# Builds and tests this Haskell project on "GitHub Actions" # # 2021-2025 Rudy Matela # # some docs: https://github.com/haskell-actions/setup # # The official haskell docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/haskell name: build on: [push] jobs: build-and-test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - run: git --version - run: make --version - run: ghc --version - run: cabal --version - name: Check out repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 # check out needs to happen before cache so that hashing works - name: Cache hash run: echo Cache hash = ${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} - name: Cache cabal (source) packages uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.cabal/packages ~/.cache/cabal key: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-packages-${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} restore-keys: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-packages- - name: Cache installed cabal packages uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.cabal !~/.cabal/packages ~/.config/cabal ~/.local/state/cabal ~/.ghc key: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-ghc-latest-${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} restore-keys: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-ghc-latest-${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} # restore with exact match has some versions of cabal have trouble updating - run: haddock --version || sudo apt-get install ghc-haddock # blank line # blank line for alignment with matrix scripts - run: du -hd3 ~/.ghc ~/.cabal ~/.config/cabal ~/.cache/cabal ~/.local/state/cabal || true - run: ghc-pkg list - run: make install-dependencies - run: ghc-pkg list - run: du -hd3 ~/.ghc ~/.cabal ~/.config/cabal ~/.cache/cabal ~/.local/state/cabal || true - run: make - run: make test - run: make haddock - run: make test-sdist - run: make test-via-cabal test-with-ghc: strategy: max-parallel: 6 matrix: # starting with 9.10, docker/_/haskell requires -bullseye as suffix ghc: - '9.10-bullseye' - '9.8' - '9.6' - '9.4' - '9.2' - '9.0' - '8.8' runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build-and-test container: haskell:${{ matrix.ghc }} steps: - run: git --version || true # git is missing in some images - run: make --version || true # make is missing in some images - run: ghc --version - run: cabal --version - name: Check out repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 # check out needs to happen before cache so that hashing works - name: Cache hash run: echo Cache hash = ${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} - name: Cache cabal (source) packages uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.cabal/packages ~/.cache/cabal key: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-packages-${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} restore-keys: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-packages- - name: Cache installed cabal packages uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.cabal !~/.cabal/packages ~/.config/cabal ~/.local/state/cabal ~/.ghc key: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }}-${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} restore-keys: v1-${{ runner.os }}-cabal-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }}-${{ hashFiles('*.cabal') }} # restore with exact match has some versions of cabal have trouble updating - run: make --version || rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list # faster update - run: make --version || apt-get update - run: make --version || apt-get install make - run: du -hd3 ~/.ghc ~/.cabal ~/.config/cabal ~/.cache/cabal ~/.local/state/cabal || true - run: ghc-pkg list - run: make install-dependencies - run: ghc-pkg list - run: du -hd3 ~/.ghc ~/.cabal ~/.config/cabal ~/.cache/cabal ~/.local/state/cabal || true - run: make - run: make test - run: make haddock - run: make test-sdist - run: make test-via-cabal test-with-stack: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build-and-test steps: - name: Check out repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 # check out needs to happen before cache so that hashing works - name: Cache hash run: echo Cache hash = ${{ hashFiles('stack.yaml') }} - name: Cache stack folder uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ~/.stack key: v1-${{ runner.os }}-stack-${{ hashFiles('stack.yaml') }} restore-keys: v1-${{ runner.os }}-stack- - name: Cache ghcup folder uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.ghcup /usr/local/.ghcup/bin /usr/local/.ghcup/db /usr/local/.ghcup/ghc/9.4.8 key: v1-${{ runner.os }}-ghcup-${{ hashFiles('stack.yaml') }} restore-keys: v1-${{ runner.os }}-ghcup- - name: Setup Haskell's GHC and Cabal as required by current Stackage LTS uses: haskell-actions/setup@v2 with: # lts-21.25 ghc-version: '9.4.8' cabal-version: '3.8' - run: du -hd2 ~/.stack ~/.ghcup /usr/local/.ghcup || true - run: stack --version - run: make test-via-stack - run: du -hd2 ~/.stack ~/.ghcup /usr/local/.ghcup || true