{-| Copyright : (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente, 2017 , Google Inc., 2019 , Myrtle Software Ltd, 2021-2022, QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. <devops@qbaylogic.com> = Initializing a block RAM with a data file #usingramfiles# Block RAM primitives that can be initialized with a data file. The BNF grammar for this data file is simple: @ FILE = LINE+ LINE = BIT+ BIT = '0' | '1' @ Consecutive @LINE@s correspond to consecutive memory addresses starting at @0@. For example, a data file @memory.bin@ containing the 9-bit unsigned numbers @7@ to @13@ looks like: @ 000000111 000001000 000001001 000001010 000001011 000001100 000001101 @ Such a file can be produced with 'memFile': @ writeFile "memory.bin" (memFile Nothing [7 :: Unsigned 9 .. 13]) @ We can instantiate a block RAM using the contents of the file above like so: @ f :: KnownDomain dom => Clock dom -> Enable dom -> Signal dom (Unsigned 3) -> Signal dom (Unsigned 9) f clk en rd = 'Clash.Class.BitPack.unpack' '<$>' 'blockRamFile' clk en d7 \"memory.bin\" rd (signal Nothing) @ In the example above, we basically treat the block RAM as a synchronous ROM. We can see that it works as expected: @ __>>> import qualified Data.List as L__ __>>> L.tail $ sampleN 4 $ f systemClockGen enableGen (fromList [3..5])__ [10,11,12] @ However, we can also interpret the same data as a tuple of a 6-bit unsigned number, and a 3-bit signed number: @ g :: KnownDomain dom => Clock dom -> Enable dom -> Signal dom (Unsigned 3) -> Signal dom (Unsigned 6,Signed 3) g clk en rd = 'Clash.Class.BitPack.unpack' '<$>' 'blockRamFile' clk en d7 \"memory.bin\" rd (signal Nothing) @ And then we would see: @ __>>> import qualified Data.List as L__ __>>> L.tail $ sampleN 4 $ g systemClockGen enableGen (fromList [3..5])__ [(1,2),(1,3)(1,-4)] @ -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/commit/721fcfa9198925661cd836668705f817bddaae3c -- as to why we need this. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cpr-anal #-} module Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.File ( -- * Block RAM synchronized to an arbitrary clock blockRamFile , blockRamFilePow2 -- * Producing files , memFile -- * Internal , blockRamFile# , initMem ) where import Control.Exception (catch, throw) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST) import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveST, unsafeIOToST, unsafeSTToIO) import Data.Array.MArray (newArray_) import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL, xor) import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe) import GHC.Arr (STArray, unsafeReadSTArray, unsafeWriteSTArray) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, withFrozenCallStack) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat) import Numeric (readInt) import System.IO import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (hasBlackBox) import Clash.Class.BitPack (BitPack, BitSize, pack) import Clash.Promoted.Nat (SNat (..), pow2SNat, natToNum, snatToNum) import Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector (Bit(..), BitVector(..), undefined#) import Clash.Signal.Internal (Clock(..), Signal (..), Enable, KnownDomain, fromEnable, (.&&.)) import Clash.Signal.Bundle (unbundle) import Clash.Sized.Unsigned (Unsigned) import Clash.XException (maybeIsX, seqX, fromJustX, NFDataX(..), XException (..)) -- start benchmark only -- import GHC.Arr (unsafeFreezeSTArray, unsafeThawSTArray) -- end benchmark only -- $setup -- >>> :m -Prelude -- >>> :set -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise -- >>> :set -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver -- >>> import Clash.Prelude -- >>> import Clash.Prelude.BlockRam.File -- | Create a block RAM with space for 2^@n@ elements -- -- * __NB__: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle -- * __NB__: Initial output value is /undefined/, reading it will throw an -- 'XException' -- * __NB__: This function might not work for specific combinations of -- code-generation backends and hardware targets. Please check the support table -- below: -- -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- | | VHDL | Verilog | SystemVerilog | -- +================+==========+==========+===============+ -- | Altera/Quartus | Broken | Works | Works | -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- | Xilinx/ISE | Works | Works | Works | -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- | ASIC | Untested | Untested | Untested | -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- -- === See also: -- -- * See "Clash.Prelude.BlockRam#usingrams" for more information on how to use a -- block RAM. -- * Use the adapter 'Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.readNew' for obtaining write-before-read semantics like this: @'Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.readNew' clk rst en (blockRamFilePow2' clk en file) rd wrM@. -- * See "Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.File#usingramfiles" for more information on how -- to instantiate a block RAM with the contents of a data file. -- * See 'memFile' for creating a data file with Clash. -- * See "Clash.Explicit.Fixed#creatingdatafiles" for more ideas on how to -- create your own data files. blockRamFilePow2 :: forall dom n m . (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat m, KnownNat n, HasCallStack) => Clock dom -- ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to -> Enable dom -- ^ 'Enable' line -> FilePath -- ^ File describing the initial content of the BRAM -> Signal dom (Unsigned n) -- ^ Read address @r@ -> Signal dom (Maybe (Unsigned n, BitVector m)) -- ^ (write address @w@, value to write) -> Signal dom (BitVector m) -- ^ Value of the BRAM at address @r@ from the previous clock cycle blockRamFilePow2 = \clk en file rd wrM -> withFrozenCallStack (blockRamFile clk en (pow2SNat (SNat @n)) file rd wrM) {-# INLINE blockRamFilePow2 #-} -- | Create a block RAM with space for @n@ elements -- -- * __NB__: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle -- * __NB__: Initial output value is /undefined/, reading it will throw an -- 'XException' -- * __NB__: This function might not work for specific combinations of -- code-generation backends and hardware targets. Please check the support table -- below: -- -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- | | VHDL | Verilog | SystemVerilog | -- +================+==========+==========+===============+ -- | Altera/Quartus | Broken | Works | Works | -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- | Xilinx/ISE | Works | Works | Works | -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- | ASIC | Untested | Untested | Untested | -- +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ -- -- === See also: -- -- * See "Clash.Explicit.BlockRam#usingrams" for more information on how to use a -- block RAM. -- * Use the adapter 'Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.readNew' for obtaining write-before-read semantics like this: @'Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.readNew' clk rst en ('blockRamFile' clk en size file) rd wrM@. -- * See "Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.File#usingramfiles" for more information on how -- to instantiate a block RAM with the contents of a data file. -- * See 'memFile' for creating a data file with Clash. -- * See "Clash.Sized.Fixed#creatingdatafiles" for more ideas on how to create -- your own data files. blockRamFile :: (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat m, Enum addr, NFDataX addr, HasCallStack) => Clock dom -- ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to -> Enable dom -- ^ 'Enable' line -> SNat n -- ^ Size of the BRAM -> FilePath -- ^ File describing the initial content of the BRAM -> Signal dom addr -- ^ Read address @r@ -> Signal dom (Maybe (addr, BitVector m)) -- ^ (write address @w@, value to write) -> Signal dom (BitVector m) -- ^ Value of the BRAM at address @r@ from the previous clock cycle blockRamFile = \clk gen sz file rd wrM -> let en = isJust <$> wrM (wr,din) = unbundle (fromJustX <$> wrM) in withFrozenCallStack (blockRamFile# clk gen sz file (fromEnum <$> rd) en (fromEnum <$> wr) din) {-# INLINE blockRamFile #-} -- | Convert data to the 'String' contents of a memory file. -- -- * __NB__: Not synthesizable -- * The following document the several ways to instantiate components with -- files: -- -- * "Clash.Prelude.BlockRam.File#usingramfiles" -- * "Clash.Prelude.ROM.File#usingromfiles" -- * "Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.File#usingramfiles" -- * "Clash.Explicit.ROM.File#usingromfiles" -- -- * See "Clash.Sized.Fixed#creatingdatafiles" for more ideas on how to create -- your own data files. -- -- = Example -- -- The @Maybe@ datatype has don't care bits, where the actual value does not -- matter. But the bits need a defined value in the memory. Either 0 or 1 can be -- used, and both are valid representations of the data. -- -- >>> let es = [ Nothing, Just (7 :: Unsigned 8), Just 8] -- >>> mapM_ (putStrLn . show . pack) es -- 0b0_...._.... -- 0b1_0000_0111 -- 0b1_0000_1000 -- >>> putStr (memFile (Just 0) es) -- 000000000 -- 100000111 -- 100001000 -- >>> putStr (memFile (Just 1) es) -- 011111111 -- 100000111 -- 100001000 -- memFile :: forall a f . ( BitPack a , Foldable f , HasCallStack) => Maybe Bit -- ^ Value to map don't care bits to. 'Nothing' means throwing an error on -- don't care bits. -> f a -- ^ Values to convert -> String -- ^ Contents of the memory file memFile care = foldr (\e -> showsBV $ pack e) "" where showsBV :: BitVector (BitSize a) -> String -> String showsBV (BV mask val) s = if n == 0 then '0' : '\n' : s else case care of Just (Bit 0 0) -> go n (val .&. (mask `xor` fullMask)) ('\n' : s) Just (Bit 0 1) -> go n (val .|. mask) ('\n' : s) _ -> if mask /= 0 then err else go n val ('\n' : s) where n = natToNum @(BitSize a) @Int fullMask = (1 `shiftL` n) - 1 err = withFrozenCallStack $ error $ "memFile: cannot convert don't-care values. " ++ "Please specify mapping to definite value." go 0 _ s0 = s0 go n0 v s0 = let (!v0, !vBit) = quotRem v 2 in if vBit == 0 then go (n0 - 1) v0 $ '0' : s0 else go (n0 - 1) v0 $ '1' : s0 -- | blockRamFile primitive blockRamFile# :: forall m dom n . (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat m, HasCallStack) => Clock dom -- ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to -> Enable dom -- ^ 'Enable' line -> SNat n -- ^ Size of the BRAM -> FilePath -- ^ File describing the initial content of the BRAM -> Signal dom Int -- ^ Read address @r@ -> Signal dom Bool -- ^ Write enable -> Signal dom Int -- ^ Write address @w@ -> Signal dom (BitVector m) -- ^ Value to write (at address @w@) -> Signal dom (BitVector m) -- ^ Value of the BRAM at address @r@ from the previous clock cycle blockRamFile# (Clock _ Nothing) ena sz file = \rd wen waS wd -> runST $ do ramStart <- newArray_ (0,szI) unsafeIOToST (withFile file ReadMode (\h -> forM_ [0..(szI-1)] (\i -> do l <- hGetLine h let bv = parseBV l bv `seq` unsafeSTToIO (unsafeWriteSTArray ramStart i bv) ))) -- start benchmark only -- ramStart <- unsafeThawSTArray ramArr -- end benchmark only go ramStart (withFrozenCallStack (deepErrorX "blockRamFile: intial value undefined")) (fromEnable ena) rd (fromEnable ena .&&. wen) waS wd where szI = snatToNum sz :: Int -- start benchmark only -- ramArr = runST $ do -- ram <- newArray_ (0,szI-1) -- 0 -- (error "QQ") -- unsafeIOToST (withFile file ReadMode (\h -> -- forM_ [0..(szI-1)] (\i -> do -- l <- hGetLine h -- let bv = parseBV l -- bv `seq` unsafeSTToIO (unsafeWriteSTArray ram i bv)) -- )) -- unsafeFreezeSTArray ram -- end benchmark only go :: STArray s Int (BitVector m) -> (BitVector m) -> Signal dom Bool -> Signal dom Int -> Signal dom Bool -> Signal dom Int -> Signal dom (BitVector m) -> ST s (Signal dom (BitVector m)) go !ram o ret@(~(re :- res)) rt@(~(r :- rs)) et@(~(e :- en)) wt@(~(w :- wr)) dt@(~(d :- din)) = do o `seqX` (o :-) <$> (ret `seq` rt `seq` et `seq` wt `seq` dt `seq` unsafeInterleaveST (do o' <- unsafeIOToST (catch (if re then unsafeSTToIO (ram `safeAt` r) else pure o) (\err@XException {} -> pure (throw err))) d `seqX` upd ram e (fromEnum w) d go ram o' res rs en wr din)) upd :: STArray s Int (BitVector m) -> Bool -> Int -> (BitVector m) -> ST s () upd ram we waddr d = case maybeIsX we of Nothing -> case maybeIsX waddr of Nothing -> -- Put the XException from `waddr` as the value in all -- locations of `ram`. forM_ [0..(szI-1)] (\i -> unsafeWriteSTArray ram i (seq waddr d)) Just wa -> -- Put the XException from `we` as the value at address -- `waddr`. safeUpdate wa (seq we d) ram Just True -> case maybeIsX waddr of Nothing -> -- Put the XException from `waddr` as the value in all -- locations of `ram`. forM_ [0..(szI-1)] (\i -> unsafeWriteSTArray ram i (seq waddr d)) Just wa -> safeUpdate wa d ram _ -> return () safeAt :: HasCallStack => STArray s Int (BitVector m) -> Int -> ST s (BitVector m) safeAt s i = if (0 <= i) && (i < szI) then unsafeReadSTArray s i else pure $ withFrozenCallStack (deepErrorX ("blockRamFile: read address " <> show i <> " not in range [0.." <> show szI <> ")")) {-# INLINE safeAt #-} safeUpdate :: HasCallStack => Int -> BitVector m -> STArray s Int (BitVector m) -> ST s () safeUpdate i a s = if (0 <= i) && (i < szI) then unsafeWriteSTArray s i a else let d = withFrozenCallStack (deepErrorX ("blockRamFile: write address " <> show i <> " not in range [0.." <> show szI <> ")")) in forM_ [0..(szI-1)] (\j -> unsafeWriteSTArray s j d) {-# INLINE safeUpdate #-} parseBV :: String -> BitVector m parseBV s = case parseBV' s of Just i -> fromInteger i Nothing -> undefined# parseBV' = fmap fst . listToMaybe . readInt 2 (`elem` "01") digitToInt blockRamFile# _ _ _ _ = error "blockRamFile#: dynamic clocks not supported" -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE blockRamFile# #-} {-# ANN blockRamFile# hasBlackBox #-} -- | __NB:__ Not synthesizable initMem :: KnownNat n => FilePath -> IO [BitVector n] initMem = fmap (map parseBV . lines) . readFile where parseBV s = case parseBV' s of Just i -> fromInteger i Nothing -> error ("Failed to parse: " ++ s) parseBV' = fmap fst . listToMaybe . readInt 2 (`elem` "01") digitToInt -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE initMem #-}