-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | Clash is a functional hardware description language that borrows both -- its syntax and semantics from the functional programming language -- Haskell. The Clash compiler transforms these high-level descriptions -- to low-level synthesizable VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog. -- -- Features of Clash: -- --
-- >>> scaleToString (Scale (Period 100 Ps) (Period 10 Fs)) -- "`timescale 100ps/10fs" --scaleToString :: Scale -> String -- | Convert Unit to Verilog time unit -- --
-- >>> periodToString (Period 100 Fs) -- "100fs" --periodToString :: Period -> String -- | Convert Unit to Verilog time unit -- --
-- >>> unitToString Ms -- "ms" --unitToString :: Unit -> String -- | Parse string representing a Verilog time unit to Unit. -- --
-- >>> parseUnit "ms" -- Just Ms -- -- >>> parseUnit "xs" -- Nothing --parseUnit :: String -> Maybe Unit -- | Parse a Verilog -- --
-- >>> parsePeriod "100ms" -- Just (Period 100 Ms) -- -- >>> parsePeriod "100xs" -- Nothing -- -- >>> parsePeriod "100" -- Nothing -- -- >>> parsePeriod "ms" -- Nothing --parsePeriod :: String -> Maybe Period -- | Convert a period to a specific time unit. Will always output a minimum -- of 1, even if the given Period is already of the right -- Unit. -- --
-- >>> convertUnit Ps (Period 100 Ps) -- 100 -- -- >>> convertUnit Fs (Period 100 Ps) -- 100000 -- -- >>> convertUnit Ns (Period 100 Ps) -- 1 -- -- >>> convertUnit Ms (Period 0 Ms) -- 1 --convertUnit :: Unit -> Period -> Word64 instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance GHC.Enum.Bounded Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance GHC.Enum.Enum Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Unit instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Period instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Period instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Period instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Period instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Period instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Scale instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Scale instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Scale instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Scale instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Backend.Verilog.Time.Scale module Clash.Debug debugIsOn :: Bool -- | Performs trace when first argument evaluates to True traceIf :: Bool -> String -> a -> a module Clash.Driver.Bool data OverridingBool Auto :: OverridingBool Never :: OverridingBool Always :: OverridingBool toGhcOverridingBool :: OverridingBool -> OverridingBool fromGhcOverridingBool :: OverridingBool -> OverridingBool instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Enum.Bounded Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Enum.Enum Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Read.Read Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Driver.Bool.OverridingBool -- | Data types and rendering for Edalize Metadata files (EDAM). module Clash.Edalize.Edam -- | EDAM data structure to be given to an Edalize backend. This contains -- all information needed to generate a project scaffolding. Note that -- hooks and VPI modules are currently not specified by clash. data Edam Edam :: Text -> Text -> [EdamFile] -> EdamTools -> Edam [edamProjectName] :: Edam -> Text [edamTopEntity] :: Edam -> Text [edamFiles] :: Edam -> [EdamFile] [edamToolOptions] :: Edam -> EdamTools -- | Information about each file in the project. This does not include -- is_include_file or include_path, as these are not currently used by -- Clash. data EdamFile EdamFile :: FilePath -> EdamFileType -> Text -> EdamFile [efName] :: EdamFile -> FilePath [efType] :: EdamFile -> EdamFileType [efLogicalName] :: EdamFile -> Text -- | A subset of the file types recognized by Edalize. The supported -- formats are largely from IP-XACT 2014 (IEEE 1685-2014), although -- Edalize extends this with other types, e.g. QSYS. -- -- Only file types which are generated by Clash are listed. data EdamFileType -- | Unknown file type. Unknown :: EdamFileType -- | VHDL source. VhdlSource :: EdamFileType -- | Verilog source. VerilogSource :: EdamFileType -- | SystemVerilog source. SystemVerilogSource :: EdamFileType -- | Tool Command Language source. TclSource :: EdamFileType -- | QSys system source. QSYS :: EdamFileType -- | Synopsys Design Constraints source. SDC :: EdamFileType -- | Tool-specific configuration used by Edalize. Currently only tools -- which are supported by Clash are provided. data EdamTools EdamTools :: Maybe GhdlOptions -> Maybe IcarusOptions -> Maybe ModelsimOptions -> Maybe QuartusOptions -> Maybe VivadoOptions -> EdamTools [etGhdl] :: EdamTools -> Maybe GhdlOptions [etIcarus] :: EdamTools -> Maybe IcarusOptions [etModelsim] :: EdamTools -> Maybe ModelsimOptions [etQuartus] :: EdamTools -> Maybe QuartusOptions [etVivado] :: EdamTools -> Maybe VivadoOptions data GhdlOptions GhdlOptions :: [Text] -> [Text] -> GhdlOptions [ghdlAnalyseOpts] :: GhdlOptions -> [Text] [ghdlRunOpts] :: GhdlOptions -> [Text] data IcarusOptions IcarusOptions :: [Text] -> Text -> IcarusOptions [icarusOpts] :: IcarusOptions -> [Text] [icarusTimeScale] :: IcarusOptions -> Text data ModelsimOptions ModelsimOptions :: [Text] -> [Text] -> ModelsimOptions [msVlogOpts] :: ModelsimOptions -> [Text] [msVsimOpts] :: ModelsimOptions -> [Text] data QuartusOptions QuartusOptions :: Int -> Text -> Text -> [Text] -> [Text] -> QuartusOptions [quartusBoardDevIndex] :: QuartusOptions -> Int [quartusFamily] :: QuartusOptions -> Text [quartusDevice] :: QuartusOptions -> Text [quartusOpts] :: QuartusOptions -> [Text] [quartusDseOpts] :: QuartusOptions -> [Text] data VivadoOptions VivadoOptions :: Text -> VivadoOptions [vivadoPart] :: VivadoOptions -> Text pprEdam :: Edam -> Doc ann instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Edalize.Edam.EdamFileType instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Edalize.Edam.EdamFileType instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Edalize.Edam.EdamTools instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Edalize.Edam.VivadoOptions instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Edalize.Edam.QuartusOptions instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Edalize.Edam.ModelsimOptions instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Edalize.Edam.IcarusOptions instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Edalize.Edam.GhdlOptions module Clash.Unique type Unique = Int pattern Unique# :: Unique# -> Unique type Unique# = Int# class Uniquable a getUnique :: Uniquable a => a -> Unique setUnique :: Uniquable a => a -> Unique -> a fromGhcUnique :: Unique -> Unique instance Clash.Unique.Uniquable Clash.Unique.Unique instance Clash.Unique.Uniquable GHC.Word.Word64 -- | Utilities related to the Eq type class. module Clash.Util.Eq -- | Compare two values using pointer equality. If that fails, use -- Eq to determine equality. Note that this function will only -- shortcut for values that are the same, but will always use Eq -- for values that differ. -- -- Values are evaluated to WHNF before comparison. This function can -- therefore not be used if any of its arguments is expected to be -- bottom. fastEq :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool -- | Compare two values using pointer equality. If that fails, use given -- function to determine equality. Note that this function will only -- shortcut for values that are the same, but will always use the given -- function for values that differ. -- -- Values are evaluated to WHNF before comparison. This function can -- therefore not be used if any of its arguments is expected to be -- bottom. fastEqBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool module Clash.Util.Interpolate -- | i will reflow the quasi-quoted text to 90 columns wide. If an -- interpolation variable is on its own line and expands to a multi-line -- string, the interpolated text will be indented the same as the -- interpolation variable was: -- --
-- :set -XQuasiQuotes -- :{ -- a = "Multi\nLine\nString" -- b = [i| -- This line will be reflowed -- and the interpolated -- multi-line string here: -- #{a} -- will be indented. This -- text is outdented again. -- |] -- :} -- putStrLn b ---- -- This line will be reflowed and the interpolated multi-line string -- here: Multi Line String will be indented. This text is outdented -- again. i :: QuasiQuoter format :: [Node] -> String toString :: Show a => a -> String instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Util.Interpolate.Node instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Util.Interpolate.Line module Clash.Pretty unsafeLookupEnvWord :: HasCallStack => String -> Word -> Word defaultPprWidth :: Int showDoc :: Doc ann -> String removeAnnotations :: Doc ann -> Doc () -- | A variant of Pretty that is not polymorphic on the type of -- annotations. This is needed to derive instances from Clash's pretty -- printer (PrettyPrec), which annotates documents with Clash-specific -- information and, therefore, fixes the type of annotations. class ClashPretty a clashPretty :: ClashPretty a => a -> Doc () fromPretty :: Pretty a => a -> Doc () module Clash.Data.UniqMap -- | A map indexed by a Unique. Typically the elements of this map -- are also uniqueable and provide their own key, however a unique can be -- associated with any value. newtype UniqMap a UniqMap :: IntMap a -> UniqMap a [uniqMapToIntMap] :: UniqMap a -> IntMap a -- | An empty map. empty :: UniqMap a -- | A map containing a single value indexed by the given key's unique. singleton :: Uniquable a => a -> b -> UniqMap b -- | A map containing a single value indexed by the value's unique. singletonUnique :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap a -- | Check if the map is empty. null :: UniqMap a -> Bool -- | Insert a new key-value pair into the map. insert :: Uniquable a => a -> b -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Insert a new value into the map, using the unique of the value as the -- key. insertUnique :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap a -> UniqMap a -- | Insert a new key-value pair into the map, using the given combining -- function if there is already an entry with the same unique in the map. insertWith :: Uniquable a => (b -> b -> b) -> a -> b -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Insert a list of key-value pairs into the map. insertMany :: Uniquable a => [(a, b)] -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Lookup an item in the map, using the unique of the given key. lookup :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap b -> Maybe b -- | Lookup and item in the map, using the unique of the given key. If the -- item is not found in the map an error is raised. find :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap b -> b -- | Check if there is an entry in the map for the unique of the given -- value. elem :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap b -> Bool -- | Check if there is not an entry in the map for the unique of the given -- value. notElem :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap b -> Bool -- | Filter all elements in the map according to some predicate. filter :: (b -> Bool) -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Apply a function to all elements in the map, keeping those where the -- result is not Nothing. mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> UniqMap a -> UniqMap b -- | Lazily right-fold over the map using the given function. foldrWithUnique :: (Unique -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> UniqMap a -> b -- | Strictly left-fold over the map using the given function. foldlWithUnique' :: (b -> Unique -> a -> b) -> b -> UniqMap a -> b -- | Delete the entry in the map indexed by the unique of the given value. delete :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Delete all entries in the map indexed by the uniques of the given -- values. deleteMany :: Uniquable a => [a] -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Merge two unique maps, using the given combining funcion if a value -- with the same unique key exists in both maps. unionWith :: (b -> b -> b) -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Filter the first map to only contain keys which are not in the second -- map. difference :: UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -- | Check if there are no common keys between two maps. disjoint :: UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -> Bool -- | Check if one map is a submap of another. submap :: UniqMap b -> UniqMap b -> Bool -- | Convert a list of key-value pairs to a map. fromList :: Uniquable a => [(a, b)] -> UniqMap b -- | Convert a map to a list of unique-value pairs. toList :: UniqMap b -> [(Unique, b)] -- | Get the unique keys of a map. keys :: UniqMap b -> [Unique] -- | Get the values of a map. elems :: UniqMap b -> [b] instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary a => Data.Binary.Class.Binary (Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap a) instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap a) instance GHC.Base.Semigroup (Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap a) instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData a => Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap a) instance GHC.Base.Monoid (Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap a) instance GHC.Base.Functor Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap instance Data.Foldable.Foldable Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap instance Data.Traversable.Traversable Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap instance Clash.Pretty.ClashPretty a => Clash.Pretty.ClashPretty (Clash.Data.UniqMap.UniqMap a) -- | A fast unique identifier supply with local pooling and replay support. -- -- One often has a desire to generate a bunch of integer identifiers -- within a single process that are unique within that process. You could -- use UUIDs, but they can be expensive to generate; you don't want to -- have your threads contending for a single external counter if the -- identifier is not going to be used outside the process. -- -- concurrent-supply builds a tree-like structure which can be -- split; you can make smaller unique supplies and then you allocate from -- your supplies locally. Internally it pulls from a unique supply one -- block at a time as you walk into parts of the tree that haven't been -- explored. module Clash.Util.Supply -- | A user managed globally unique variable supply. data Supply -- | Grab a new supply. Any two supplies obtained with newSupply are -- guaranteed to return disjoint sets of identifiers. Replaying the same -- sequence of operations on the same Supply will yield the same results. newSupply :: IO Supply -- | Obtain a fresh Id from a Supply. freshId :: Supply -> (Unique, Supply) -- | Split a supply into two supplies that will return disjoint identifiers splitSupply :: Supply -> (Supply, Supply) -- | An unboxed version of freshId freshId# :: Supply -> (# Unique#, Supply #) -- | An unboxed version of splitSupply splitSupply# :: Supply -> (# Supply, Supply #) instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Util.Supply.Supply instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Util.Supply.Supply instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Util.Supply.Supply instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Util.Supply.Supply instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Util.Supply.Block instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Util.Supply.Block instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Util.Supply.Block instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Util.Supply.Block instance GHC.Base.Functor Clash.Util.Supply.Stream -- | Term Literal module Clash.Core.Literal -- | Term Literal data Literal IntegerLiteral :: !Integer -> Literal IntLiteral :: !Integer -> Literal WordLiteral :: !Integer -> Literal Int64Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Word64Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Int8Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Int16Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Int32Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Word8Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Word16Literal :: !Integer -> Literal Word32Literal :: !Integer -> Literal StringLiteral :: !String -> Literal FloatLiteral :: !Word32 -> Literal DoubleLiteral :: !Word64 -> Literal CharLiteral :: !Char -> Literal NaturalLiteral :: !Integer -> Literal ByteArrayLiteral :: !ByteArray -> Literal instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Literal.Literal instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Literal.Literal instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Literal.Literal instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Literal.Literal instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Literal.Literal instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Literal.Literal instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Literal.Literal module Clash.Netlist.Id.Common parseWhiteSpace :: Text -> Maybe Text isWhiteSpace :: Char -> Bool parsePrintable :: Text -> Maybe Text parseSingle :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Maybe Text parseMaybeSingle :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Maybe Text parseLetter :: Text -> Maybe Text parseDigit :: Text -> Maybe Text parseLetterOrDigit :: Text -> Maybe Text parseUnderscore :: Text -> Maybe Text parseDollar :: Text -> Maybe Text parseTab :: Text -> Maybe Text parseBackslash :: Text -> Maybe Text failNonEmpty :: Text -> Maybe Text repeatParseN :: (Text -> Maybe Text) -> Text -> Maybe (Int, Text) repeatParse :: (Text -> Maybe Text) -> Text -> Maybe Text -- | Encodes tuples as TupN and removes all characters not matching -- a predicate. zEncode :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Text prettyName :: Text -> Text maybeTuple :: Text -> Maybe (Text, Text) parseTuple :: Text -> Maybe (Int, Text) module Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Extra type Doc = Doc () layoutOneLine :: Doc ann -> SimpleDocStream ann renderOneLine :: Doc ann -> Text int :: Applicative f => Int -> f Doc integer :: Applicative f => Integer -> f Doc char :: Applicative f => Char -> f Doc lbrace :: Applicative f => f Doc rbrace :: Applicative f => f Doc colon :: Applicative f => f Doc semi :: Applicative f => f Doc equals :: Applicative f => f Doc comma :: Applicative f => f Doc dot :: Applicative f => f Doc lparen :: Applicative f => f Doc rparen :: Applicative f => f Doc space :: Applicative f => f Doc brackets :: Functor f => f Doc -> f Doc braces :: Functor f => f Doc -> f Doc tupled :: Functor f => f [Doc] -> f Doc (<+>) :: Applicative f => f Doc -> f Doc -> f Doc infixr 6 <+> vcat :: Functor f => f [Doc] -> f Doc hcat :: Functor f => f [Doc] -> f Doc nest :: Functor f => Int -> f Doc -> f Doc indent :: Functor f => Int -> f Doc -> f Doc parens :: Functor f => f Doc -> f Doc emptyDoc :: Applicative f => f Doc punctuate :: Applicative f => f Doc -> f [Doc] -> f [Doc] encloseSep :: Applicative f => f Doc -> f Doc -> f Doc -> f [Doc] -> f Doc enclose :: Applicative f => f Doc -> f Doc -> f Doc -> f Doc line :: Applicative f => f Doc line' :: Applicative f => f Doc softline :: Applicative f => f Doc softline' :: Applicative f => f Doc pretty :: (Applicative f, Pretty a) => a -> f Doc stringS :: Applicative f => Text -> f Doc string :: Applicative f => Text -> f Doc squotes :: Applicative f => f Doc -> f Doc dquotes :: Functor f => f Doc -> f Doc align :: Functor f => f Doc -> f Doc hsep :: Functor f => f [Doc] -> f Doc vsep :: Functor f => f [Doc] -> f Doc isEmpty :: Doc -> Bool fill :: Applicative f => Int -> f Doc -> f Doc column :: Functor f => f (Int -> Doc) -> f Doc nesting :: Functor f => f (Int -> Doc) -> f Doc flatAlt :: Applicative f => f Doc -> f Doc -> f Doc comment :: Applicative f => Text -> Text -> f Doc squote :: Applicative f => f Doc -- | Options to influence the layout algorithms. newtype LayoutOptions LayoutOptions :: PageWidth -> LayoutOptions [layoutPageWidth] :: LayoutOptions -> PageWidth -- | Maximum number of characters that fit in one line. The layout -- algorithms will try not to exceed the set limit by inserting line -- breaks when applicable (e.g. via softline'). data PageWidth -- | Layouters should not exceed the specified space per line. -- --
-- >>> let doc = hang 4 (vsep ["lorem", "ipsum", hang 4 (vsep ["dolor", "sit"])]) -- -- >>> doc -- lorem -- ipsum -- dolor -- sit ---- --
-- >>> let putDocCompact = renderIO System.IO.stdout . layoutCompact -- -- >>> putDocCompact doc -- lorem -- ipsum -- dolor -- sit --layoutCompact :: Doc ann1 -> SimpleDocStream ann2 -- | This is the default layout algorithm, and it is used by show, -- putDoc and hPutDoc. -- -- layoutPretty commits to rendering something in a -- certain way if the next element fits the layout constraints; in other -- words, it has one SimpleDocStream element lookahead when -- rendering. Consider using the smarter, but a bit less performant, -- layoutSmart algorithm if the results seem to run off -- to the right before having lots of line breaks. layoutPretty :: LayoutOptions -> Doc ann -> SimpleDocStream ann -- | (renderLazy sdoc) takes the output sdoc from -- a rendering function and transforms it to lazy text. -- --
-- >>> let render = TL.putStrLn . renderLazy . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions -- -- >>> let doc = "lorem" <+> align (vsep ["ipsum dolor", parens "foo bar", "sit amet"]) -- -- >>> render doc -- lorem ipsum dolor -- (foo bar) -- sit amet --renderLazy :: SimpleDocStream ann -> Text instance GHC.Base.Applicative f => Data.String.IsString (f Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Extra.Doc) module GHC.BasicTypes.Extra -- | Determine whether given InlineSpec is NOINLINE or more strict -- (OPAQUE) isNoInline :: InlineSpec -> Bool -- | Determine whether given InlineSpec is OPAQUE. If this function -- is used on a GHC that does not support OPAQUE yet (<9.4), it will -- return True if given InlineSpec is NOINLINE instead. isOpaque :: InlineSpec -> Bool instance GHC.Generics.Generic BasicTypes.InlineSpec instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData BasicTypes.InlineSpec instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary BasicTypes.InlineSpec -- | Names module Clash.Core.Name data NameSort User :: NameSort System :: NameSort Internal :: NameSort type OccName = Text data Name a Name :: NameSort -> !OccName -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> !SrcSpan -> Name a [nameSort] :: Name a -> NameSort [nameOcc] :: Name a -> !OccName [nameUniq] :: Name a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique [nameLoc] :: Name a -> !SrcSpan mkUnsafeName :: NameSort -> Text -> Unique -> Name a mkUnsafeSystemName :: Text -> Unique -> Name a mkUnsafeInternalName :: Text -> Unique -> Name a appendToName :: Name a -> Text -> Name a -- | Built-in "bad" SrcSpans for common sources of location -- uncertainty noSrcSpan :: SrcSpan instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Name.NameSort instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance GHC.Generics.Generic (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance GHC.Show.Show (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance GHC.Classes.Eq (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance GHC.Classes.Ord (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) instance Clash.Unique.Uniquable (Clash.Core.Name.Name a) -- | Variables in CoreHW module Clash.Core.Var -- | Variables in CoreHW data Var a -- | Constructor for type variables TyVar :: !Name a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> Kind -> Var a [varName] :: Var a -> !Name a -- | Invariant: forall x . varUniq x ~ nameUniq (varName x) [varUniq] :: Var a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique [varType] :: Var a -> Kind -- | Constructor for term variables Id :: !Name a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> Type -> IdScope -> Var a [varName] :: Var a -> !Name a -- | Invariant: forall x . varUniq x ~ nameUniq (varName x) [varUniq] :: Var a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique [varType] :: Var a -> Type [idScope] :: Var a -> IdScope data IdScope GlobalId :: IdScope LocalId :: IdScope -- | Term variable type Id = Var Term -- | Type variable type TyVar = Var Type -- | Make a term variable mkId :: Type -> IdScope -> TmName -> Id mkLocalId :: Type -> TmName -> Id mkGlobalId :: Type -> TmName -> Id -- | Make a type variable mkTyVar :: Kind -> TyName -> TyVar setIdScope :: IdScope -> Var a -> Var a -- | Change the name of a variable modifyVarName :: (Name a -> Name a) -> Var a -> Var a isGlobalId :: Var a -> Bool isLocalId :: Var a -> Bool instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Var.IdScope instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance GHC.Generics.Generic (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance GHC.Show.Show (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance GHC.Classes.Eq (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance GHC.Classes.Ord (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) instance Clash.Unique.Uniquable (Clash.Core.Var.Var a) -- | Data Constructors in CoreHW module Clash.Core.DataCon -- | Data Constructor data DataCon MkData :: !DcName -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> !ConTag -> !Type -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> [DcStrictness] -> [Text] -> DataCon -- | Name of the DataCon [dcName] :: DataCon -> !DcName -- | Invariant: forall x . dcUniq x ~ nameUniq (dcName x) [dcUniq] :: DataCon -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -- | Syntactical position in the type definition [dcTag] :: DataCon -> !ConTag -- | Type of the 'DataCon [dcType] :: DataCon -> !Type -- | Universally quantified type-variables, these type variables are also -- part of the result type of the DataCon [dcUnivTyVars] :: DataCon -> [TyVar] -- | Existentially quantified type-variables, these type variables are not -- part of the result of the DataCon, but only of the arguments. [dcExtTyVars] :: DataCon -> [TyVar] -- | Argument types [dcArgTys] :: DataCon -> [Type] -- | Argument strictness [dcArgStrict] :: DataCon -> [DcStrictness] -- | Names of fields. Used when data constructor is referring to a record -- type. [dcFieldLabels] :: DataCon -> [Text] -- | DataCon reference type DcName = Name DataCon -- | Syntactical position of the DataCon in the type definition type ConTag = Int data DcStrictness Strict :: DcStrictness Lazy :: DcStrictness instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.DataCon.DcStrictness instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.DataCon.DcStrictness instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.DataCon.DcStrictness instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.DataCon.DcStrictness instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.DataCon.DcStrictness instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon instance Clash.Unique.Uniquable Clash.Core.DataCon.DataCon -- | Type Constructors in CoreHW module Clash.Core.TyCon -- | Type Constructor data TyCon -- | Algorithmic DataCons AlgTyCon :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> !TyConName -> !Kind -> !Int -> !AlgTyConRhs -> !Bool -> TyCon [tyConUniq] :: TyCon -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -- | Name of the TyCon [tyConName] :: TyCon -> !TyConName -- | Kind of the TyCon [tyConKind] :: TyCon -> !Kind -- | Number of type arguments [tyConArity] :: TyCon -> !Int -- | DataCon definitions [algTcRhs] :: TyCon -> !AlgTyConRhs -- | Is this a class dictionary? [isClassTc] :: TyCon -> !Bool PromotedDataCon :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> !TyConName -> !Kind -> !Int -> !DataCon -> TyCon [tyConUniq] :: TyCon -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -- | Name of the TyCon [tyConName] :: TyCon -> !TyConName -- | Kind of the TyCon [tyConKind] :: TyCon -> !Kind -- | Number of type arguments [tyConArity] :: TyCon -> !Int -- | DataCon which is promoted [tyConData] :: TyCon -> !DataCon -- | Function TyCons (e.g. type families) FunTyCon :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> !TyConName -> !Kind -> !Int -> [([Type], Type)] -> TyCon [tyConUniq] :: TyCon -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -- | Name of the TyCon [tyConName] :: TyCon -> !TyConName -- | Kind of the TyCon [tyConKind] :: TyCon -> !Kind -- | Number of type arguments [tyConArity] :: TyCon -> !Int -- | List of: ([LHS match types], RHS type) [tyConSubst] :: TyCon -> [([Type], Type)] -- | Primitive TyCons PrimTyCon :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -> !TyConName -> !Kind -> !Int -> TyCon [tyConUniq] :: TyCon -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique -- | Name of the TyCon [tyConName] :: TyCon -> !TyConName -- | Kind of the TyCon [tyConKind] :: TyCon -> !Kind -- | Number of type arguments [tyConArity] :: TyCon -> !Int -- | TyCon reference type TyConName = Name TyCon type TyConMap = UniqMap TyCon -- | The RHS of an Algebraic Datatype data AlgTyConRhs DataTyCon :: [DataCon] -> AlgTyConRhs -- | The DataCons of a TyCon [dataCons] :: AlgTyConRhs -> [DataCon] NewTyCon :: !DataCon -> ([TyVar], Type) -> AlgTyConRhs -- | The newtype DataCon [dataCon] :: AlgTyConRhs -> !DataCon -- | The argument type of the newtype DataCon in eta-reduced form, which is -- just the representation of the TyCon. The TyName's are the -- type-variables from the corresponding TyCon. [ntEtadRhs] :: AlgTyConRhs -> ([TyVar], Type) -- | Create a Kind out of a TyConName mkKindTyCon :: TyConName -> Kind -> TyCon -- | Does the TyCon look like a tuple TyCon isTupleTyConLike :: TyConName -> Bool isPrimTc :: TyCon -> Bool isNewTypeTc :: TyCon -> Bool isPromotedDc :: TyCon -> Bool -- | Get the DataCons belonging to a TyCon tyConDataCons :: TyCon -> [DataCon] instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.TyCon.AlgTyConRhs instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.TyCon.AlgTyConRhs instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.TyCon.AlgTyConRhs instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.TyCon.AlgTyConRhs instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.TyCon.TyCon instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.TyCon.TyCon instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.TyCon.TyCon instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.TyCon.TyCon instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.TyCon.TyCon instance Clash.Unique.Uniquable Clash.Core.TyCon.TyCon -- | Assortment of utility function used in the Clash library module Clash.Util -- | A class that can generate unique numbers class Monad m => MonadUnique m -- | Get a new unique getUniqueM :: MonadUnique m => m Unique data ClashException ClashException :: SrcSpan -> String -> Maybe String -> ClashException assertPanic :: String -> Int -> a assertPprPanic :: HasCallStack => String -> Int -> Doc ann -> a pprPanic :: String -> Doc ann -> a callStackDoc :: HasCallStack => Doc ann warnPprTrace :: HasCallStack => Bool -> String -> Int -> Doc ann -> a -> a pprTrace :: String -> Doc ann -> a -> a pprTraceDebug :: String -> Doc ann -> a -> a pprDebugAndThen :: (String -> a) -> Doc ann -> Doc ann -> a -- | Create a TH expression that returns the a formatted string containing -- the name of the module curLoc is spliced into, and the line -- where it was spliced. curLoc :: Q Exp -- | Cache the result of a monadic action makeCached :: (MonadState s m, Hashable k, Eq k) => k -> Lens' s (HashMap k v) -> m v -> m v -- | Cache the result of a monadic action using a UniqMap makeCachedU :: (MonadState s m, Uniquable k) => k -> Lens' s (UniqMap v) -> m v -> m v -- | Cache the result of a monadic action using a OMap makeCachedO :: (MonadState s m, Uniquable k) => k -> Lens' s (OMap Unique v) -> m v -> m v -- | Same as indexNote with last two arguments swapped indexNote' :: HasCallStack => String -> Int -> [a] -> a -- | Unsafe indexing, return a custom error message when indexing fails indexNote :: HasCallStack => String -> [a] -> Int -> a clashLibVersion :: Version -- | x y -> floor (logBase x y), x > 1 && y > 0 flogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Int -- | x y -> ceiling (logBase x y), x > 1 && y > 0 clogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Int -- | Get the package id of the type of a value -- --
-- >>> pkgIdFromTypeable (0 :: Unsigned 32) -- "clash-prelude-... --pkgIdFromTypeable :: Typeable a => a -> String reportTimeDiff :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> String -- | Left-biased choice on maybes orElses :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a wantedLanguageExtensions :: [Extension] unwantedLanguageExtensions :: [Extension] thenCompare :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering hoistMaybe :: Applicative m => Maybe b -> MaybeT m b -- | Source Span -- -- A SrcSpan identifies either a specific portion of a text file -- or a human-readable description of a location. data SrcSpan -- | Built-in "bad" SrcSpans for common sources of location -- uncertainty noSrcSpan :: SrcSpan instance GHC.Base.Monad m => Clash.Util.MonadUnique (Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy.StateT Clash.Unique.Unique m) instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Util.ClashException instance GHC.Exception.Type.Exception Clash.Util.ClashException -- | Types in CoreHW module Clash.Core.Type -- | Types in CoreHW: function and polymorphic types data Type -- | Type variable VarTy :: !TyVar -> Type -- | Type constant ConstTy :: !ConstTy -> Type -- | Polymorphic Type ForAllTy :: !TyVar -> !Type -> Type -- | Type Application AppTy :: !Type -> !Type -> Type -- | Type literal LitTy :: !LitTy -> Type -- | Annotated type, see Clash.Annotations.SynthesisAttributes AnnType :: [Attr Text] -> !Type -> Type -- | An easier view on types data TypeView -- | Function type FunTy :: !Type -> !Type -> TypeView -- | Applied TyCon TyConApp :: !TyConName -> [Type] -> TypeView -- | Neither of the above OtherType :: !Type -> TypeView -- | Type Constants data ConstTy -- | TyCon type TyCon :: !TyConName -> ConstTy -- | Function type Arrow :: ConstTy -- | Literal Types data LitTy NumTy :: !Integer -> LitTy SymTy :: !String -> LitTy CharTy :: !Char -> LitTy -- | The level above types type Kind = Type -- | Either a Kind or a Type type KindOrType = Type -- | Reference to a Kind type KiName = Name Kind -- | Reference to a Type type TyName = Name Type -- | Type variable type TyVar = Var Type -- | An easier view on types -- -- Note [Arrow arguments] -- -- Clash' Arrow type can either have 2 or 4 arguments, depending on who -- created it. By default it has two arguments: the argument type of a -- function, and the result type of a function. -- -- So when do we have 4 arguments? When in Haskell/GHC land the arrow was -- unsaturated. This can happen in instance heads, or in the eta-reduced -- representation of newtypes. So what are those additional 2 arguments -- compared to the "normal" function type? They're the kinds of argument -- and result type. tyView :: Type -> TypeView -- | A view on types in which newtypes are transparent, the Signal type is -- transparent, and type functions are evaluated to WHNF (when possible). -- -- Strips away ALL layers. If no layers are found it returns the given -- type. coreView :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type -- | A view on types in which newtypes are transparent, the Signal type is -- transparent, and type functions are evaluated to WHNF (when possible). -- -- Only strips away one "layer". coreView1 :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe Type -- | Make a Type out of a TyCon mkTyConTy :: TyConName -> Type -- | Make a function type of an argument and result type mkFunTy :: Type -> Type -> Type -- | Make a polymorphic function type out of a result type and a list of -- quantifiers and function argument types mkPolyFunTy :: Type -> [Either TyVar Type] -> Type -- | Make a TyCon Application out of a TyCon and a list of argument types mkTyConApp :: TyConName -> [Type] -> Type -- | Split a function type in an argument and result type splitFunTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Type) splitFunTys :: TyConMap -> Type -> ([Type], Type) -- | Split a poly-function type in a: list of type-binders and argument -- types, and the result type splitFunForallTy :: Type -> ([Either TyVar Type], Type) -- | Split a poly-function type in a: list of type-binders and argument -- types, and the result type. Looks through Signal and type -- functions. splitCoreFunForallTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> ([Either TyVar Type], Type) -- | Split a TyCon Application in a TyCon and its arguments splitTyConAppM :: Type -> Maybe (TyConName, [Type]) -- | Is a type a polymorphic or function type? isPolyFunTy :: Type -> Bool -- | Is a type a polymorphic or function type under coreView1? isPolyFunCoreTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool -- | Is a type polymorphic? isPolyTy :: Type -> Bool isTypeFamilyApplication :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool -- | Is a type a function type? isFunTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool isClassTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool -- | Apply a function type to an argument type and get the result type applyFunTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type -> Type findFunSubst :: TyConMap -> [([Type], Type)] -> [Type] -> Maybe Type reduceTypeFamily :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe Type isIntegerTy :: Type -> Bool -- | Normalize a type, looking through Signals and newtypes -- -- For example: Signal a (Vec (6-1) (Unsigned (3+1))) normalizes -- to Vec 5 (Unsigned 4) normalizeType :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type varAttrs :: Var a -> [Attr Text] -- | Extract attributes from type. Will return an empty list if this is an -- AnnType with an empty list AND if this is not an AnnType at all. typeAttrs :: Type -> [Attr Text] instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Type.ConstTy instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Type.LitTy instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Type.Type instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Type.Type instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Type.Type instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Type.Type instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Type.TypeView instance (TypeError ...) => Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Type.Type -- | Builtin Type and Kind definitions module Clash.Core.TysPrim liftedTypeKind :: Type typeNatKind :: Type typeSymbolKind :: Type intPrimTy :: Type integerPrimTy :: Type charPrimTy :: Type stringPrimTy :: Type voidPrimTy :: Type wordPrimTy :: Type int64PrimTy :: Type word64PrimTy :: Type int8PrimTy :: Type int16PrimTy :: Type int32PrimTy :: Type word8PrimTy :: Type word16PrimTy :: Type word32PrimTy :: Type floatPrimTy :: Type doublePrimTy :: Type naturalPrimTy :: Type byteArrayPrimTy :: Type eqPrimTy :: Type tysPrimMap :: TyConMap -- | Term representation in the CoreHW language: System F + LetRec + Case module Clash.Core.Term -- | Term representation in the CoreHW language: System F + LetRec + Case data Term -- | Variable reference Var :: !Id -> Term -- | Datatype constructor Data :: !DataCon -> Term -- | Literal Literal :: !Literal -> Term -- | Primitive Prim :: !PrimInfo -> Term -- | Term-abstraction Lam :: !Id -> Term -> Term -- | Type-abstraction TyLam :: !TyVar -> Term -> Term -- | Application App :: !Term -> !Term -> Term -- | Type-application TyApp :: !Term -> !Type -> Term -- | Recursive let-binding Let :: !Bind Term -> Term -> Term -- | Case-expression: subject, type of alternatives, list of alternatives Case :: !Term -> !Type -> [Alt] -> Term -- | Cast a term from one type to another Cast :: !Term -> !Type -> !Type -> Term -- | Annotated term Tick :: !TickInfo -> !Term -> Term pattern Letrec :: [LetBinding] -> Term -> Term -- | Abstract a term over a list of term and type variables mkAbstraction :: Term -> [Either Id TyVar] -> Term -- | Abstract a term over a list of type variables mkTyLams :: Term -> [TyVar] -> Term -- | Abstract a term over a list of variables mkLams :: Term -> [Id] -> Term -- | Apply a list of types and terms to a term mkApps :: Term -> [Either Term Type] -> Term -- | Apply a list of types to a term mkTyApps :: Term -> [Type] -> Term -- | Apply a list of terms to a term mkTmApps :: Term -> [Term] -> Term mkTicks :: Term -> [TickInfo] -> Term -- | Term reference type TmName = Name Term -- | Make a term variable out of a variable reference or ticked variable -- reference varToId :: Term -> Id data Bind a NonRec :: Id -> a -> Bind a Rec :: [(Id, a)] -> Bind a -- | Binding in a LetRec construct type LetBinding = (Id, Term) -- | Patterns in the LHS of a case-decomposition data Pat -- | Datatype pattern, '[TyVar]' bind existentially-quantified -- type-variables of a DataCon DataPat :: !DataCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> Pat -- | Literal pattern LitPat :: !Literal -> Pat -- | Default pattern DefaultPat :: Pat -- | Get the list of term-binders out of a DataType pattern patIds :: Pat -> ([TyVar], [Id]) patVars :: Pat -> [Var a] type Alt = (Pat, Term) data TickInfo -- | Source tick, will get added by GHC by running clash with `-g` SrcSpan :: !SrcSpan -> TickInfo -- | Modifier for naming module instantiations and registers, are added by -- the user by using the functions -- Clash.Magic.[prefixName,suffixName,setName] NameMod :: !NameMod -> !Type -> TickInfo -- | Deduplicate, i.e. try to share expressions between multiple branches. DeDup :: TickInfo -- | Do not deduplicate, i.e. keep, an expression inside a -- case-alternative; do not try to share expressions between multiple -- branches. NoDeDup :: TickInfo stripTicks :: Term -> Term -- | Like stripTicks but removes all ticks from subexpressions. stripAllTicks :: Term -> Term -- | Partition ticks in source ticks and nameMod ticks partitionTicks :: [TickInfo] -> ([TickInfo], [TickInfo]) -- | Tag to indicate which instance/register name modifier was used data NameMod -- |
-- Clash.Magic.prefixName --PrefixName :: NameMod -- |
-- Clash.Magic.suffixName --SuffixName :: NameMod -- |
-- Clash.Magic.suffixNameP --SuffixNameP :: NameMod -- |
-- Clash.Magic.setName --SetName :: NameMod data PrimInfo PrimInfo :: !Text -> !Type -> !WorkInfo -> !IsMultiPrim -> !PrimUnfolding -> PrimInfo [primName] :: PrimInfo -> !Text [primType] :: PrimInfo -> !Type [primWorkInfo] :: PrimInfo -> !WorkInfo -- | Primitive with multiple return values. Useful for primitives that -- cannot return their results as a single product type, due to -- limitation of synthesis tooling. It will be applied to its normal -- arguments, followed by the variables it should assign its results to. -- -- See: setupMultiResultPrim [primMultiResult] :: PrimInfo -> !IsMultiPrim [primUnfolding] :: PrimInfo -> !PrimUnfolding data PrimUnfolding NoUnfolding :: PrimUnfolding Unfolding :: !Id -> PrimUnfolding data IsMultiPrim SingleResult :: IsMultiPrim MultiResult :: IsMultiPrim data MultiPrimInfo MultiPrimInfo :: PrimInfo -> DataCon -> [Type] -> MultiPrimInfo [mpi_primInfo] :: MultiPrimInfo -> PrimInfo [mpi_resultDc] :: MultiPrimInfo -> DataCon [mpi_resultTypes] :: MultiPrimInfo -> [Type] data WorkInfo -- | Ignores its arguments, and outputs a constant WorkConstant :: WorkInfo -- | Never adds any work WorkNever :: WorkInfo -- | Does work when the arguments are variable WorkVariable :: WorkInfo -- | Performs work regardless of whether the variables are constant or -- variable; these are things like clock or reset generators WorkAlways :: WorkInfo -- | A more restrictive version of WorkNever, where the value is the -- argument at the given position if all arguments for the given list of -- positions are also WorkIdentity WorkIdentity :: Int -> [Int] -> WorkInfo -- | Context in which a term appears data CoreContext -- | Function position of an application AppFun :: CoreContext -- | Argument position of an application. If this is an argument applied to -- a primitive, a tuple is defined containing (name of the primitive, -- #type args, #term args) AppArg :: Maybe (Text, Int, Int) -> CoreContext -- | Function position of a type application TyAppC :: CoreContext -- | RHS of a Let-binder with the sibling LHS' LetBinding :: Id -> [Id] -> CoreContext -- | Body of a Let-binding with the bound LHS' LetBody :: [LetBinding] -> CoreContext -- | Body of a lambda-term with the abstracted variable LamBody :: Id -> CoreContext -- | Body of a TyLambda-term with the abstracted type-variable TyLamBody :: TyVar -> CoreContext -- | RHS of a case-alternative with the bound pattern on the LHS CaseAlt :: Pat -> CoreContext -- | Subject of a case-decomposition CaseScrut :: CoreContext -- | Body of a Cast CastBody :: CoreContext -- | Body of a Tick TickC :: TickInfo -> CoreContext -- | A list of CoreContext describes the complete navigation path -- from the top-level to a specific sub-expression. type Context = [CoreContext] -- | Is the Context a Lambda/Term-abstraction context? isLambdaBodyCtx :: CoreContext -> Bool -- | Is the Context a Tick context? isTickCtx :: CoreContext -> Bool -- | Visit all terms in a term, testing it with a predicate, and returning -- a list of predicate yields. walkTerm :: forall a. (Term -> Maybe a) -> Term -> [a] -- | Split a (Type)Application in the applied term and it arguments collectArgs :: Term -> (Term, [Either Term Type]) collectArgsTicks :: Term -> (Term, [Either Term Type], [TickInfo]) collectTicks :: Term -> (Term, [TickInfo]) collectTermIds :: Term -> [Id] -- | Split a (Type)Abstraction in the bound variables and the abstracted -- term collectBndrs :: Term -> ([Either Id TyVar], Term) -- | Given a function application, find the primitive it's applied. Yields -- Nothing if given term is not an application or if it is not a -- primitive. primArg :: Term -> Maybe (Text, Int, Int) instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.NameMod instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.TickInfo instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.TickInfo instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.TickInfo instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.TickInfo instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.TickInfo instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.IsMultiPrim instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Term.IsMultiPrim instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.IsMultiPrim instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.IsMultiPrim instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.IsMultiPrim instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.IsMultiPrim instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.PrimUnfolding instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Term.PrimUnfolding instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.PrimUnfolding instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.PrimUnfolding instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.PrimUnfolding instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.PrimUnfolding instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.WorkInfo instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable Clash.Core.Term.WorkInfo instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.WorkInfo instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.WorkInfo instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.WorkInfo instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.WorkInfo instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.PrimInfo instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.PrimInfo instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.PrimInfo instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.PrimInfo instance GHC.Base.Functor Clash.Core.Term.Bind instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary a => Data.Binary.Class.Binary (Clash.Core.Term.Bind a) instance Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable a => Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable (Clash.Core.Term.Bind a) instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData a => Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Clash.Core.Term.Bind a) instance GHC.Generics.Generic (Clash.Core.Term.Bind a) instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (Clash.Core.Term.Bind a) instance GHC.Classes.Eq a => GHC.Classes.Eq (Clash.Core.Term.Bind a) instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.Pat instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.Pat instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.Pat instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.Pat instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Term.Pat instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.Pat instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.Term instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.Term instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.Term instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.Term instance Data.Binary.Class.Binary Clash.Core.Term.CoreContext instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData Clash.Core.Term.CoreContext instance GHC.Generics.Generic Clash.Core.Term.CoreContext instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.Term.CoreContext instance GHC.Classes.Eq Clash.Core.Term.CoreContext instance GHC.Classes.Ord Clash.Core.Term.TickInfo -- | Types used in BlackBox modules module Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types -- | See BlackBox for documentation on this record's fields. (They -- are intentionally renamed to prevent name clashes.) data BlackBoxMeta BlackBoxMeta :: Usage -> TemplateKind -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [((Text, Text), BlackBox)] -> RenderVoid -> [BlackBox] -> [BlackBox] -> BlackBoxMeta [bbOutputUsage] :: BlackBoxMeta -> Usage [bbKind] :: BlackBoxMeta -> TemplateKind [bbLibrary] :: BlackBoxMeta -> [BlackBoxTemplate] [bbImports] :: BlackBoxMeta -> [BlackBoxTemplate] [bbFunctionPlurality] :: BlackBoxMeta -> [(Int, Int)] [bbIncludes] :: BlackBoxMeta -> [((Text, Text), BlackBox)] [bbRenderVoid] :: BlackBoxMeta -> RenderVoid [bbResultNames] :: BlackBoxMeta -> [BlackBox] [bbResultInits] :: BlackBoxMeta -> [BlackBox] -- | Use this value in your blackbox template function if you do want to -- accept the defaults as documented in BlackBox. emptyBlackBoxMeta :: BlackBoxMeta -- | A BlackBox function generates a blackbox template, given the inputs -- and result type of the function it should provide a blackbox for. This -- is useful when having a need for blackbox functions, ... TODO: docs type BlackBoxFunction = Bool " Indicates whether caller needs a declaration. If set, the function is still free to return an expression, but the caller will convert it to a declaration." -> Text " Name of primitive" -> [Either Term Type] " Arguments" -> [Type] " Result types" -> NetlistMonad (Either String (BlackBoxMeta, BlackBox)) -- | A BlackBox Template is a List of Elements TODO: Add name of function -- for better error messages type BlackBoxTemplate = [Element] data TemplateKind TDecl :: TemplateKind TExpr :: TemplateKind -- | Elements of a blackbox context. If you extend this list, make sure to -- update the following functions: -- --
-- x -> e1 aeq y -> e2 ---- -- We want to rename [x -> y] or [y -> x], but we -- have to pick a binder that is neither free in e1 nor -- e2 or we risk accidental capture. -- -- So we must maintain: -- --
-- traceIf (hasDebugInfo AppliedName name opts) ("Trace something using: " <> show name) ---- -- This accounts for the set of transformations which are being debugged. -- For a check which is agnostic to the a transformation, see -- hasTransformationInfo. hasDebugInfo :: TransformationInfo -> String -> DebugOpts -> Bool -- | Check that the transformation info shown supports the requested info. -- If the call-site is in the context of a particular transformation, -- hasDebugInfo should be used instead. hasTransformationInfo :: TransformationInfo -> DebugOpts -> Bool -- |
-- foldMapOf typeFreeVars unitVarSet ((a:* -> k) Int) = {a, k} --typeFreeVars :: Fold Type TyVar -- | Gives the free identifiers of a Term, implemented as a Fold freeIds :: Fold Term Id -- | Calculate the local free variable of an expression: the free -- type variables and the free identifiers that are not bound in the -- global environment. freeLocalVars :: Fold Term (Var a) -- | Calculate the local free identifiers of an expression: the free -- identifiers that are not bound in the global environment. freeLocalIds :: Fold Term Id -- | Calculate the global free identifiers of an expression: the -- free identifiers that are bound in the global environment. globalIds :: Fold Term Id -- | Gives the free type-variables of a Term, implemented as a Fold -- -- The Fold is closed over the types of variables, so: -- --
-- foldMapOf termFreeTyVars unitVarSet (case (x : (a:* -> k) Int)) of {}) = {a, k} --termFreeTyVars :: Fold Term TyVar -- | Check whether a local identifier occurs free in a term globalIdOccursIn :: Id -> Term -> Bool -- | Check whether a set of variables does not occur free in a term localVarsDoNotOccurIn :: [Var a] -> Term -> Bool -- | Get the free variables of an expression and count the number of -- occurrences countFreeOccurances :: Term -> VarEnv Int -- | Gives the "interesting" free variables in a Type, implemented as a -- Fold -- -- The Fold is closed over the types of variables, so: -- --
-- foldMapOf (typeFreeVars' (const True) IntSet.empty) unitVarSet ((a:* -> k) Int) = {a, k} ---- -- Note [Closing over kind variables] -- -- Consider the type -- --
-- forall k . b -> k ---- -- where -- --
-- b :: k -> Type ---- -- When we close over the free variables of forall k . b -> -- k, i.e. b, then the k in b :: k -> -- Type is most definitely not the k in forall k -- . b -> k. So when a type variable is free, i.e. not in the -- inScope set, its kind variables also aren´t; so in order to prevent -- collisions due to shadowing we close using an empty inScope set. -- -- See also: -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/503514b94f8dc7bd9eab5392206649aee45f140b typeFreeVars' :: (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (forall b. Var b -> Bool) -> IntSet -> (Var a -> f (Var a)) -> Type -> f Type -- | Gives the "interesting" free variables in a Term, implemented as a -- Fold -- -- The Fold is closed over the types of variables, so: -- --
-- foldMapOf (termFreeVars' (const True)) unitVarSet (case (x : (a:* -> k) Int)) of {}) = {x, a, k} ---- -- Note [Closing over type variables] -- -- Consider the term -- --
-- /\(k :: Type) -> \(b :: k) -> a ---- -- where -- --
-- a :: k ---- -- When we close over the free variables of /k -> (b :: k) -> -- (a :: k), i.e. a, then the k in a :: k -- is most definitely not the k in introduced by the -- /k ->. So when a term variable is free, i.e. not in the -- inScope set, its type variables also aren´t; so in order to prevent -- collisions due to shadowing we close using an empty inScope set. -- -- See also: -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/503514b94f8dc7bd9eab5392206649aee45f140b termFreeVars' :: (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (forall b. Var b -> Bool) -> (Var a -> f (Var a)) -> Term -> f Term -- | Utility class to extract free variables from data which has variables. module Clash.Core.HasFreeVars class HasFreeVars a freeVarsOf :: HasFreeVars a => a -> VarSet -- | Something is closed if it has no free variables. This function may be -- replaced with a more efficient implementation. isClosed :: HasFreeVars a => a -> Bool -- | Check if a variable is free in the given value. This function may be -- replaced with a more efficient implementation. elemFreeVars :: HasFreeVars a => Var a -> a -> Bool -- | Check if a variable is not free in the given value. This function may -- be replaced with a more efficient implementation. notElemFreeVars :: HasFreeVars a => Var a -> a -> Bool -- | Check if all variables in a set are free in the given value. This -- function may be replaced with a more efficient implementation. subsetFreeVars :: HasFreeVars a => VarSet -> a -> Bool -- | Check if no variables in a set are free in the given value. This -- function may be replaced with a more efficient implementation. disjointFreeVars :: HasFreeVars a => VarSet -> a -> Bool instance Clash.Core.HasFreeVars.HasFreeVars Clash.Core.Term.Term instance Clash.Core.HasFreeVars.HasFreeVars Clash.Core.Type.Type instance (Data.Foldable.Foldable f, Clash.Core.HasFreeVars.HasFreeVars a) => Clash.Core.HasFreeVars.HasFreeVars (f a) module Clash.Core.EqSolver -- | Data type that indicates what kind of solution (if any) was found data TypeEqSolution -- | Solution was found. Variable equals some integer. Solution :: (TyVar, Type) -> TypeEqSolution -- | A solution was found, but it involved negative naturals. AbsurdSolution :: TypeEqSolution -- | Given type wasn't an equation, or it was unsolvable. NoSolution :: TypeEqSolution catSolutions :: [TypeEqSolution] -> [(TyVar, Type)] -- | Solve given equations and return all non-absurd solutions solveNonAbsurds :: TyConMap -> VarSet -> [(Type, Type)] -> [(TyVar, Type)] -- | Solve simple equalities such as: -- --
-- showsTypePrec n _ -- = let -- showSpace = showChar ' ' -- precCalls = [showsTypePrec 11 (Proxy @a)] -- interspersedPrecCalls = intersperse showSpace precCalls -- showType = foldl (.) (showString "Maybe") (showSpace : interspersedPrecCalls) -- in -- showParen (n > 10) showType --deriveShowsTypePrec :: Name -> Q Dec -- | Derive a TermLiteral instance for given type deriveTermLiteral :: Name -> Q [Dec] dcName' :: DataCon -> String -- | Tools to convert a Term into its "real" representation module Clash.Core.TermLiteral -- | Tools to deal with literals encoded as a Term. class TermLiteral a -- | Pretty print the type of a term (for error messages). Its default -- implementation uses Typeable to print the type. Note that this -- method is there to allow an instance for SNat to exist (and -- other GADTs imposing KnownNat). Without it, GHC would ask for a -- KnownNat constraint on the instance, which would defeat the -- purpose of it. showsTypePrec :: TermLiteral a => Int -> Proxy a -> ShowS -- | Pretty print type a showType :: TermLiteral a => Proxy a -> String -- | Convert Term to the constant it represents. Will return an -- error if (one of the subterms) fail to translate. termToData :: (TermLiteral a, HasCallStack) => Term -> Either Term a -- | Same as termToData, but returns printable error message if it -- couldn't translate a term. termToDataError :: forall a. TermLiteral a => Term -> Either String a -- | Derive a TermLiteral instance for given type deriveTermLiteral :: Name -> Q [Dec] instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Clash.Annotations.SynthesisAttributes.Attr a) instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Clash.Verification.Internal.Property' a) instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Clash.Verification.Internal.Assertion' a) instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral Clash.Verification.Internal.RenderAs instance (Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a, Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral b) => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Data.Either.Either a b) instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (GHC.Maybe.Maybe a) instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Types.Bool instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral Clash.Core.Term.Term instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Base.String instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral Data.Text.Internal.Text instance GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat n => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Clash.Sized.Internal.Index.Index n) instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Types.Int instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Types.Word instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Integer.Type.Integer instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Types.Char instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral GHC.Natural.Natural instance Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Clash.Promoted.Nat.SNat n) instance (Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a, Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral b) => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (a, b) instance (Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral a, GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat n) => Clash.Core.TermLiteral.TermLiteral (Clash.Sized.Vector.Vec n a) -- | Utility class to extract type information from data which has a type. module Clash.Core.HasType class HasType a coreTypeOf :: HasType a => a -> Type coreKindOf :: HasType a => a -> Kind class InferType a inferCoreTypeOf :: InferType a => TyConMap -> a -> Type inferCoreKindOf :: InferType a => TyConMap -> a -> Kind -- | Get the result type of a polymorphic function given a list of -- arguments applyTypeToArgs :: Term -> TyConMap -> Type -> [Either Term Type] -> Type -- | Like piResultTys, but only applies a single type. If multiple -- types are being applied use piResultTys, as it is more -- efficient to only substitute once with many types. piResultTy :: HasCallStack => TyConMap -> Type -> Type -> Type -- | (piResultTys f_ty [ty1, ..., tyn]) gives the type of (f -- ty1 .. tyn) where f :: f_ty -- -- piResultTys is interesting because: -- --
-- [Int,(Clock,(Reset,Bool)),Char] ---- -- we return -- --
-- [Int,Clock,Reset,Bool,Char] ---- -- But we would leave -- --
-- [Int, (Bool,Int), Char] ---- -- unchanged. splitShouldSplit :: TyConMap -> [Type] -> [Type] -- | Strip implicit parameter wrappers (IP) stripIP :: Type -> Type -- | Do an inverse topological sorting of the let-bindings in a -- let-expression inverseTopSortLetBindings :: HasCallStack => [(Id, Term)] -> [(Id, Term)] -- | Group let-bindings into cyclic groups and acyclic individual bindings sccLetBindings :: HasCallStack => [(Id, Term)] -> [SCC (Id, Term)] -- | Make a case-decomposition that extracts a field out of a -- (Sum-of-)Product type mkSelectorCase :: HasCallStack => MonadUnique m => String -> InScopeSet -> TyConMap -> Term -> Int -> Int -> m Term -- | Make a binder that should not be referenced mkWildValBinder :: MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> Type -> m Id -- | Make a new, unique, identifier mkInternalVar :: MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> OccName -> KindOrType -> m Id -- | Special primitives created during the normalization process. module Clash.Normalize.Primitives -- | The removedArg primitive represents an argument which is -- computationally irrelevant, and has been removed from the circuit (as -- removing it does not change the behaviour of the circuit). Examples of -- such arguments are unused arguments to blackboxes, as removing them -- does not affect the rendered HDL. removedArg :: PrimInfo -- | The undefined primitive represents an undefined value that was -- identified during normalization. This includes undefined results to -- compile-time evaluation, such as division by zero. undefined :: PrimInfo -- | The undefinedX primitive represents an X-exception throwing value that -- was identified during normalization. undefinedX :: PrimInfo -- | Check whether a term is work free or not. This is used by -- transformations / evaluation to check whether it is possible to -- perform changes without duplicating work in the result, e.g. inlining. module Clash.Rewrite.WorkFree -- | Determine whether a term does any work, i.e. adds to the size of the -- circuit. This function requires a cache (specified as a lens) to store -- the result for querying work info of global binders. isWorkFree :: forall s m. (HasCallStack, MonadState s m) => Lens' s (VarEnv Bool) -> BindingMap -> Term -> m Bool isWorkFreeClockOrResetOrEnable :: TyConMap -> Term -> Maybe Bool -- | A conservative version of isWorkFree. Is used to determine in -- bindConstantVar to determine whether an expression can be -- "bound" (locally inlined). While binding workfree expressions won't -- result in extra work for the circuit, it might very well cause extra -- work for Clash. In fact, using isWorkFree in -- bindConstantVar makes Clash two orders of magnitude slower -- for some of our test cases. -- -- In effect, this function is a version of isConstant that also -- considers references to clocks and resets constant. This allows us to -- bind HiddenClock(ResetEnable) constructs, allowing Clash to constant -- spec subconstants - most notably KnownDomain. Doing that enables Clash -- to eliminate any case-constructs on it. isWorkFreeIsh :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool -- | Determine if a term represents a constant isConstant :: Term -> Bool isConstantNotClockReset :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool -- | Normal forms for the partial evaluator. These provide a restricted -- model of how terms can be constructed (compared to the more liberal -- Term type) which give a stronger guarantee that evaluation does not -- produce invalid results. This module is only needed to define new -- evaluators, for calling an existing evaluator see -- Clash.Core.PartialEval. module Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm -- | An argument applied to a function data constructor primitive. type Arg a = Either a Type type Args a = [Arg a] -- | Neutral terms cannot be reduced, as they represent things like -- variables which are unknown, partially applied functions, or case -- expressions where the subject cannot be inspected. Consider: -- -- v Stuck if "v" is a free variable p x1 ... xn Stuck if "p" is a -- primitive that cannot be reduced x $ y Stuck if "x" is not known to be -- a lambda x @ A Stuck if "x" is not known to be a type lambda case x of -- ... Stuck if "x" is neutral (cannot choose an alternative) -- -- Neutral terms can also be let expressions which preserve required -- bindings in the normal form representation. Examples of bindings that -- may be kept are bindings which perform work (and should not be copied) -- or bindings that are recursive and are still referred to by the body -- of the let expression. -- -- let ... in ... Preserved bindings are needed by the body data Neutral a NeVar :: !Id -> Neutral a NePrim :: !PrimInfo -> !Args a -> Neutral a NeApp :: !Neutral a -> !a -> Neutral a NeTyApp :: !Neutral a -> !Type -> Neutral a NeLet :: !Bind a -> !a -> Neutral a NeCase :: !a -> !Type -> ![(Pat, a)] -> Neutral a -- | A term which has been potentially evaluated to WHNF. If evaluation has -- occurred, then there will be no redexes at the head of the Value, but -- sub-terms may still have redexes. Data constructors are only -- considered to be values when fully applied, if partially applied they -- should be eta-expanded during evaluation. -- -- Thunks are included so that lazy evaluation can be modelled without -- needing to store Either Term Value in the environment. This makes the -- presentation simpler, with the caveat that values must be forced when -- they are required to not be thunks. data Value VNeutral :: !Neutral Value -> Value VLiteral :: !Literal -> Value VData :: !DataCon -> !Args Value -> !LocalEnv -> Value VLam :: !Id -> !Term -> !LocalEnv -> Value VTyLam :: !TyVar -> !Term -> !LocalEnv -> Value VCast :: !Value -> !Type -> !Type -> Value VTick :: !Value -> !TickInfo -> Value VThunk :: !Term -> !LocalEnv -> Value mkValueTicks :: Value -> [TickInfo] -> Value stripValue :: Value -> Value collectValueTicks :: Value -> (Value, [TickInfo]) isUndefined :: Value -> Bool isUndefinedX :: Value -> Bool -- | A term which is in beta-normal eta-long form (NF). This has no -- redexes, and all partially applied functions in sub-terms are -- eta-expanded. -- -- While not strictly necessary, NLam includes the environment at the -- point the original term was evaluated. This makes it easier for the -- AsTerm instance for Normal to reintroduce let expressions before -- lambdas without accidentally floating a let using a lambda bound -- variable outwards. data Normal NNeutral :: !Neutral Normal -> Normal NLiteral :: !Literal -> Normal NData :: !DataCon -> !Args Normal -> Normal NLam :: !Id -> !Normal -> !LocalEnv -> Normal NTyLam :: !TyVar -> !Normal -> !LocalEnv -> Normal NCast :: !Normal -> !Type -> !Type -> Normal NTick :: !Normal -> !TickInfo -> Normal data LocalEnv LocalEnv :: Id -> Map TyVar Type -> Map Id Value -> Word -> Bool -> LocalEnv -- | The id of the term currently under evaluation. [lenvContext] :: LocalEnv -> Id -- | Local type environment. These are types that are introduced while -- evaluating the current term (i.e. by type applications) [lenvTypes] :: LocalEnv -> Map TyVar Type -- | Local term environment. These are WHNF terms or unevaluated thunks -- introduced while evaluating the current term (i.e. by applications) [lenvValues] :: LocalEnv -> Map Id Value -- | The amount of fuel left in the local environment when the previous -- head was reached. This is needed so resuming evaluation does not lead -- to additional fuel being available. [lenvFuel] :: LocalEnv -> Word -- | When evaluating, keep data constructors for boxed data types (e.g. I#) -- instead of converting these back to their corresponding primitive. -- This is used when evaluating terms where the result is subject of a -- case expression (see note: lifted data types). [lenvKeepLifted] :: LocalEnv -> Bool data GlobalEnv GlobalEnv :: VarEnv (Binding Value) -> TyConMap -> InScopeSet -> Supply -> Word -> IntMap Value -> Int -> VarEnv Bool -> GlobalEnv -- | Global term environment. These are the potentially evaluated bodies of -- the top level definitions which are forced on lookup. [genvBindings] :: GlobalEnv -> VarEnv (Binding Value) -- | The type constructors known about by Clash. [genvTyConMap] :: GlobalEnv -> TyConMap -- | The set of in scope variables during partial evaluation. This includes -- new variables introduced by the evaluator (such as the ids of binders -- introduced during eta expansion.) [genvInScope] :: GlobalEnv -> InScopeSet -- | The supply of fresh names for generating identifiers. [genvSupply] :: GlobalEnv -> Supply -- | The remaining fuel which can be spent inlining global variables. This -- is saved in the local environment, so when evaluation resumes from -- WHNF the amount of fuel used is preserved. [genvFuel] :: GlobalEnv -> Word -- | The heap containing the results of any evaluated IO primitives. [genvHeap] :: GlobalEnv -> IntMap Value -- | The address of the next element to be inserted into the heap. [genvAddr] :: GlobalEnv -> Int -- | Cache for the results of isWorkFree. This is required to use -- Clash.Rewrite.WorkFree.isWorkFree. [genvWorkCache] :: GlobalEnv -> VarEnv Bool workFreeCache :: Lens' GlobalEnv (VarEnv Bool) instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.Neutral a) instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.Value instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.LocalEnv instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.Normal -- | The AsTerm class and relevant instances for the partial evaluator. -- This defines how to convert normal forms back into Terms which can be -- given as the result of evaluation. module Clash.Core.PartialEval.AsTerm -- | Convert a term in some normal form back into a Term. This is -- important, as it may perform substitutions which have not yet been -- performed (i.e. when converting from WHNF where heads contain the -- environment at that point). class AsTerm a asTerm :: AsTerm a => a -> Term instance Clash.Core.PartialEval.AsTerm.AsTerm a => Clash.Core.PartialEval.AsTerm.AsTerm (Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.Neutral a) instance Clash.Core.PartialEval.AsTerm.AsTerm Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.Value instance Clash.Core.PartialEval.AsTerm.AsTerm Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.Normal -- | The monad for partial evaluation, and its API. This should contain all -- auxiliary functions needed to define new evaluator implementations. -- This module is only needed to define new evaluators, for calling an -- existing evaluator see Clash.Core.PartialEval. module Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad -- | The monad of partial evaluation. The inner monad is IO, as primitive -- evaluation can attempt to evaluate IO actions. data Eval a -- | Evaluate an action in the partial evaluator, returning the result, and -- the final state of the global environment. runEval :: GlobalEnv -> LocalEnv -> Eval a -> IO (a, GlobalEnv) getLocalEnv :: Eval LocalEnv setLocalEnv :: LocalEnv -> Eval a -> Eval a modifyLocalEnv :: (LocalEnv -> LocalEnv) -> Eval a -> Eval a getGlobalEnv :: Eval GlobalEnv modifyGlobalEnv :: (GlobalEnv -> GlobalEnv) -> Eval () getContext :: Eval Id withContext :: Id -> Eval a -> Eval a getTvSubst :: Eval Subst findTyVar :: TyVar -> Eval (Maybe Type) withTyVar :: TyVar -> Type -> Eval a -> Eval a withTyVars :: [(TyVar, Type)] -> Eval a -> Eval a findId :: Id -> Eval (Maybe Value) withId :: Id -> Value -> Eval a -> Eval a withIds :: [(Id, Value)] -> Eval a -> Eval a withoutId :: Id -> Eval a -> Eval a findBinding :: Id -> Eval (Maybe (Binding Value)) replaceBinding :: Binding Value -> Eval () getRef :: Int -> Eval Value setRef :: Int -> Value -> Eval () isKeepingLifted :: Eval Bool keepLifted :: Eval a -> Eval a getFuel :: Eval Word withFuel :: Eval a -> Eval a preserveFuel :: Eval a -> Eval a getTyConMap :: Eval TyConMap getInScope :: Eval InScopeSet getUniqueId :: OccName -> Type -> Eval Id getUniqueTyVar :: OccName -> Kind -> Eval TyVar workFreeValue :: Value -> Eval Bool instance Control.Monad.Catch.MonadMask Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance Control.Monad.Catch.MonadCatch Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance Control.Monad.Catch.MonadThrow Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance Control.Monad.State.Class.MonadState Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.GlobalEnv Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance Control.Monad.Reader.Class.MonadReader Clash.Core.PartialEval.NormalForm.LocalEnv Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance Control.Monad.Fail.MonadFail Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance GHC.Base.Monad Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance GHC.Base.Alternative Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance GHC.Base.Applicative Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval instance GHC.Base.Functor Clash.Core.PartialEval.Monad.Eval -- | The main API of the partial evaluator. This exposes the main functions -- needed to call the evaluator, and the type of evaluators. A concrete -- implementation of an evaluator is required to use this module: this -- can be imported from the library for the compiler front-end, e.g. -- Clash.GHC.PartialEval in clash-ghc. module Clash.Core.PartialEval -- | An evaluator for Clash core. This consists of two functions: one to -- evaluate a term to weak-head normal form (WHNF) and another to -- recursively evaluate sub-terms to obtain beta-normal eta-long form -- (NF). data Evaluator Evaluator :: (Term -> Eval Value) -> (Value -> Eval Normal) -> Evaluator [evalWhnf] :: Evaluator -> Term -> Eval Value [quoteNf] :: Evaluator -> Value -> Eval Normal -- | Evaluate a term to WHNF, converting the result back to a Term. The -- global environment at the end of evaluation is also returned, callers -- should preserve any parts of the global environment needed for later -- calls. whnf :: Evaluator -> GlobalEnv -> Bool -> Id -> Term -> IO (Term, GlobalEnv) -- | Evaluate a term to NF, converting the result back to a Term. See -- whnf for more details. nf :: Evaluator -> GlobalEnv -> Bool -> Id -> Term -> IO (Term, GlobalEnv) mkGlobalEnv :: BindingMap -> TyConMap -> InScopeSet -> Supply -> Word -> IntMap Value -> Int -> GlobalEnv module Clash.Core.TermInfo termSize :: Term -> Word multPrimErr :: PrimInfo -> String splitMultiPrimArgs :: HasCallStack => MultiPrimInfo -> [Either Term Type] -> ([Either Term Type], [Id]) -- | Same as multiPrimInfo, but produced an error if it could not -- produce a MultiPrimInfo. multiPrimInfo' :: HasCallStack => TyConMap -> PrimInfo -> MultiPrimInfo -- | Produce MutliPrimInfo for given primitive multiPrimInfo :: TyConMap -> PrimInfo -> Maybe MultiPrimInfo -- | Does a term have a function type? isFun :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool -- | Does a term have a function or polymorphic type? isPolyFun :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool -- | Is a term a recursive let-binding? isLet :: Term -> Bool -- | Is a term a variable reference? isVar :: Term -> Bool isLocalVar :: Term -> Bool -- | Is a term a datatype constructor? isCon :: Term -> Bool -- | Is a term a primitive? isPrim :: Term -> Bool -- | Is a term a tick? isTick :: Term -> Bool -- | Is a term a cast? isCast :: Term -> Bool -- | Types for the Partial Evaluator module Clash.Core.Evaluator.Types whnf' :: Evaluator -> BindingMap -> VarEnv Term -> TyConMap -> PrimHeap -> Supply -> InScopeSet -> Bool -> Term -> (PrimHeap, PureHeap, Term) -- | Evaluate to WHNF given an existing Heap and Stack whnf :: Evaluator -> TyConMap -> Bool -> Machine -> Machine -- | An evaluator is a collection of basic building blocks which are used -- to define partial evaluation. In this implementation, it consists of -- two types of function: -- --
-- source -notrace clashConnector.tcl -- # Pass it the path to "clash-manifest.json" of your top entity -- clash::readMetadata vhdl/Design.topEntity -- # Instantiate IP (no-op if no IP defined) -- file mkdir ip -- clash::createAndReadIp -dir ip -- # Read all VHDL/Verilog/SystemVerilog files generated by Clash -- clash::readHdl -- # Handle XDC files, in correct order -- clash::readXdc early -- # A file containing PACKAGE_PIN and IOSTANDARD definitions (but not -- # create_clock, clocks are part of the Clash-generated files) -- read_xdc Arty-A7-35-Master.xdc -- set_property USED_IN implementation [get_files Arty-A7-35-Master.xdc] -- clash::readXdc {normal late} -- synth_design -top $clash::topEntity -part xc7a35ticsg324-1L -- opt_design -- place_design -- route_design -- write_bitstream ${clash::topEntity}.bit ---- -- Clash.Xilinx.ClockGen and -- clash-cores:Clash.Cores.Xilinx modules make use of the IP -- instantiating functionality; XDC metadata functionality is not -- currently used as the IP is already packaged with correct constraints -- by Vivado. -- -- More documentation about the Tcl Connector and the Clash<->Tcl -- API will be made available later. -- -- In addition to this module, you can also write a copy of the Tcl -- script to a file by invoking -- --
-- cabal run clash-lib:static-files -- --tcl-connector clashConnector.tcl --tclConnector :: IO FilePath module Clash.Backend primsRoot :: IO FilePath clashVer :: String type ModName = Text -- | Is a type used for internal or external use data Usage -- | Internal use Internal :: Usage -- | External use, field indicates the library name External :: Text -> Usage -- | Is '-fclash-aggresive-x-optimization-blackbox' set? newtype AggressiveXOptBB AggressiveXOptBB :: Bool -> AggressiveXOptBB -- | Is '-fclash-render-enums' set? newtype RenderEnums RenderEnums :: Bool -> RenderEnums -- | Kind of a HDL type. Used to determine whether types need conversions -- in order to cross top entity boundaries. data HWKind -- | A type defined in an HDL spec. Usually types such as: bool, bit, .. PrimitiveType :: HWKind -- | A user defined type that's simply a synonym for another type, very -- much like a type synonym in Haskell. As long as two synonym types -- refer to the same type, they can be used interchangeably. E.g., a -- subtype in VHDL. SynonymType :: HWKind -- | User defined type that's not interchangeable with any others, even if -- the underlying structures are the same. Similar to an ADT in Haskell. UserType :: HWKind type DomainMap = HashMap Text VDomainConfiguration emptyDomainMap :: DomainMap class HasUsageMap s usageMap :: HasUsageMap s => Lens' s UsageMap class (HasUsageMap state, HasIdentifierSet state) => Backend state -- | Initial state for state monad initBackend :: Backend state => ClashOpts -> state -- | What HDL is the backend generating hdlKind :: Backend state => state -> HDL -- | Location for the primitive definitions primDirs :: Backend state => state -> IO [FilePath] -- | Name of backend, used for directory to put output files in. Should be -- constant function / ignore argument. name :: Backend state => state -> String -- | File extension for target langauge extension :: Backend state => state -> String -- | Get the set of types out of state extractTypes :: Backend state => state -> HashSet HWType -- | Generate HDL for a Netlist component genHDL :: Backend state => ClashOpts -> ModName -> SrcSpan -> IdentifierSet -> UsageMap -> Component -> Ap (State state) ((String, Doc), [(String, Doc)]) -- | Generate a HDL package containing type definitions for the given -- HWTypes mkTyPackage :: Backend state => ModName -> [HWType] -> Ap (State state) [(String, Doc)] -- | Convert a Netlist HWType to a target HDL type hdlType :: Backend state => Usage -> HWType -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Query what kind of type a given HDL type is hdlHWTypeKind :: Backend state => HWType -> State state HWKind -- | Convert a Netlist HWType to an HDL error value for that type hdlTypeErrValue :: Backend state => HWType -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Convert a Netlist HWType to the root of a target HDL type hdlTypeMark :: Backend state => HWType -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Create a record selector hdlRecSel :: Backend state => HWType -> Int -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Create a signal declaration from an identifier (Text) and Netlist -- HWType hdlSig :: Backend state => Text -> HWType -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Create a generative block statement marker genStmt :: Backend state => Bool -> State state Doc -- | Turn a Netlist Declaration to a HDL concurrent block inst :: Backend state => Declaration -> Ap (State state) (Maybe Doc) -- | Turn a Netlist expression into a HDL expression expr :: Backend state => Bool -> Expr -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Bit-width of Int,Word,Integer iwWidth :: Backend state => State state Int -- | Convert to a bit-vector toBV :: Backend state => HWType -> Text -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Convert from a bit-vector fromBV :: Backend state => HWType -> Text -> Ap (State state) Doc -- | Synthesis tool we're generating HDL for hdlSyn :: Backend state => State state HdlSyn -- | setModName setModName :: Backend state => ModName -> state -> state -- | Set the name of the current top entity setTopName :: Backend state => Identifier -> state -> state -- | Get the name of the current top entity getTopName :: Backend state => State state Identifier -- | setSrcSpan setSrcSpan :: Backend state => SrcSpan -> State state () -- | getSrcSpan getSrcSpan :: Backend state => State state SrcSpan -- | Block of declarations blockDecl :: Backend state => Identifier -> [Declaration] -> Ap (State state) Doc addIncludes :: Backend state => [(String, Doc)] -> State state () addLibraries :: Backend state => [Text] -> State state () addImports :: Backend state => [Text] -> State state () addAndSetData :: Backend state => FilePath -> State state String getDataFiles :: Backend state => State state [(String, FilePath)] addMemoryDataFile :: Backend state => (String, String) -> State state () getMemoryDataFiles :: Backend state => State state [(String, String)] ifThenElseExpr :: Backend state => state -> Bool -- | Whether -fclash-aggressive-x-optimization-blackboxes was set aggressiveXOptBB :: Backend state => State state AggressiveXOptBB -- | Whether -fclash-no-render-enums was set renderEnums :: Backend state => State state RenderEnums -- | All the domain configurations of design domainConfigurations :: Backend state => State state DomainMap -- | Set the domain configurations setDomainConfigurations :: Backend state => DomainMap -> state -> state -- | Type and instance definitions for Netlist modules module Clash.Netlist.Types -- | Internals of a Component data Declaration -- | Signal assignment Assignment :: !Identifier -> !Usage -> !Expr -> Declaration -- | Conditional signal assignment: CondAssignment :: !Identifier -> !HWType -> !Expr -> !HWType -> [(Maybe Literal, Expr)] -> Declaration -- | Instantiation of another component: InstDecl :: EntityOrComponent -> Maybe Text -> [Attr Text] -> !Identifier -> !Identifier -> [(Expr, HWType, Expr)] -> PortMap -> Declaration -- | Instantiation of blackbox declaration BlackBoxD :: !Text -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [((Text, Text), BlackBox)] -> !BlackBox -> BlackBoxContext -> Declaration -- | component declaration (VHDL). -- -- See this tutorial; refer to §4.5 of IEEE 1076-1993 CompDecl :: !Text -> [(Text, PortDirection, HWType)] -> Declaration -- | Signal declaration NetDecl' :: Maybe Comment -> !Identifier -> HWType -> Maybe Expr -> Declaration -- | HDL tick corresponding to a Core tick TickDecl :: CommentOrDirective -> Declaration -- | Sequential statement Seq :: [Seq] -> Declaration -- | Compilation conditional on some preprocessor symbol, note that -- declarations here are ignored for VHDL. See here for a discussion -- https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/1798#discussion_r648571862 ConditionalDecl :: !Text -> [Declaration] -> Declaration pattern NetDecl :: Maybe Comment -> Identifier -> HWType -> Declaration type UsageMap = Map Text Usage -- | The usage of a signal refers to how the signal is written to in -- netlist. This is used to determine if the signal should be a -- wire or reg in (System)Verilog, or a signal -- or variable in VHDL. data Usage -- | Continuous assignment, which occurs in a concurrent context. Cont :: Usage -- | Procedural assignment, which occurs in a sequential context. Proc :: Blocking -> Usage -- | Procedural assignment in HDL can be blocking or non-blocking. This -- determines when the assignment takes place in simulation. The name -- refers to whether evaluation of the remaining statements in a process -- is blocked until the assignment is performed or not. -- -- See Also: -- -- IEEE 1364-2001, sections 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 IEEE 1076-1993, sections 8.4 -- and 8.5 data Blocking -- | A non-blocking assignment means the new value is not observed until -- the next time step in simulation. Using the signal later in the -- process will continue to return the old value. NonBlocking :: Blocking -- | A blocking assignment means the new value is observed immediately. -- Using the signal later in the process will return the new value. Blocking :: Blocking -- | Whether to preserve casing in ids or converted everything to -- lowercase. Influenced by '-fclash-lower-case-basic-identifiers' data PreserveCase PreserveCase :: PreserveCase ToLower :: PreserveCase -- | Monad that caches generated components (StateT) and remembers hidden -- inputs of components that are being generated (WriterT) newtype NetlistMonad a NetlistMonad :: StateT NetlistState (ReaderT NetlistEnv IO) a -> NetlistMonad a [runNetlist] :: NetlistMonad a -> StateT NetlistState (ReaderT NetlistEnv IO) a -- | Structures that hold an IdentifierSet class HasIdentifierSet s identifierSet :: HasIdentifierSet s => Lens' s IdentifierSet -- | An IdentifierSetMonad supports unique name generation for Clash -- Netlist class Monad m => IdentifierSetMonad m identifierSetM :: IdentifierSetMonad m => (IdentifierSet -> IdentifierSet) -> m IdentifierSet -- | Structure describing a top entity: it's id and its port annotations. data TopEntityT TopEntityT :: Id -> Maybe TopEntity -> Bool -> TopEntityT -- | Id of top entity [topId] :: TopEntityT -> Id -- | (Maybe) a topentity annotation [topAnnotation] :: TopEntityT -> Maybe TopEntity -- | Whether this entity is a test bench [topIsTestBench] :: TopEntityT -> Bool data BlackBox BBTemplate :: BlackBoxTemplate -> BlackBox BBFunction :: BBName -> BBHash -> TemplateFunction -> BlackBox -- | Expression used in RHS of a declaration data Expr -- | Literal expression Literal :: !Maybe (HWType, Size) -> !Literal -> Expr -- | DataCon application DataCon :: !HWType -> !Modifier -> [Expr] -> Expr -- | Signal reference Identifier :: !Identifier -> !Maybe Modifier -> Expr -- | Left e: tagToEnum#, Right e: dataToTag# DataTag :: !HWType -> !Either Identifier Identifier -> Expr -- | Instantiation of a BlackBox expression BlackBoxE :: !Text -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [((Text, Text), BlackBox)] -> !BlackBox -> !BlackBoxContext -> !Bool -> Expr -- | Convert some type to a BitVector. ToBv :: Maybe Identifier -> HWType -> Expr -> Expr -- | Convert BitVector to some type. FromBv :: Maybe Identifier -> HWType -> Expr -> Expr IfThenElse :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -- | Do nothing Noop :: Expr -- | Component: base unit of a Netlist data Component Component :: !Identifier -> [(Identifier, HWType)] -> [(Usage, (Identifier, HWType), Maybe Expr)] -> [Declaration] -> Component -- | Name of the component [componentName] :: Component -> !Identifier -- | Input ports [inputs] :: Component -> [(Identifier, HWType)] -- | Output ports [outputs] :: Component -> [(Usage, (Identifier, HWType), Maybe Expr)] -- | Internal declarations [declarations] :: Component -> [Declaration] -- | Internals of a Component data Declaration -- | Signal assignment Assignment :: !Identifier -> !Usage -> !Expr -> Declaration -- | Conditional signal assignment: CondAssignment :: !Identifier -> !HWType -> !Expr -> !HWType -> [(Maybe Literal, Expr)] -> Declaration -- | Instantiation of another component: InstDecl :: EntityOrComponent -> Maybe Text -> [Attr Text] -> !Identifier -> !Identifier -> [(Expr, HWType, Expr)] -> PortMap -> Declaration -- | Instantiation of blackbox declaration BlackBoxD :: !Text -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [((Text, Text), BlackBox)] -> !BlackBox -> BlackBoxContext -> Declaration -- | component declaration (VHDL). -- -- See this tutorial; refer to §4.5 of IEEE 1076-1993 CompDecl :: !Text -> [(Text, PortDirection, HWType)] -> Declaration -- | Signal declaration NetDecl' :: Maybe Comment -> !Identifier -> HWType -> Maybe Expr -> Declaration -- | HDL tick corresponding to a Core tick TickDecl :: CommentOrDirective -> Declaration -- | Sequential statement Seq :: [Seq] -> Declaration -- | Compilation conditional on some preprocessor symbol, note that -- declarations here are ignored for VHDL. See here for a discussion -- https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/1798#discussion_r648571862 ConditionalDecl :: !Text -> [Declaration] -> Declaration -- | Representable hardware types data HWType -- | Empty type. Just Size for "empty" Vectors so we can still -- have primitives that can traverse e.g. Vectors of unit and know the -- length of that vector. Void :: Maybe HWType -> HWType -- | String type String :: HWType -- | Integer type (for parameters only) Integer :: HWType -- | Boolean type Bool :: HWType -- | Bit type Bit :: HWType -- | BitVector of a specified size BitVector :: !Size -> HWType -- | Unsigned integer with specified (exclusive) upper bounder Index :: !Integer -> HWType -- | Signed integer of a specified size Signed :: !Size -> HWType -- | Unsigned integer of a specified size Unsigned :: !Size -> HWType -- | Vector type Vector :: !Size -> !HWType -> HWType -- | MemBlob type MemBlob :: !Size -> !Size -> HWType -- | RTree type RTree :: !Size -> !HWType -> HWType -- | Sum type: Name and Constructor names Sum :: !Text -> [Text] -> HWType -- | Product type: Name, field names, and field types. Field names will be -- populated when using records. Product :: !Text -> Maybe [Text] -> [HWType] -> HWType -- | Sum-of-Product type: Name and Constructor names + field types SP :: !Text -> [(Text, [HWType])] -> HWType -- | Clock type corresponding to domain DomainName Clock :: !DomainName -> HWType -- | ClockN type corresponding to domain DomainName ClockN :: !DomainName -> HWType -- | Reset type corresponding to domain DomainName Reset :: !DomainName -> HWType -- | Enable type corresponding to domain DomainName Enable :: !DomainName -> HWType -- | Tagging type indicating a bidirectional (inout) port BiDirectional :: !PortDirection -> !HWType -> HWType -- | Same as Sum-Of-Product, but with a user specified bit representation. -- For more info, see: Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentations. CustomSP :: !Text -> !DataRepr' -> !Size -> [(ConstrRepr', Text, [HWType])] -> HWType -- | Same as Sum, but with a user specified bit representation. For more -- info, see: Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentations. CustomSum :: !Text -> !DataRepr' -> !Size -> [(ConstrRepr', Text)] -> HWType -- | Same as Product, but with a user specified bit representation. For -- more info, see: Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentations. CustomProduct :: !Text -> !DataRepr' -> !Size -> Maybe [Text] -> [(FieldAnn, HWType)] -> HWType -- | Annotated with HDL attributes Annotated :: [Attr Text] -> !HWType -> HWType -- | Domain name, period, active edge, reset kind, initial value behavior KnownDomain :: !DomainName -> !Integer -> !ActiveEdge -> !ResetKind -> !InitBehavior -> !ResetPolarity -> HWType -- | File type for simulation-level I/O FileType :: HWType -- | A collection of unique identifiers. Allows for fast fresh identifier -- generation. -- -- NB: use the functions in Clash.Netlist.Id. Don't use the -- constructor directly. data IdentifierSet IdentifierSet :: !Bool -> !PreserveCase -> !HDL -> !FreshCache -> !HashSet Identifier -> IdentifierSet -- | Allow escaped ids? If set to False, "make" will always behave like -- "makeBasic". [is_allowEscaped] :: IdentifierSet -> !Bool -- | Force all generated basic identifiers to lowercase. [is_lowerCaseBasicIds] :: IdentifierSet -> !PreserveCase -- | HDL to generate fresh identifiers for [is_hdl] :: IdentifierSet -> !HDL -- | Maps an i_baseNameCaseFold to a map mapping the number of -- extensions (in i_extensionsRev) to the maximum word at that -- basename/level. For example, if a set would contain the identifiers: -- --
-- >>> originalIndices [False, False, True, False] -- [0,1,3] --originalIndices :: [Bool] -> [Int] -- | Converts an algebraic Core type (split into a TyCon and its argument) -- to a HWType. mkADT :: (CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type -> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType))) -> CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> String -> TyConName -> [Type] -> ExceptT String (State HWMap) FilteredHWType -- | Determine whether a data constructor has unconstrained existential -- type variables, i.e. those that cannot be inferred by the (potential) -- constraints between the existential type variables and universal type -- variables. -- -- So here we have an example of a constrained existential: -- -- data Vec :: Nat -> Type -> Type where Nil :: Vec 0 a Cons :: -- forall m . (n ~ m + 1) => a -> Vec m a -> Vec n a -- -- where we can generate a type for m when we know n -- (by doing `n-1`). -- -- And here is an example of an unconstrained existential: -- -- data SomeSNat where where SomeSNat :: forall m . SNat m -> SomeSNat -- -- where there is no way to generate a type for m from any -- context. -- -- So why do we care? Because terms need to be completely monomorphic in -- order to be translated to circuits. And having a topEntity -- lambda-bound variable with an unconstrained existential type prevents -- us from achieving a fully monomorphic term. hasUnconstrainedExistential :: TyConMap -> DataCon -> Bool -- | Simple check if a TyCon is recursively defined. -- -- Note [Look through type families in recursivity check] -- -- Consider: -- --
-- data SList :: [Type] -> Type where -- SNil :: SList [] -- CSons :: a -> Sing (as :: [k]) -> SList (a:as) -- -- type family Sing [a] = SList [a] ---- -- Without looking through type families, we would think that -- SList is not recursive. This lead to issue #1921 isRecursiveTy :: TyConMap -> TyConName -> Bool -- | Determines if a Core type is translatable to a HWType given a function -- that translates certain builtin types. representableType :: (CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type -> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType))) -> CustomReprs -> Bool -> TyConMap -> Type -> Bool -- | Determines the bitsize of a type. For types that don't get turned into -- real values in hardware (string, integer) the size is 0. typeSize :: HWType -> Int -- | Determines the bitsize of the constructor of a type conSize :: HWType -> Int -- | Gives the HWType corresponding to a term. Returns an error if the term -- has a Core type that is not translatable to a HWType. termHWType :: String -> Term -> NetlistMonad HWType -- | Gives the HWType corresponding to a term. Returns Nothing if -- the term has a Core type that is not translatable to a HWType. termHWTypeM :: Term -> NetlistMonad (Maybe FilteredHWType) isBiSignalIn :: HWType -> Bool isBiSignalOut :: HWType -> Bool containsBiSignalIn :: HWType -> Bool -- | Uniquely rename all the variables and their references in a normalized -- term mkUniqueNormalized :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -> Maybe (Maybe TopEntity) -> ([Id], [LetBinding], Id) -> NetlistMonad ([Bool], [(Identifier, HWType)], [Declaration], [(Identifier, HWType)], [Declaration], [LetBinding], Maybe Id) -- | Produce a Just when predicate is True, else Nothing orNothing :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a -- | Set the name of the binder if the given term is a blackbox requesting -- a specific name for the result binder. It might return multiple names -- in case of a multi result primitive. renameBinder :: (Id, Term) -> NetlistMonad [(Id, Id)] -- | Render a blackbox given its context. Renders _just_ the blackbox, not -- any corresponding includes, libraries, and so forth. evalBlackBox :: HasCallStack => SomeBackend -> BlackBoxContext -> BlackBox -> Text mkUniqueArguments :: Subst -> Maybe (ExpandedTopEntity Identifier) -> [Id] -> NetlistMonad ([Bool], [(Identifier, HWType)], [Declaration], Subst) mkUniqueResult :: Subst -> Maybe (ExpandedTopEntity Identifier) -> Id -> NetlistMonad (Maybe ([(Identifier, HWType)], [Declaration], Id, Subst)) -- | Same as idToPort, but * Throws an error if the port is a composite -- type with a BiSignalIn idToInPort :: Id -> NetlistMonad (Maybe (Identifier, HWType)) -- | Same as idToPort, but: * Throws an error if port is of type BiSignalIn idToOutPort :: Id -> NetlistMonad (Maybe (Identifier, HWType)) idToPort :: Id -> NetlistMonad (Maybe (Identifier, HWType)) setRepName :: Text -> Name a -> Name a -- | Make a set of IDs unique; also returns a substitution from old ID to -- new updated unique ID. mkUnique :: Subst -> [Id] -> NetlistMonad ([Id], Subst) -- | Preserve the complete state before running an action, and restore it -- afterwards. preserveState :: NetlistMonad a -> NetlistMonad a -- | Preserve the Netlist -- _curCompNm,_seenIds,_usageMap when executing a -- monadic action preserveVarEnv :: NetlistMonad a -> NetlistMonad a dcToLiteral :: HWType -> Int -> Literal extendPorts :: [PortName] -> [Maybe PortName] -- | Prefix given string before portnames except when this string is -- empty. prefixParent :: String -> PortName -> PortName -- | Make a new signal which is assigned with an initial value. This should -- be used in place of NetDecl directly, as it also updates the usage map -- to include the new identifier and usage. mkInit :: HasCallStack => DeclarationType -> Usage -> Identifier -> HWType -> Expr -> NetlistMonad [Declaration] -- | Determine if for the specified HDL, the type of assignment wanted can -- be performed on a signal which has been assigned another way. This -- identifies when a new intermediary signal needs to be created, e.g. -- --
-- module f ( input p; output reg r ) ... endmodule -- -- module top ( ... ) -- ... -- f f_inst ( .p(p), .r(foo)); -- ... -- endmodule ---- -- would declare a usage of foo, since it is assigned by f_inst. declareInstUses :: [(Expr, PortDirection, HWType, Expr)] -> NetlistMonad () assignmentWith :: HasCallStack => (Identifier -> Declaration) -> Usage -> Identifier -> NetlistMonad Declaration -- | Attempt to continuously assign an expression to the given identifier. -- If the assignment is not allowed for the backend being used, a new -- signal is created which allows the assignment. The identifier which -- holds the result of the assignment is returned alongside the new -- declarations. -- -- This function assumes the identifier being assigned is already -- declared. If the identifier is not in the usage map then an error is -- thrown. contAssign :: HasCallStack => Identifier -> Expr -> NetlistMonad Declaration procAssign :: HasCallStack => Blocking -> Identifier -> Expr -> NetlistMonad Declaration condAssign :: Identifier -> HWType -> Expr -> HWType -> [(Maybe Literal, Expr)] -> NetlistMonad Declaration -- | See toPrimitiveType / fromPrimitiveType convPrimitiveType :: HWType -> a -> NetlistMonad a -> NetlistMonad a -- | Top entities only expose primitive types or types that don't need -- explicit conversion to a primitive type (i.e., no types from the -- _types module). This function converts from a custom type to -- a primitive type if needed. -- -- See HWKind for more info on primitive type kinds. toPrimitiveType :: Identifier -> HWType -> NetlistMonad ([Declaration], Identifier, Expr, HWType) -- | Top entities only expose primitive types or types that don't need -- explicit conversion to a primitive type (i.e., no types from the -- _types module). This function converts from a primitive type -- to a custom type if needed. -- -- See HWKind for more info on primitive type kinds. fromPrimitiveType :: Identifier -> HWType -> NetlistMonad ([Declaration], Identifier, Expr, HWType) -- | Create port names for the declaration of a top entity. For -- instantiation see mkTopInstInput. mkTopInput :: ExpandedPortName Identifier -> NetlistMonad ([(Identifier, HWType)], [Declaration], Expr, Identifier) portProductError :: String -> HWType -> ExpandedPortName Identifier -> a -- | Create a Vector chain for a list of Identifiers mkVectorChain :: Int -> HWType -> [Expr] -> Expr -- | Create a RTree chain for a list of Identifiers mkRTreeChain :: Int -> HWType -> [Expr] -> Expr genComponentName :: Bool -> Maybe Text -> Id -> Text genTopName :: IdentifierSetMonad m => Maybe Text -> TopEntity -> m Identifier -- | Strips one or more layers of attributes from a HWType; stops at first -- non-Annotated. Accumulates all attributes of nested annotations. stripAttributes :: HWType -> ([Attr Text], HWType) -- | Create output port names for the declaration of a top entity. For -- instantiation see mkTopInstOutput. mkTopOutput :: ExpandedPortName Identifier -> NetlistMonad ([(Identifier, HWType)], [Declaration], Identifier) mkTopCompDecl :: Maybe Text -> [Attr Text] -> Identifier -> Identifier -> [(Expr, HWType, Expr)] -> [InstancePort] -> [InstancePort] -> Declaration -- | Instantiate a TopEntity, and add the proper type-conversions where -- needed mkTopUnWrapper :: Id -> ExpandedTopEntity Identifier -> (Identifier, HWType) -> [(Expr, HWType)] -> [Declaration] -> NetlistMonad [Declaration] data InstancePort InstancePort :: Identifier -> HWType -> InstancePort -- | Identifier to assign. Top entities are instantiated using positional -- arguments, so this doesn't hold a port name. [ip_id] :: InstancePort -> Identifier -- | Type assigned to port [ip_type] :: InstancePort -> HWType -- | Generate input port(s) associated with a single argument for an -- instantiation of a top entity. This function composes the input ports -- into a single signal and returns its name. mkTopInstInput :: ExpandedPortName Identifier -> NetlistMonad ([InstancePort], [Declaration], Identifier) -- | Consider the following type signature: -- --
-- f :: Signal dom (Vec 6 A) `Annotate` Attr "keep" -- -> Signal dom (Vec 6 B) ---- -- What does the annotation mean, considering that Clash will split these -- vectors into multiple in- and output ports? Should we apply the -- annotation to all individual ports? How would we handle pin mappings? -- For now, we simply throw an error. This is a helper function to do so. throwAnnotatedSplitError :: String -> String -> NetlistMonad a -- | Generate output port(s) for an instantiation of a top entity. This -- function combines all output ports into a signal identifier and -- returns its name. mkTopInstOutput :: HasCallStack => ExpandedPortName Identifier -> NetlistMonad ([InstancePort], [Declaration], Identifier) -- | Try to merge nested modifiers into a single modifier, needed by the -- VHDL and SystemVerilog backend. nestM :: Modifier -> Modifier -> Maybe Modifier -- | Determines if any type variables (exts) are bound in any of the given -- type or term variables (tms). It's currently only used to detect bound -- existentials, hence the name. bindsExistentials :: [TyVar] -> [Var a] -> Bool iteAlts :: HWType -> [Alt] -> Maybe (Term, Term) -- | Run a NetlistMonad computation in the context of the given source -- ticks and name modifier ticks withTicks :: [TickInfo] -> ([Declaration] -> NetlistMonad a) -> NetlistMonad a -- | Add the pre- and suffix names in the current environment to the given -- identifier affixName :: Text -> NetlistMonad Text -- | Errors expandTopEntity might yield data ExpandError -- | Synthesis attributes are not supported on PortProducts AttrError :: [Attr Text] -> ExpandError -- | Something was annotated as being a PortProduct, but wasn't one PortProductError :: PortName -> HWType -> ExpandError -- | Same as expandTopEntity, but also adds identifiers to the -- identifier set of the monad. expandTopEntityOrErrM :: HasCallStack => [(Maybe Id, FilteredHWType)] -> (Maybe Id, FilteredHWType) -> Maybe TopEntity -> NetlistMonad (ExpandedTopEntity Identifier) -- | Take a top entity and expand its port names. I.e., make sure -- that every port that should be generated in the HDL is part of the -- data structure. It works on FilteredHWType in order to generate -- stable port names. expandTopEntity :: HasCallStack => [(Maybe Id, FilteredHWType)] -> (Maybe Id, FilteredHWType) -> Maybe TopEntity -> Either ExpandError (ExpandedTopEntity (Either Text Text)) -- | Convert a Core Literal to a Netlist Literal mkLiteral :: Int -> Literal -> Expr instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Netlist.Util.InstancePort -- | Utilities for rewriting: e.g. inlining, specialisation, etc. module Clash.Rewrite.Util -- | Lift an action working in the _extra state to the -- RewriteMonad zoomExtra :: State extra a -> RewriteMonad extra a -- | Some transformations might erroneously introduce shadowing. For -- example, a transformation might result in: -- -- let a = ... b = ... a = ... -- -- where the last a, shadows the first, while Clash assumes that -- this can't happen. This function finds those constructs and a list of -- found duplicates. findAccidentialShadows :: Term -> [[Id]] -- | Record if a transformation is successfully applied apply :: String -> Rewrite extra -> Rewrite extra applyDebug :: TransformContext -> String -> Term -> Bool -> Term -> RewriteMonad extra Term -- | Perform a transformation on a Term runRewrite :: String -> InScopeSet -> Rewrite extra -> Term -> RewriteMonad extra Term -- | Evaluate a RewriteSession to its inner monad. runRewriteSession :: RewriteEnv -> RewriteState extra -> RewriteMonad extra a -> IO a -- | Notify that a transformation has changed the expression setChanged :: RewriteMonad extra () -- | Identity function that additionally notifies that a transformation has -- changed the expression changed :: a -> RewriteMonad extra a closestLetBinder :: Context -> Maybe Id mkDerivedName :: TransformContext -> OccName -> TmName -- | Make a new binder and variable reference for a term mkTmBinderFor :: MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> TyConMap -> Name a -> Term -> m Id -- | Make a new binder and variable reference for either a term or a type mkBinderFor :: MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> TyConMap -> Name a -> Either Term Type -> m (Either Id TyVar) -- | Inline the binders in a let-binding that have a certain property inlineBinders :: (Term -> LetBinding -> RewriteMonad extra Bool) -> Rewrite extra -- | Determine whether a binder is a join-point created for a complex case -- expression. -- -- A join-point is when a local function only occurs in tail-call -- positions, and when it does, more than once. isJoinPointIn :: Id -> Term -> Bool -- | Count the number of (only) tail calls of a function in an expression. -- Nothing indicates that the function was used in a non-tail call -- position. tailCalls :: Id -> Term -> Maybe Int -- | Determines whether a function has the following shape: -- --
-- \(w :: Void) -> f a b c ---- -- i.e. is a wrapper around a (partially) applied function f, -- where the introduced argument w is not used by f isVoidWrapper :: Term -> Bool -- | Inline the first set of binder into the second set of binders and into -- the body of the original let expression. substituteBinders :: InScopeSet -> [LetBinding] -> [LetBinding] -> Term -> ([LetBinding], ([LetBinding], Term)) -- | Lift the first set of binders to the level of global bindings, and -- substitute these lifted bindings into the second set of binders and -- the body of the original let expression. liftAndSubsituteBinders :: InScopeSet -> [LetBinding] -> [LetBinding] -> Term -> RewriteMonad extra ([LetBinding], Term) isFromInt :: Text -> Bool inlineOrLiftBinders :: (LetBinding -> RewriteMonad extra Bool) -> (Term -> LetBinding -> Bool) -> Rewrite extra -- | Create a global function for a Let-binding and return a Let-binding -- where the RHS is a reference to the new global function applied to the -- free variables of the original RHS liftBinding :: LetBinding -> RewriteMonad extra LetBinding -- | Make a global function for a name-term tuple mkFunction :: TmName -> SrcSpan -> InlineSpec -> Term -> RewriteMonad extra Id -- | Add a function to the set of global binders addGlobalBind :: TmName -> Type -> SrcSpan -> InlineSpec -> Term -> RewriteMonad extra () -- | Create a new name out of the given name, but with another unique. -- Resulting unique is guaranteed to not be in the given InScopeSet. cloneNameWithInScopeSet :: MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> Name a -> m (Name a) -- | Create a new name out of the given name, but with another unique. -- Resulting unique is guaranteed to not be in the given BindingMap. cloneNameWithBindingMap :: MonadUnique m => BindingMap -> Name a -> m (Name a) -- | Determine if a term cannot be represented in hardware isUntranslatable :: Bool -> Term -> RewriteMonad extra Bool -- | Determine if a type cannot be represented in hardware isUntranslatableType :: Bool -> Type -> RewriteMonad extra Bool normalizeTermTypes :: TyConMap -> Term -> Term normalizeId :: TyConMap -> Id -> Id -- | Evaluate an expression to weak-head normal form (WHNF), and apply a -- transformation on the expression in WHNF. whnfRW :: Bool -> TransformContext -> Term -> Rewrite extra -> RewriteMonad extra Term -- | Binds variables on the PureHeap over the result of the rewrite -- -- To prevent unnecessary rewrites only do this when rewrite changed -- something. bindPureHeap :: TyConMap -> PureHeap -> Rewrite extra -> Rewrite extra -- | Remove unused binders in given let-binding. Returns Nothing if -- no unused binders were found. removeUnusedBinders :: Bind Term -> Term -> Maybe Term -- | The X-optimization transformation. module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.XOptimize -- | Remove all undefined alternatives from case expressions, replacing -- them with the value of another defined alternative. If there is one -- defined alternative, the entire expression is replaced with that -- alternative. If there are no defined alternatives, the entire -- expression is replaced with a call to errorX. -- -- e.g. It converts -- -- case x of D1 a -> f a D2 -> undefined D3 -> undefined -- -- to -- -- let subj = x a = case subj of D1 a -> field0 in f a -- -- where fieldN is an internal variable referring to the nth argument of -- a data constructor. xOptimize :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | The separating arguments transformation module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.SeparateArgs -- | Split apart (global) function arguments that contain types that we -- want to separate off, e.g. Clocks. Works on both the definition side -- (i.e. the lambda), and the call site (i.e. the application of the -- global variable). e.g. turns -- --
-- f :: (Clock System, Reset System) -> Signal System Int ---- -- into -- --
-- f :: Clock System -> Reset System -> Signal System Int --separateArguments :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Transformations on primitives with multiple results. module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.MultiPrim setupMultiResultPrim :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | The eta-expansion transformation. module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.EtaExpand -- | Eta-expand functions with a Synthesize annotation, needed to allow -- such functions to appear as arguments to higher-order primitives. etaExpandSyn :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Eta-expand top-level lambda's (DON'T use in a traversal!) etaExpansionTL :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Reductions of primitives -- -- Currently, it contains reductions for: -- --
-- (:>) <$> x0 <*> ((:>) <$> x1 <*> pure Nil) --mkTravVec :: TyConName -> DataCon -> DataCon -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Type -> Integer -> [Term] -> Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.foldr -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of Clash.Sized.Vector.foldr reduceFoldr :: PrimInfo -> Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.fold -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of Clash.Sized.Vector.fold reduceFold :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.dfold -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of Clash.Sized.Vector.dfold reduceDFold :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.head -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by a projection of -- the first element of a vector. reduceHead :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.tail -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by a projection of -- the tail of a vector. reduceTail :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.last -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by a projection of -- the last element of a vector. reduceLast :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.init -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by a projection of -- the init of a vector. reduceInit :: PrimInfo -> Integer -> Type -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.(++) -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of Clash.Sized.Vector.(++) reduceAppend :: Integer -> Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.unconcat -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of -- Clash.Sized.Vector.unconcat reduceUnconcat :: PrimInfo -> Integer -> Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.transpose -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of -- Clash.Sized.Vector.transpose reduceTranspose :: Integer -> Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term reduceReplicate :: Integer -> Type -> Type -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term reduceReplace_int :: Integer -> Type -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term reduceIndex_int :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.Vector.dtfold -- primitive on vectors of a known length n, by the fully -- unrolled recursive "definition" of Clash.Sized.Vector.dtfold reduceDTFold :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Replace an application of the Clash.Sized.RTree.tdfold -- primitive on trees of a known depth n, by the fully unrolled -- recursive "definition" of Clash.Sized.RTree.tdfold reduceTFold :: Integer -> Type -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term reduceTReplicate :: Integer -> Type -> Type -> Term -> Term -> TransformContext -> NormalizeSession Term buildSNat :: DataCon -> Integer -> Term -- | Transformations on case-expressions module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.Case -- | Move a Case-decomposition from the subject of a Case-decomposition to -- the alternatives caseCase :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite caseCon :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Remove non-reachable alternatives. For example, consider: -- --
-- data STy ty where -- SInt :: Int -> STy Int -- SBool :: Bool -> STy Bool -- -- f :: STy ty -> ty -- f (SInt b) = b + 1 -- f (SBool True) = False -- f (SBool False) = True -- {-# NOINLINE f #-} -- -- g :: STy Int -> Int -- g = f ---- -- f is always specialized on STy Int. The SBool -- alternatives are therefore unreachable. Additional information can be -- found at: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/465 caseElemNonReachable :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Flatten ridiculous case-statements generated by GHC -- -- For case-statements in haskell of the form: -- --
-- f :: Unsigned 4 -> Unsigned 4 -- f x = case x of -- 0 -> 3 -- 1 -> 2 -- 2 -> 1 -- 3 -> 0 ---- -- GHC generates Core that looks like: -- --
-- f = \(x :: Unsigned 4) -> case x == fromInteger 3 of -- False -> case x == fromInteger 2 of -- False -> case x == fromInteger 1 of -- False -> case x == fromInteger 0 of -- False -> error "incomplete case" -- True -> fromInteger 3 -- True -> fromInteger 2 -- True -> fromInteger 1 -- True -> fromInteger 0 ---- -- Which would result in a priority decoder circuit where a normal -- decoder circuit was desired. -- -- This transformation transforms the above Core to the saner: -- --
-- f = \(x :: Unsigned 4) -> case x of -- _ -> error "incomplete case" -- 0 -> fromInteger 3 -- 1 -> fromInteger 2 -- 2 -> fromInteger 1 -- 3 -> fromInteger 0 --caseFlat :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Lift the let-bindings out of the subject of a Case-decomposition caseLet :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite caseOneAlt :: Term -> NormalizeSession Term -- | Tries to eliminate existentials by using heuristics to determine what -- the existential should be. For example, consider Vec: -- -- data Vec :: Nat -> Type -> Type where Nil :: Vec 0 a Cons x xs -- :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n + 1) a -- -- Thus, null (annotated with existentials) could look like: -- -- null :: forall n . Vec n Bool -> Bool null v = case v of Nil {n ~ -- 0} -> True Cons {n1:Nat} {n~n1+1} (x :: a) (xs :: Vec n1 a) -> -- False -- -- When it's applied to a vector of length 5, this becomes: -- -- null :: Vec 5 Bool -> Bool null v = case v of Nil {5 ~ 0} -> -- True Cons {n1:Nat} {5~n1+1} (x :: a) (xs :: Vec n1 a) -> False -- -- This function solves n1 and replaces every occurrence with -- its solution. A very limited number of solutions are currently -- recognized: only adds (such as in the example) will be solved. elimExistentials :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Utilties to verify blackbox contexts against templates and rendering -- filled in templates module Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Util inputHole :: Element -> Maybe Int -- | Determine if the number of normal/literal/function inputs of a -- blackbox context at least matches the number of argument that is -- expected by the template. verifyBlackBoxContext :: BlackBoxContext -> BlackBox -> Maybe String extractLiterals :: BlackBoxContext -> [Expr] -- | Update all the symbol references in a template, and increment the -- symbol counter for every newly encountered symbol. setSym :: forall m. IdentifierSetMonad m => BlackBoxContext -> BlackBoxTemplate -> m (BlackBoxTemplate, [Declaration]) selectNewName :: Foldable t => t String -> FilePath -> String renderFilePath :: [(String, FilePath)] -> String -> ([(String, FilePath)], String) -- | Render a blackbox given a certain context. Returns a filled out -- template and a list of hidden inputs that must be added to -- the encompassing component. renderTemplate :: Backend backend => BlackBoxContext -> BlackBoxTemplate -> State backend (Int -> Text) renderBlackBox :: Backend backend => [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [BlackBoxTemplate] -> [((Text, Text), BlackBox)] -> BlackBox -> BlackBoxContext -> State backend (Int -> Doc) -- | Render a single template element renderElem :: HasCallStack => Backend backend => BlackBoxContext -> Element -> State backend (Int -> Text) getDomainConf :: (Backend backend, HasCallStack) => HWType -> State backend VDomainConfiguration generalGetDomainConf :: forall m. (Monad m, HasCallStack) => m DomainMap -> HWType -> m VDomainConfiguration parseFail :: Text -> BlackBoxTemplate idToExpr :: (Text, HWType) -> (Expr, HWType, Bool) bbResult :: HasCallStack => String -> BlackBoxContext -> (Expr, HWType) -- | Fill out the template corresponding to an output/input assignment of a -- component instantiation, and turn it into a single identifier so it -- can be used for a new blackbox context. lineToIdentifier :: Backend backend => BlackBoxContext -> BlackBoxTemplate -> State backend Text lineToType :: BlackBoxContext -> BlackBoxTemplate -> HWType -- | Give a context and a tagged hole (of a template), returns part of the -- context that matches the tag of the hole. renderTag :: Backend backend => BlackBoxContext -> Element -> State backend Text -- | Compute string from a list of elements. Can interpret ~NAME string -- literals on template level (constants). elementsToText :: BlackBoxContext -> [Element] -> Either String Text elementToText :: BlackBoxContext -> Element -> Either String Text -- | Extracts string from SSymbol or string literals exprToString :: Expr -> Maybe String prettyBlackBox :: Monad m => BlackBoxTemplate -> Ap m Text prettyElem :: (HasCallStack, Monad m) => Element -> Ap m Text -- | Recursively walk Element, applying f to each element -- in the tree. walkElement :: (Element -> Maybe a) -> Element -> [a] -- | Determine variables used in an expression. Used for VHDL sensitivity -- list. Also see: -- https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/365 usedVariables :: Expr -> [IdentifierText] -- | Collect arguments (e.g., ~ARG, ~LIT) used in this blackbox getUsedArguments :: BlackBox -> [Int] onBlackBox :: (BlackBoxTemplate -> r) -> (BBName -> BBHash -> TemplateFunction -> r) -> BlackBox -> r -- | Is the value of the Expr fully undefined? checkUndefined :: Expr -> Bool -- | Utility functions to generate Primitives module Clash.Primitives.Util -- | Generate a set of primitives that are found in the primitive -- definition files in the given directories. generatePrimMap :: HasCallStack => [UnresolvedPrimitive] -> [(Text, PrimitiveGuard ())] -> [FilePath] -> IO ResolvedPrimMap -- | Hash a compiled primitive map. It needs a separate function (as -- opposed to just hash) as it might contain (obviously -- unhashable) Haskell functions. This function takes the hash value -- stored with the function instead. hashCompiledPrimMap :: CompiledPrimMap -> Int -- | Determine what argument should be constant / literal constantArgs :: Text -> CompiledPrimitive -> Set Int -- | Parse a ByteString according to the given JSON template. Throws -- exception if it fails. decodeOrErrJson :: (HasCallStack, FromJSON a) => FilePath -> ByteString -> a -- | Parse a ByteString according to the given JSON template. Throws -- exception if it fails. decodeOrErrYaml :: (HasCallStack, FromJSON a) => FilePath -> ByteString -> a -- | Looks up the plurality of a function's function argument. See -- functionPlurality for more information. If not set, the -- returned plurality will default to 1. getFunctionPlurality :: HasCallStack => CompiledPrimitive -> [Either Term Type] -> [Type] -> Int -> NetlistMonad Int -- | Utility functions used by the normalisation transformations module Clash.Normalize.Util data ConstantSpecInfo ConstantSpecInfo :: [(Id, Term)] -> !Term -> !Bool -> ConstantSpecInfo -- | New let-bindings to be created for all the non-constants found [csrNewBindings] :: ConstantSpecInfo -> [(Id, Term)] -- | A term where all the non-constant constructs are replaced by variable -- references (found in csrNewBindings) [csrNewTerm] :: ConstantSpecInfo -> !Term -- | Whether the algorithm found a constant at all. (If it didn't, it's no -- use creating any new let-bindings!) [csrFoundConstant] :: ConstantSpecInfo -> !Bool -- | Determine if argument should reduce to a constant given a primitive -- and an argument number. Caches results. isConstantArg :: Text -> Int -> RewriteMonad NormalizeState Bool -- | Given a list of transformation contexts, determine if any of the -- contexts indicates that the current arg is to be reduced to a constant -- / literal. shouldReduce :: Context -> RewriteMonad NormalizeState Bool -- | Determine if a function is already inlined in the context of the -- NetlistMonad alreadyInlined :: Id -> Id -> NormalizeMonad (Maybe Int) -- | Record a new inlining in the inlineHistory addNewInline :: Id -> Id -> NormalizeMonad () -- | Assert whether a name is a reference to a recursive binder. isRecursiveBndr :: Id -> NormalizeSession Bool -- | Create a call graph for a set of global binders, given a root callGraph :: BindingMap -> Id -> CallGraph -- | Collect all binders mentioned in CallGraph into a HashSet collectCallGraphUniques :: CallGraph -> HashSet Unique -- | Give a "performance/size" classification of a function in normal form. classifyFunction :: Term -> TermClassification -- | Determine whether a function adds a lot of hardware or not. -- -- It is considered expensive when it has 2 or more of the following -- components: -- --
-- /\dom . \(eq : dom ~ "System") . \(eta : Signal dom Bool) . eta ---- -- we create the substitution [dom := System] and apply it to -- create: -- --
-- \(eq : "System" ~ "System") . \(eta : Signal "System" Bool) . eta ---- -- NB: Users of this function should ensure it's only applied to -- TopEntities substWithTyEq :: Term -> Term -- | The type equivalent of substWithTyEq tvSubstWithTyEq :: Type -> Type instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Normalize.Util.ConstantSpecInfo -- | Collection of utilities module Clash.Util.Graph -- | See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting. This -- function errors if edges mention nodes not mentioned in the node list -- or if the given graph contains cycles. topSort :: [(Unique, a)] -> [(Unique, Unique)] -> Either String [a] -- | Same as `reverse (topSort nodes edges)` if alternative representations -- are considered the same. That is, topSort might produce multiple -- answers and still deliver on its promise of yielding a topologically -- sorted node list. Likewise, this function promises one of those -- lists in reverse, but not necessarily the reverse of topSort itself. reverseTopSort :: [(Unique, a)] -> [(Unique, Unique)] -> Either String [a] -- | Get all the terms corresponding to a call graph callGraphBindings :: BindingMap -> Id -> [Term] -- | Transformations for specialization module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.Specialize -- | Propagate arguments of application inwards; except for Lam -- where the argument becomes let-bound. appProp tries to -- propagate as many arguments as possible, down as many levels as -- possible; and should be called in a top-down traversal. -- -- The idea is that this reduces the number of traversals, which -- hopefully leads to shorter compile times. -- -- Note [AppProp no shadowing] -- -- Case 1. -- -- Imagine: -- --
-- (case x of -- D a b -> h a) (f x y) ---- -- rewriting this to: -- --
-- let b = f x y -- in case x of -- D a b -> h a b ---- -- is very bad because b in h a b is now bound by the -- pattern instead of the newly introduced let-binding -- -- instead we must deshadow w.r.t. the new variable and rewrite to: -- --
-- let b = f x y -- in case x of -- D a b1 -> h a b ---- -- Case 2. -- -- Imagine -- --
-- (\x -> e) u ---- -- where u has a free variable named x, rewriting this -- to: -- --
-- let x = u -- in e ---- -- would be very bad, because the let-binding suddenly captures the free -- variable in u. To prevent this from happening we -- over-approximate and check whether x is in the current -- InScopeSet, and deshadow if that's the case, i.e. we then rewrite to: -- --
-- let x1 = u -- in e [x:=x1] ---- -- Case 3. -- -- The same for: -- --
-- (let x = w in e) u ---- -- where u again has a free variable x, rewriting this -- to: -- --
-- let x = w in (e u) ---- -- would be bad because the let-binding now captures the free variable in -- u. -- -- To prevent this from happening, we unconditionally deshadow the -- function part of the application w.r.t. the free variables in the -- argument part of the application. It is okay to over-approximate in -- this case and deshadow w.r.t the current InScopeSet. appProp :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Specialize functions on arguments which are constant, except when they -- are clock, reset generators. constantSpec :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Specialize an application on its argument specialize :: NormRewrite -- | Specialize functions on their non-representable argument nonRepSpec :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Specialize functions on their type typeSpec :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Specialize functions on arguments which are zero-width. These -- arguments can have only one possible value, and specializing on this -- value may create additional opportunities for transformations to fire. -- -- As we can't remove zero-width arguements (as transformations cannot -- change the type of a term), we instead substitute all occurances of a -- lambda-bound variable with a zero-width type with the only value of -- that type. zeroWidthSpec :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.Cast -- | Push cast over an argument to a function into that function -- -- This is done by specializing on the casted argument. Example: y = -- f (cast a) where f x = g x transforms to: y = f' a where f' -- x' = (\x -> g x) (cast x') -- -- The reason d'etre for this transformation is that we hope to end up -- with and expression where two casts are "back-to-back" after which we -- can eliminate them in eliminateCastCast. argCastSpec :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Push a cast over a case into it's alternatives. caseCast :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Eliminate two back to back casts where the type going in and coming -- out are the same -- --
-- (cast :: b -> a) $ (cast :: a -> b) x ==> x --elimCastCast :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Push a cast over a Let into it's body letCast :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Make a cast work-free by splitting the work of to a separate binding -- --
-- let x = cast (f a b) -- ==> -- let x = cast x' -- x' = f a b --splitCastWork :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Transformations for converting to A-Normal Form. module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.ANF -- | Turn an expression into a modified ANF-form. As opposed to standard -- ANF, constants do not become let-bound. makeANF :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Bring an application of a DataCon or Primitive in ANF, when the -- argument is is considered non-representable nonRepANF :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite -- | Transformations for compile-time reduction of expressions / -- primitives. module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.Reduce -- | XXX: is given inverse topologically sorted binders, but returns -- topologically sorted binders -- -- TODO: check further speed improvements: -- --
-- zipWith ($) (xs :: Vec 2 (Int -> Int)) (ys :: Vec 2 Int) ---- -- is replaced by: -- --
-- let (x0 :: (Int -> Int)) = case xs of (:>) _ x xr -> x -- (xr0 :: Vec 1 (Int -> Int)) = case xs of (:>) _ x xr -> xr -- (x1 :: (Int -> Int)( = case xr0 of (:>) _ x xr -> x -- (y0 :: Int) = case ys of (:>) _ y yr -> y -- (yr0 :: Vec 1 Int) = case ys of (:>) _ y yr -> xr -- (y1 :: Int = case yr0 of (:>) _ y yr -> y -- in (($) x0 y0 :> ($) x1 y1 :> Nil) ---- -- Currently, it only handles the following functions: -- --
-- case x of -- A -> f 3 y -- B -> f x x -- C -> h x ---- -- into: -- --
-- let f_arg0 = case x of {A -> 3; B -> x} -- f_arg1 = case x of {A -> y; B -> x} -- f_out = f f_arg0 f_arg1 -- in case x of -- A -> f_out -- B -> f_out -- C -> h x --module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.DEC -- | This transformation lifts applications of global binders out of -- alternatives of case-statements. -- -- e.g. It converts: -- --
-- case x of -- A -> f 3 y -- B -> f x x -- C -> h x ---- -- into: -- --
-- let f_arg0 = case x of {A -> 3; B -> x} -- f_arg1 = case x of {A -> y; B -> x} -- f_out = f f_arg0 f_arg1 -- in case x of -- A -> f_out -- B -> f_out -- C -> h x ---- -- Though that's a lie. It actually converts it into: -- --
-- let f_tupIn = case x of {A -> (3,y); B -> (x,x)} -- f_arg0 = case f_tupIn of (l,_) -> l -- f_arg1 = case f_tupIn of (_,r) -> r -- f_out = f f_arg0 f_arg1 -- in case x of -- A -> f_out -- B -> f_out -- C -> h x ---- -- In order to share the expression that's in the subject of the case -- expression, and to share the decoder circuit that logic -- synthesis will create to map the bits of the subject expression to the -- bits needed to make the selection in the multiplexer. disjointExpressionConsolidation :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite instance Data.Foldable.Foldable Clash.Normalize.Transformations.DEC.CaseTree instance GHC.Base.Functor Clash.Normalize.Transformations.DEC.CaseTree instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (Clash.Normalize.Transformations.DEC.CaseTree a) instance GHC.Classes.Eq a => GHC.Classes.Eq (Clash.Normalize.Transformations.DEC.CaseTree a) instance GHC.Base.Applicative Clash.Normalize.Transformations.DEC.CaseTree -- | Transformations of the Normalization process module Clash.Normalize.Transformations -- | Transformation process for normalization module Clash.Normalize.Strategy -- | Normalisation transformation normalization :: NormRewrite constantPropagation :: NormRewrite -- | Topdown traversal, stops upon first success topdownSucR :: Rewrite extra -> Rewrite extra innerMost :: Rewrite extra -> Rewrite extra applyMany :: [(String, Rewrite extra)] -> Rewrite extra -- | Turn CoreHW terms into normalized CoreHW Terms module Clash.Normalize -- | Run a NormalizeSession in a given environment runNormalization :: ClashEnv -> Supply -> BindingMap -> (CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type -> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType))) -> Evaluator -> Evaluator -> VarEnv Bool -> [Id] -> NormalizeSession a -> IO a normalize :: [Id] -> NormalizeSession BindingMap normalize' :: Id -> NormalizeSession ([Id], (Id, Binding Term)) -- | Check whether the normalized bindings are non-recursive. Errors when -- one of the components is recursive. checkNonRecursive :: BindingMap -> BindingMap -- | Perform general "clean up" of the normalized (non-recursive) function -- hierarchy. This includes: -- --
-- {-# ANN myFunction (blackBoxHaskell 'myFunction 'myBBF def{bo_ignoredArguments=[1,2]}) #-} ---- -- [1,2] would mean this blackbox ignores its second and -- third argument. blackBoxHaskell :: Name -> Name -> BlackBoxHaskellOpts -> Primitive -- | The state of a block. Contains a list of declarations and a the -- backend state. data BlockState backend BlockState :: [Declaration] -> IntMap Int -> backend -> BlockState backend -- | Declarations store [_bsDeclarations] :: BlockState backend -> [Declaration] -- | Tracks how many times a higher order function has been instantiated. -- Needed to fill in the second field of Decl [_bsHigherOrderCalls] :: BlockState backend -> IntMap Int -- | Backend state [_bsBackend] :: BlockState backend -> backend -- | A typed expression. data TExpr TExpr :: HWType -> Expr -> TExpr [ety] :: TExpr -> HWType [eex] :: TExpr -> Expr -- | Add a declaration to the state. addDeclaration :: Declaration -> State (BlockState backend) () -- | Assign an expression to an identifier, returns the new typed -- identifier expression. assign :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | This creates a component declaration (for VHDL) given in and out port -- names, updating the 'BlockState backend' stored in the State -- monad. -- -- A typical result is that a -- --
-- component fifo port -- ( rst : in std_logic -- ... -- ; full : out std_logic -- ; empty : out std_logic ); -- end component; ---- -- declaration would be added in the appropriate place. compInBlock :: forall backend. Backend backend => Text -> [(Text, HWType)] -> [(Text, HWType)] -> State (BlockState backend) () -- | Run a block declaration. declaration :: Backend backend => Text -> State (BlockState backend) () -> State backend Doc -- | Run a block declaration. Assign the result of the block builder to the -- result variable in the given blackbox context. declarationReturn :: Backend backend => BlackBoxContext -> Text -> State (BlockState backend) [TExpr] -> State backend Doc -- | Declare a new signal with the given name and type. declare :: Backend backend => Text -> HWType -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Declare n new signals with the given type and based on the -- given name declareN :: Backend backend => Text -> [HWType] -> State (BlockState backend) [TExpr] -- | Instantiate a component/entity in a block state instDecl :: forall backend. Backend backend => EntityOrComponent -> Identifier -> Identifier -> [(Text, TExpr)] -> [(Text, TExpr)] -> [(Text, TExpr)] -> State (BlockState backend) () -- | Instantiate/call a higher-order function. instHO :: Backend backend => BlackBoxContext -> Int -> (HWType, BlackBoxTemplate) -> [(TExpr, BlackBoxTemplate)] -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Wires the two given TExprs together using a newly declared -- signal with (exactly) the given name sigNm. The new signal -- has an annotated type, using the given attributes. viaAnnotatedSignal :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Identifier -> TExpr -> TExpr -> [Attr Text] -> State (BlockState backend) () -- | Construct a fully defined BitVector literal bvLit :: Int -> Integer -> TExpr -- | A literal that can be used for hdl attributes. It has a Num and -- IsString instances for convenience. data LitHDL B :: Bool -> LitHDL S :: String -> LitHDL I :: Integer -> LitHDL -- | The high literal bit. pattern High :: TExpr -- | The low literal bit. pattern Low :: TExpr -- | Construct a product type given its type and fields constructProduct :: HWType -> [TExpr] -> TExpr -- | Create an n-tuple of TExpr tuple :: HasCallStack => [TExpr] -> TExpr -- | Create a vector of TExprs vec :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => [TExpr] -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | The TExp inputs from a blackbox context. tInputs :: BlackBoxContext -> [(TExpr, HWType)] -- | The TExp result of a blackbox context. tResults :: BlackBoxContext -> [TExpr] -- | Try to get the literal string value of an expression. getStr :: TExpr -> Maybe String -- | Try to get the literal bool value of an expression. getBool :: TExpr -> Maybe Bool -- | Try to get a Vector of expressions. getVec :: TExpr -> Maybe [TExpr] exprToInteger :: Expr -> Maybe Integer -- | Try to get the literal nat value of an expression. tExprToInteger :: TExpr -> Maybe Integer -- | Extract the fields of a product type and return expressions to them. -- These new expressions are given unique names and get declared in the -- block scope. deconstructProduct :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => TExpr -> [Text] -> State (BlockState backend) [TExpr] -- | Extract the elements of a tuple expression and return expressions to -- them. These new expressions are given unique names and get declared in -- the block scope. untuple :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => TExpr -> [Text] -> State (BlockState backend) [TExpr] -- | Extract the elements of a vector expression and return expressions to -- them. If given expression is not an identifier, an intermediate -- variable will be used to assign the given expression to which is -- subsequently indexed. unvec :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) [TExpr] -- | Deconstruct a Maybe into its constructor Bit and -- contents of its Just field. Note that the contents might be -- undefined, if the constructor bit is set to Nothing. deconstructMaybe :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => TExpr -> (Text, Text) -> State (BlockState backend) (TExpr, TExpr) -- | Convert an expression from one type to another. Errors if result type -- and given expression are sized differently. bitCoerce :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> HWType -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Convert an expression to a BitVector toBV :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Convert an expression to a BitVector and add the given HDL attributes toBvWithAttrs :: Backend backend => [Attr Text] -> Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Convert an expression from a BitVector into some type. If the -- expression is Annotated, only convert the expression within. fromBV :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> HWType -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Convert an enable to a bit. enableToBit :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Convert a bool to a bit. boolToBit :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Use to create an output Bool from a Bit. The expression -- given must be the identifier of the bool you wish to get assigned. -- Returns a reference to a declared Bit that should get assigned -- by something (usually the output port of an entity). boolFromBit :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Used to create an output Bool from a BitVector of given -- size. Works in a similar way to boolFromBit above. -- -- TODO: Implement for (System)Verilog boolFromBitVector :: Size -> Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState VHDLState) TExpr -- | Used to create an output Unsigned from a BitVector of -- given size. Works in a similar way to boolFromBit above. unsignedFromBitVector :: (HasCallStack, Backend backend) => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Used to create an output Bool from a number of Bits, -- using conjunction. Similarly to untuple, it returns a list of -- references to declared values (the inputs to the function) which -- should get assigned by something---usually output ports of an entity. -- -- TODO: Implement for (System)Verilog boolFromBits :: [Text] -> TExpr -> State (BlockState VHDLState) [TExpr] -- | Massage a reset to work as active-high reset. unsafeToActiveHigh :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Massage a reset to work as active-low reset. unsafeToActiveLow :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | And together (&&) two expressions, assigning it to a -- new identifier. andExpr :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Negate (not) an expression, assigning it to a new identifier. notExpr :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr -- | Creates a BV that produces the following vhdl: -- --
-- (0 to n => ARG) ---- -- TODO: Implement for (System)Verilog pureToBV :: Text -> Int -> TExpr -> State (BlockState VHDLState) TExpr -- | Creates a BV that produces the following vhdl: -- --
-- std_logic_vector(resize(ARG, n)) ---- -- TODO: Implement for (System)Verilog pureToBVResized :: Text -> Int -> TExpr -> State (BlockState VHDLState) TExpr -- | Allows assignment of a port to be "open" open :: Backend backend => HWType -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr clog2 :: Num i => Integer -> i -- | Convert a LitHDL to a TExpr -- -- N.B.: Clash 1.8 changed instDecl's type signature. Where -- it would previously accept LitHDL in its generics/parameters -- argument, it now accepts a TExpr. This function is mostly there -- to ease this transition. litTExpr :: LitHDL -> TExpr -- | Get an identifier to an expression, creating a new assignment if -- necessary. toIdentifier :: Backend backend => Text -> TExpr -> State (BlockState backend) TExpr tySize :: Num i => HWType -> i instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Primitives.DSL.LitHDL instance GHC.Num.Num Clash.Primitives.DSL.LitHDL instance Data.String.IsString Clash.Primitives.DSL.LitHDL instance GHC.Show.Show Clash.Primitives.DSL.TExpr instance Clash.Backend.Backend backend => Clash.Netlist.Types.HasIdentifierSet (Clash.Primitives.DSL.BlockState backend) instance Clash.Backend.HasUsageMap backend => Clash.Backend.HasUsageMap (Clash.Primitives.DSL.BlockState backend) instance Data.Default.Class.Default Clash.Primitives.DSL.BlackBoxHaskellOpts -- | Blackbox template functions for -- Clash.Xilinx.ClockGen.{clockWizard,clockWizardDifferential} module Clash.Primitives.Xilinx.ClockGen clockWizardTF :: TemplateFunction clockWizardTclTF :: TemplateFunction clockWizardDifferentialTF :: TemplateFunction clockWizardDifferentialTclTF :: TemplateFunction -- | Blackbox implementations for functions in Clash.Sized.Vector. module Clash.Primitives.Sized.Vector -- | Blackbox function for iterateI iterateBBF :: HasCallStack => BlackBoxFunction -- | Type signature of function we're generating netlist for: -- -- iterateI :: KnownNat n => (a -> a) -> a -> Vec n a iterateTF :: TemplateFunction iterateTF' :: forall s. (HasCallStack, Backend s) => BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc data FCall FCall :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier -> FCall -- | Calculates the number of function calls needed for an evaluation of -- fold, given the length of the vector given to fold. foldFunctionPlurality :: HasCallStack => Int -> Int -- | Blackbox function for fold foldBBF :: HasCallStack => BlackBoxFunction -- | Type signature of function we're generating netlist for: -- -- fold :: (a -> a -> a) -> Vec (n + 1) a -> a -- -- The implementation promises to create a (balanced) tree structure. foldTF :: TemplateFunction foldTF' :: forall s. (HasCallStack, Backend s) => BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc indexIntVerilog :: BlackBoxFunction indexIntVerilogTF :: TemplateFunction indexIntVerilogTemplate :: Backend s => BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc -- | Blackbox template functions for Clash.Intel.ClockGen module Clash.Primitives.Intel.ClockGen data Variant Altpll :: Variant AlteraPll :: Variant hdlUsed :: [Int] hdlValid :: BlackBoxContext -> Bool qsysUsed :: [Int] altpllTF :: TemplateFunction altpllQsysTF :: TemplateFunction alteraPllTF :: TemplateFunction alteraPllQsysTF :: TemplateFunction hdlTemplate :: forall s. Backend s => Variant -> BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc altpllQsysTemplate :: Backend s => BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc alteraPllQsysTemplate :: Backend s => BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc -- | Module that connects all the parts of the Clash compiler library module Clash.Driver -- | Worker function of splitTopEntityT splitTopAnn :: TyConMap -> SrcSpan -> Type -> TopEntity -> TopEntity splitTopEntityT :: HasCallStack => TyConMap -> BindingMap -> TopEntityT -> TopEntityT -- | Remove constraints such as 'a ~ 3'. removeForAll :: TopEntityT -> TopEntityT -- | Given a list of all found top entities and _maybe_ a top entity -- (+dependencies) passed in by '-main-is', return the list of top -- entities Clash needs to compile. selectTopEntities :: [TopEntityT] -> Maybe (TopEntityT, [TopEntityT]) -> [TopEntityT] -- | Get modification data of current clash binary. getClashModificationDate :: IO UTCTime hdlFromBackend :: forall backend. Backend backend => Proxy backend -> HDL replaceChar :: Char -> Char -> String -> String removeHistoryFile :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () prefixModuleName :: HDL -> Maybe Text -> Maybe TopEntity -> String -> (String, Maybe String) -- | Create a set of target HDL files for a set of functions generateHDL :: forall backend. Backend backend => ClashEnv -> ClashDesign -> Maybe backend -> (CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type -> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType))) -> Evaluator -> Evaluator -> Maybe (TopEntityT, [TopEntityT]) -> UTCTime -> IO () -- | Interpret a specific function from a specific module. This action -- tries two things: -- --