Copyright   :  (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente,
                   2016-2019, Myrtle Software Ltd,
                   2017     , Google Inc.,
                   2021-2022, QBayLogic B.V.
License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer  :  QBayLogic B.V. <devops@qbaylogic.com>

Synchronizer circuits for safe clock domain crossings

{-# LANGUAGE NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise       #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Solver    #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module Clash.Explicit.Synchronizer
  ( -- * Bit-synchronizers
    -- * Word-synchronizers
  , asyncFIFOSynchronizer

import Data.Bits                   (complement, shiftR, xor)
import Data.Constraint             ((:-)(..), Dict (..))
import Data.Constraint.Nat         (leTrans)
import Data.Maybe                  (isJust)
import GHC.TypeLits                (type (+), type (-), type (<=), type (^), KnownNat)

import Clash.Class.BitPack         (boolToBV, unpack)
import Clash.Class.Resize          (truncateB)
import Clash.Class.BitPack.BitIndex (slice)
import Clash.Explicit.Mealy        (mealyB)
import Clash.Explicit.BlockRam     (RamOp (..), trueDualPortBlockRam)
import Clash.Explicit.Signal
  (Clock, Reset, Signal, Enable, register, unsafeSynchronizer, fromEnable, (.&&.))
import Clash.Promoted.Nat          (SNat (..))
import Clash.Promoted.Nat.Literals (d0)
import Clash.Signal                (mux, KnownDomain)
import Clash.Sized.BitVector       (BitVector, (++#))
import Clash.XException            (NFDataX, fromJustX)

-- * Dual flip-flop synchronizer

-- | Synchronizer based on two sequentially connected flip-flops.
--  * __NB__: This synchronizer can be used for __bit__-synchronization.
--  * __NB__: Although this synchronizer does reduce metastability, it does
--  not guarantee the proper synchronization of a whole __word__. For
--  example, given that the output is sampled twice as fast as the input is
--  running, and we have two samples in the input stream that look like:
--      @[0111,1000]@
--      But the circuit driving the input stream has a longer propagation delay
--      on __msb__ compared to the __lsb__s. What can happen is an output stream
--      that looks like this:
--      @[0111,0111,0000,1000]@
--      Where the level-change of the __msb__ was not captured, but the level
--      change of the __lsb__s were.
--      If you want to have /safe/ __word__-synchronization use
--      'asyncFIFOSynchronizer'.
  :: ( NFDataX a
     , KnownDomain dom1
     , KnownDomain dom2 )
  => Clock dom1
  -- ^ 'Clock' to which the incoming  data is synchronized
  -> Clock dom2
  -- ^ 'Clock' to which the outgoing data is synchronized
  -> Reset dom2
  -- ^ 'Reset' for registers on the outgoing domain
  -> Enable dom2
  -- ^ 'Enable' for registers on the outgoing domain
  -> a
  -- ^ Initial value of the two synchronization registers
  -> Signal dom1 a
  -- ^ Incoming data
  -> Signal dom2 a
  -- ^ Outgoing, synchronized, data
dualFlipFlopSynchronizer clk1 clk2 rst en i =
  register clk2 rst en i
    . register clk2 rst en i
    . unsafeSynchronizer clk1 clk2

-- * Asynchronous FIFO synchronizer

  :: forall wdom rdom a addrSize
   . ( KnownDomain wdom
     , KnownDomain rdom
     , NFDataX a
     , KnownNat addrSize
     , 1 <= addrSize )
  => Clock wdom
  -> Clock rdom
  -> Enable wdom
  -> Enable rdom
  -> Signal wdom Bool
  -> Signal rdom (BitVector addrSize)
  -> Signal wdom (BitVector addrSize)
  -> Signal wdom (Maybe a)
  -> Signal rdom a
fifoMem wclk rclk wen ren full raddr waddr wdataM =
  fst $ trueDualPortBlockRam
    rclk wclk portA portB
   portA :: Signal rdom (RamOp (2 ^ addrSize) a)
   portA = mux (fromEnable ren)
               (RamRead . unpack <$> raddr)
               (pure RamNoOp)
   portB :: Signal wdom (RamOp (2 ^ addrSize) a)
   portB = mux (fromEnable wen .&&. fmap not full .&&. fmap isJust wdataM)
               (RamWrite <$> fmap unpack waddr <*> fmap fromJustX wdataM)
               (pure RamNoOp)

  :: KnownNat addrSize
  => ( BitVector (addrSize + 1)
     , BitVector (addrSize + 1)
     , Bool )
  -> ( BitVector (addrSize + 1)
     , Bool )
  -> ( ( BitVector (addrSize + 1)
       , BitVector (addrSize + 1)
       , Bool )
     , ( Bool
       , BitVector addrSize
       , BitVector (addrSize + 1)
readPtrCompareT (bin, ptr, flag) (s_ptr, inc) =
  ((bin', ptr', flag'), (flag, addr, ptr))
  -- GRAYSTYLE2 pointer
  bin' = bin + boolToBV (inc && not flag)
  ptr' = (bin' `shiftR` 1) `xor` bin'
  addr = truncateB bin'

  flag' = ptr' == s_ptr

  :: (2 <= addrSize)
  => SNat addrSize
  -> ( BitVector (addrSize + 1)
     , BitVector (addrSize + 1)
     , Bool )
  -> ( BitVector (addrSize + 1)
     , Bool )
  -> ( ( BitVector (addrSize + 1)
       , BitVector (addrSize + 1)
       , Bool )
     , ( Bool
       , BitVector addrSize
       , BitVector (addrSize + 1)
writePtrCompareT addrSize@SNat (bin, ptr, flag) (s_ptr, inc) =
  ((bin', ptr', flag'), (flag, addr, ptr))
  -- GRAYSTYLE2 pointer
  bin' = bin + boolToBV (inc && not flag)
  ptr' = (bin' `shiftR` 1) `xor` bin'
  addr = truncateB bin

  flag' = isFull addrSize ptr' s_ptr

-- FIFO full: when next pntr == synchronized {~wptr[addrSize:addrSize-1],wptr[addrSize-2:0]}
  :: forall addrSize
   . (2 <= addrSize)
  => SNat addrSize
  -> BitVector (addrSize + 1)
  -> BitVector (addrSize + 1)
  -> Bool
isFull addrSize@SNat ptr s_ptr =
  case leTrans @1 @2 @addrSize of
    Sub Dict ->
      let a1 = SNat @(addrSize - 1)
          a2 = SNat @(addrSize - 2)
      in  ptr == (complement (slice addrSize a1 s_ptr) ++# slice a2 d0 s_ptr)

-- | Synchronizer implemented as a FIFO around a synchronous RAM. Based on the
-- design described in "Clash.Tutorial#multiclock", which is itself based on the
-- design described in <http://www.sunburst-design.com/papers/CummingsSNUG2002SJ_FIFO1.pdf>.
-- However, this FIFO uses a synchronous dual-ported RAM which, unlike those
-- designs using RAM with an asynchronous read port, is nearly guaranteed to
-- actually synthesize into one of the dual-ported RAMs found on most FPGAs.
-- __NB__: This synchronizer can be used for __word__-synchronization.
-- __NB__: This synchronizer will only work safely when you set up the proper
-- bus skew and maximum delay constraints inside your synthesis tool for the
-- clock domain crossings of the gray pointers.
  :: ( KnownDomain wdom
     , KnownDomain rdom
     , 2 <= addrSize
     , NFDataX a )
  => SNat addrSize
  -- ^ Size of the internally used addresses, the  FIFO contains @2^addrSize@
  -- elements.
  -> Clock wdom
  -- ^ 'Clock' to which the write port is synchronized
  -> Clock rdom
  -- ^ 'Clock' to which the read port is synchronized
  -> Reset wdom
  -> Reset rdom
  -> Enable wdom
  -> Enable rdom
  -> Signal rdom Bool
  -- ^ Read request
  -> Signal wdom (Maybe a)
  -- ^ Element to insert
  -> (Signal rdom a, Signal rdom Bool, Signal wdom Bool)
  -- ^ (Oldest element in the FIFO, @empty@ flag, @full@ flag)
asyncFIFOSynchronizer addrSize@SNat wclk rclk wrst rrst wen ren rinc wdataM =
  (rdata, rempty, wfull)
  s_rptr = dualFlipFlopSynchronizer rclk wclk wrst wen 0 rptr
  s_wptr = dualFlipFlopSynchronizer wclk rclk rrst ren 0 wptr

  rdata =
      wclk rclk wen ren
      wfull raddr
      waddr wdataM

  (rempty, raddr, rptr) =
      rclk rrst ren
      (0, 0, True)
      (s_wptr, rinc)

  (wfull, waddr, wptr) =
      wclk wrst wen
      (writePtrCompareT addrSize)
      (0, 0, False)
      (s_rptr, isJust <$> wdataM)