noBufferingrunStmtinitInterpBufferingflushInterpBuffersturnOffBufferingDynFlags getDynFlags ActionStats actionAllocsactionElapsedTime GhciMonad getGHCiState setGHCiStatemodifyGHCiState reifyGHCiGHCiunGHCi BreakLocation breakModulebreakLoc breakTick breakEnabled onBreakCmdSourceLocalConfigIgnoreLocalConfig GHCiOptionShowType ShowTiming RevertCAFs Multiline CollectInfoPromptFunction CommandResultCommandCompletecmdInput cmdResultcmdStats GHCiStateoptionsstoppromptargsprogname prompt_conteditor localConfig break_ctrbreakscmdqueue long_helplastErrorLocations mod_infos cmdSuccessprettyLocations recordBreak startGHCi isOptionSet setOption unsetOptionprintForUserNeverQualifyprintForUserModInfo printForUserprintForUserPartWayrunDecls runDecls'resumerunAndPrintStats runWithStats printStats revertCAFsturnOffBuffering_ mkEvalWrappercompileGHCiExprcreateCTagsWithLineNumbersCmdcreateCTagsWithRegExesCmdcreateETagsFileCmdanyToPtrgetLeakIndicatorscheckLeakIndicatorsLeakIndicatorsshowtshowtlversiongetDataFileName getBinDir getLibDir getDynLibDir getDataDir getLibexecDir getSysconfDir GhciSettingsavailableCommands shortHelpText fullHelpText defPrompt defPromptContdefaultGhciSettingsghciWelcomeMsg ghciCommands interactiveUImakeHDL