{-| Copyright : (C) 2020,2022 QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. Utilities to write unit tests on transformations -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-} module Test.Clash.Rewrite where import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal (buildCustomReprs) import qualified Clash.Core.Name as C import qualified Clash.Core.Term as C import qualified Clash.Core.Literal as C import qualified Clash.Core.Type as C import qualified Clash.Core.Var as C import Clash.Core.VarEnv (InScopeSet, emptyVarSet, emptyVarEnv, emptyInScopeSet) import Clash.Driver.Types (ClashEnv(..), ClashOpts(..), defClashOpts, debugSilent) import Clash.Rewrite.Types import Clash.Rewrite.Util (runRewrite) import Clash.Normalize.Types import qualified Clash.Util.Interpolate as I import Clash.Util.Supply (newSupply) import Clash.Unique (Unique) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.Default import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser (parseExp, fromParseResult) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Quote as TH import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Text as Text type TypeMap = HashMap.HashMap Unique C.Type lookupTM :: Unique -> TypeMap -> C.Type lookupTM u tm = case HashMap.lookup u tm of Just t -> t Nothing -> error [I.i| Tried to lookup unique '#{u}' in typemap, but couldn't find it. This usually means you forgot to (explicitely) declare a variable's type. |] instance Default RewriteEnv where def = RewriteEnv { _clashEnv = ClashEnv { envOpts = defClashOpts { opt_debug = debugSilent } , envTyConMap = mempty , envTupleTyCons = IntMap.empty , envPrimitives = HashMap.empty , envCustomReprs = buildCustomReprs [] , envDomains = HashMap.empty } , _typeTranslator=error "_typeTranslator: NYI" , _peEvaluator=error "_peEvaluator: NYI" , _evaluator=error "_evaluator: NYI" , _topEntities=emptyVarSet } instance Default extra => Default (RewriteState extra) where def = RewriteState { _transformCounter=0 , _transformCounters=mempty , _bindings=emptyVarEnv , _uniqSupply=unsafePerformIO newSupply , _curFun=error "_curFun: NYI" , _nameCounter=2 , _workFreeBinders=emptyVarEnv , _globalHeap=error "_globalHeap: NYI" , _extra=def } instance Default NormalizeState where def = NormalizeState { _normalized=emptyVarEnv , _specialisationCache=Map.empty , _specialisationHistory=emptyVarEnv , _inlineHistory=emptyVarEnv , _primitiveArgs=Map.empty , _recursiveComponents=emptyVarEnv } instance Default InScopeSet where def = emptyInScopeSet -- | Run a single transformation given a certain context runSingleTransformation :: RewriteEnv -- ^ Rewrite environment -> RewriteState extra -- ^ Rewrite state -> InScopeSet -- ^ Variables in scope in transformation -> Rewrite extra -- ^ Transformation to perform -> C.Term -- ^ Term to transform -> IO C.Term runSingleTransformation rwEnv rwState is trans term = do (t, _, _) <- runR (runRewrite "" is trans term) rwEnv rwState pure t -- | Run a single transformation with an empty environment and empty -- InScopeSet. See Default instances ^ to inspect the precise definition of -- "empty". -- -- Note that at the time of writing (May 2020) the default environment does not -- include a type translator, evaluator, current function, or global heap. Maps, -- like the primitive and tycon map, are also empty. If the transformation under -- test needs these definitions, you should add them manually. runSingleTransformationDef :: Default extra => Rewrite extra -> C.Term -> IO C.Term runSingleTransformationDef = runSingleTransformation def def def parseType :: Show l => Type l -> C.Type parseType = \case -- Type constructor: T TyCon _ (UnQual _ (Ident _ typNm)) -> -- TODO: We could/should build a TyConMap here C.ConstTy (C.TyCon (C.Name C.User (Text.pack typNm) 0 C.noSrcSpan)) -- Unsupported type: t -> error ("parseType: " <> show t) -- | Parse an identifier into a Clash Name. Identifiers must include a unique -- and might include a modifier indicating whether its NameSort. Examples: -- -- * x_3: User identifier with human readable name "x", unique "3" -- * x_I3: Internal identifier with human readable name "x", unique "3" -- * x_S3: System identifier with human readable name "x", unique "3" -- parseName :: Show l => Name l -> C.Name a parseName = \case Ident _ s -> failOnNothing s (go "" s) Symbol _ s -> failOnNothing s (go "" s) where failOnNothing _ (Just (nmSort, nm, uniq)) = C.mkUnsafeName nmSort (Text.pack nm) uniq failOnNothing s Nothing = error [I.i| Not a valid id: #{s}. Identifiers must be of form 'foobar_123', where 'foobar' is a human-readable (but ultimately unused) name and '123' is the unique. Additionally, 'I', 'U', or 'S' might be prefixed to create an Internal, User, or System name respectively. For example, 'foobar_S123'. |] go _seen "" = Nothing go seen0 ('_':s:ss) | 'U' <- s = fmap (C.User,seen1,) (readMaybe ss) <|> cont | 'S' <- s = fmap (C.System,seen1,) (readMaybe ss) <|> cont | 'I' <- s = fmap (C.Internal,seen1,) (readMaybe ss) <|> cont | otherwise = fmap (C.User,seen1,) (readMaybe (s:ss)) <|> cont where seen1 = reverse seen0 cont = go ('_':seen0) (s:ss) go seen (s:ss) = go (s:seen) ss -- | Parse declarations (as, amongst others, used in let expressions). Note that -- every binder needs an explicit type annotation, as we don't do any type -- inference. Type annotations may occur anywhere though. Example, this is OK: -- -- let -- x_0 :: Int -- x_0 = 2 -- -- x_1 :: Int -- x_1 = x_0 -- in -- x_1 -- -- But this is not: -- -- let -- x_0 :: Int -- x_0 = 2 -- -- x_1 = x_0 -- in -- x_1 -- parseDecls :: forall l . (HasCallStack, Show l) => TypeMap -> [Decl l] -> (TypeMap, [C.LetBinding]) parseDecls typs0 decls = (typs1, map parseOtherDecl otherDecls) where (typDecls, otherDecls) = List.partition isTypeDecl decls insertTyp (nm, t) = HashMap.insert nm t typs1 = foldr insertTyp typs0 (concatMap parseTypeDecl typDecls) parseOtherDecl :: HasCallStack => Decl l -> C.LetBinding parseOtherDecl = \case PatBind _ (PVar _ (parseName -> nm)) (UnGuardedRhs _ e) Nothing -> let uniq = C.nameUniq nm typ = lookupTM (C.nameUniq nm) typs1 in (C.Id nm uniq typ C.LocalId, expToTerm typs1 e) e -> error ("parseOtherDecl: " <> show e) parseTypeDecl :: Decl l -> [(Unique, C.Type)] parseTypeDecl (TypeSig _ nms t) = map (\nm -> (C.nameUniq (parseName nm), parseType t)) nms parseTypeDecl _ = error "impossible" isTypeDecl :: Decl l -> Bool isTypeDecl (TypeSig {}) = True isTypeDecl _ = False -- | Parse a haskell-src-exts expression into Clash Core. expToTerm :: forall l . (HasCallStack, Show l) => TypeMap -> Exp l -> C.Term expToTerm typs0 = \case -- Parentheses: (...) Paren _ e -> expToTerm typs0 e -- Local variable reference with type signature: x :: t ExpTypeSig _ (Var _ (UnQual _ (parseName -> nm))) (parseType -> t) -> C.Var (C.Id nm (C.nameUniq nm) t C.LocalId) -- Term application: e1 e2 App _ e1 e2 -> C.App (expToTerm typs0 e1) (expToTerm typs0 e2) -- Variable reference: e Var _ (UnQual _ (parseName -> nm)) -> let uniq = C.nameUniq nm typ = lookupTM (C.nameUniq nm) typs0 in C.Var (C.Id nm uniq typ C.LocalId) -- Literal: 3 Lit _ (Int _ i _) -> C.Literal (C.IntLiteral i) -- Let expression: let {e1 = .., e2 = ..} in r Let _ (BDecls _ decls0) body0 -> let (typs1, decls1) = parseDecls typs0 decls0 body1 = expToTerm typs1 body0 in C.Letrec decls1 body1 -- Unsupported expression e -> error ("expToTerm: " <> show e) -- | Parse a string representing a Haskell expression into Clash Core. This can -- only parse very simple expressions. In the future we should make an effort to -- build a proper TyConMap (using LoadModules) to faithfully reproduce more -- complex expressions. parseToTerm :: String -> C.Term parseToTerm = expToTerm HashMap.empty . fromParseResult . parseExp -- | See documentation of 'parseToTerm'. Example usage: -- -- letrec = [parseToTermQQ| -- let -- x_0, x_1 :: Int -- x_0 = 5 -- x_1 = 6 -- in -- x_0 -- |] -- -- Note that this is parsed at runtime, not at compile time. There's no good -- technical reason for this though. We'd just need to implement a Template -- Haskell Lift instance for Term. -- -- For more information on the format of identifiers, see 'parseName'. parseToTermQQ :: TH.QuasiQuoter parseToTermQQ = TH.QuasiQuoter{ TH.quoteExp = fmap (TH.AppE (TH.VarE 'parseToTerm)) . TH.lift , TH.quotePat = error "parseToTerm.quotePat: NYI" , TH.quoteType = error "parseToTerm.quoteType: NYI" , TH.quoteDec = error "parseToTerm.quoteDec: NYI" }