clash-prelude-1.0.1: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Prelude library
Copyright(C) 2017-2018 Google Inc
2019 Myrtle Software
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <>
Safe HaskellNone



PLL and other clock-related components for Intel (Altera) FPGAs



altpll Source #


:: forall domOut domIn name. SSymbol name

Name of the component, must correspond to the name entered in the QSys dialog.

For example, when you entered "altPLL50", instantiate as follows:

SSymbol @"altPLL50"
-> Clock domIn

Free running clock (i.e. a clock pin connected to a crystal)

-> Reset domIn

Reset for the PLL

-> (Clock domOut, Signal domOut Bool)

(Stable PLL clock, PLL lock)

A clock source that corresponds to the Intel/Quartus "ALTPLL" component with settings to provide a stable Clock from a single free-running input

Only works when configured with:

  • 1 reference clock
  • 1 output clock
  • a reset port
  • a locked port

You must use type applications to specify the output clock domain, e.g.:

-- outputs a clock running at 100 MHz
altpll @"50MHzDom" "100MHzDom" (SSymbol @"altpll50to100") clk50 rst

alteraPll Source #


:: Clocks t 
=> SSymbol name

Name of the component, must correspond to the name entered in the QSys dialog.

For example, when you entered "alteraPLL50", instantiate as follows:

SSymbol @"alteraPLL50"
-> Clock domIn

Free running clock (i.e. a clock pin connected to a crystal)

-> Reset domIn

Reset for the PLL

-> t 

A clock source that corresponds to the Intel/Quartus "Altera PLL" component with settings to provide a stable Clock from a single free-running input

Only works when configured with:

  • 1 reference clock
  • 1-16 output clocks
  • a reset input port
  • a locked output port

The number of output clocks depend this function's inferred result type. An instance with a single and double output clock can be instantiated using:

(outClk, pllLocked) = alteraPll clk rst


(outClk1, outClk2, pllLocked) = alteraPll clk rst
