module Network.CloudSeeder.ProvisionSpec (spec) where import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), review) import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT) import Control.Monad.Mock (WithResult(..)) import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import GHC.Exts (IsList(..)) import Test.Hspec import Network.CloudSeeder.Commands.Provision import Network.CloudSeeder.DSL import Network.CloudSeeder.Error import Network.CloudSeeder.Monads.AWS import Network.CloudSeeder.Monads.FileSystem import Network.CloudSeeder.Types import Network.CloudSeeder.Test.Orphans () import Network.CloudSeeder.Test.Stubs import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.AWS.CloudFormation as CF type TagList = forall a. (IsList a, Item a ~ (T.Text, T.Text)) => a spec :: Spec spec = describe "Provision" $ do let stubExceptT :: ExceptT CliError m a -> m (Either CliError a) stubExceptT = runExceptT runSuccess x = runIdentity x `shouldBe` Right () runFailure errPrism errContents action = runIdentity action `shouldBe` Left (review errPrism errContents) rootTemplate = "Parameters:\n" <> " Env:\n" <> " Type: String\n" rootExpectedTags = [("cj:application", "foo"), ("cj:environment", "test")] rootExpectedParams = [("Env", Value "test")] rootParams = [("Env", "test")] expectedParameters = [ Parameter ("Env", Value "test") ] expectedChangeSet = ChangeSet Nothing "csid" expectedParameters CF.Available [ Add $ ChangeAdd "logid" (Just "physid") "AWS::Thing" ] simpleConfig = DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "server" [] [] False [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "frontend" [] [] False [] Nothing ] [] expectedStack :: T.Text -> CF.StackStatus -> Stack expectedStack stackName = Stack Nothing (Just "csId") stackName [] ["Env"] (Just "sId") describe "provisionCommand" $ do describe "failures" $ do it "fails if the template doesn't exist" $ runFailure _FileNotFound "base.yaml" $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "base" "test" [] & stubFileSystemT [] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [] & stubExceptT it "fails if the template parameters can't be parsed" $ do let err = "YAML parse exception at line 0, column 8,\nwhile scanning a directive:\nfound unknown directive name" runFailure _CliTemplateDecodeFail err $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "base" "test" [] & stubFileSystemT [("base.yaml", "%invalid")] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [] & stubExceptT it "fails if user attempts to deploy a stack that doesn't exist in the config" $ runFailure _CliStackNotConfigured "snipe" $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "snipe" "test" [] & stubFileSystemT [] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [] & stubExceptT it "fails if parameters required in the template are not supplied" $ do let baseTemplate = rootTemplate <> " foo:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " bar:\n" <> " Type: String\n" runFailure _CliMissingRequiredParameters ["foo", "bar"] $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [("base.yaml", baseTemplate)] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing ] & stubExceptT context "the configuration does not have environment variables" $ do it "applies a changeset to a stack" $ example $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [("base.yaml", rootTemplate)] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "passes only the outputs from previous stacks that are listed in this template's Parameters" $ do let serverTemplate = rootTemplate <> " foo:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " bar:\n" <> " Type: String\n" baseOutputs = [ ("first", "output") , ("foo", "baz") , ("bar", "qux") , ("last", "output") ] runSuccess $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "server" "test" ["provision", "server", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("server.yaml", serverTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete & outputs .~ baseOutputs) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-server" CreateStack serverTemplate (rootExpectedParams <> [("bar", Value "qux"), ("foo", Value "baz")]) rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-server") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT let frontendTemplate = rootTemplate <> " foo:\n" <> " Type: String\n" runSuccess $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "frontend" "test" ["provision", "frontend", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("frontend.yaml", frontendTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-frontend" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete & outputs .~ baseOutputs) , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateComplete) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-frontend" CreateStack frontendTemplate (rootExpectedParams <> [("foo", Value "baz")]) rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-frontend" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-frontend" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-frontend") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-frontend" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-frontend" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "fails if a dependency stack does not exist" $ do runFailure _CliMissingDependencyStacks ["base"] $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "frontend" "test" ["provision", "frontend", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("frontend.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-frontend" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT runFailure _CliMissingDependencyStacks ["server"] $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "frontend" "test" ["provision", "frontend", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("frontend.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-frontend" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Nothing ] & stubExceptT runFailure _CliMissingDependencyStacks ["base", "server"] $ provisionCommand (pure simpleConfig) "frontend" "test" ["provision", "frontend", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("frontend.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-frontend" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Nothing ] & stubExceptT context "the configuration has global environment variables" $ do let ps = [("Domain", Env), ("SecretsStore", Env)] :: S.Set (T.Text, ParameterSource) mConfig = pure $ simpleConfig & parameterSources .~ ps it "passes the value in each global environment variable as a parameter" $ do let template = rootTemplate <> " Domain:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " SecretsStore:\n" <> " Type: String\n" let env = rootParams <> [ ("Domain", ""), ("SecretsStore", "arn::aws:1234") ] expectedParams = rootExpectedParams <> [("Domain", Value ""), ("SecretsStore", Value "arn::aws:1234")] runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", template) ] & stubEnvironmentT env & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack template expectedParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "fails when a global environment variable is missing" $ do let env = [ ("Env", "test"), ("SecretsStore", "arn::aws:1234") ] runFailure _CliMissingEnvVars ["Domain"] $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT env & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing] & stubExceptT it "reports all missing environment variables at once in alphabetical order" $ runFailure _CliMissingEnvVars ["Domain", "SecretsStore"] $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing] & stubExceptT context "the configuration has global and local environment variables" $ do let mConfig = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [("Base", Env)] False [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "server" [] [("Server1", Env), ("Server2", Env)] False [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "frontend" [] [] False [] Nothing ] [("Domain", Env), ("SecretsStore", Env)] let template = rootTemplate <> " Domain:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " SecretsStore:\n" <> " Type: String\n" it "passes the value in each local environment variable to the proper stack" $ do let env = [ ("Domain", ""), ("Env", "test"), ("SecretsStore", "arn::aws:1234") ] baseEnv = env <> [ ("Base", "a") ] baseTemplate = template <> " Base:\n" <> " Type: String\n" expectedParams = rootExpectedParams <> [("Domain", Value ""), ("Env", Value "test"), ("SecretsStore", Value "arn::aws:1234")] expectedBaseParams = expectedParams <> [("Base", Value "a")] runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", baseTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT baseEnv & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack baseTemplate expectedBaseParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT let serverEnv = env <> [ ("Server1", "b"), ("Server2", "c") ] serverTemplate = template <> " Server1:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " Server2:\n" <> " Type: String\n" expectedServerParams = expectedParams <> [("Server1", Value "b"), ("Server2", Value "c")] runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "server" "test" ["provision", "server", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("server.yaml", serverTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT serverEnv & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-server" CreateStack serverTemplate expectedServerParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-server") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT context "the configuration has global tags" $ do let globalTags :: TagList globalTags = [("cj:squad", "lambda"), ("taggo", "oggat")] mConfig = pure $ simpleConfig & tagSet .~ globalTags it "passes the value in each tag" $ do let expectedTags = rootExpectedTags <> globalTags runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams expectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT context "the configuration has global and local tags" $ do let globalTags :: TagList globalTags = [("cj:squad", "lambda"), ("taggo", "oggat")] serverTags :: TagList serverTags = [("x", "z")] frontEndTags :: TagList frontEndTags = [("frontendTag1", "ft1"), ("frontendTag2", "ft2")] expectedGlobalTags = rootExpectedTags <> globalTags expectedServerTags = expectedGlobalTags <> serverTags let mConfig = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" globalTags [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "server" serverTags [] False [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "frontend" frontEndTags [] False [] Nothing ] [] it "passes the value in each tag to the proper stack" $ do runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams expectedGlobalTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "server" "test" ["provision", "server", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("server.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-server" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams expectedServerTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-server") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-server" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-server" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT context "flags" $ do let template = "Parameters:\n" <> " Env:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " baz:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " Default: prod" let mConfig = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] Nothing ] [("baz", Flag)] it "accepts optional flags where the config calls for them" $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test", "--baz", "zab"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", template) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack template (rootExpectedParams <> [("baz", Value "zab")]) rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "provides a default if an optional flag isn't provided" $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", template) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack template (rootExpectedParams <> [("baz", Value "prod")]) rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "raises an error if a flag is provided that does not exist in the template" $ do let config' = pure $ simpleConfig & parameterSources .~ [("foo", Flag), ("bar", Flag), ("baz", Flag)] runFailure _CliExtraParameterFlags ["foo", "bar"] $ provisionCommand config' "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test", "--foo", "oof", "--bar", "rab", "--baz", "zab"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", template) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing] & stubExceptT it "when updating a stack, flags are optional" $ do let baseTemplate = "Parameters:\n" <> " Env:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " baz:\n" <> " Type: String\n" runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", baseTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete & parameters .~ ["Env", "baz"]) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" (UpdateStack ["Env","baz"]) baseTemplate (rootExpectedParams <> [("baz", UsePreviousValue)]) rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "provided parameter values should override use of previous values" $ do let template' = "Parameters:\n" <> " Env:\n" <> " Type: String\n" <> " Image:\n" <> " Type: String\n" mConfig' = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [("Image", Flag), ("Image", Constant "latest")] False [] Nothing ] [] expectedParameters' = [ Parameter ("Env", Value "test"), Parameter ("Image", Value "latest") ] expectedChangeSet' = ChangeSet Nothing "csid" expectedParameters' CF.Available [ Add $ ChangeAdd "logid" (Just "physid") "AWS::Thing" ] runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig' "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", template') ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete & parameters .~ ["Env", "Image"]) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" (UpdateStack ["Env","Image"]) template' (rootExpectedParams <> [("Image", Value "latest")]) rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet' , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT context "global stacks" $ do let mConfig' = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "repo" [] [] True [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] Nothing ] [] it "global stacks can be deployed into the global environment" $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig' "repo" "global" ["provision", "repo", "global"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("repo.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "global-foo-repo" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "global-foo-repo" CreateStack rootTemplate [("Env", Value "global")] [("cj:application", "foo"), ("cj:environment", "global")] :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "global-foo-repo" :-> Just (expectedStack "global-foo-repo" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "global-foo-repo") :-> () , DescribeStack "global-foo-repo" :-> Just (expectedStack "global-foo-repo" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT it "global stack may not be deployed into namespaces other than global" $ runFailure _CliGlobalStackMustProvisionToGlobal "repo" $ provisionCommand mConfig' "repo" "test" ["provision", "repo", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("repo.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [] & stubExceptT it "other stacks can not be deployed into the global namespace" $ runFailure _CliStackNotGlobal "base" $ provisionCommand mConfig' "base" "global" ["provision", "base", "global"] & stubFileSystemT [("base.yaml", rootTemplate)] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [] & stubExceptT it "other stacks treat global stacks as dependencies" $ do let mConfig'' = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "repo" [] [] True [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "accountSettings" [] [] True [] Nothing , StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] Nothing ] [] runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig'' "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , DescribeStack "global-foo-repo" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-repo" CF.SSCreateComplete) , DescribeStack "global-foo-accountSettings" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-accountSettings" CF.SSCreateComplete) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) ] & stubExceptT context "stack configuration includes stack policy" $ do let mConfig' = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] (Just "policy.json") ] [] testPolicy = T.unlines [ "{\"Statement\" : [" , " {" , " \"Effect\" : \"Allow\"," , " \"Action\" : \"Update:*\"," , " \"Principal\": \"*\"," , " \"Resource\" : \"*\"" , " }," , " {" , " \"Effect\" : \"Deny\"," , " \"Action\" : [\"Update:Replace\", \"Update:Delete\"]," , " \"Principal\" : \"*\"," , " \"Resource\" : \"*\"" , "}]}" ] it "creates a stack with a stack policy" $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig' "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) , ("policy.json", testPolicy) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) , SetStackPolicy "test-foo-base" testPolicy :-> () ] & stubExceptT it "sets a stack policy on a stack that already exists" $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig' "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) , ("policy.json", testPolicy) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" (UpdateStack ["Env"]) rootTemplate rootExpectedParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateInProgress) , Wait StackCreateComplete (StackName "test-foo-base") :-> () , DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Just (expectedStack "test-foo-base" CF.SSCreateComplete) , SetStackPolicy "test-foo-base" testPolicy :-> () ] & stubExceptT context "--no-wait option" $ do let mConfig' = pure $ DeploymentConfiguration "foo" [] [ StackConfiguration "base" [] [] False [] Nothing ] [] it "runs the change set without waiting" $ runSuccess $ provisionCommand mConfig' "base" "test" ["provision", "base", "test", "--no-wait"] & stubFileSystemT [ ("base.yaml", rootTemplate) ] & stubEnvironmentT [] & ignoreLoggerT & mockActionT [ DescribeStack "test-foo-base" :-> Nothing , ComputeChangeset "test-foo-base" CreateStack rootTemplate rootExpectedParams rootExpectedTags :-> "csid" , DescribeChangeSet "csid" :-> expectedChangeSet , RunChangeSet "csid" :-> () ] & stubExceptT