{-| Copyright : (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, 2017-2022, Google Inc., 2021-2024, QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. Transformations for inlining -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Clash.Normalize.Transformations.Inline ( bindConstantVar , inlineBndrsCleanup , inlineCast , inlineCleanup , collapseRHSNoops , inlineNonRep , inlineOrLiftNonRep , inlineSimIO , inlineSmall , inlineWorkFree ) where import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..)) import Control.Monad.Writer (lift,listen) import Data.Default (Default(..)) import Data.Either (lefts) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid (Any(..)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Extra as Text import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import GHC.BasicTypes.Extra (isNoInline) import qualified Clash.Explicit.SimIO as SimIO import qualified Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector as BV (Bit(Bit), BitVector(BV), xToBV) import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (extractPrim) import Clash.Core.DataCon (DataCon(..)) import Clash.Core.FreeVars (countFreeOccurances, freeLocalIds) import Clash.Core.HasFreeVars import Clash.Core.HasType import Clash.Core.Name (Name(..), NameSort(..)) import Clash.Core.Pretty (PrettyOptions(..), showPpr, showPpr') import Clash.Core.Subst import Clash.Core.Term ( CoreContext(..), Pat(..), PrimInfo(..), Term(..), WorkInfo(..), collectArgs , collectArgsTicks, mkApps , mkTicks, stripTicks) import Clash.Core.TermInfo (isLocalVar, termSize) import Clash.Core.Type (TypeView(..), isClassTy, isPolyFunCoreTy, tyView) import Clash.Core.Util (isSignalType, primUCo) import Clash.Core.Var (Id, Var(..), isGlobalId, isLocalId) import Clash.Core.VarEnv ( InScopeSet, VarEnv, VarSet, elemUniqInScopeSet, elemVarEnv, elemVarSet , eltsVarEnv, emptyVarEnv, extendInScopeSetList, extendVarEnv , foldlWithUniqueVarEnv', lookupVarEnv, lookupVarEnvDirectly, mkVarEnv , notElemVarSet, unionVarEnv, unionVarEnvWith, unitVarSet) import Clash.Debug (trace) import Clash.Driver.Types (Binding(..)) import Clash.Netlist.Util (representableType) import Clash.Primitives.Types (CompiledPrimMap, Primitive(..), TemplateKind(..)) import Clash.Rewrite.Combinators (allR) import Clash.Rewrite.Types ( TransformContext(..), bindings, curFun, customReprs, tcCache, topEntities , typeTranslator, inlineConstantLimit, inlineFunctionLimit, inlineLimit , inlineWFCacheLimit, primitives) import Clash.Rewrite.Util ( changed, inlineBinders, inlineOrLiftBinders, isJoinPointIn , isUntranslatable, isUntranslatableType, isVoidWrapper, zoomExtra) import Clash.Rewrite.WorkFree (isWorkFreeIsh) import Clash.Normalize.Types ( NormRewrite, NormalizeSession) import Clash.Normalize.Util ( addNewInline, alreadyInlined, isRecursiveBndr, mkInlineTick , normalizeTopLvlBndr) import Clash.Unique (Unique) import Clash.Util (curLoc) import qualified Clash.Util.Interpolate as I {- [Note] join points and void wrappers Join points are functions that only occur in tail-call positions within an expression, and only when they occur in a tail-call position more than once. Normally bindNonRep binds/inlines all non-recursive local functions. However, doing so for join points would significantly increase compilation time, so we avoid it. The only exception to this rule are so-called void wrappers. Void wrappers are functions of the form: > \(w :: Void) -> f a b c i.e. a wrapper around the function 'f' where the argument 'w' is not used. We do bind/line these join-points because these void-wrappers interfere with the 'disjoint expression consolidation' (DEC) and 'common sub-expression elimination' (CSE) transformation, sometimes resulting in circuits that are twice as big as they'd need to be. -} -- | Inline let-bindings when the RHS is either a local variable reference or -- is constant (except clock or reset generators) bindConstantVar :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite bindConstantVar = inlineBinders test where test _ (i,stripTicks -> e) = case isLocalVar e of -- Don't inline `let x = x in x`, it throws us in an infinite loop True -> return (i `notElemFreeVars` e) _ -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache (fn,_) <- Lens.use curFun -- Don't inline things that perform work, it increases the circuit size. -- -- Also don't inline globally recursive calls, it prevents the -- recToLetRec transformation from transforming global recursion to -- local recursion. -- See https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/2839 case isWorkFreeIsh tcm e && not (e == Var fn) of True -> Lens.view inlineConstantLimit >>= \case 0 -> return True n -> return (termSize e <= n) _ -> return False {-# SCC bindConstantVar #-} -- | Mark to track progress of 'reduceBindersCleanup' data Mark = Temp | Done | Rec -- | Used (transitively) by 'inlineCleanup' inline to-inline let-binders into -- the other to-inline let-binders. reduceBindersCleanup :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -- ^ Current InScopeSet -> VarEnv ((Id,Term),VarEnv Int) -- ^ Original let-binders with their free variables (+ #occurrences) -> (Maybe Subst,VarEnv Int,VarEnv ((Id,Term),VarEnv Int,Mark)) -- ^ Accumulated: -- -- 1. (Maybe) the build up substitution so far -- 2. The free variables of the range of the substitution -- 3. Processed let-binders with their free variables and a tag to mark -- the progress: -- * Temp: Will eventually form a recursive cycle -- * Done: Processed, non-recursive -- * Rec: Processed, recursive -> Unique -- ^ The unique of the let-binding that we want to simplify -> Int -- ^ Ignore, artifact of 'foldlWithUniqueVarEnv' -> (Maybe Subst,VarEnv Int,VarEnv ((Id,Term),VarEnv Int,Mark)) -- ^ Same as the third argument reduceBindersCleanup isN origInl (!substM,!substFVs,!doneInl) u _ = case lookupVarEnvDirectly u doneInl of Nothing -> case lookupVarEnvDirectly u origInl of Nothing -> -- let-binding not found, cannot extend the substitution if elemUniqInScopeSet u isN then (substM,substFVs,doneInl) else error [I.i| Internal error: 'reduceBindersCleanup' encountered a variable reference that was neither in 'doneInl', 'origInl', or in the transformation's in scope set. Unique was: '#{u}'. |] Just ((v,e),eFVs) -> -- Simplify the transitive dependencies let (sM,substFVsE,doneInl1) = foldlWithUniqueVarEnv' (reduceBindersCleanup isN origInl) ( Nothing -- It's okay/needed to over-approximate the free variables of -- the range of the new substitution by including the free -- variables of the original let-binder, because this set of -- free variables is only used to check whether let-binding will -- become self-recursive after applying the substitution. -- -- That is, it was already self-recursive, or becomes -- self-recursive after applying the substitution because it was -- part of a recursive group. And we do not want to inline -- recursive binders. , eFVs -- Temporarily extend the processing environment with the -- let-binding so we don't end up in a loop in case there is a -- recursive group. , extendVarEnv v ((v,e),eFVs,Temp) doneInl) eFVs e1 = maybeSubstTm "reduceBindersCleanup" sM e in if v `elemVarEnv` substFVsE then -- We cannot inline recursive let-bindings, so we do not extend -- the substitution environment. ( substM , substFVs -- And we explicitly mark the let-binding as recursive in the -- processing environment. So that it will be kept around at the -- end of 'inlineCleanup' , extendVarEnv v ((v,e1),substFVsE,Rec) doneInl1 ) else -- Extend the substitution ( Just (extendIdSubst (Maybe.fromMaybe (mkSubst isN) substM) v e1) , unionVarEnv substFVsE substFVs -- Mark the let-binding a fully "reduced", so we don't repeat -- this process when we encounter it again. , extendVarEnv v ((v,e1),substFVsE,Done) doneInl1 ) -- It's already been processed, just extend the substitution environment Just ((v,e),eFVs,Done) -> ( Just (extendIdSubst (Maybe.fromMaybe (mkSubst isN) substM) v e) , unionVarEnv eFVs substFVs , doneInl ) -- It's either recursive (Rec), or part of a recursive group (Temp) where we -- originally entered a different part of the cycle. Regardless, we do not -- extend the substitution environment. Just _ -> ( substM , substFVs , doneInl ) {-# SCC reduceBindersCleanup #-} -- | Used by 'inlineCleanup' to inline binders that we want to inline into the -- binders that we want to keep. inlineBndrsCleanup :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -- ^ Current InScopeSet -> VarEnv ((Id,Term),VarEnv Int) -- ^ Original let-binders with their free variables (+ #occurrences), that we -- want to inline -> VarEnv ((Id,Term),VarEnv Int,Mark) -- ^ Processed let-binders with their free variables and a tag to mark the -- progress: -- * Temp: Will eventually form a recursive cycle -- * Done: Processed, non-recursive -- * Rec: Processed, recursive -> [((Id,Term),VarEnv Int)] -- ^ The let-binders with their free variables (+ #occurrences), that we want -- to keep -> [(Id,Term)] inlineBndrsCleanup isN origInl = go where go doneInl [] = -- If some of the let-binders that we wanted to inline turn out to be -- recursive, then we have to keep those around as well, as we weren't able -- to inline them. Furthermore, for every recursive binder there might still -- be non-inlined variables left, see #1337. flip map [ (ve, eFvs) | (ve,eFvs,Rec) <- eltsVarEnv doneInl ] $ \((v, e), eFvs) -> let (substM, _, _) = foldlWithUniqueVarEnv' (reduceBindersCleanup isN emptyVarEnv) (Nothing, emptyVarEnv, doneInl) eFvs in (v, maybeSubstTm "inlineBndrsCleanup_0" substM e) go !doneInl_0 (((v,e),eFVs):il) = let (sM,_,doneInl_1) = foldlWithUniqueVarEnv' (reduceBindersCleanup isN origInl) (Nothing, emptyVarEnv, doneInl_0) eFVs e1 = maybeSubstTm "inlineBndrsCleanup_1" sM e in (v,e1):go doneInl_1 il {-# SCC inlineBndrsCleanup #-} -- | Only inline casts that just contain a 'Var', because these are guaranteed work-free. -- These are the result of the 'splitCastWork' transformation. inlineCast :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineCast = inlineBinders test where test _ (_, (Cast (stripTicks -> Var {}) _ _)) = return True test _ _ = return False {-# SCC inlineCast #-} -- | Given a function in the desired normal form, inline all the following -- let-bindings: -- -- Let-bindings with an internal name that is only used once, where it binds: -- * a primitive that will be translated to an HDL expression (as opposed to -- a HDL declaration) -- * a projection case-expression (1 alternative) -- * a data constructor -- * I/O actions inlineCleanup :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineCleanup (TransformContext is0 _) (Letrec binds body) = do prims <- Lens.view primitives -- For all let-bindings, count the number of times they are referenced. -- We only inline let-bindings which are referenced only once, otherwise -- we would lose sharing. let is1 = extendInScopeSetList is0 (map fst binds) bindsFvs = map (\(v,e) -> (v,((v,e),countFreeOccurances e))) binds allOccs = List.foldl' (unionVarEnvWith (+)) emptyVarEnv $ map (snd.snd) bindsFvs bodyFVs = Lens.foldMapOf freeLocalIds unitVarSet body (il,keep) = List.partition (isInteresting allOccs prims bodyFVs) bindsFvs keep' = inlineBndrsCleanup is1 (mkVarEnv il) emptyVarEnv $ map snd keep if | null il -> return (Letrec binds body) | null keep' -> changed body | otherwise -> changed (Letrec keep' body) where -- Determine whether a let-binding is interesting to inline isInteresting :: VarEnv Int -> CompiledPrimMap -> VarSet -> (Id,((Id, Term), VarEnv Int)) -> Bool isInteresting allOccs prims bodyFVs (id_,((_,(fst.collectArgs) -> tm),_)) -- Try to keep user defined names, but inline names generated by GHC or -- Clash. For example, if a user were to write: -- -- x = 2 * y -- -- Even if 'x' is only used once, we'd like to keep it around to produce -- more readable HDL. In contrast, if a user were to write: -- -- let x = f (2 * y) -- -- ANF would transform that to: -- -- let x = f f_arg; f_arg = 2 * y -- -- In that case, there's no harm in inlining f_arg. | nameSort (varName id_) /= User , id_ `notElemVarSet` bodyFVs = case tm of Prim pInfo | let nm = primName pInfo , Just (extractPrim -> Just p@(BlackBox {})) <- HashMap.lookup nm prims , TExpr <- kind p , Just occ <- lookupVarEnv id_ allOccs , occ < 2 -> True | otherwise -> primName pInfo `elem` ["Clash.Explicit.SimIO.bindSimIO#"] Case _ _ [_] -> True Data _ -> True Case _ aTy (_:_:_) | TyConApp nm _ <- tyView aTy , nameOcc nm == Text.showt ''SimIO.SimIO -> True _ -> False | id_ `notElemVarSet` bodyFVs = case tm of Prim pInfo | primName pInfo `elem` [ Text.showt 'SimIO.openFile , Text.showt 'SimIO.getChar , Text.showt 'SimIO.isEOF ] , Just occ <- lookupVarEnv id_ allOccs , occ < 2 -> True | otherwise -> primName pInfo `elem` ["Clash.Explicit.SimIO.bindSimIO#"] Case _ _ [(DataPat dcE _ _,_)] -> let nm = (nameOcc (dcName dcE)) in -- Inlines WW projection that exposes internals of the BitVector types nm == Text.showt 'BV.BV || nm == Text.showt 'BV.Bit || -- Inlines projections out of constraint-tuples (e.g. HiddenClockReset) "GHC.Classes" `Text.isPrefixOf` nm Case _ aTy (_:_:_) | TyConApp nm _ <- tyView aTy , nameOcc nm == Text.showt ''SimIO.SimIO -> True _ -> False isInteresting _ _ _ _ = False inlineCleanup _ e = return e {-# SCC inlineCleanup #-} {- [Note] relation `collapseRHSNoops` and `inlineCleanup` The `collapseRHSNoops` transformation replaces functions/primitives that are the identity in HDL, but not in Haskell, by `unsafeCoerce`. `inlineCleanup` subsequently inlines these `unsafeCoerce` calls. The end result of all of this is that we get no/fewer assignments in HDL where the RHS is simply a variable reference. See issue #779 -} -- | Takes a binding and collapses its term if it is a noop collapseRHSNoops :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite collapseRHSNoops _ (Letrec binds body) = do binds1 <- mapM runCollapseNoop binds return $ Letrec binds1 body where runCollapseNoop orig = runMaybeT (collapseNoop orig) >>= Maybe.maybe (return orig) changed collapseNoop (iD,term) = do (Prim info,args) <- return $ collectArgs term identity <- getIdentity info $ lefts args collapsed <- collapseToIdentity iD identity return (iD,collapsed) collapseToIdentity iD identity = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let aTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm identity bTy = coreTypeOf iD return $ primUCo `TyApp` aTy `TyApp` bTy `App` identity getIdentity primInfo termArgs = do WorkIdentity idIdx noopIdxs <- return $ primWorkInfo primInfo mapM_ (getTermArg termArgs >=> isNoop >=> Monad.guard) noopIdxs getTermArg termArgs idIdx getTermArg args i = do Monad.guard $ i <= length args - 1 return $ args !! i isNoop (Var i) = do binding <- MaybeT $ lookupVarEnv i <$> Lens.use bindings isRecursive <- lift $ isRecursiveBndr $ bindingId binding Monad.guard $ not isRecursive isNoop $ bindingTerm binding isNoop (Prim PrimInfo{primWorkInfo=WorkIdentity _ []}) = return True isNoop (Lam x e) = isNoopApp x (collectArgs e) isNoop _ = return False -- Check whether we have a term of the form: -- -- primX a (primY b (primZ c (... x ...)))) -- -- Where primX, primY and primZ are either: -- -- 1. xToBV, or -- 2. Primitives that are the identity on their argument -- -- And that the variable 'x' is used by the last primitive in the chain. isNoopApp x (Var y,[]) = return (x == y) isNoopApp x (Prim PrimInfo{primWorkInfo=WorkIdentity i []},args) = do arg <- getTermArg (lefts args) i isNoopApp x (collectArgs arg) isNoopApp x (Prim PrimInfo{primName},args) | primName == Text.showt 'BV.xToBV = do -- We don't make 'xToBV' something of 'WorkIdentity 1 []' because we don't -- want 'getIdentity' to replace "naked" occurances of 'xToBV' by -- 'unsafeCoerce#'. We don't want that since 'xToBV' has a special evaluator -- rule that can translate XExceptions to 'undefined# :: BitVector n'. arg@(App {}) <- getTermArg (lefts args) 1 isNoopApp x (collectArgs arg) isNoopApp _ _ = return False collapseRHSNoops _ e = return e {-# SCC collapseRHSNoops #-} -- | Inline function with a non-representable result if it's the subject -- of a Case-decomposition. It's a custom topdown traversal that -for efficiency -- reasons- does not explore alternative of cases whose subject triggered an -- 'inlineNonRepWorker'. inlineNonRep :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineNonRep ctx0 e0@(Case {}) = do r <- listen (inlineNonRepWorker e0) case r of (e1, Monoid.getAny -> True) -> return e1 (e1, _) -> do -- If a term _in_ the subject triggers 'inlineNonRepWorker', inline and -- propagate might eliminate this case. We therefore don't explore the -- alternatives. Note that this makes it substantially different from a -- 'topdownSucR' transformation. let (subj0,typ,alts) = case e1 of Case s t a -> (s,t,a) _ -> error ("internal error, inlineNonRep triggered on a non-Case:" <> showPpr e1) TransformContext inScope ctx1 = ctx0 ctx2 = TransformContext inScope (CaseScrut:ctx1) listen (inlineNonRep ctx2 subj0) >>= \case (subj1, Monoid.getAny -> True) -> return (Case subj1 typ alts) (subj1, _) -> do let (pats, rhss0) = unzip alts rhss1 <- mapM (inlineNonRep ctx2) rhss0 pure (Case subj1 typ (zip pats rhss1)) inlineNonRep ctx e = -- All non-case statements are simply traversed. TODO: are there other special -- cases like 'Case' that would warrant an optimization like ^ ? allR inlineNonRep ctx e {-# SCC inlineNonRep #-} -- | Inline function with a non-representable result if it's the subject -- of a Case-decomposition. This worker function only tries the given term -- (i.e., it does not traverse it). -- -- It sets the changed flag in the NormalizeSession if it successfully inlines -- a binder. inlineNonRepWorker :: HasCallStack => Term -> NormalizeSession Term inlineNonRepWorker e@(Case scrut altsTy alts) | (Var f, args,ticks) <- collectArgsTicks scrut , isGlobalId f = do (cf,_) <- Lens.use curFun isInlined <- zoomExtra (alreadyInlined f cf) limit <- Lens.view inlineLimit tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let scrutTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm scrut -- Constraint dictionary inlining always terminates, so we ignore the -- usual inline safeguards. notClassTy = not (isClassTy tcm scrutTy) overLimit = notClassTy && (Maybe.fromMaybe 0 isInlined) > limit bodyMaybe <- lookupVarEnv f <$> Lens.use bindings nonRepScrut <- not <$> (representableType <$> Lens.view typeTranslator <*> Lens.view customReprs <*> pure False <*> Lens.view tcCache <*> pure scrutTy) case (nonRepScrut, bodyMaybe) of (True, Just b) -> do if overLimit then trace ($(curLoc) ++ [I.i| InlineNonRep: #{showPpr (varName f)} already inlined #{limit} times in: #{showPpr (varName cf)}. The type of the subject is: #{showPpr' def{displayTypes=True\} scrutTy} Function #{showPpr (varName cf)} will not reach a normal form and compilation might fail. Run with '-fclash-inline-limit=N' to increase the inline limit to N. |]) (return e) else do Monad.when notClassTy (zoomExtra (addNewInline f cf)) let scrutBody0 = mkTicks (bindingTerm b) (mkInlineTick f : ticks) let scrutBody1 = mkApps scrutBody0 args changed $ Case scrutBody1 altsTy alts _ -> return e inlineNonRepWorker e = pure e {-# SCC inlineNonRepWorker #-} inlineOrLiftNonRep :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineOrLiftNonRep ctx eLet@(Letrec _ body) = inlineOrLiftBinders nonRepTest inlineTest ctx eLet where bodyFreeOccs = countFreeOccurances body nonRepTest :: (Id, Term) -> NormalizeSession Bool nonRepTest (Id {varType = ty}, _) = not <$> (representableType <$> Lens.view typeTranslator <*> Lens.view customReprs <*> pure False <*> Lens.view tcCache <*> pure ty) nonRepTest _ = return False inlineTest :: Term -> (Id, Term) -> Bool inlineTest e (id_, e') = -- We do __NOT__ inline: not $ or [ -- 1. recursive let-binders -- id_ `elemFreeVars` e' -- <= already checked in inlineOrLiftBinders -- 2. join points (which are not void-wrappers) isJoinPointIn id_ e && not (isVoidWrapper e') -- 3. binders that are used more than once in the body, because -- it makes CSE a whole lot more difficult. -- -- XXX: Check whether we can extend this to the binders as well , maybe False (>1) (lookupVarEnv id_ bodyFreeOccs) ] inlineOrLiftNonRep _ e = return e {-# SCC inlineOrLiftNonRep #-} -- | Inline anything of type `SimIO`: IO actions cannot be shared inlineSimIO :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineSimIO = inlineBinders test where test _ (i,_) = case tyView (coreTypeOf i) of TyConApp tc _ -> return $! nameOcc tc == Text.showt ''SimIO.SimIO _ -> return False {-# SCC inlineSimIO #-} -- | Inline small functions inlineSmall :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineSmall _ e@(collectArgsTicks -> (Var f,args,ticks)) = do untranslatable <- isUntranslatable True e topEnts <- Lens.view topEntities let lv = isLocalId f if untranslatable || f `elemVarSet` topEnts || lv then return e else do bndrs <- Lens.use bindings sizeLimit <- Lens.view inlineFunctionLimit case lookupVarEnv f bndrs of -- Don't inline recursive expressions Just b -> do isRecBndr <- isRecursiveBndr f if not isRecBndr && not (isNoInline (bindingSpec b)) && termSize (bindingTerm b) < sizeLimit then do let tm = mkTicks (bindingTerm b) (mkInlineTick f : ticks) changed $ mkApps tm args else return e _ -> return e inlineSmall _ e = return e {-# SCC inlineSmall #-} -- | Inline work-free functions, i.e. fully applied functions that evaluate to -- a constant inlineWorkFree :: HasCallStack => NormRewrite inlineWorkFree _ e@(collectArgsTicks -> (Var f,args@(_:_),ticks)) = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let eTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e argsHaveWork <- or <$> mapM (either expressionHasWork (const (pure False))) args untranslatable <- isUntranslatableType True eTy topEnts <- Lens.view topEntities let isSignal = isSignalType tcm eTy let lv = isLocalId f let isTopEnt = elemVarSet f topEnts if untranslatable || isSignal || argsHaveWork || lv || isTopEnt then return e else do bndrs <- Lens.use bindings case lookupVarEnv f bndrs of -- Don't inline recursive expressions Just b -> do isRecBndr <- isRecursiveBndr f if isRecBndr then return e else do let tm = mkTicks (bindingTerm b) (mkInlineTick f : ticks) changed $ mkApps tm args _ -> return e where -- an expression is has work when it contains free local variables, -- or has a Signal type, i.e. it does not evaluate to a work-free -- constant. expressionHasWork e' = do let fvIds = Lens.toListOf freeLocalIds e' tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let e'Ty = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e' isSignal = isSignalType tcm e'Ty return (not (null fvIds) || isSignal) inlineWorkFree _ e@(Var f) = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let fTy = coreTypeOf f closed = not (isPolyFunCoreTy tcm fTy) isSignal = isSignalType tcm fTy untranslatable <- isUntranslatableType True fTy topEnts <- Lens.view topEntities let gv = isGlobalId f if closed && f `notElemVarSet` topEnts && not untranslatable && not isSignal && gv then do bndrs <- Lens.use bindings case lookupVarEnv f bndrs of -- Don't inline recursive expressions Just top -> do isRecBndr <- isRecursiveBndr f if isRecBndr then return e else do let topB = bindingTerm top sizeLimit <- Lens.view inlineWFCacheLimit -- caching only worth it from a certain size onwards, otherwise -- the caching mechanism itself brings more of an overhead. if termSize topB < sizeLimit then changed topB else do b <- normalizeTopLvlBndr False f top changed (bindingTerm b) _ -> return e else return e inlineWorkFree _ e = return e {-# SCC inlineWorkFree #-}