# Changelog for [`clash-prelude` package](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/clash-prelude) ## 0.99.1 *May 12th 2018* * Support for `ghc-typelits-natnormalise-0.6.1` * `Lift` instances for `TopEntity` and `PortName` * `InlinePrimitive` support: specify HDL primitives inline with Haskell code ## 0.99 *March 31st 2018* * Major API overhaul: check the migration guide at the end of `Clash.Tutorial` * New features: * Explicit clock and reset arguments * Rename `CLaSH` to `Clash` * Implicit/`Hidden` clock and reset arguments using a combination of `reflection` and `ImplicitParams`. * Large overhaul of `TopEntity` annotations * PLL and other clock sources can now be instantiated using regular functions: `Clash.Intel.ClockGen` and `Clash.Xilinx.ClockGen`. * DDR registers: * Generic/ASIC: `Clash.Explicit.DDR` * Intel: `Clash.Intel.DDR` * Xilinx: `Clash.Intel.Xilinx` * `Bit` is now a `newtype` instead of a `type` synonym and will be mapped to a HDL scalar instead of an array of one (e.g `std_logic` instead of `std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)`) ## 0.11.2 * New features: * Add `riseEvery`: Give a pulse every @n@ clock cycles. (Thanks to @thoughtpolice) * Add `oscillate`: Oscillate a @'Bool'@ with a given half-period of cycles. (Thanks to @thoughtpolice) * Fixes bugs: * Eagerness bug in `regEn` [#104](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-prelude/issues/104) (Thanks to @cbiffle) ## 0.11.1 * Changes: * Bundle instance for `()` behaves like a product-type instance [#96](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-prelude/issues/96) * Fixes bugs: * Ensure that `fold` gets correctly type-applied in `Vec.==` [#202](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/202) ## 0.11 * New features: * `CLaSH.XException`: a module defining an exception representing uninitialised values. Additionally adds the `ShowX` class which has methods that prints values as "X" where they would normally raise an `XException` exception. * Add `BNat` (and supporting functions) to `CLaSH.Promoted.Nat`: base-2 encoded natural numbers. * Add `divSNat` and `logBaseSNat` to `CLaSH.Promoted.Nat`: division and logarithm for singleton natural numbers. * Add `predUNat` and `subUNat` to `CLaSH.Promoted.Nat`: predecessor and subtraction for unary-encoded natural numbers. * Add `dtfold` to `CLaSH.Sized.Vector`: a dependently-typed tree-fold over `Vec`. * Add the perfect-depth binary trees module `CLaSH.Sized.RTree` * Synthesisable definitions of `countLeadingZeros` and `countTrailingZeros` for: `BitVector`, `Signed`, `Unsigned`, and `Fixed` * Add the `(:::)` type alias in `CLaSH.NamedTypes` which allows you to annotate types with documentation * Changes: * `asyncRam`, `blockRam`, `blockRamFile` have a `Maybe (addr,a)` as write input instead of three separate `Bool`, `addr`, and `a` inputs. * `asyncFIFOSynchronizer` has a `Maybe a` as write-request instead of a separate `Bool` and `a` input * `bundle'` and `unbundle'` are removed; `bundle` now has type `Unbundled' clk a -> Signal' clk a`, `unbundle` now has type `Signal' clk a -> Unbundled' clk a` * `subSNat` now has the type `SNat (a+b) -> SNat b -> SNat a` (where it used to be `SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a-b)`) * Renamed `multUNat` to `mulUNat` to be in sync with `mulSNat` and `mulBNat`. * The function argument of `vfold` in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector` is now `(forall l . SNat l -> a -> Vec l b -> Vec (l + 1) b)` (where it used to be `(forall l . a -> Vec l b -> Vec (l + 1) b)`) * `Cons` constructor of `Vec` is no longer visible; `(:>)` and `(:<)` are now listed as constructors of `Vec` * Simulation speed improvements for numeric types ## 0.10.12 * Fixes bugs: * `Vec`s `unbundle` is too strict, i.e. `register (undefined :: Vec 2 Int)` /= `bundle . unbundle . register (undefined :: Vec 2 Int)` ## 0.10.11 *August 3rd 2016* * New features: * Add strict version of: `sample`, `sampleN`, `fromList`, and `simulate` * Make `Signal`s `<*>` slightly stricter: * Feedback loops still work with this new implementation * No more space-leaks when used in combination with the strict version of `sample`, `sampleN`, and `simulate` * Add `NFData` instances for the numeric types * Speed up arithmetic operations of `Signed`, `Unsigned` and `BitVector` * Fixes bugs: * CLaSH compiler sees internals of numeric types in their `Lift` functions ## 0.10.10 *July 15th 2016* * Fixes bugs: * `shrink` functions for numeric types throw exceptions [#153](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/153) * CLaSH compiler sees internals of numeric types in their Show functions ## 0.10.9 *June 9th 2016* * Fixes bugs: * `Eq` instance of `Vec` sometimes not synthesisable ## 0.10.8 *June 7th 2016* * New features: * Instances of `Data` for numeric types. * Instances of `Read` for {Index, Signed, Unsigned, Fixed} * Instances of `BitPack` for 3-8 tuples ## 0.10.7 *April 7th 2016* * Support doctest-0.11.0 ## 0.10.6 *February 10th 2016* * Fixes bugs: * `CLaSH.Prelude.DataFlow.parNDF` is not lazy enough ## 0.10.5 *January 13th 2016* * New features: * Add `readNew` to `CLaSH.Prelude.BlockRam`: create a read-after-write blockRAM from a read-before-write blockRAM. * `popCount` functions for `BitVector`, `Signed`, and `Unsigned` are now synthesisable. * Add `parNDF` to `CLaSH.Prelude.DataFlow`: compose _N_ dataflow circuits in parallel. * Add and instance `Vec n a` for `LockStep` in `CLaSH.Prelude.DataFlow`: have _N_ dataflow circuits operate in lock-step. ## 0.10.4 *December 11th 2015* * New features: * Add `pureDF` to `CLaSH.Prelude.DataFlow`: lift combinational circuits to `DataFlow` circuits. * Add `fifoDF` to `CLaSH.Prelude.DataFlow`: a simple FIFO buffer adhering to the `DataFlow` protocol. * `loopDF` no longer uses the `lockStep` and `stepLock` automatically, and now includes a FIFO buffer on the feedback path. * Add `loopDF_nobuf` to `CLaSH.Prelude.DataFlow`: a version of `loopDF` with no FIFO buffer on the feedback path. * Add `boolToBV` to `CLaSH.CLass.BitPack`: convert `Bool`eans to `n`-bit `BitVector`s. * `ClockSource` in `CLaSH.Annotations.TopEntity` can now have multiple clock inputs [#33](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-prelude/issues/33) * Bug fixes: * `asyncRomFile` reads file multiple times. ## 0.10.3 *October 24th 2015* * Disable CPR analysis (See https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/commit/721fcfa9198925661cd836668705f817bddaae3c): * GHC < 7.11: In all modules using `-fcpr-off` * GHC >= 7.11: In `CLaSH.Signal.Internal` and `CLaSH.Prelude.RAM` using `-fno-cpr-anal` ## 0.10.2 *October 21st 2015* * New features: * `ExtendingNum`, `BitPack`, and `Resize` instance for `Index` * Add `bv2i`: convert `BitVector n` to `Index (2^n)` * Export type-level operations from [ghc-typelits-extra](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-typelits-extra) ## 0.10.1 *October 16th 2015* * New features: * The `f` in `dfold p f`, now has an `SNat l` instead of a `Proxy l` as its first argument. * Add `bv2v` and `v2bv` functions that convert between `Vec n Bit` and `BitVector n`. * Add `smap`: apply a function to every element of a vector and the element's position (as an 'SNat' value) in the vector. ## 0.10 *October 3rd 2015* * New features: * The Vec constructor `:>` is now an explicitly bidirectional pattern synonym (the actual constructor has been renamed to Cons). As a result, pattern matching on `:>` is now synthesisable by the CLaSH compiler. * The function `<:` is replaced by the the explicitly bidirectional pattern synonym `:<`. This allows you to pattern match on: "all but the last element of a vector" and "the last element" of the vector. Because it is a bidirectional pattern, `:<` can also be used as an expression that appends an element to the tail of a vector. * Add a `transpose` function in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector`. * Add `stencil1d` and `stensil2d` stencil computation functions in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector`. * Add `permute`, `backpermute`, `scatter`, and `gather` permutation functions in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector`. * Add specialised permutation functions `interleave`, `rotateLeft`, and `rotateRight` in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector`. * `sscanl` and `sscanr` in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector` are renamed to `postscanl` and postscanr` to be more in line with existing Haskell packages such as `vector` and `accelerate`. * The `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances of `Vec` now only works for non-empty vectors. * Where possible, members of the `Foldable` instance of `Vec` are described in terms of `fold`, which builds a tree (of depth `log(n)`) of computations, instead of `foldr` which had depth `n` computations. This reduces the critical path length in your circuits when using these functions. * `maxIndex` and `length` in `CLaSH.Sized.Vector` return an `Int` instead of an `Integer`. * Add functions that involve an index into a vector to the `CLaSH.Sized.Vector` module: `indices`, `indicesI`, `imap`, `izipWith`, `ifoldr`, `ifoldl`, `findIndex`, `elemIndex`. * `CLaSH.Sized.Vector`'s `fold`, `dfold`, `vfold`, and `toList` are now synthesisable by the CLaSH compiler. ## 0.9.3 *September 21st 2015* * Fixes bugs: * Cannot build against singletons-0.2 * Numerous documentation fixes ## 0.9.2 *August 2nd 2015* * Disable strictness analysis in `CLaSH.Signal.Internal`, this allows turning on strictness analysis in the GHC front-end of the CLaSH compiler. ## 0.9.1 *June 26th 2015* * Updated documentation on data-file support on Altera/Quartus ## 0.9 *June 25th 2015* * New features: * Add operations on singleton natural numbers: `addSNat`, `subSNat`, `mulSNat`, and `powSNat`. * Add asynchronous RAM functions in `CLaSH.Prelude.RAM`, which have an asynchronous/combinational read port. * Add ROM functions in modules `CLaSH.Prelude.ROM` and `CLaSH.Prelude.ROM.File`, where the latter module contains functions that instantiate a ROM from the content specified in an external data-file. * Add BlockRam functions, in the `CLaSH.Prelude.BlockRam.File` module, whose content can be initialised with the content specified in an external data-file. * `assert` now takes an extra `String` argument so you can distinguish one `assert` from the others. Additionally, `assert'` is added which takes an additional `SClock` argument. This is needed, because `assert` now reports the clock cycle, and clock domain, when an assertion fails. * `defClkAltera` and `defClkXilinx` are replaced by, `altpll` and `alteraPll` for Altera clock sources, and `clockWizard` for Xilinx clock sources. These names correspond to the names of the generator utilities in Quartus and ISE/Vivado. * Add [Safe](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/safe-haskell.html) versions of the prelude modules: `CLaSH.Prelude.Safe` and `CLaSH.Prelude.Explicit.Safe` * Add synchronizers in the `CLaSH.Prelude.Synchronizer` module ## 0.8 *June 3rd 2015* * New features: * Make the (Bit)Vector argument the _last_ argument for the following functions: `slice`, `setSlice`, `replaceBit`, `replace`. The signatures for the above functions are now: ``` slice :: BitPack a => SNat m -> SNat n -> a -> BitVector (m + 1 - n) setSlice :: BitPack a => SNat m -> SNat n -> BitVector (m + 1 - n) -> a -> a replaceBit :: Integral i => i -> Bit -> a -> a replace :: Integral i => i -> a -> Vec n a -> Vec n a ``` This allows for easier chaining, e.g.: ``` replaceBit 0 1 $ repleceBit 4 0 $ replaceBit 6 1 bv ``` * Until version 0.7.5, given `x :: Vec 8 Bit` and `y :: BitVector 8`, it used to be `last x == msb y`. This is quite confusing when printing converted values. Until version 0.7.5 we would get: ``` > 0x0F :: BitVector 8 0000_1111 > unpack 0x0F :: Vec 8 Bit <1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0> ``` As of version 0.8, we have `head x == msb y`: ``` > 0x0F :: BitVector 8 0000_1111 > unpack 0x0F :: Vec 8 Bit <0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1> ``` So converting for `Vec`tors of `Bit`s to `BitVector`s is no longer _index_-preserving, but it is _order_-preserving. * Add [QuickCheck](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/QuickCheck) `Arbitary` and `CoArbitary` instances for all data types * Add [lens](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens) `Ixed` instances for `BitVector`, `Signed`, `Unsigned`, and `Vec` ## 0.7.5 **May 7th 2015** * New features: * Moore machine combinators ## 0.7.4 **May 5th 2015* * New features: * Add `TopEntity` annotations ## 0.7.3 *April 22nd 2015* * New features: * Add the vector functions: `zip3`, `unzip3`, and `zipWith3` * Use version 0.2 of the [`ghc-typelits-natnormalise` package](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-typelits-natnormalise) ## 0.7.2 *April 20th 2015* * New features: * Support for GHC 7.10 => only works with GHC 7.10 and higher * Use http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-typelits-natnormalise typechecker plugin for better type-level natural number handling ## 0.7.1 *March 25th 2015* * Fixes bugs: * Fix laziness bug in Vector.(!!) and Vector.replace ## 0.7 *March 13th 2015* * New features: * Switch types of `bundle` and `bundle'`, and `unbundle` and `unbundle'`. * Rename all explicitly clocked versions of Signal functions, to the primed name of the implicitly clocked Signal functions. E.g. `cregister` is now called `register'` (where the implicitly clocked function is callled `register`) * Add new instances for `DSignal` * Add experimental `antiDelay` function for `DSignal` * Generalize lifted functions over Signals (e.g. (.==.)) * Fixes bugs: * Faster versions of Vector.(!!) and Vector.replace ## *November 17th 2014* * Fixes bugs: * Add missing 'CLaSH.Sized.BitVector' module to .cabal file. ## 0.6 *November 17th 2014* * New features: * Add `Fractional` instance for `Fixed` [#9](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/9) * Make indexing/subscript of `Vec` ascending [#4](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/4) * Add separate `BitVector` type, which has a descending index. * Add bit indexing operators, including the index/subscript operator `(!)`. * Add bit reduction operators: `reduceOr`, `reduceAnd`, `reduceOr`. * Rename `BitVector` class to `BitPack` with `pack` and `unpack` class methods. * Rename `Pack` class to `Bundle` with `bundle` and `unbundle` class methods. * Strip all `Vec` functions from their `v` prefix, i.e. `vmap` -> `map`. * Rename `Vec` indexing operator from `(!)` to `(!!)`. * Combine `Add` and `Mult` class into `ExtendingNum` class. * Add extend and truncate methods to the `Resize` class. * Add `SaturatingNum` class with saturating numeric operators. * Add multitude of lifted `Signal` operators, i.e. `(.==.) :: Eq a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool` * Add `CLaSH.Signal.Delayed` with functions and data types for delay-annotated signals to support safe synchronisation. * Add `CLASH.Prelude.DataFlow` with functions and data types to create self-synchronising circuits based on data-flow principles. * Fixes bugs: * Remove deprecated 'Arrow' instance for and related functions for `Comp` [#5](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/5) ## 0.5.1 *June 5th 2014* * New features: * Add `Default` instance for `Vec` [#2](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/2) * Instantiation for `blockRam` [#3](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/2) * Fixes bugs: * Fixed error on documentation of fLit in Fixed.hs [#6](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/6) * Non-translatable `Enum` function interfere with `sassert` compilation [#7](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/7) * Substituted the word 'list' into 'vector' in some places in the documentation. [#8](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/8) * mark vselectI INLINEABLE [#10](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/issues/10) ## 0.5 *April 3rd 2014* * Add explicitly clocked synchronous signals for multi-clock circuits ## 0.4.1 *March 27th 2014* * Add saturation to fixed-point operators * Finalize most documentation ## 0.4 *March 20th 2014* * Add fixed-point integers * Extend documentation * 'bit' and 'testBit' functions give run-time errors on out-of-bound positions ## 0.3 *March 14th 2014* * Add Documentation * Easy SNat literals for 0..1024, e.g. d4 = snat :: SNat 4 * Fix blockRamPow2 ## 0.2 *March 5th 2014* * Initial release