-- strategies.hs: conjuring factorial with different strategies -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Rudy Matela -- Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence (see the file LICENSE). import Conjure factorial :: Int -> Int factorial 1 = 1 factorial 2 = 2 factorial 3 = 6 factorial 4 = 24 mkStrategy :: String -> Args mkStrategy s = args { rewriting = r , requireDescent = d , adHocRedundancy = a , copyBindings = a -- previously c , uniqueCandidates = u --, carryOn = True --, maxSize = 10 } where itob 0 = False itob _ = True [r,d,a,u] = map itob $ case s of "unique candidates" -> [1,1,1,1] "default" -> [1,1,1,0] "without reasoning" -> [0,1,1,0] "without descent" -> [1,0,1,0] "without ad-hoc" -> [1,1,0,0] "only reasoning" -> [1,0,0,0] "only descent" -> [0,1,0,0] "only ad-hoc" -> [0,0,1,0] "only typed" -> [0,0,0,0] _ -> error "unknown strategy" conjureStrategy :: Conjurable f => String -> String -> f -> [Prim] -> IO () conjureStrategy name nm f prims = do putStrLn $ "-- strategy: " ++ name conjureWith (mkStrategy name) nm f prims strategies :: [String] strategies = [ "unique candidates" , "default" , "without reasoning" , "without descent" , "without ad-hoc" , "only reasoning" , "only descent" , "only ad-hoc" , "only typed" ] main :: IO () main = do sequence_ [ conjureStrategy s "factorial n" factorial primitives | s <- strategies ] primitives :: [Prim] primitives = [ pr (0::Int) , pr (1::Int) , prim "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , prim "-" ((-) :: Int -> Int -> Int) ]