# Changelog for `cleff` ## Unreleased ### Changed - Internal overhaul ## (2022-05-21) ### Changed - Slight performance improvements ### Added - `runStateLocal` that runs the `State` effect with thread-local semantics ## (2022-03-13) ### Changed - Slight performance improvements - `(:>)` is now a typeclass by itself instead of a type synonym ## (2022-02-28) ### Added - `makeEffect` is now capable of generating sending functions for operations using concrete `Eff`s for the monad type ### Removed - Dependency on `rec-smallarray` ## (2022-02-21) Clarify changelog: new features that are listed "Unreleased" in changelog are in fact *released* ## (2022-02-21) ### Changed - **[BREAKING]** Introduces an `OnException` primitive for `Mask` that replaces `Bracket` and `BracketOnError` (note that this only affects the effect datatype; there is still `bracket` and `bracketOnError` *functions* with the same semantics) - `runError` and `mapError` are slightly (but observably) faster now ### Added - `freshEnumToState` for `Fresh` - `onException` and `bracketOnError_` for `Mask` ## (2022-02-13) ### Added - Lifted convenience instances of `Bounded`, `Num`, `Fractional`, `Floating` and `IsString` for `Eff` - `MonadZip` instance from the `MonadComprehensions` extension for `Eff` - `runFreshAtomicCounter` for `Fresh` - `inputToReader`, `mapInput` and `bindInput` for `Input` - `mapOutput` and `bindOutput` for `Output` - `runStateIORef`, `runStateMVar` and `runStateTVar` for `State` ## (2022-02-06) ### Changed - **[BREAKING]** Changed parameter order of `Handling` class from `e es esSend` to `esSend e es` - **[BREAKING]** Relaxed fundep of `Handling` to `esSend -> e es` (HO combinators may require `TypeApplication` more often) - Moved `Data.*` modules to `Cleff.Internal.*` so as not to pollute common namespaces ### Added - `Trustworthy` flags for non-internal modules - `sendVia` for sending an effect operation along a transformation between effect stacks - `raiseUnder`, `raiseNUnder`, `raiseUnderN`, `raiseNUnderN` for introducing effects under other effects in the effect stack - `runWriterBatch` as a more efficient `Writer` interpreter that writes `listen`ed values in batch instead of in real time ## (2022-01-31) - Initial API