{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module Clash.Examples.Internal where
import Clash.Prelude hiding (feedback)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
decoderCase :: Bool -> BitVector 4 -> BitVector 16
decoderCase enable binaryIn | enable =
case binaryIn of
0x0 -> 0x0001
0x1 -> 0x0002
0x2 -> 0x0004
0x3 -> 0x0008
0x4 -> 0x0010
0x5 -> 0x0020
0x6 -> 0x0040
0x7 -> 0x0080
0x8 -> 0x0100
0x9 -> 0x0200
0xA -> 0x0400
0xB -> 0x0800
0xC -> 0x1000
0xD -> 0x2000
0xE -> 0x4000
0xF -> 0x8000
decoderCase _ _ = 0
decoderShift :: Bool -> BitVector 4 -> BitVector 16
decoderShift enable binaryIn =
if enable
then 1 `shiftL` (fromIntegral binaryIn)
else 0
encoderCase :: Bool -> BitVector 16 -> BitVector 4
encoderCase enable binaryIn | enable =
case binaryIn of
0x0001 -> 0x0
0x0002 -> 0x1
0x0004 -> 0x2
0x0008 -> 0x3
0x0010 -> 0x4
0x0020 -> 0x5
0x0040 -> 0x6
0x0080 -> 0x7
0x0100 -> 0x8
0x0200 -> 0x9
0x0400 -> 0xA
0x0800 -> 0xB
0x1000 -> 0xC
0x2000 -> 0xD
0x4000 -> 0xE
0x8000 -> 0xF
encoderCase _ _ = 0
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom Bool
-> Signal dom (Unsigned 8)
upCounter enable = s
s = register 0 (mux enable (s + 1) s)
:: Num a => a -> (Bool, Bool, a) -> (a,a)
upCounterLdT s (ld,en,dIn) = (s',s)
s' | ld = dIn
| en = s + 1
| otherwise = s
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom (Bool, Bool, Unsigned 8)
-> Signal dom (Unsigned 8)
upCounterLd = mealy upCounterLdT 0
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom Bool
-> Signal dom (Unsigned 8)
upDownCounter upDown = s
s = register 0 (mux upDown (s + 1) (s - 1))
lfsrF' :: BitVector 16 -> BitVector 16
lfsrF' s = pack feedback ++# slice (SNat @15) d1 s
feedback = s!5 `xor` s!3 `xor` s!2 `xor` s!0
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> BitVector 16 -> Signal dom Bit
lfsrF seed = msb <$> r
where r = register seed (lfsrF' <$> r)
:: (KnownNat (n + 1), Bits a)
=> Vec (n + 1) Bool
-> Vec (n + 1) a
-> Vec (n + 1) a
lfsrGP taps regs = zipWith xorM taps (fb +>> regs)
fb = last regs
xorM i x | i = x `xor` fb
| otherwise = x
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> BitVector 16
-> Signal dom Bit
lfsrG seed = last (unbundle r)
where r = register (unpack seed) (lfsrGP (unpack 0b0011010000000000) <$> r)
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom Bool
-> Signal dom (BitVector 8)
grayCounter en = gray <$> upCounter en
where gray xs = pack (msb xs) ++# xor (slice d7 d1 xs) (slice d6 d0 xs)
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom Bool
-> Signal dom (BitVector 8)
oneHotCounter enable = s
s = register 1 (mux enable (rotateL <$> s <*> 1) s)
:: (Bits a, BitPack a)
=> a
-> Bit
-> a
crcT bv dIn = replaceBit 0 dInXor
$ replaceBit 5 (bv!4 `xor` dInXor)
$ replaceBit 12 (bv!11 `xor` dInXor)
dInXor = dIn `xor` fb
rotated = rotateL bv 1
fb = msb bv
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom Bool
-> Signal dom Bool
-> Signal dom Bit
-> Signal dom (BitVector 16)
crc enable ld dIn = s
s = register 0xFFFF (mux enable (mux ld 0xFFFF (crcT <$> s <*> dIn)) s)
data RxReg
= RxReg
{ _rx_reg :: BitVector 8
, _rx_data :: BitVector 8
, _rx_sample_cnt :: Unsigned 4
, _rx_cnt :: Unsigned 4
, _rx_frame_err :: Bool
, _rx_over_run :: Bool
, _rx_empty :: Bool
, _rx_d1 :: Bit
, _rx_d2 :: Bit
, _rx_busy :: Bool
} deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
makeLenses ''RxReg
data TxReg
= TxReg
{ _tx_reg :: BitVector 8
, _tx_empty :: Bool
, _tx_over_run :: Bool
, _tx_out :: Bit
, _tx_cnt :: Unsigned 4
deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
makeLenses ''TxReg
uartTX t@(TxReg {..}) ld_tx_data tx_data tx_enable = flip execState t $ do
when ld_tx_data $ do
if not _tx_empty then
tx_over_run .= False
else do
tx_reg .= tx_data
tx_empty .= False
when (tx_enable && not _tx_empty) $ do
tx_cnt += 1
when (_tx_cnt == 0) $
tx_out .= 0
when (_tx_cnt > 0 && _tx_cnt < 9) $
tx_out .= _tx_reg ! (_tx_cnt - 1)
when (_tx_cnt == 9) $ do
tx_out .= 1
tx_cnt .= 0
tx_empty .= True
unless tx_enable $
tx_cnt .= 0
uartRX r@(RxReg {..}) rx_in uld_rx_data rx_enable = flip execState r $ do
rx_d1 .= rx_in
rx_d2 .= _rx_d1
when uld_rx_data $ do
rx_data .= _rx_reg
rx_empty .= True
if rx_enable then do
when (not _rx_busy && _rx_d2 == 0) $ do
rx_busy .= True
rx_sample_cnt .= 1
rx_cnt .= 0
when _rx_busy $ do
rx_sample_cnt += 1
when (_rx_sample_cnt == 7) $ do
if _rx_d1 == 1 && _rx_cnt == 0 then
rx_busy .= False
else do
rx_cnt += 1
when (_rx_cnt > 0 && _rx_cnt < 9) $ do
rx_reg %= replaceBit (_rx_cnt - 1) _rx_d2
when (_rx_cnt == 9) $ do
rx_busy .= False
if _rx_d2 == 0 then
rx_frame_err .= True
else do
rx_empty .= False
rx_frame_err .= False
rx_over_run .= not _rx_empty
else do
rx_busy .= False
uart ld_tx_data tx_data tx_enable rx_in uld_rx_data rx_enable =
( _tx_out <$> txReg
, _tx_empty <$> txReg
, _rx_data <$> rxReg
, _rx_empty <$> rxReg
rxReg = register rxRegInit (uartRX <$> rxReg <*> rx_in <*> uld_rx_data
<*> rx_enable)
rxRegInit = RxReg { _rx_reg = 0
, _rx_data = 0
, _rx_sample_cnt = 0
, _rx_cnt = 0
, _rx_frame_err = False
, _rx_over_run = False
, _rx_empty = True
, _rx_d1 = 1
, _rx_d2 = 1
, _rx_busy = False
txReg = register txRegInit (uartTX <$> txReg <*> ld_tx_data <*> tx_data
<*> tx_enable)
txRegInit = TxReg { _tx_reg = 0
, _tx_empty = True
, _tx_over_run = False
, _tx_out = 1
, _tx_cnt = 0