-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | Clash is a functional hardware description language that borrows both -- its syntax and semantics from the functional programming language -- Haskell. The Clash compiler transforms these high-level descriptions -- to low-level synthesizable VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog. -- -- Features of Clash: -- -- -- -- This package provides: -- -- -- -- Prelude library: -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/clash-prelude @package clash-ghc @version 1.8.2 -- | This module provides the "evaluation" part of the partial evaluator. -- This is implemented in the classic "eval/apply" style, with a variant -- of apply for performing type applications. module Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Eval -- | Evaluate a term to WHNF. eval :: Term -> Eval Value apply :: Value -> Value -> Eval Value applyTy :: Value -> Type -> Eval Value -- | Evaluation of primitive operations in the partial evaluator. This is -- used by the Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Eval module to implement fully -- applied primitives. module Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Primitive -- | Evaluate a primitive with the given arguments. See NOTE [Evaluating -- primitives] for more information. evalPrimitive :: (Term -> Eval Value) -> PrimInfo -> Args Value -> Eval Value -- | This module provides the "quoting" part of the partial evaluator, -- which traverses a WHNF value, recursively evaluating sub-terms to -- remove redexes. module Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Quote quote :: Value -> Eval Normal -- | The partial evalautor for the GHC front-end. This can be used to -- evaluate terms in Clash core to WHNF or NF, using knowledge of GHC -- primitives and types. For functions which can use this evaluator, see -- Clash.Core.PartialEval. module Clash.GHC.PartialEval -- | The partial evaluator for the GHC front-end. For more details about -- the implementation see Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Eval for evaluation to -- WHNF and Clash.GHC.PartialEval.Quote for quoting to NF. ghcEvaluator :: Evaluator module Clash.GHCi.Common checkImportDirs :: Foldable t => ClashOpts -> t FilePath -> IO () -- | Checks whether MonoLocalBinds and MonomorphismRestriction language -- extensions are enabled when generating the HDL directly e.g. in GHCi. -- modules. checkMonoLocalBinds :: DynFlags -> IO () -- | Checks whether MonoLocalBinds and MonomorphismRestricton language -- extensions are enabled or not in modules. checkMonoLocalBindsMod :: ModSummary -> IO () getMainTopEntity :: HasCallStack => String -> ClashDesign -> String -> IO (TopEntityT, [TopEntityT]) module Clash.GHC.LoadModules loadModules :: Ghc () -> OverridingBool -> HDL -> String -> Maybe DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ([CoreBind], [(CoreBndr, Int)], [CoreBndr], FamInstEnvs, [(CoreBndr, Maybe TopEntity, Bool)], [Either UnresolvedPrimitive FilePath], [DataRepr'], [(Text, PrimitiveGuard ())], HashMap Text VDomainConfiguration) ghcLibDir :: IO FilePath setWantedLanguageExtensions :: DynFlags -> DynFlags instance GHC.Exception.Type.Exception Clash.GHC.LoadModules.LoadModulesException instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.GHC.LoadModules.LoadModulesException module Clash.GHC.GenerateBindings generateBindings :: ClashOpts -> Ghc () -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> HDL -> String -> Maybe DynFlags -> IO (ClashEnv, ClashDesign) module Clash.GHC.NetlistTypes ghcTypeToHWType :: Int -> CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type -> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType)) module Clash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive ghcPrimStep :: PrimStep -- | Evaluation of primitive operations. ghcPrimUnwind :: PrimUnwind isUndefinedPrimVal :: Value -> Bool isUndefinedXPrimVal :: Value -> Bool instance Control.Monad.State.Class.MonadState Clash.Util.Supply.Supply Clash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive.PrimEvalMonad instance GHC.Base.Monad Clash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive.PrimEvalMonad instance GHC.Base.Applicative Clash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive.PrimEvalMonad instance GHC.Base.Functor Clash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive.PrimEvalMonad instance Clash.Util.MonadUnique Clash.GHC.Evaluator.Primitive.PrimEvalMonad -- | Call-by-need evaluator based on the evaluator described in: -- -- Maximilian Bolingbroke, Simon Peyton Jones, "Supercompilation by -- evaluation", Haskell '10, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. module Clash.GHC.Evaluator evaluator :: Evaluator stepVar :: Id -> Step stepData :: DataCon -> Step stepLiteral :: Literal -> Step stepPrim :: PrimInfo -> Step stepLam :: Id -> Term -> Step stepTyLam :: TyVar -> Term -> Step stepApp :: Term -> Term -> Step stepTyApp :: Term -> Type -> Step stepLet :: Bind Term -> Term -> Step stepCase :: Term -> Type -> [Alt] -> Step stepCast :: Term -> Type -> Type -> Step stepTick :: TickInfo -> Term -> Step -- | Small-step operational semantics. ghcStep :: Step -- | Take a list of types or type variables and create a lambda / type -- lambda for each one around the given term. newBinder :: [Either TyVar Type] -> Term -> Step newLetBinding :: TyConMap -> Machine -> Term -> (Machine, Id) -- | Unwind the stack by 1 ghcUnwind :: Unwind -- | Update the Heap with the evaluated term update :: IdScope -> Id -> Value -> Machine -> Machine -- | Apply a value to a function apply :: TyConMap -> Value -> Id -> Machine -> Machine -- | Instantiate a type-abstraction instantiate :: TyConMap -> Value -> Type -> Machine -> Machine -- | Evaluate a case-expression scrutinise :: Value -> Type -> [Alt] -> Machine -> Machine substInAlt :: DataCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> [Either Term Type] -> Term -> Term -- | Allocate let-bindings on the heap allocate :: [LetBinding] -> Term -> Machine -> Machine -- | Create a unique name and substitution for a let-binder letSubst :: PureHeap -> Supply -> Id -> (Supply, (Id, (Id, Term))) module Clash.Main defaultMain :: [String] -> IO () defaultMainWithAction :: Ghc () -> [String] -> IO ()