clash-lib-1.8.2: Clash: a functional hardware description language - As a library
Copyright(C) 2019-2022 QBayLogic B.V.
2013 Nikita Volkov
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerQBayLogic B.V. <>
Safe HaskellNone





i :: QuasiQuoter Source #

i will reflow the quasi-quoted text to 90 columns wide. If an interpolation variable is on its own line and expands to a multi-line string, the interpolated text will be indented the same as the interpolation variable was:

:set -XQuasiQuotes
a = "Multi\nLine\nString"
b = [i|
    This line will be reflowed
    and the interpolated
    multi-line string here:
    will be indented. This
    text is outdented again.
putStrLn b

This line will be reflowed and the interpolated multi-line string here: Multi Line String will be indented. This text is outdented again.

format :: [Node] -> String Source #

toString :: Show a => a -> String Source #