name: clr-host version: synopsis: Hosting the Common Language Runtime description: clr-host is a library that provides the ability to host (also known as embed) the common language runtime within the current Haskell process. Generally you'll only interface directly to this library to start the CLR, and the other code here is for higher level abstractions to use. homepage: bug-reports: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Tim Matthews maintainer: copyright: 2016-2017 Tim Matthews category: Language, FFI, CLR, .NET build-type: Custom extra-source-files: src/Driver.cs extra-tmp-files: src/Driver.dll cabal-version: >=1.24 source-repository head type: git location: flag enable_dotnet description: build with .Net support default: False flag enable_mono description: build with mono support default: False -- Deps for running the setup itself (compilation of the C# code). custom-setup setup-depends: base, directory, filepath, Cabal, transformers library hs-source-dirs: src c-sources: src/clrHost.c, src/dotNetHost.c default-language: Haskell2010 -- Common modules exposed-modules: Clr.Host , Clr.Host.Config , Clr.Host.BStr other-modules: Clr.Host.Driver , Clr.Host.BStr.Type -- Common build deps build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5, bytestring, file-embed -- Windows extra build deps if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 -- .Net specific options if flag(enable_dotnet) Cpp-options: -DHAVE_DOTNET cc-options: -DHAVE_DOTNET other-modules: Clr.Host.BStr.DotNet , Clr.Host.DotNet , Clr.Host.DotNet.Common , Clr.Host.DotNet.Guid , Clr.Host.DotNet.SafeArray , Clr.Host.DotNet.Variant Extra-Libraries: oleaut32, ole32 -- Mono specific options if flag(enable_mono) Cpp-options: -DHAVE_MONO cc-options: -DHAVE_MONO other-modules: Clr.Host.BStr.Mono , Clr.Host.Mono Extra-Libraries: glib-2.0, mono-2.0 -- If neither .Net / Mono chosen, default to .Net on Windows and Mono otherwise. if !flag(enable_dotnet) && !flag(enable_mono) if os(windows) Cpp-options: -DHAVE_DOTNET cc-options: -DHAVE_DOTNET other-modules: Clr.Host.BStr.DotNet , Clr.Host.DotNet , Clr.Host.DotNet.Common , Clr.Host.DotNet.Guid , Clr.Host.DotNet.SafeArray , Clr.Host.DotNet.Variant Extra-Libraries: oleaut32, ole32 else Cpp-options: -DHAVE_MONO cc-options: -DHAVE_MONO other-modules: Clr.Host.BStr.Mono , Clr.Host.Mono Extra-Libraries: glib-2.0, mono-2.0 test-suite clr-host-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Spec.hs build-depends: base , clr-host ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: