-- 12 background primitives -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). import Conjure import System.Environment conjureT :: Conjurable f => String -> f -> [Prim] -> IO () conjureT = conjureWith args{maxSize=1} factorial :: Int -> Int factorial 0 = 1 factorial 1 = 1 factorial 2 = 2 factorial 3 = 6 factorial 4 = 24 factorial 5 = 120 count' :: Int -> [Int] -> Int count' 0 [0] = 1 count' 0 [1] = 0 count' 1 [0] = 0 count' 1 [1] = 1 count' 0 [0,0] = 2 count' 0 [0,1] = 1 count' 0 [1,2] = 0 count' 1 [0,0] = 0 count' 1 [0,1] = 1 count' 1 [1,2] = 1 count' 0 [0,0,0] = 3 count' 0 [0,0,1] = 2 count' 0 [1,0,0] = 2 main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ "running with " ++ show (length primitives) ++ " primitives" as <- getArgs case as of ["factorial"] -> conjure "factorial n" factorial primitives ["factorial","t"] -> conjureT "factorial n" factorial primitives ["sum"] -> conjure "sum" (sum :: [Int] -> Int) primitives ["sum","t"] -> conjureT "sum" (sum :: [Int] -> Int) primitives ["product"] -> conjure "product" (product :: [Int] -> Int) primitives ["product","t"] -> conjureT "product" (product :: [Int] -> Int) primitives ["length"] -> conjure "length" (length :: [Int] -> Int) primitives ["length","t"] -> conjureT "length" (length :: [Int] -> Int) primitives ["count"] -> conjure "count" count' $ primitives ++ primsCount ["count","t"] -> conjureT "count" count' $ primitives ++ primsCount _ -> conjure "factorial n" factorial primitives primitives :: [Prim] primitives = [ pr (0::Int) , pr (1::Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "dec" (subtract 1 :: Int -> Int) , prim "==" ((==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool) , pr ([] :: [Int]) , prim ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "head" (head :: [Int] -> Int) , prim "tail" (tail :: [Int] -> [Int]) , prim "null" (null :: [Int] -> Bool) , prim "foldr" (foldr :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> Int) , prim ".." (enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]) ] primsCount :: [Prim] primsCount = [ prim "length" (length :: [Int] -> Int) , prim "filter" (filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int]) ]